Ochaco's Workout Buddies - GrumpyTortleSage - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

The dark sky is just starting to turn purple with the slowly rising sun. The chirping of birds in the breeze signals the beginning of a beautiful spring morning. For most people on a college campus, it's a wonderful time to sleep in until the very last minute for their earliest class.


Ochaco Uraraka would love nothing more. Instead of getting up at the crack of dawn to go to the gym.

“Why’d I hafta get up so damn early? Hraaaaaaaaarrhh…”

Opening the doors, Ochaco rubs her eyes as they adjust to the bright fluorescent lights.

“To improve yourself as a hero,” a friendly voice replies from her shoulder. “Unless you want to break all your bones?”

“Ohhhh-hhhhaaaaaa, right,” Ochaco yawns, making her way past the empty state-of-the-art facility. “I still can’t believe you only had that Quirk for a few hours before breaking your arm and legs.”

She glances over to her shoulder to see her boyfriend, Izuku Midoriya. The cinnamon roll looks exactly the same as when Ochaco first met him five months ago at the Entrance Exam: green curly hair, a plain face dotted with freckles, a surprisingly lean body, and a bright smile. The only real difference is his height.

“Hey! I saved you from the Zero Pointer,” the greenette shouts defensively into her ear.

“Oh why, thank you! My prince charming,” the brunette sarcastically voices. “Though, I remember you being taller back then.”

“Hey, I’ll have you know I was an average 5’ 8” back then!” The shrunken college boy defends himself. Sitting on the shoulder of the 5’ 1” tall girl is a 4-¼” tall Izuku Midoriya. Unlike the drowsy eyed giantess, the tiny man’s eyes narrow as he begins to fall down a rabbit hole.

“Though, I’m now slightly below average for a Lilliputian. Which is strange… Well not much stranger than shrinking to 6% of your original size. It would’ve been nice to be taller than 4-¼ inches, but I guess it could be worse. I could be an inch tall.” The young man further delves into a muttering spree. “Scientists are still wondering why some shrink to various sizes. Heck, we still don’t even understand the phenomenon of people shrinking after they’re 18 years old. Is it something genetic? Or random? Also, that doesn’t even explain the other changes when someone becomes a Little. And-”

As Izuku continues his train of thought, Ochaco smiles fondly at the Lilliputian or Little for short. His muttering sounds like little squeaks which she finds adorable.

The duo walk past the rows of multisized treadmills into the locker room.

Opening up a vacant locker, Ochaco throws in her duffle bag before slowly moving a hand to the muttering greenette.

Izuku pauses as a hand the size of a twin bed delicately scoops him up with ease. The shrunken man maneuvers himself to sit cross legged in the soft cushioning of her palm. Seeing he’s comfortable, Ochaco gently lifts her hand to the top of the locker.

“Wait here. I gotta take care of business,” Ochaco says as her hand places her tiny companion down onto the locker. Once Izuku safely hops off her hand, the college girl removes her All Might hoodie (technically Izuku’s) before shoving it into the locker. She walks over to the restrooms after the locker closes with a soft click.

Meanwhile, the young man admires the view from above. Especially of his beautiful caretaker/best friend/girlfriend. Even when he first met her, Izuku won’t deny he thought she was cute. Now after spending so much time with her, Izuku can confidently say she’s the prettiest girl around. According to his girlfriend, she didn’t grow taller after entering high school. However, she grew everywhere else. From his vantage point, the young man can see the GG cup sports bra straining against her impressive bosom even when she’s wearing a baggy T-shirt. As much as he’s come to like her breasts, her rear end is what truly helps give her a full hourglass figure. Although covered by a large pair of gym shorts, the thicc dump truck of an ass can still be seen jiggling with every sway of her wide hips. The view is arousing enough to give the shrunken man a semi.

It isn’t until the voluptuous heroine-in-training is out of sight does Izuku finally take in his surroundings. The top of the lockers stretch on either side of him like an endless plateau while a vast canyon separates him from the towering row of lockers opposite him.

Looking across the epoxy floored ravine, he can see a wooden bench running between the blue skyscrapers. Following the bench, he happens to notice one of the lockers missing a tagged locker key.

“Hmmm, someone else must be in the gym,” Izuku thinks while looking at the rest of the lockers with keys in their locks. “I wonder if Ochaco remembered to grab hers.”

Then, suddenly, a giant face pops up in front of him. The image of his freckled face reflecting off the dark reptilian eyes startle the young man so much he tumbles backwards.

“Awwww! You’re so cute!,” the floating head smiles with a mouth full of long, pointy teeth.

Acting on his training, he quickly rolls to his feet before jumping into a fighting stance. Izuku then swiftly analyzes the swampy haired bodiless head. “You’re Sestuna Tokage, right?,” the greenette asks tentatively.

The detached head’s dusty green eyes widen as she asks, “You know me?”

“Y-yeah, you’re a recommended student from the hero course.”

“Ooooohhhh~! I have a secret tiny admirer~,” Tokage playfully teases.

Her predatory eyes give the tiny man goosebumps as they look him over like a piece of meat. He has an impulsive desire to cover up even though he’s wearing clothes for his size.

“Soooo~, what’s a cute little thing like you doing all alone in the girl’s locker room?”

“I-I’m with someone,” Izuku stutters out.

Raising an eyebrow, Tokage gives him an inquisitive look. “Oh really? I don’t see anyone else here.”

Izuku may have only been a Little for barely 5 months, but he already knew how the world views shrunken people way before becoming one. In today’s society, he should technically have all the same rights as a regular person does. However, reality can be much harsher. It wasn’t too long ago it was considered the norm for people claiming “finders, keepers” on any new or stray Little. After that, Kami only knows what their new “owners” would do to them.

“She’s in the restroom,” he says while keeping a close eye on her. Realizing the look in Tokage’s eyes, Izuku slowly backs away. Experience tells him it’s not a good sign. After all, it’s the same look Kacchan had upon seeing the shrunken Izuku for the first time.

It was the look of a predator.

“Is that so?,” the fellow greenette emphasizes the syllable while never taking her eyes off him. “It’s funny I’ve met a few Littles. Most of them were owned by someone. You could tell because they had a tattoo on their back.”

Izuku tenses at the words. New regulations mandate that all Littles must be registered into a nationwide database. It was implemented to keep track of Littles and ensure they found a good home. Unfortunately, it also meant they needed a form of ID. The latest trend is a tattoo of barcode or QR code etched on a Little’s back for easy identification.

Luckily, Izuku’s registered caretaker refused to do so. In her words, “I’ll only do it if Deku’s comfortable with it.” The little hero is ever grateful that she asked for his opinion on the matter. Unfortunately, that meant Izuku didn’t have any easily accessible form of identification. Ochaco has her certificate of ownership and Little Caretaker License (LCL) as proof, but she’s not here. So, by law, an unattended Little without any ID is considered a stray. Therefore, they must be registered immediately whether voluntarily or through force.

“Mind showing me yours~?,” the giant floating swampy head asks with a toothy grin and gleaming eyes.

On instinct, glowing red veins criss-cross along his body before changing into sparks of green electricity. The Ninth wielder of One for All then propels himself backwards to the locker room wall. Softening the impact with his feet, the Little reaches behind to dig his fingers into the brick. Perched against the wall, he has a bird’s eye view of the dismembered girl below. Her predatory gaze followed Izuku’s trajectory, spotting him on the wall. While Tokage’s left hand is clenched in a fist where Izuku was a second ago.

It seems the prey’s reaction time was faster than the predator’s strike.

Izuku looks past the head to see the main body. Thanks to his vantage point he could make out most of the girl’s upper body, but one thing he notices.

“Where’s her right hand?”

His question is answered by a shadow casting over him. Not even bothering to look up, Izuku kicks off the wall. Tokage’s right hand barely grazes his feet as comes slamming downward.

With both failed capture attempts, the lizard girl narrows her eyes in frustration.

Sailing across the man-made chasm, Izuku keeps his eyes on the swampy haired girl below. However, he probably should have been watching his flight path. From his blindspot, a spiky wall suddenly appears in front of him. Acting fast, Izuku orientates himself while in midair to kick off the scaly barricade. That’s when he notices the blockade is not only broad but long. It coils around his current trajectory acting like a spiral net closing in to catch a bug.

Realizing what’s gonna happen, all the young man can do is brace for impact. Because as soon as he hits the rough scales, two things happen. One, he kicks off the scales to shoot out back the way he came. Two, the coiled barricade clamps down around him.

The Little doesn’t seem quick enough to escape the predator’s trap as the nimble end squeezes around him like a snake.

As Izuku struggles against the rough scales, Togake’s body begins to reassemble itself. “Wow! I didn’t know you were so quick!,” her cheery voice calls out once her head reattaches to her neck.

Watching her hands reattach to her arms, Izuku quickly scans the rest of her body. The tall heroine has an athletic body wrapped in a tight purple crop top covering her modest chest. His eyes move downward to her tight yoga pants hugging her thick thighs. Looking below her waist, Izuku finally deduces what captured him.

Tokage’s spiky lizard tail reattaches to the small of her back. The thick muscular appendage brings the trapped Izuku at its tip around to her front. Giving him a view of the girl’s flat stomach.

Trailing his eyes upward, Izuku’s gaze moves from her belly button, past her slightly above average bust size, to the lizard girl’s dusty eyes.

“You’re also pretty strong! I’ve got to keep a firm grip on you or you’d probably break out,” Tokage comments.

As the rough scales dig into his body, Izuku assesses the situation. “I could break out if I use a higher percentage of OFA, but I don’t want to hurt her. Or myself. Even though Littles are more durable than the average person. Thanks to our higher density. I could still break all my bones if I use anymore than I currently am. Which at my size is only 1%,” Izuku looks around to see if there’s anything or anyone to help. “Starting to regret not having some form of ID. I’ll talk to Ochaco about getting clothes with a barcode or maybe one of those bracelets or collars. It sucks, but it’s better than a permanent brand on my body.”

Observing the constant struggling of the Little in her tail, Tokage’s demeanor begins to soften.

“Hey, I know you probably don’t like getting snatched by a stranger. You probably heard all the old horror stories of people finding a Little then making them their pet, slave or worse,” the lizard girl sympathetically says with a hint of sadness in her voice. “But, I promise I won’t hurt.” She says with a comforting smile.

Despite everything Tokage’s done since he’s met her, he can’t help but believe her words. Mainly because of the look in her eyes.

Her eyes originally resembled a predator on the hunt trying it best to capture something in its sights. Now though, all he sees are empathetic green eyes with an unexpected hint of sadness.

It’s enough to make Izuku cease his struggle.

The two greenettes look at each other in silence. Both waiting for the other’s next move.

After a moment, the tall girl hesitantly reaches her hand out. She moves slowly and cautiously as if trying to touch a startled animal. With fingers as thick as his arms only a hair's breadth away, a green spark jumps from Izuku’s fluffy hair to Tokage’s fingertip.

“Ouch!,” she yelps while quickly pulling her hand away. “What was th-!?”

Before Tokage can question the freckled man, she starts to feel faint. Her vision slowly blacks out while simultaneously feeling as though she’s being compressed from all sides. The tail wrapped around him loosens its grip.

The shrunken hero is left to free fall towards the food at a height similar to an office building. Luckily, with OFA still active, he successfully lands on the epoxy floor with no issue.

Izuku then watches the giantess shrink before his eyes.

As she slowly loses height, Tokage’s crop top becomes a multipurpose outfit: an athletic shirt to a baggy t-shirt to an oversized dress. The initially form fitting bra dangles lopsided as only one strap remains on her shoulder. Meanwhile, any clothes below the waist simply fall to the floor. Her shrinking feet slip out of her now clown sized shoes along with her oversized socks.

“That’s twice this has happened to me,” Izuku thinks as he observes the former living skyscraper disappear under a pile of clothes. “What are the odds? Unless…”

Before he can question it further, a shriek from the pile of clothes draws his attention. Always the hero, Izuku runs over to the purple and black fabric casting a shadow over him.


The only response he receives are muffled screams and the sound of something ruffling around underneath the fabric.

“HOLD ON!,” Izuku screams. Sprinting right next to the pile, the Ninth wielder of OFA uses his quirk to firmly grab a fist full of the purple fabric. Then, breaks into a full sprint to pull the crop top away from the rest of the clothes.

He lets go after moving it a fair distance before running back to grab the next cloth. Izuku continues this until all that’s left is Tokage’s panties, socks, and shoes.

Scanning the area, Izuku sees a lump struggling against the fabric of the green panties. Without a second though, he rushes over to help. He swiftly throws off the panties before deactivating his quirk.

Tokage stumbles down onto her knees as the tangled cloth is ripped off her. “Thanks,” she says in a huff before standing up.

It’s only then do both realize how small the recommended hero student has become. Originally, the Lizard Tail Splitter user stood at over 6 feet tall. Now though, she’s roughly twice Izuku’s height making her only 8 inches.

Izuku’s freckled cheeks flush red as he quickly looks away. He may be used to seeing his girlfriend naked, but it’s different when it’s another woman. Plus, it’s best to give her some semblance of privacy.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tokage is standing in shock. Her wide eyes slowly examine her body. Everything looks the same from her C cup breasts to her well toned legs. However, looking at her surroundings is what truly settles in the fact she’s now a Little.

The gym lockers are towering skyscrapers looming high above. With the bright artificial light, the cliff sides cast shadows into the deep gorge the pair are residing in. Off to her side, she notices the bench in the middle of the chasm. The support posts underneath it make her feel like she’s looking at a massive suspension bridge.

The final nail in the coffin is the timid boy looking away from her. Not even a minute ago, he could comfortably fit in the palm of her hand. Now, the top of his fluffy head is about even with her belly button.

Tokage’s eyes dilate as her breath quickens. “This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening…,” the girl whispers in disbelief. Her arms wrap around herself in a hug while her thick tail coils around her legs.

“Hey, it’s alright,” Izuku says as gently as possible. After realizing she’s panicking, the young man ignores his embarrassment to console her. He steps closer to the amazon, at least from his perspective. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

His hand slowly reaches out in an attempt to comfort her. Unfortunately, the girl doesn’t seem to appreciate the gesture. Izuku quickly pulls away his stinging hand while eying the scaly tail that slapped him.

Whether the slap was instinctual or not is unknown to Tokage, but all she knows is that her new status in life changed after touching the boy in front of her. The panic morphs into fury as she turns toward Izuku.

“This is your fault!,” the lizard girl cries.

The accused throws her a puzzled look. “My fault?”

“YES!!! YOUR FAULT!!!,” the terrified Little shrieks out while pointing at him accusingly. “I only shrunken after I touched you! What the f*ck did you do!!!!!”

“I didn’t do anything…,” the defendant states before he begins to even question himself. “Maybe? I think? Honestly, I’m not sure. It’s not unusual for someone in their first year of college to shrink. Common knowledge states anyone around 18 can shrink. Though there are outliers.” Izuku puts his hand to his chin while deep in thought. “What’s strange is you aren’t the first person to become a Little as soon as you touched me? Does that prove it’s truly a virus passed by contact? But, that doesn’t make sense. Some people have never been in contact with a Little for their whole lives before suddenly shrinking. Is it airborne? Maybe-”

The shorter greenette’s muttering continues as the taller one looks on at him with her mouth agape. She can’t even process what he’s saying. At least, the rapid speech serves as a distraction to her current situation.

“-Either way it’s strange when I think about it. If I had a yen everytime, someone who tried to catch me would shrink. I’d have two yen. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that’s happened twice, right?”

At this point, Tokage can’t take it anymore. Rather than telling the fast talking man to shut up though. Her anger, frustration, and fear of the whole situation boils over causing her to lash out.

Izuku looks up to see someone twice his size rushing at him. Despite having one of the most powerful Quirks to ever exist, it’s still intimidating.

The young man is preparing to dodge when a new sensation spreads throughout his body. Unlike OFA which feels like pure energy running through his veins, this new feeling is like his whole body is inflating outwards. It isn’t uncomfortable. Rather he would describe the familiar sensation as warm.

Meanwhile, the frustrated amazon continues to rush forward. She closes her eyes as tries to wipe away the tears. Deep down, she knows it’s not the boy’s fault. Technically, the lizard girl can only blame herself for trying to forcibly catch him rather than coaxing him. Unfortunately, her overwhelming emotions take control as she’s about to tackle the freckled face munchkin.

Then, Tokage’s charge is stopped by hitting something strong and sturdy. Confused, the lizard girl opens her eyes only to come face to face with a set of chiseled abs.

Staring at the washboard abs, she doesn’t notice the baseball mitt sized hands rest on her shoulder. The hands gently but firmly prevent her moving. With no means of escape, Tokage nervously gulps as she cranes her neck upward to see who’s holding her. Honestly, she already knows, but seeing is believing. Her dusty green eyes slowly move past the well-developed pecs before meeting bright emerald eyes.

The man who was eye level with her crotch is now sheepishly smiling down at her. Before Tokage can even process what’s going on, the ground shakes beneath their feet.

Tokage feels her entire body rattle as the tremors increase in magnitude and frequency. The daunting rhythm reminds her of one of her favorite Pre-Quirk movies. Only rather than a prehistoric animal long since extinct, both Littles look up to see Ochaco Uraraka.

Her gaze locked onto the two shrunken hero students. Izuku instantly notices the change in air around his caretaker. Ochaco always gave off a comfortable, breezy aura around her. Now though, her usually kind eyes are now like poison tipped daggers stabbing at the lizard’s back.

Tokage’s animal instincts scream at her to run. Luckily, the sight of his giantess distracts Izuku enough to loosen his grip on her shoulder. Not wasting the opportunity, Tokage makes a break for it.

Despite her small stride, the athletic girl goes into a full sprint. She doesn’t even care where she’s heading as long as it’s away from the being insighting her flight response.

A rational part of Tokage dictates her to run to the only with cover. She’s just about to reach the underside of the bench when suddenly something blocks her path. Not given a chance to react, the giant, glowing pink hand snatches the 8 inch tall girl off her feet.

The Little punches and kicks against the strong fingers gripping her lower half. Being held like a doll by the Borb, Tokage feels her body lifted skyward. Growing in frustration at her futile struggles, the tiny heroine attempts to activate her Quirk.

Normally, her Quirk, Lizard Tail Splitter, feels like her body’s falling apart while at the same time not since she can still feel each individual part. It’s a strange feeling. One she’s taken comfort in. The telltale sensation never failed her when calling upon it. Unfortunately, right when she needs it most, she doesn’t feel anything. Tokage takes a moment to look herself over to see if she’s mistaken. However, her entire body is still in one piece. It dawns on the lizard girl that her Quirk can’t be activated.

“So, who are you?,” a loud voice calls out. Tokage winces at the sudden sound. Realizing who’s speaking, the terrified girl slowly looks to see a set of plump lips in a strained smile.

Tokage swallows her breath before deciding to take in the giant face. The giantess’ eyes may be closed, but the lizard girl can still feel her gaze staring into her soul. The powerful pink aura shrouding her entire body adds to her menacing appearance. Honestly, she has the sudden urge to drop her tail and run. Only if her Quirk was actually working.

“Well? Aren’t you going to say anything?” Despite the voice sounding sweet, there’s a significant amount of venom mixed in.

After a moment of silence, Ochaco opens her eyes only to see the lizard girl remaining completely still. Her mouth is agape with wide eyes as her body becomes rigid in her palm. The giantess was worried for a second the girl wasn’t breathing. Until she looked closely to see the movement of her chest.

“Oh, thank Kami! I thought she was dead,” Ochaco thinks. “Sure, I saw her trying to attack my little Deku. But that doesn't mean I want to kill her! I’m trying to be a hero!” Her inner thoughts aren’t conveyed on her face as her steely gaze remains on the paralyzed girl. The pink aura vanishes after deciding to deactivate OFA. “Maybe I shouldn’t have tried to play the intimidating girlfriend card yet. The poor girl looks like she’s playing dead.”

Before Ochaco can decide on her next course of action, a tiny voice yells from below. She attempts to look down only to realize her breasts are blocking her view. Stepping back slightly, the well-endowed college girl sees Izuku waving at her.

“OCHACO! That’s Setsuna Tokage! She’s from the hero course!” Izuku calls out.

The Borb looks from her currently foot tall boyfriend back to the girl in her hand. “Ooooh, I remember you. You’re the lizard girl that can cut herself apart.”

Words still failing her, Tokage can only manage a slight nod.

“Great! Now, can you tell what you were doing with my boyfriend?” Her cheerful voice states while articulating the word ‘boyfriend’.

The petrified lizard girl’s mouth audibly shuts.

Luckily, the fellow greenette decides to intervene.

“Tokage was just trying to make sure I wasn’t a stray.” Izuku honestly tells his giant caretaker. It’s better to tell the truth, especially to someone who’s currently five times your size. “I told her I had a caretaker, but since I didn’t have any form of ID. She took it upon herself to register me.” His gaze moves towards the swampy haired girl. “She was about to touch when she suddenly… well you know.” He gestures to Ochaco’s occupied hand.

“Then why did she try to attack you?” The statement feels like a gut punch to the lizard girl. As she’s still coming to terms with the fact of capturing a claimed Little, she’s now reminded of her earlier outburst.

Even while maintaining eye contact with her boyfriend, Ochaco can see in her peripherals how vulnerable Tokage looks after her question.

“Th-that’s because she was stressed from the situation. It’s a common reaction when people shrink,” the timid Little quickly adds. “You remember Kacchan, right?”

Izuku nervously shuffles his feet as the giantess stares down at him. Ochaco then analyzes the shrunken woman in her hand. “Is this true?”

Caught off guard by the question, Tokage takes a moment to collect herself. “Y-yes.”

“Mmmmmhhh,” Ochaco muses loudly. The Little in her hand begins to sweat nervously as if awaiting the verdict to decide her fate.

After a solid minute of stewing in her guilt, the giantess finally says, “Alright, I’ll believe ya.”

The lizard girl immediately lets out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding.

“Though that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.”

A sense of relief is always fleeting. Before Tokage can respond, Ochaco expertly maneuvers the shrunken heroine around in her hand until she’s holding the lizard girl by her thick, spiky tail.

“Now, what to do with you?” Ochaco ponders out loud. Her unoccupied hand places a finger to her chin in thought while the other one slowly swings the lizard girl like a cat playing with a mouse. “Honestly, I could do whatever I want with you.”

Tokage understands what the fellow hero student is getting at. It wasn’t too long ago that Littles weren’t even classified as human beings. In those days, common practice was to treat a Little as a pet, slave, sex toy, or snack. There’s laws now that are meant to protect Littles. Unfortunately, the fact is it’s difficult to defend your rights when you can be as small as a mouse.

“It’s too bad~,” the rosy cheeked giantess says in a mocking tone. “Being on a strict diet means I can’t have you as a nice pre-workout snack~.” Ochaco licks her lips with an audible slurp.

Tokage can’t stop herself from calling out her bluff. “H-how would you eat me? I’m not exactly bite sized?”

Ochaco simply gives a wide toothy grin.

Tokage looks at her questioningly before noticing something. She’s being lifted higher into the air. Initially, she assumes Ochaco is moving her hand. Before quickly dismisses that once seeing she’s still eye level with that mischievous smile.

At the same time, Izuku feels a sensation similar to when he grew to a foot tall. Only it’s acting in reverse. Something feels like it’s draining out of his body causing it to feel lighter. The sensation is akin to when your muscles relax all at once. Staying at foot tall, he observes the sight before him in amazement.

From Izuku's perspective, he can easily see what’s happening. Ochaco is growing. At 5’ 1”, Izuku would describe his pretty girlfriend as average in height while above average everywhere else. Now, he can honestly say she’s in an entire league of her own. By the time the draining sensation stops, Izuku is awestruck by the voluptuous, amazon goddess who descended from a higher plane of existence.

Ochaco Uraraka has stopped growing at an astounding 9’ 8”. Her previously baggy attire is now firmly hugging her large frame further accentuating her curves. The t-shirt becomes a crop top while the gym shorts become short booty shorts. Exposing her buff yet feminine muscles around her long legs, thick arms, and toned stomach.

It’s a miracle her underwear didn’t snap from the tremendous growth. She can thank the latest technology and fashion for making a fabric that can stretch and expand as someone grows. Though, with boobs about a UU cup relative to her size and an absolutely massive ass that even on her huge frame can only be described as dummy thicc, the special fabric is stretched to absolute limit.

“I don’t understand why she doesn’t just stay at this height. After all, we’ve been Bonded for more than a month now,” Izuku thinks while taking in all of his girlfriend.

Bond is the term used to describe the unique phenomena associated with any Little. The Bond is a physical and mental link established between a shrunken person, referred to as a Lilliputian or Little, and a regular person, normally referred to as a Brobdnignagian, or Brob for short. When a bond occurs, several aspects change between the Borb and Little, but the main ones are the following: 1) the Brob can add the Little’s mass to their own, 2) the Little becomes nearly indestructible, 3) the Brob can allow the Little to grow and shrink in a range between 1 inch to 12 inches (range differs between individuals), and 4) the Little can allow the Brob to borrow the power of their Quirk (this is also true in reverse). Overall, the Bond is a superpowered symbiotic relationship.

Bonds were largely undiscovered during the rise of Quirks. It was only around 100 years ago when the phenomena officially became identified. Then, it took around 50 years to reestablish Littles as citizens. The main reason it went largely unnoticed is due to the conditions to form a Bond.

The prevalent condition being: if a Little doesn’t trust and accept a normal sized person, they will never become a Borb meaning there’s no Bond.

Izuku’s mind goes back to the beautiful Borb in front of him. “Though, I never get tired of watching her grow.” He can feel himself pitching a tent at the view.

There’s a common saying nowadays: The bigger the Borb, the more for a Little to love.

Izuku’s fellow Little doesn’t appear to agree with the scentament. Tokage’s in utter shock at seeing the already building sized woman double in size.

She feels her tail being tugged upward. Now dangling over the brunette’s head, the lizard girl looks down to see the massive rounded face of Ochaco.

“I think I can manage,” Ochaco jokes with a wide smile.

A different Pre-Quirk movie comes to Tokage's mind, particularly the movie poster of a shark under the surface with a woman swimming above unaware of the dangers below. The sight of the large mouth below sends shivers down her spine. The shrunken woman thrashes about while Ochaco keeps a firm hold of her tail.

“Hahahaha! I’m kidding,” Ochaco laughs as she brings the girl down to eye level. Tokage instantly relaxes at the playful tone in the giantess’ voice. She would normally be mad at this leveling of teasing, but the lizard doesn’t want to push her luck any further.

Ochaco’s face becomes serious while her tone remains playful. “But seriously, what to do with you?”

“Why doesn’t she help with your workout?”

The Borb and suspended Little look down to Izuku. The young man moved himself on top of the bench, so he could see the pair past his caretaker’s floating mountain range.

The two women give the man a questionable look. The larger of the two asks, “You sure?”

“Yeah, I mean you could keep her in the locker, but I don’t know when her Quirk will reactivate. Like with me, it took a whole day for my Quirk to accumulate to my new size. Whereas, for Kacchan, it was only 5 minutes,” the living action figure says with a smile. “Plus, I think she’ll like it.”

The giantess is surprised by the suggestion from her boyfriend. Maybe because Izuku is trying to alleviate the situation or prevent the new Little from escaping. Most likely the former. Though, if Tokage did run off on her own, she is fundamentally Quirkless right now. Sure she is more durable now than the average person, but all it takes is an unfortunate encounter with a curious animal or careless person to end the poor lizard.

Mulling it over, Ochaco finally says, “Why not? I don’t mind having two workout buddies. It’ll make it more interesting.”

Izuku's smile brightens as he watches his girlfriend’s face light up. “I’m glad she took my suggestion.” His eyes then shift to the confused lizard girl. “Tokage may not like it, but it’s better than leaving her in the locker. If she tries to run off, the next person she finds may not be as kind as Ochaco.”

Tokage is left in the dark about what exactly the couple are planning. “What the hell do they mean by workout buddy?”

“So what do you say?”

The shrunken woman is brought out of thoughts by the sudden question. It takes her a moment to realize the giantess is talking to her. Truthfully, the recommended hero student didn’t expect to get an opinion on the subject. The simple action makes the lizard girl feel better regarding the whole situation.

“Sure,” Tokage states with some confidence. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

Ochaco gives a bright smile. “Awesome! Let me get you situated!”

Ochaco lowers the living doll down past her bust. At first, Tokage assumes she’s going to put her down next to Izuku. However, once level with her belly button, the ride shifts to the side. The giantess’ hand deliberately moves the dangling girl over to her backside.

Tokage stares down at the vast expanse of the giantess’ ass. The cloth clinging to the jiggling surface leaves little to the imagination. However, it’s when Ochaco’s free hand pulls the waistband, the magnitude of how massive the gravity girl’s ass is does it truly sink in. The astronomical cheeks smashing together to form a deep, dark abyss below threatening to swallow up anything.

“Have fun!”

Those are the last words Tokage hears before being let go. She doesn’t even get the chance to scream. As soon as she hits the surprisingly soft surface, darkness engulfs her as the waistband snaps back into place.

Ochaco giggles as she feels the girl begin to thrash around against her flesh. However, it only makes the Little get swallowed up faster. The sensation of the tiny woman sinking further into her ass gives her goosebumps.

“I meant you put her in your bra.”

Ochaco is taken out of her little reprieve as she looks down at her boyfriend. “Mmmmmhhh, that doesn’t sound like a punishment to me,” the Borb responds with a mischievous smile. “It was that or my shoes. But you remember how that went with the last person you shrunk.”

“I didn’t shrink anyone! At least not intentionally,” Izuku says defensively with a pout.

“Awww, I know that,” Ochaco smiles warmly as bends down to pick up the doll-sized man. “I was just teasing. Sorry if that was too much.” Her soft padded fingertip gently caresses his fluffy hair.

“It’s fine, but you could have at least warned Tokage.” Izuku can’t stay mad at her. Especially with how kind and gentle she treats him. The cat bean on her fingertip doesn't help since it’s unbelievably soft.

“Fair, but I wanted to establish dominance, hehehehe” Ochaco giggles while petting her boyfriend’s hair. “By the way, what happened to your clothes?”

He pushes the finger away before answering. “They ripped when you grew me to a foot tall.”

“I thought you had the special fabric on?” After playing with his hair, the giantess sets down her hands for Izuku to hop on.

“No, that’s just my All Might boxer briefs,” Izuku states as he sits down on her soft palm. Ochaco begins to rise to her full height while bringing Izuku closer to eye level.

“Oh, sorry,” the college girl says sheepishly. Then her bubbly personality returns. “At least it’s one less thing to take off.”

Sitting in her palm, Izuku doesn’t resist as his girlfriend’s free dexterous hand begins to underdress him. With practiced precision, Ochaco gently takes off his underwear without ripping it leaving Izuku’s member fully exposed.

“Looks like someone’s excited~” Her voice says in a lustful tone. She brings her padded fingertip to rub against Izuku’s impressive package. At normal size, he would have been on the large side at around 9 inches.

“S-soooo!” His voice cracks as he suppresses a moan. Despite the heavenly feeling, he reluctantly pushes the finger away. “Where am I going?”

Ochaco simply responds with a smile. The OFA holder then feels himself shrink back to 4-¼ inches. Then without warning the world turns upside. His seat flipped over causing Izuku to fall down head first.


As soon as words reach him, the young man is already pungled deep into the endless depth of her planet size cleavage.

Ochaco giggles as she feels both Littles struggling against her body. Quickly, she collects Tokage’s and Izuku’s clothes to throw them in her locker. Once locked, the giantess readjusts her underwear before heading to the gym.

After some dynamic stretching, Ochaco heads over to one of the larger treadmills intended for Borbs. Hoping on, she sets it for an easy warm up jog. The steady pace is enough to cause her swollen breasts to bounce with every step even with a sports bra.

The planetary movements of her colliding boobs cause her cleavage to squeeze and shift all around her trapped boyfriend. Essentially giving him a full body massage. The pressure generated by the soft, warm flesh rubs the Izuku’s erection just the right way to get him to moan. If this had happened in his first month as a Little, he would’ve been embarrassed. However, it’s become an almost daily occasion.

Despite the arousing situation, the constant shifting makes the young man decide to move out of her cleavage. Izuku begins to shuffle his way from the middle of the deep chasm to the sports bra’s outer edge. It’s a struggle, but nothing compared to what he had to do when training with All Might.

The pressure decreases all around him as he manages to get out of her cleavage. Now he only has to deal with the enormous mass of fat pressing him into the soft fabric. Izuku has ended up inside the left cup of her sports bra with his back to the cloth while he faces the moving planet.

The tiny man finally gets himself into a comfortable position when a droplet of milk lands on his fluffy green hair. Looking up, a pink nipple protrudes out against the sports bra. It’s leaking breast milk which is now flowing down the breast’s curvature to the greenette’s position.


Blushing in embarrassment, Izuku says to himself, “I guess I haven’t eaten breakfast at all. Usually, Ochaco feeds me before her workout, but the whole situation with Tokage must have made her forget.” His stomach continues to growl when the trickle of white liquid lands on his hair. “Oh well, I should just go feed myself.”

He could just lick the liquid dripping down, but Izuku would much rather have it directly from its source. With a determined expression, the hungry greenette begins to scale the shaking, pillowy surface of this living mountain.

“Hmmm, I guess Izuku’s hunger,” the Zero Gravity user thinks. That’s normally the only reason her little workout buddy would move so much especially during a run. A mischievous smile then forms on her face. “It’s not fair that I’m the only one working out.”

Fighting against the shifting tide of Ochaco’s breasts, Izuku makes steady progress on his climb. He’s about halfway to his destination when the steady rhythm takes a drastic turn.

The soft flesh begins to violently shake and tremble every which way, making Izuku feel like he’s been caught in a riptide.

“What the hell’s she doing!?” He activates a small percentage of OFA just to hold on. Otherwise, the rising tide of tit flesh will drag him down.

Izuku isn’t the only one struggling. Tokage is dealing with her own natural disaster. Which is a dramatic change from earlier.

After the initial panic and shock of being shoved in Ochaco’s panties, the lizard girl would admit being trapped in her rear was surprisingly comfy. The giantess kept her butt spotless and clean while the smell wasn’t what she expected. She expected a foul odor that would burn her nostrils. However, the aroma was only slightly pungent with a hint of vanilla and jasmine mixed in. She could only guess from the giantess’ beauty care products which helped give it a somewhat pleasant scent. Add the soft cheeks acting as a wonderful cushion, Tokage actually enjoyed her time in the woman’s butt as she went about her stretches.

It wasn’t until now did the lizard girl begin to reconsider her evaluation. The two titanic masses constantly colliding send a merciless onslaught of tremors that rattle the trapped girl to her core.

“It’s like I’m being mashed under a sweaty hydraulic press,” the cold blooded girl thinks while being slammed on both sides by ass cheeks. “If I could just use my Quirk…”

Attempting to pull herself apart like usual, Tokage’s thrashing only causes her to sink further into the abyss. By the time she’s given up on using her Quirk, the shrunken college girl is right next to the gravity girl’s anus.

“Well, that worked great, ” Tokage tells herself sarcastically.

Ochaco lifts her finger off the (+) button for increasing speed once she’s at a full blown sprint. She can feel the 8 inch tall woman sinking further into her rear end while her 4-¼ inch tall boyfriend squirms against her left boob.

“Hehehehehe, I can’t be the only one working it,” the giantess chuckles. “You guys gotta go Plus Ultra too!”

“Easy for you to say,” Izuku mutters while continuing his climb. “You’re running on a treadmill. Meanwhile, I’m free climbing an erupting volcano with white lava and shifting tectonic plates!” The greenette knows the goddess above can’t hear him, but it makes himself feel better. “Honestly, if I wasn’t trying to get something to eat, I’d probably be enjoying this.”

Forcing his way up, the small free climber successfully arrives at the summit. He spreads his arms around the nipple which has a diameter of a large yoga ball while standing at ⅔ of his height. As milk rains down above him, Izuku firmly grips onto the thrashing pink appendage.

Ochaco lets out an involuntary moan. “Uuugggh~! I think that’s enough of a warmup.” Stopping her run, the sweaty giantess takes a long swig from her water bottle.

With the world not shaking anymore, Izuku hoists himself up to come face to face with his goal. Even though it was leaking before thanks to the movement, it seems the faucet has run dry. Undeterred, the hungry man begins working the nipple. With the tit being nearly as big as him, he starts by giving it a full body massage while simultaneously licking it all over.

Ochaco pauses her drinking to moan. “Oooohhhhhhh~! You must be really thirsty, huh? Deku?”

Ignoring her comment, the Little simply focuses on the task at hand. With his stomach growling, Izuku begins teasing her nipple further by lightly biting into it.

“Aaauuugghhghh~!? I’ll take that as a-AHHHHH… yes!”

Izuku’s stimulation is soon rewarded as milk begins to flow once again. Not wasting any time, the young man latches on to the tip as best he can.

***Gulp*** ***Gulp*** ***Gulp***

Drinking down the delicious white nectar, the young man allows himself to finally relax after his intense climb. The sweet, warm milk is better than anything he’s ever eaten. It’s a highly nutritious drink that’s thick and creamy while tasting savory and sweet at the same time.

“I know a Little’s digestive system can't seem to process regular human food anymore,” Izuku thinks with his eyes closed as he continues suckling. “Yet, for some reason, Littles can digest bodily fluids produced by Borbs no problem. In fact, it seems to be a chemical change in the body to help Borbs sustain their Littles.” Opening his eyes to take a look at the massive wall of flesh. “Luckily, I won’t have to worry about going hungry.”

The familiar sensation of Izuku feeding from her brings a smile to the giantess’ face. She’d never imagine herself owning a Little, but now she can’t picture her life without him.

“I’m glad he’s doing okay. Hopefully, I’ve taken his mind off that scaly bitch! Speaking of which,” Ochaco eyes her impressive rear. “Hope you’re doing alright down there! Because we’re just getting started.”


The brunette gives her meaty ass a smack. The muscle and fat juggle for a while before settling down. Not waiting for a reply (like she’ll even hear it), Ochaco heads over to the weights to resume her workout.

Down below, Tokage rides out the mighty earthquake caused by the giantess’ slap. “Damn, I like a nice ass, but this is too much!”

The Lizard Tail Splitter user has given up on fighting against the shifting tectonic plates surrounding her from all sides.

“Ugh! Well look on the bright side,” the lizard girl comments. “At least it’s clean down here.” She’s referring to the massive pink hole right taking up her front view. Taking a breath, the scent of sweat mixes with rosy cheeked amazon’s natural body odor. “It’s muggy and damp, but I’m surprised the smell isn’t worse. It still has the vanilla and jasmine smell, but the salty sweat mixing in makes it more pungent than before.”

Tokage takes a moment to observe her humid prison. The cold blooded girl subconsciously licks her dry lips. “Wish I had something to drink.”

Her eyes wander to the sweat covered, pink asshole staring back at her.

Shaking her head violently, Tokage tries to get rid of the rising blush. “Hell no! I maybe a Bi disaster, but I’m not thirsty enough to eat some ass!”

Pulling her eyes away from the blackhole, Tokage attempts to look anywhere else inside the damp abyss. Yet, for some reason, she can’t take her mind off it.

As Izuku drinks his breakfast and Tokage deals with her internal struggle, Ochaco goes about her workout. It’s the day before her rest day, so she’s doing a full body workout.

Most of Izuku’s mass went to her height and other assets, but the young man packed on quite a bit of muscle. Adding that to her own strength made Ochaco feel like the No. 1 Hero, All Might. Grabbing a 750 pound dumbbell in each hand without using her Quirk, the young heroine-in-training begins her sets from bicep curls to inclined shoulder press to tricep extensions.

All the while, her workout buddies are along for the ride.

After drinking his fill, Izuku hoists himself over the large nipple. Straddling it between his legs, he gets himself comfy before reclining against the soft breast.

The gentle swaying is a much needed change for the greenette. Listening to the chorus emanating from his girlfriend, Izuku’s reminded of how small he truly is. He can hear every movement, every breath, and every bodily function caused by the brunette whether that be her beating heart, deep breathes, or milk sloshing around in her breasts. After spending more than 4 months with the girl, he still can’t wrap his head around it.

“Maybe because I’ve spent such time in her bra, I’ve gotten used to it. Heck, the sounds honestly help me fall asleep. Which doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Izuku ponders with his eyes closed while resting against the milky waterbed. Unfortunately, the increased body heat makes it somewhat difficult. Sighing, he wipes away some sweat from his brow. “If it wasn’t so muggy. Though I guess it could be worse.”

Izuku has been with his caretaker long enough to experience Ochaco’s thicc ass. In fact, the young man has probably spent as much time in the giantess' bra as her panties, both the front and rear.

Even though he can’t see anything except tit flesh, his green eyes wander down in the direction of Ochaco’s lower half. “Hopefully, Tokage’s alright. Luckily, our density increased when we shrunk, so she should be able to handle Ochaco’s butt. Speaking from experience though, it still doesn't make it any less better when you feel like you’re being grounded to a paste.”

The sudden flood of fluorescent light and cool air from above breaks Izuku out of his muttering. Shielding his eyes, Izuku doesn’t even see the tree trunk sized fingers pluck him off his perch.

The soft pads gently pinch the college boy’s sides before lifting him into the fresh cool air. Adjusting to the light, Izuku removes his hand to see the tired yet smiling face of Ochaco Uraraka.

The giantess steads her breathing before speaking to the Little dangling in her fingers. “I’m just going to do one last exercise before calling it a day.”

Pointing a hand to his chin, Izuku gives her a questioning look. “Hmmm, you sure? I think you have a few more sets.”

“Yes, I’m positive,” the brunette responds in a chirp voice.

“Really?,” Izuku asks with fake skepticism. “Because as your personal trainer, I think you have a few reps to do.”

Ochaco can’t contain the chuckle that escapes her lips. “Ha! Some trainer, you've been sucking my tit for the last half hour!”

“A man’s gotta eat,” the self proclaimed fitness coach easily says. “Besides, maybe someone should have fed me before starting her workout. And if that someone didn’t decide to run like she was trying to set a new record, I won’t be as hungry.”

Ochaco gasps dramatically at the accusation. “Hey! I was busy dealing with the lizard that tried to attack you!”

“She wasn’t going to hurt me.”

Acting like she didn’t hear him, Ochaco confidently says, “Plus, I just wanted to make sure you get proper exercise! Recovery Girl says you need to keep active so you don't get fat off my milk.”

Izuku gives the smug girl a deadpan look. “I don’t think she meant having me free climb a boob the size of a planet as it crashes down on you”

The giantess’ self satisfying look slowly vanishes. Looking slightly dejected, the brunette quietly says, “you don’t like my boobies?”

“That’s not what I said.” The greenette’s comment goes unheard again as Ochaco continues with a dramatic pout.

“I know you’re only in this relationship for my body.” Izuku rolls his eyes at her sarcastic statement. “But, even if you’re an ass man, you should appreciate all of me.” Ochaco bites her lip while flashing her eyelashes at the shrunken man in her hand.

The only reaction she gets is Izuku sighing in exasperation at her playful antics.

Undeterred, the giantess’ smile becomes mischievous. “Buuuut, since that spot is currently occupied.” Ochaco gives her ass a shake to emphasize her point. “Why don’t I put you somewhere else?”

If that comment wasn’t ominous enough, the fact the hand holding Izuku started descending past her ample breasts was a sure fire indicator. Looking down, the young man sees the girl’s other hand opening the front of her gym shorts and panties.

He’s about level with her exposed belly button when Ochaco’s hand releases him. Free falling for a second until landing onto the silky fabric of her underwear. Lying on his back, Izuku's view above is blocked by the pair of floating planets. However, he doesn’t have to see his girlfriend’s face to picture the smug look plastered on her rosy face.

“By the way~,” Ochaco calls from on high with a teasing voice. “My last workout for today is… Squats!”

Those are the last words the Little hears before the Borb lets go of the waist band. The tight panties propel the 4-¼” tall man face first into her waiting puss*.

The giantess let out a husky moan upon feeling her boyfriend squirm against her most sensitive spot. She’s tempted to forget the workout all together and play with the little man inside her underwear. Unfortunately, the giantess banishes the horny though while adjusting her shorts.

“I could play with Izuku later,” the voluptuous woman says with a disappointing sigh. Nevertheless, she walks over to the barbell with a determined expression. “Focus! I gotta get my strength up!” The brunette grips the barbell firmly while adjusting herself into a proper squatting form. “Otherwise, I won’t be able to use Izuku’s Quirk.” Lifting the 2000 pound weight off the rack, the nearly 10 foot tall amazon begins squatting.

With each downstroke of her muscular thighs, each Little is driven further into the giantess’ most private areas. One in the rear being flatten into her sweaty asshole while the other in front getting pounded by her wet puss*.

All of Izuku’s senses are overloaded by the giant vagin* smacking into him. The immense heat radiating from her body makes it feel like he’s in a sauna. Meanwhile, her sweat and vagin*l liquid mix increase the dampness all around him. The thick, clear fluid begins to cake Izuku’s entire body. His mouth and nose being assaulted by the giantess' erotic taste and smell.

The intoxicating senses make the ninth holder of OFA feel lightheaded. Izuku can feel his penis rubbing against her wet folds with each downstroke. It drives the man crazy. In a drunken state of lust, he decides he wants to make her feel just as good. With a smug smile, the horny man drives his arms in her entrance.

At the starting position of her next squat, Ochaco moans at the feeling of her little lover massaging her vagin* entrance with his dexterous hands. If that wasn’t enough, he starts licking around her hooded cl*tor*s.

“Uuugggghhhh~! Come- uuuuhhhh~- on!” the horny brunette pants out. “Power- Auuuuugggghhh~ through it!” Gritting her teeth, Ochaco starts her next set of squats.

Tokage can feel the giantess reacting to whatever’s causing her to let out slu*tty moans in the middle of the empty gym. The humidity inside her cheeks increase tenfold while the pink hole puckers with each rep. Honestly, the lizard girl finds the whole situation unbelievably arousing.

“Holy sh*t!” Tokage states breathlessly. “I shouldn’t feel this way, but DAMN! This is hot!”

Abandoning her inhibitions, the scaly girl starts to finger herself to not feel left out. That’s when she notices the hole right in front of her. The sight of the tight, pink hole makes Tokage even wetter.

“f*ck it.”

The lizard girl drives right in dragging her tongue around the giantess’ hole. The taste catches her off guard. Not because it’s repulsive rather the exact opposite. Maybe because Littles can survive off a Borb’s bodily fluids, but the thirsty girl can’t stop herself from lapping at the hole like a lollipop.

“Well sh*t! Huuuuggghhhh~,” Ochaco cries as she can feel the shrunken girl starting to play with her asshole. “I didn’t expect- ahhhhhhh~ -her to be so eager.” Her eyes look back at her rear that shakes vigorously during her final exercise. “Not that I’m compla- AAAAIIIIIIGGGGGHHH~~~!!!”

The thoughts of her fellow heroine-in-training are interrupted by the sudden sensation of something or rather someone entering into her.

Izuku had finally gotten the giantess’ sensitive nub exposed. The pretty pink pearl is smooth and hard to the touch. Looking down at his own erection, a bright idea sparks into the horny man’s head.

“She’ll hate me for this. Especially during a workout,” Izuku says to himself as he firmly grabs the cl*tor*s for leverage. “Oh well. She should have thought of that before dropping me down here.” Drawing from his previous climbing experience, the greenette grips his anchor point firmly before plunging his legs into the tight, moist cavern.

Izuku’s entire world shakes violently with a deafening bellow from on high. Riding out the quake, the small hero pushes himself into the damp chamber up to his waist with ease. The slick walls wrap around his legs snuggly making it somewhat difficult to move. Yet, that doesn’t stop the lean man from doing his own workout. Performing various kicks from scissors, flutters to crunches all while fighting the resistance of his girlfriend’s tight vagin*.


The sensation is indescribable, making the giantess go insane. She barely manages to keep herself steady while balancing the barbell on her traps.

“OOOOOHHHHH~ f*ck!!! When’d the- UUUGGGGHHH~ -greenbeans decide to coordinate!?” The assault from both sides is enough to make the giantess desperately abandon her workout. “Ain’t- AAAAHHHHH~ -no way to Littles- OOOUUUUHHHHH~ -are gonna stop my workout!!!!” With a strained expression, Ochaco presses on with her final set.

Unfortunately, that was a fatal mistake.

During her descent, the massive ass cheeks spread far apart slightly loosening her backdoor. Something the girl lapping around it notices. Seizing the opportunity, the horny lizard dives right in without a second thought.

The giantess shots straight up with a crimson face. The shock causes her to grip the barbell with all five fingers. Not even realizing the weight on her shoulders lift, Ochaco clenches her cheeks tightly in an effort to stop the shrunken girl.

It’s too late. Tokage manages to already crawl her entire 8 inch body into Ochaco’s rectum.

Surrounded by her kidnapper’s hot, soft flesh, Tokage inhales deeply. The air is stale with a much more pungent scent with a hint of the same aroma, vanilla and jasmine, as outside. Not caring about the intense smell, the thirsty girl begins to lick along the warm walls. The taste from before is amplified even more inside the clean anus.

“f*ck!!!” Tokage’s hands drift toward his puss*. “I’M SUCH AN ASS slu*t!!!!” Fingering herself, her spiny tail wags against the tight walls.

“HHHUUUUGGGGHHHH~~!!!” A lustful moan fills the empty gym. The lizard girl feels like a living buttpl*g inside her ass. Increasing the giantess’ arousal even more so than before.

“Deku’s the only one I let in my ass before,” Ochaco thinks while trying to stay on her feet. “I didn’t know having someone else in there would feel soooo goooooood~. ” Ochaco smiles as her blush deepens. “But, it helps having my little Deku working the front.”

After working up a sweat, Izuku slows his kicks down to catch his breath.

“Man, what a workout,” the young man says as he wipes his brow. “I wish I had something to drink.”

His eyes are drawn to the slick, smooth nub being used as a hand hold. He should know it’s not a nipple, so there’s no milk. Nonetheless, in his lustful daze, all he can think of is latching on.

The thirsty greenette licks the cl*tor*s like a man possessed. Going so far as to even nibble it in an attempt to get a reaction like the nipple before.

He certainly got a reaction, but probably not the one the 4-¼ inch tall man thought. Because the world comes crashing down.

At the moment when Izuku began playing with her cl*t, a jolt of pleasure shot up her spine. It feels like nothing she’s experienced thus far.

Her knees give out as her astronomical ass smacks into the gym mat below. The barbell is released from her grip, but, since her Quirk’s activated on it, the heavy weight simply floats in the air. Ochaco doesn’t seem to care as her expression is contorted into one of immense ecstasy.

The impact causes him to lose his grip while at the same time shoving him further into the slick entrance of Ochaco’s sex. Izuku regains some rationality of the situation as he’s swallowed up to his armpits. Pushing against the outer lips, he attempts to pull himself out.

Too bad, someone else has other plans.

Ochaco has completely given up on her workout. Sitting on her knees, the rosy cheeked girl presses her fingers into the front of her pants. She feels her little lover trying to squirm his way out of her. With a gentle yet forceful push, Ochaco opposes him by shoving Izuku entirely into her.

“AAAAAHHHHHHH~~! IZUKU~!” Ochaco huskily yells at the feeling of her boyfriend fighting against her squeezing vagin*.

Getting squeezed from all sides, Izuku feels like he’s getting a more intense full body massage compared to her breasts. His dick rubbing against her walls slick with juices gives him immense pleasure. Moaning loudly, some of the liquid enters his mouth. The taste is unbelievably delicious. It was on par with her milk, but an altogether different experience.

He starts lapping around her walls to quench his earlier thirst. While at the same time, his hips thrust into the damp folds of her inner wall. Not only trying to drive himself to climax, the Little also moves his arms and legs around to pleasure his caretaker even more.

Tokage can hear movement somewhere in the distance. Not entirely sure what it is, she can assume it’s causing her current hide to become a violent quivering tunnel. The strong muscles mash around her like she’ll be grounded into paste.

The erotic sensation turns her on even more. Desperately fingering herself, her entire body rolls around inside the astronomical ass. Her tail swinging every which while with her teeth bite into the tender flesh as she suppresses her needy moans.

Having her puss* and ass played with at the same time is something entirely new for the giantess. It’s unbelievably wonderful, causing her to cry desperately for release.

Ochaco starts playing with her breasts in an attempt to bring her closer to climax. Massaging the hefty tit* in each hand, her fingers pinch her protubing nipples through her shirt. As wet spots soak through her sports bra and shirt, the giantess moans lustfully.

The giantess continues to work her nipples as her workout buddies take care of her other sensitive areas. All three college students can feel themselves reaching the end.

Izuku decides to end the threesome with a bang. With green electricity dancing across his body, he begins to thrust his hips with more force while throwing his arms and legs around inside his girlfriend to push her over the edge.

Ochaco screams loudly in ecstasy as her whole body convulses. The walls around Tokage and Izuku squeeze tightly making the two feel like they’ll be crushed by the sheer pressure. Though, the erotic sensation pushes the other two over the edge as well.

All three cum simultaneously. Tokage squirts inside the shaking anus. Izuku unloads an impressive load against the vagin*l walls squeezing around him. Ochaco c*ms so violently that her tiny boyfriend is ejected out of her vagin*.

Falling back onto the floor mat with a heavy thud, the giantess lays there basking in the afterglow.

“sh*t… That was one hell of a workout.”

An exhausted Izuku reclines his back against the wall. The cool tile feels wonderful on his warm skin.


The gentle sound of water falling gives the shrunken man a sense of relaxation. Especially after his latest sexual escapades. Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath inhaling the scent of vanilla and jasmine in the air.

With a content sigh, he says, “Nothing beats a shower after a workout.”

“A bath would be better.”

Izuku cracks his eyes open slightly to see Tokage sitting on the opposite side of the shower shelf. The 8 inch tall greenette has her legs swinging over the edge as she looks out into the cascading waterfall.

His freckled cheeks redden slightly at seeing her naked backside. “Sorry. But class is going to be starting soon.”

Her dusk eyes turn towards him. Not even batting an eye that he's fully naked as well, she asks, “Why are you apologizing?” Without breaking eye contact, she jams a finger toward the center of the downpour. “If anything it’s your girlfriend’s fault over there.”

Following her finger, Izuku watches the water rolling down the curves of his giantess girlfriend, Ochaco.

Once the mess in the gym was cleaned, the giantess entered the shower straight away. She then placed the two on the shower shelf after giving each of them a thorough scrubbing. The pair now smelling like his girlfriend’s vanilla jasmine body wash.

The voluptuous figure is fully exposed for her two spectators to see. With their current seats being slightly below crotch level, the Littles get a jaw dropping view of the gravity goddess. Her beautiful, round planets obstruct their view of her pretty face while covering a proportion of chiseled hills rolling down to her beautiful oasis glistening in the light.

“You’re one lucky man, huh?” Tokage asks as she too takes in the sight.

“Yeah, I definitely scored out of my league,” he says with a wide smile on his face.

The two sit in silence with nothing but the sound of running water and Ochaco scrubbing her body

“Look, I just want to say,” the lizard girl breaks the silence with a vulnerable tone. “I’m sorry… for earlier.”

The young man can’t see her expression with her back to him. Yet, despite being twice his height, the young girl seems small with her sunken shoulders and spiny tail curling around herself. The sincerity in her voice and guilty body language give Izuku all he needs to know to signify that she’s truly sorry for her actions.

“That’s alright,” Izuku says with sincerity. “You aren’t the first one to try and claim me for themselves.”

“At least you apologized.” Izuku thinks as a spiky blond comes to mind.

“That’s not an excuse!,” Tokage fires back with no real venom. “I just… didn’t want to lose another Little.”

The last part came out softly, but the perceptive Little hears it clearly. Before he can ask, the sound of running water stops.

“Man, I needed that shower!” Ochaco’s cheerful voice calls out. Feeling absolutely refreshed, she looks down at her little shower mates with a bright smile. However, her smile fades upon seeing them.

Lowering herself down into a squat position, the two Littles still have to crank their necks to look her in the eye. At least now they can see her face with the vast mountains hanging on her chest.

“What’s the matter?,” Ochaco concernedly asks. “Looks like you two ate some bad mochi.”

“It’s amazing even at such a great size she can tell if something’s wrong. Even if she could use a better analogy,” the ‘OFA is a microwave’ metaphor user thinks with a soft smile.

“Yeah, Tokage was just apologizing for what happened when we first met,” Izuku calls up to the giantess as he stands. Tokage’s sight shifts from the brunette to the smaller greenette as he walks over to her. Standing next to the amazon sitting on the shelf, he says directly to her with a bright smile, “And I was forgiving her for the misunderstanding.”

With her face burning, the lizard girl looks away from the shrunken man as her scaly tail wags happily. Izuku’s smile grows at seeing the amazon’s reaction.

The moment is interrupted by a giant pair of fingers gently squeezing his sides before hoisting him upward. Where Izuku is greeted by the titanic face of Ochaco pouting cutely.

Before he can ask what’s the matter, Ochaco takes a deep breath before saying, “I’m glad you made up, but don’t be giving people the wrong idea.” Her gaze turns toward the little lizard down below. Tokage freezes as the giantess stares straight into her soul. “Because he’s mine. Understand?”

Tokage viscous nodding her head.

“I thought this was a mutual relationship?”

The sarcastic tone draws Ochaco away from the startled lizard to her cute boyfriend. He has a cheeky smile on his face.

“It is,” she states with an innocent smile as she plays along.

“Oh, then why’d you shove her up your ass?”

Tokage fidgets at the statement. Her time in the abyss wasn’t completely pleasant, but Tokage would be lying if she said she enjoyed it.

“It was your idea.”

“I said make her a workout buddy. Not a butt plug,” Izuku counters before sighing. “Though I should have clarified.”

“Awww, are you jealous?,” the brunette teases.

“Maybe,” the greenette coyly says with a pout.

The giantess rolls her eyes in a playful manner. Then, an idea pops into her head. “Let me make it up to you.”

Ochaco lowers him down to her left breast. Simultaneously, Izuku feels the telltale sign of becoming smaller.

Tokage watches from the sidelines in amazement as the 4-¼” inch tall man pinched between the giantess’ fingers begins to shrink before her eyes.

By the time the brunette pins him against her nipple, Izuku is now 1 inch tall. The nipple, which was nearly his size earlier, is easily triple his current height.

The young man squirms against the bumpy surface when he feels his feet slip into an opening. Accidentally entering her nipple, the fingers supporting his body push him further in. He’s shoved up to his waist when it clicks what his girlfriend is doing.

Looking up, all he sees is the beautiful round face of the woman he trusts the most (besides his mom) with a smug grin. “Have fun!”

Without any other fanfare, Izuku Midoriya is fully pushed into her left breast.

Ochaco closes her eyes enjoying the satisfying sensation of her diminutive boyfriend inside her once again. Even though it’s in a different location.

“Y-y-you just breast-vore your boyfriend.”

Ochaco opens her eyes as she remembers the other Little in the shower. The lizard girl is looking at her with a mix of disbelief, fear, and arousal. “Oh, don’t worry! We’ve done this before.”

“Really?” The skepticism in the lizard girl’s voice is palpable.

“Yup, though it was by accident the first time,” Ochaco’s permanent blush deepens at the memory. “But now it’s become something of a second home.” She cups her left breast that swallowed Izuku. “I don’t really feel comfortable shrinking him that small. But, since I know he’s somewhere safe and sound, I don’t worry too much. Plus, he’s got plenty to eat while in there.”

The giantess releases her breast causing it to jiggle and squirt some milk out.

“Y-yeah… I bet,” Tokage says transfixed by the astronomical boob.

“Wanna join~?,” Ochaco whispers in a husky voice.

The 8 inch tall girl nods hypnotically before shaking her head into a panic. “Yes- I mean no! I mean if you're offering. But you already have a Little. Unless you want another! Which I don’t mind, but shouldn’t you ask your boyfriend. Or were you lying before? But that doesn’t make sense based on how sweet you two are together. Unless-” Tokage begins to fidget on the shower shelf with her tail wagging up and down in confusion.

“Hahahahaha, you’re so cute when you get flustered,” Ochaco smiles down at the blushing lizard. Tokage stops as her tail stands straight up in attention. Her eyes focus on the giant talking face looming above her. “Thank you for calling Deku and I a sweet couple. And sorry for teasing. Like I said, I want Deku all to myself.”

“Shouldn’t that mean you are also exclusively his?”

Ochaco understands what the 8 inch woman is getting at. “Yep. I don’t plan on finding another partner shrunken or regular sized,” her bubbly voice states with absolute certainty. “I put you between my cheeks because Izuku was alright with it and it was supposed to be punishment for trying to kidnap my boyfriend.” Ochaco throws Tokage a look while the Little looks away in embarrassment and fear.

The giantess’ expression then becomes soft and amused. “Honestly, I didn’t think you would enjoy it so much! Least of all voluntarily go into my ass. Hahahahahaha!” Ochaco laughs while Tokage wishes the ground would swallow her whole. “But maybe I should have learned from that Little bastard from before. He seems to have a thing for feet now.”


“Nothing,” Ochaco waves off the question. She then looks directly at the shrunken heroine-in-training. “Look, I don't plan on claiming you for myself.”

“Oh,” Tokage knew it was coming, but she couldn't help the disappointment in her voice from escaping.

“Hey, don’t be so gloomy.” Reaching her finger out, she gently lifts the lizard’s head. “It’s nothing to do with you. It’s just that I already have my Deku. He’s wonderful, but he’s also a handful.”

Her left breast jiggles violently at the statement.

Ignoring it, Ochaco continues her speech. “I can take care of you for the time being. Heck, I’m already looking after an exploding hedgehog until I find him a good home. Honestly, you seem much easier to deal with. So, finding a caretaker should be easy.”

Ochaco gives the girl a reassuring smile. “That being said, I'll have to update your status as a Little. In addition, call your family to see what they want to do. Only if you’re comfortable with letting them know.”

Tokage appreciates Ochaco asking for her opinion. Littles may be gaining more social standing as of late, but that doesn’t mean old habits will fade away anytime soon. She’s had first hand experience of how a parent or guardian reacts when their ward is shrunken.

Shaking away the old memory, Tokage says, ”You can call my folks. They actually have Little Caretaker Licenses (LCLs).” Based on the burnette’s expression, she’s pleasantly surprised by that fact. “But I would rather have someone my own age help me find a caretaker. It’ll be too awkward to ask my folks to basically play matchmaker.”

Ochaco gives her an understanding smile. “Sure, I’d be happy to.”

A hand the size of a king’s bed rises up to just below Tokage’s dangling feet. Without a second thought, the lizard girl hopes off the ledge onto the soft palm. She situates herself to be sitting cross legged with her rough tail brushing against the person sized fingers.

Ensuring her passenger is secure, Ochaco slowly raises to her full height of 9 feet 8 inches while maintaining a steady hand at chest level. Bring her hand up slowly, the brunette gently sets the 8 inch tall woman onto her left shoulder.

With both hands free, Ochaco grabs a towel to dry herself.

Tokage detaches her head from her body to talk to her temporary caretaker.

“Soooo, got anyone in mind as my future caretaker?” Tokage asks in a playfully voice with a hint of curiosity. “Oh, by the way, I can swing either way. Boy or girl.” Ochaco watches as the floating head blushes while simultaneously feeling her tail wag against her shoulder. “Honestly, maybe after today I’m leaning more towards girls.”

The gravity defying heroine can’t help but chuckle at the reaction from the cute lizard. Stepping out of the shower, Ochaco addresses the Little.

“Hmmm, I have some ideas. But, I do know someone who you might like.”

As the two chat, all Izuku hears is muffled sounds drowned out by the waves of milk. The inch tall Little ended up inside one of many milk ducts running through the planet sized boob. Any normal Little would be panicking at his current situation, but Izuku’s accustomed to his girlfriend’s breast.

Izuku has no fear of drowning after learning he doesn’t need much air to survive. Either due to his small size or his biology changing when forming a Bond, he can hold his breath for extended periods of time. He still needs air, but there’s a sufficient amount coming into canals from Ochaco’s nipple.

Hunger is a nonissue being surrounded by highly nutritious and delicious milk. The only concern is the lack of light. Even then, his eyes have already adjusted enough to at least see five feet ahead of him. Which is how the freckled man knows he ended up in one of the smaller ducts.

Currently, he’s up to his neck in a hot tub sized pool of milk. The warm, creamy liquid feels amazing along his skin.

“Well mind as well get comfy,” the young man says to himself. “Doubt I’ll be out anytime soon.”

Settling into his milk bath, Izuku begins to drift off to sleep. After an exhausting morning, who could blame him. The steady beating heart of the gentle giantess gives the Little a sense of comfort knowing he’s safe and sound with someone who truly cares for him despite his small size.

A smile stretches across his freckled face as he’s lulled into a deep sleep.

Ochaco's Workout Buddies - GrumpyTortleSage - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.