ArcWalker: Jaune Arc Vs The Multiverse - Chapter 2 - Shadowwalker22 (2024)

Chapter Text

"JAUNE!!?" Exclaimed everyone in surprise.

Through the viewing of the holographic screen, standing in what appeared to be in the middle of a gas station with his blonde hair, blue eyes and jeans, and signature black hoodie, was their missing friend and leader.

Jaune Arc.

"Why is it showing Jaune!?" Asked Ruby in shock.

"I thought this was supposed to show us another world, not vomit boy. And what is he doing at a gas station?" said Yang in confusion.

Weiss was as equally confused as her two teammates, though refrain from exclaiming as such as she turned towards the Goddess to regard her with renewal suspicion.

"What is this?" She asked. Thinking that this was some trick. "You brought us here against our will because this apparently concerned us correct?" Weiss was not amused at the thought of being forcibly brought here only to finally know the whereabouts of the missing dolt they were looking for. "Is this supposed to be some joke that-"

"It's dark out" Blake pointed out, interrupting Weiss's questioning.

"What?" Weiss looked over to Blake to see the cat Faunus narrowing her eyes while pointing at the screen.

"It's dark. It was still early afternoon when we left beacon, yet it looked to be night wherever Jaune is"

Weiss and the others looked through the viewing again more closely and saw that Blake was right. It was night time where Jaune was, even when there shouldn't be if he was simply somewhere in Vale.

If he was even in Vale.

He didn't even look to be anywhere near a city judging by his surroundings. But when the camera panned out to show the night sky, everyone was shocked by what they saw.

"Look at the Moon!!" Nora shouted, feeling a sense of awe as she gaze at the unbroken moon hovering in the night sky.

The others were no better, as they stared with widened eyes at a moon that was so different from their own. Unbroken and whole. If there were any skepticism about other worlds being a thing, despite meeting a Goddess and being in her realm, they were one hundred percent squash. But that also led to a serious problem.

"Wait. If this truly is a different world...then that means..." Ren couldn't finish his words as the realization hit him, almost at the same time as it did everyone else.

"That the person we're here to watch, that's been displaced and is stranded in the multiverse, is Jaune" Blake finished for him somberly.


"Fearless leader!!"

Pyrrha, Ruby, and Nora cried out in horror at what's been done to their friend and leader. Never did that thought that their missing friend would in fact, be missing in a different world entirely!!

Pyrrha's head was spinning as she watch her clueless crush on the screen looking around in confusion. He was alone. Alone and probably had no idea where he was. He's been taken from his home, his world, his friends....All because of a Goddess who-

Shooting up from her seat in an uncharacteristic fit of anger, Pyrrha locked her rage filled gaze onto the unbothered Goddess responsible for this entire mess.

"What did you do to him?" Growled Pyrrha, her fingers twitching for her missing weapon.

Tia regarded the angry Amazonian of a woman for a brief second, tilting her horned head curiously before looking back at the viewing.

"I did mention that I've accidentally displaced someone" she said simply. "It was just unfortunate that it just so happened to be your Jaune"

Ruby worriedly glanced at Pyrrha to see that the answer did little to satisfy the angry red head, who seemed ready to duke it out with a literal Goddess. And while she understands her friend's anger, that was a fight in which Ruby was sure that not even the great Invincible Girl could win.

"Can't you just bring him here?" Ruby asked, in an attempt to break the tension. "Or back on remnant. You brought us here, and you were the one who sent him there in the first place so you can just do whatever you did again!!"

Everyone took in what Ruby said and immediately agreed that it made sense. There was no point in all of this if the core problem could be solved by simply bringing Jaune back over to their world. With the ease in which the Goddess brought them here, surely it could be done again with Jaune. The question is, why didn't she already do it?

When all eyes focused on Tia for an answer, or signs that she was preparing to manifest Jaune out of thin air, the Goddess, in response to all their attention....

Averted her eyes and coughed into her hand.

"I can't" she muttered.

"What was that?" Blake asked with narrowed eyes, her cat ears twitching under her bow.

"I said I can't Goddamnit!!" She yelled in irritation, surprising the group as they watched the Goddess's face contorted into a vicious snarl. "I was completely plastered when I lost that bet and used my powers. Do you know how hard it is to get a Goddess drunk!?" She pinned a startled Nora who was the closest to her with a withering glare.


"Well it isn't hard at all!!" She continued on, not giving Nora a chance to respond. "If only I didn't let that asshole....Ahem" Realizing that she was about to go on an angry tirade, Tia cleared her throat in an attempt to regain her composure.

It wouldn't do for a Primordial Goddess such as herself to show such disgraceful behavior before mortals.

Clearing her throat once again, Tia focused her attention back on her young guest.

"Anyway, I can't" she said it so smoothly, as if she wasn't just in a fit of rage a literal second ago.

Not willing or ignoring the strange looks the two groups were giving her, Tia continued on with her reasoning.

"First and foremost, despite me being a powerful Goddess in my own right, I am bound by cosmic laws and restrictions when it comes to certain aspects of the multiverse. My ability to interact with worlds outside my influence is limited, and the only reason I was able to bring you all here was due to there being no restrictions in place, or Gods present over your world to stop me" she smiled slightly at some of the frowns she received at the knowledge of no Gods existing over remnant. At least, not in an official capacity. It was a good thing that none of them were very religious.

"It was because of this...inept oversight," she continued on, not allowing any questions for the moment. "And the fact that your own small pocket of space is practically on the edge of my borders, that I was allowed to connect our two worlds together through the veil unimpeded, and pluck you all from your world and into my own domain without much trouble"

"But what does that mean for Jaune?" Asked Pyrrha with barely held patience, but Tia took it in stride.

"Jaune was...handled differently. Due to me being...well, inebriated," she ignored their glaring gaze. "I didn't properly construct the necessary pathway that would normally allow the connection between two worlds like I did with all of you. Instead, I used the power of summoning. A powerful ability that allows the instant taking of a chosen individual from one world to another with little limitations by the multiverse itself"

"And this is different from what you did to us?" Questioned Weiss with a raised brow.

"Extremely" nodded Tia, shifting her gaze for a moment as she looked towards the viewing at said boy and frowned when his curious yet clueless gaze moved to look towards the darkened store, unbeknownst as of yet of just what he was in for.

"Disregarding that Jaune was taken and randomly thrown without thought nor direction in a vast Multiverse filled with countless Gods, Demons, and other powerful entities...He's been touched by my power. Essentially becoming my champion which unfortunately for him, comes at a cost. Even if I'm allowed, I cannot summon nor physically assist him. It would be too risky, and unless you all want him to be noticed by these entities and risk his safety," Tia looked back at the group and noticed with satisfaction, that her meaning was becoming clear as they all shared worried glances with one another.

"Then I suggest waiting. I've already taking steps to return him home. So in the meantime...why not just sit back, relax and watch a Jaune Arc Multiverse Adventure!!! YAY!!!"

As the Goddess of Dragons cheered in her own little corner, the two groups of teams were far less thrilled as they really didn't like the prospect of sitting here watching as their friend is forced to deal with the dangers of whatever was in the multiverse.

"What do we do?" Ruby looked helplessly to each of her friends, all sharing the same worried expression.

"What can we do" stated a frowning Blake. "From the sound of it, Jaune's on his own. And all we can do is watch"

"Ughh, this sucks" Yang groaned. "Hopefully vomit boy doesn't have to deal with anything too difficult. I mean, how dangerous could other worlds actually be compared to what we have to deal with when it comes to the Grimm"

"Don't tempt fate like that" Weiss sent a scolding look towards the surprise blonde brawler. "As much as I don't like this, we don't know what's out there. There could be things far worst than Grimm"

Yang shivered at the thought of anything being worst than soulless, man eating creatures of darkness. She would have to see it to believe it.

"Well I think Jaune-Jaune got this!!" Nora said from her end of the couch, her confident and trusting smile belied the worry she had in her eyes. "He's the fearless leader for a reason. He'll beat and smack whatever the stupid Multiverse throws at him!! Go Jaune!! You got this!!"

As Nora joins Tia in cheering for her favorite fearless leader, Ren spared a look towards the still standing Pyrrha who had her worried gaze fixed on the image of Jaune on the screen. "Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha said nothing to her teammate as she continued taking in the form of her lost crush. She feared for his safety. Worried that he was all alone. And they....could do nothing but sit and watch.

She hated this.

She hated this so much.

"....We'll watch over him" she said at last, sitting back in her seat. "And hope he makes it back to us"

Ren stared at the anxious red head for a few moments before nodding his agreement and turning back to face the screen, his eyes ever watchful and hoping for his friend and leader's safe return. “Stay safe Jaune"

Seeing her young guests beginning to settle and accept the situation for what it is, Tia couldn't help the sly smile that spread across her face as she sat back against her tail and prepared to watch a long, entertaining showing.

"Oh, how I missed causing discord across the multiverse. And with another Arc no less. I wonder O blood mine, how fare you compare to your forefather." she joyfully thought, as the holographic viewing truly began the first of many, Multiversal Adventures.

Resident Evil

There was a bit of confusion as red and white bolded letters slowly materialize on the screen like a title card during a movie. When they all direct their questioning looks at the Goddess, Tia simply shrugged before conjuring up a bowl of popcorn.

"I thought it would add to the viewing. Giving it a name to differentiate from other worlds. Oh, if your ever hungry there's a kitchen through that door"

She pointed at the door that (J)PNR entered from, opening it up to show a large decked out kitchen with a refrigerator, pantry, stove, vending machines, and many other equipment fit for all their needs.

Seeing the Goddess once again worked her magic no longer surprised the two groups, as they come to accept that she was able to do anything here in her own world. Even so, no one made a move to stand up to get any food or snacks. Only acknowledging it, as they were entirely focused on the happenings going on in the viewing.

"What do you think resident evil means?" Asked a worried Ruby.

"With the word evil in it, probably nothing good" Blake answered.

"Only one way to find out" Yang's words made everyone sit up straight and prepared themselves for what's to come as the title card slowly fade back into the background.

Jaune remained standing where he was as he couldn't quite figure out what he should be doing just yet.

"He looks so lost and confused" mourn a sad Pyrrha.

He's been lost in his head for a good minute or two, trying to figure out if he should stay where he was, or roam around the area. Unfamiliar as it was, Jaune still refused to fully believe the words of that supposed Goddess. She was just some weird figure conjured up by some strange part of his own imagination anyway.

"That little sh*t!! I told him he wasn't dreaming. That everything was real. And who are you calling weird you idiot!?" The Goddess was quite wroth with the Arc's refusal to accept his reality. She knew if he didn't, then sooner or later he would find himself dead or worst....corrupted.

"He think this is a dream?" Weiss asked, with a frown tugging on her lips. "It makes sense I suppose. I certainly wouldn't believe if someone told me I was in another world"

"Either way, I hope Jaune wakes up and realizes he isn't dreaming" Ren soberly said.

"I just think it's weird we can read his thoughts" Yang brought up, shifting uncomfortably. "Feels a bit..."

"Invasive" Bake helped.

"Wrong" Ruby added.

"Completely intruding on his privacy" muttered a frowning Pyrrha.

"Yeah, all that. Can't say I would feel very comfortable with people reading my thoughts without me knowing" Yang look to Tia so see the dragoness about to feed herself a handful of popcorn before stopping at spotting Yang's stare.

"It adds context" Tia defended. "Plus it comes with the viewing orbs, so it's not something I have power over" the helpless shrug she gave the blonde brawler wasn't fooling her, as Yang didn't believe for a second that the Goddess of this place didn't have total control over everything here.

Turning back to face the screen, Yang decided not to dwell on it too much and focused on the helpless vomit boy who decided to head towards the dark store.

Coming to a decision, and seeing no point in just helplessly standing around doing nothing, Jaune decided he would let his curiosity lead him as he walked towards the blackout store with the open sign up and displayed.

"It's strange that the store says they're open but the lights are out" mused Ren.

"A power outage maybe? It wouldn't be the first time I caused one" said a grinning Nora, much to Ren's helpless sigh.

Reaching for the handle and slowing opening the door, Jaune got a first look of just how dark it was inside. If it wasn't for the random flashlight that just happened to be on the floor in front of the entrance, there was no doubt in Jaune's mind that he wouldn't be able to see a thing.

"It really is dark inside" commented Ruby.

"But what's a flashlight doing in the middle of the floor?" Asked Yang, before hearing a sharp gasp coming from Blake beside her. Looking over to the dark haired faunus, Yang saw how Blake's eyes were wide opened and her face slightly on edge as she stared transfixed on the screen. "Blake?"

"....There's Blood" the sudden words seem to bring everyone to a halt as they registered what the cat faunus uttered. "There was blood just outside the entrance and I can see a trail of blood in the dark in front of Jaune"

Most Faunus had superior senses when compared to a human's.

With night vision being one of them, and Blake's perceptiveness, she was able to see much more clearly in the dark than her friends did and so had a clear view of what they couldn't yet see.

Crouching down, Jaune reached to pick up the flashlight and brought it up to get a better view of his surroundings. There were some knocked over merchandise from the shelves, and moving over a bit more there was.... blood. A good amount of it too.

"Uhh, that can't be good" Jaune nervously said.

This might actually be a horror after all.

"Blake was right. There really is blood" said Weiss.

"What could have happened? A robbery?" Asked Ruby, looking to her sister.

"Mostly likely Rubes" Yang nodded. "Looks like it went bad too, and the blood looks fresh"

"You don't think they're still in there do you?" Asked a worried Pyrrha.

A loud crash echoed somewhere in the back, breaking Jaune from his sight on the blood stain floor and towards the general area he assumed it came from.

Then the groaning started.

"I think that answers your question Pyrrha" frowned Ren.

"Don't worry, Jaune got this!! It's just a bunch of normal bad guys. He could easily deal with them no sweat" reassured Nora in support of her fearless leader.

"Except Arc doesn't have his weapon on him. And we don't even know if these no good crooks have their auras unlock" Weiss mentioned, and felt a little sympathetic when she noticed the confident smile on Nora began to drop slightly.

"Aura doesn't exist in this world" Tia helpfully supplied.

The confident smile returned to Nora's face in full, while the others looked on shocked at a world without aura.

Taking hesitant steps forward, Jaune followed the bloody red trail and the echoing of what sounded like a scuffle going on. Was it the smart thing to do? Probably not. He didn't have his weapon or any form of protection on him. But someone could be in trouble and needed help, and dream or not, Jaune still felt compelled to do something.

He was a huntsman in training after all. If he couldn't do this in a dream, why bother doing it at all.

"That's right fearless leader!! You got this!!" Cheered Nora.

"Just be careful Jaune" muttered a concerned Ruby.

"I just wish he didn't think this was a dream" said Blake.

"Jaune..." In a way, Pyrrha was proud that her partner was stepping up and being the brave and heroic person she always knew him to be. But she also couldn't help the urge to want to be there. To help and protect him. To keep him safe from any possible dangers....but she also knew he needed to grow. To become his own person, and be the man he wanted and she knew he could be.

She just wish it wasn't under these circ*mstances.

Jaune took a deep breath, as he approached the refrigerator aisle and turned the corner with his light flashing down the lane to spot a panting man sitting on the other end, clutching tightly onto the side of his bleeding neck. Not wasting a moment, Jaune moved quickly and knelt at the injured man's side in an attempt to help in some way, but he wasn't sure if he could.

There was a lot of blood.

Ruby became squeamish at the sight of the amount of blood being shown spilling and gushing out of someone's neck. She never could really handle gory scenes when watching any movies with them, but there was still a level of awareness of knowing that any of it wasn't real.


This was real.

And it was so much worst than any movie scenes she's ever seen.

"I'm going to be sick" groan Ruby, while Weiss in a touching moment of rare physical affection, begins rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"Yeah, that looks really bad" said Yang, while also sparing a concerning looks towards her pale sister.

"I don't think there's anything Jaune can really do. That man needs a hospital" from the amount of blood that was spilling through the gap of the man's hand and for however long he's been sitting there bleeding out, Blake was unsure if the poor guy would make it without immediate treatment.

"You alright?" Jaune asked.

The man wheezed out laboring breaths, and merely pointed through the opened door that was next to him where the sound of the scuffling he heard grew louder. Whoever did this was clearly still here, and probably fighting it out with, if Jaune had to guess, the police officer who was nowhere to be seen earlier.

He should quickly go help the cop in apprehending the criminal. There could be more than one, and if things go south the officer could be overpowered and possibly killed by the crooks.

But what about this guy? He couldn't just leave him here by himself to bleed out.

"There's nothing you can do for him Jaune" Weiss said solemnly. "Your best bet would be to quickly assist the officer with those hoodlums, then try calling for help"

The scuffle grew louder, more intense, and force Jaune to make the decision to go quickly help the officer then come back to help this man.

Weiss smiles slightly at Jaune listening to her words. Even if he couldn't hear her, it still felt satisfying to know that despite the seriousness of the situation, he's able to make a similar quick decision that she would have made.

"I'll be back. Just uhh, keep pressure on the wound and we'll get you some help" said Jaune.

Standing up and sparing one last look at the bleeding man, Jaune entered through the open door and flashed his light down the barely lit hall.

"I hope Jaune manages to save that poor man" said a still slightly squeamish Ruby, as she felt a little better after not being able to see the blood soaked man.

"I'm sure Jaune will" said Pyrrha, giving a reassuring smile towards the red reaper. "He'll make it a priority once he dispatch these criminals. You know how caring and dedicated he can be"

"Oh yeah, the guy's really dedicated" Yang chuckles and gave Weiss a teasing look. "Weiss-cream here knows it all too well"

Weiss scowls at the teasing blonde brute who was smiling at her mischievously. She wasn't going to dignify her with a response. It's what she would want and something Weiss aims to deny her. So with huff, and daintily crossing her legs with hands folded in her lap, Weiss pointedly ignores the blonde brawler in favor of the viewing screen in front of her.

Pyrrha was as equally unamused, as her finger twitched at the thought of remembering Jaune's pursuit for the heiress affection and hers going entirely unnoticed....perhaps she should ask Yang for a spar when they return home.

Unbeknownst as to the reason why, Yang felt a cold shiver go down her spine.

There was a half closed door on the other end, with grunting and the sound of struggling becoming all the more pronounced. Carefully avoiding the broken bottles on the ground so as to not alert the people on the other side, Jaune moved quickly and quietly as he made it to the door, reached for the handle, and slowly opened it.

The two teams leaned forward and tensed up at the prospect of Jaune about to be thrown into action. Whatever situation was going on through that door, Jaune needed to be ready to handle it quick and resolve the issue so as to get the injured man he left behind treatment.

"Hopefully Jaune can handle this. I don't think I've ever seen him fight without his weapon before" mused Blake.

"I've taught him some hand to hand combat" Ren mentioned to his fellow quiet member. "I believe he's adequate enough to deal with normal thugs"

"Hold still!!" Ordered a voice.

Fully opening the door, Jaune shined his light into the room to see a single police officer pinning the suspected criminal against the wall.

"Sir, do you need help?" Jaune asked.

The officer looked back for a brief moment, taking one of his hands off the suspect to halt Jaune from coming any closer.

"No don't take your hands off him!!" Yelled Yang.

"Stay back sir! I got this" said the officer, before the criminal he had pinned let out a loud roar and violently pushed him off and onto the ground with the criminal quickly falling on top of him.

"Hey!! Get off him!!" Jaune was about to quickly intervene to help but immediately froze when he saw the suspect do something... unexpected.

He bit into the neck of the down officer.

"What the f*ck/heck!?" Cried both Yang and Nora in surprise.

The others were just as shock and disgusted, with Ruby looking blue in the face, Weiss covering her mouth in shock, Ren and Blake staring with widened eyes, and Pyrrha unable to decide if she wants to look away or not.

But it got worse.

The officer screamed in agony as the man that was on him gauged deeper into his neck, tearing into his artery and pulling away with a chunk of flesh that it chewed with blood dripping from its mouth before finally swallowing.

It was one of the most horrific and disgusting things Jaune has ever seen.

Ruby couldn't take it anymore and immediately vomited on to the floor in front of her. The was too graphic, too gory, and way too horrifying to have witness. But more than that...

"Is that..." Weiss, who was as equally blue in the face as her team leader, shuddered at the thing that was being shown through the viewing.

"No way..." said Yang, unable to believe what she was seeing. "There's no way that's a..."

"I think it is..." whispered a horrified Blake.

As the officer breathed his last breath, The man, no...the creature, growled as it slowly raised its head up into the flashlight to give the wanna be knight a clear view of its pale rotting skin, white milky eyes, and blood smeared over his mouth with part of the flesh on his cheek gone. Jaune couldn't believe it. There was no way he was staring at what he thought he was staring at. This creature, clearly wasn't human, heck, it wasn't even alive!!

And the way it stood up off balance and wobbly, moaning and groaning, Jaune only seen one creature in his life that would act remotely similar.

And they were only in movies.

"Oh that a...a..."

"ZOMBIE!!!" Screamed nearly everyone as they stared in shock, horror, and intense fear for their friend.

"Run Jaune!!" Cried a terrified Pyrrha for the frozen boy.

A zombie? An actual literal zombie?

"Don't just stand there you dolt, Do something!!" Said a worried Weiss

"Don't let it bite you fearless leader!!" Nora shouted, as she practically crushed Ren's hand in her own, yet the boy barely register the pain as his eyes remained glued on the screen.

"Wouldnt his aura protect him?" Asked a just as worried Blake, as she quickly looked to the Goddess who had the audacity to merely shrug in response.

"I don't know" she simply said, much to the anger and annoyance to everyone present.

Okay, yeah, now he definitely knows that this is a dream. There was absolutely no way there was an actual zombie coming for him right now. Yep, haha, just a dream. Good one little dream brain up there, really cranking out the good stuff to live out a zombie nightmare. It would really be a good time for Nora to wake him up right about now.

"I wish I could Jaune-Jaune but you're not dreaming!!" Said Nora.

The zombie moved closer.

......Wake up.

"Dammit Jaune!! Move!!" Yelled Yang.

Jaune took a step back.

...Somebody wake him up.

"Jaune please" pleaded Pyrrha, with tears beginning to swell up in her eyes.

The zombie jerked forward in a lunge towards Jaune.

Somebody wake him up!!!

"JAUNE!!!" cried everyone, as the zombie got within arm reach of the terrified boy.

Just before Jaune could act in the last second to dodge or even kick the attacking zombie away, a gun shot rang out, and the zombie's head was blown back by the force. Just as it could right itself, another shot was fired into its head, then another, and slowly it fell backwards onto its back, dead on the ground.

The audible gasps that echoed out around the room were filled with surprise, some relieved. Whoever saved Jaune had their eternal gratitude, and made it so they wouldn't have to watch the possibility of Jaune being bitten and risk infection.

"Oh thank the gods nothing happened to him" said Pyrrha, a hand over her heart and able to breathe a little easier at seeing no harm done to her crush.

Even if there were no gods to really thank.

The Dragon Goddess excluded.

"I owe whoever saved Jaune a bunch of pancakes and all hugs in the world" said a relieved Nora, with Ren nodding along beside her.

A shudder pass through Blake at the image of what she saw. "Zombies" she muttered. "Jaune's in a world that has actual zombies. They're real"

"Yeah..." Yang was as affected as her partner at the thought. She really felt for Jaune. Having to go through this on top of being transported to another world, it must be stressful. "Give me Grimm over a zombie apocalypse any day"

Looking over Blake and to her sister, Yang gave the slightly pale reaper a concerning look. "You ok Rubes?"

Feeling her stomach finally settle after puking her guts out on the floor, which magically cleaned itself within seconds, Ruby gave her sister a weak but reassuring smile. "I'm okay Yang. It was just too gory for me"

"I'll say" agreed Weiss, though she made a disgusted noise at the thought of her partner's puke that thankfully didn't land on her shoes. She did not want to experience what Yang went through.

Blushing embarrassingly at Weiss's reaction, Ruby only offered a quick apology before focusing her attention back on the screen. "I'm glad Jaune is safe, but I want to know who saved him"

Pyrrha was of similar mind, with her nodding and smiling a small smile while also focusing back on the screen "Yes, I would very much like that as well"

A shuddering breath left Jaune as he stared at the unmoving body of the dead zombie on the ground. That was close. Way too close. Freezing up then and there nearly caused him and he wasn't sure if his aura would protect him or not. It didn't help that the movies always portrayed the zombies as creatures able to infect huntsmen and huntresses despite their aura's protection. It was like they had an ability to somehow bypass aura itself, and in turn creating a special type of zombie.

A more dangerous, aura infused, type of zombie.

...He didn't want to risk that.

Even if it wasn't very realistic, he really didn't want to risk that.

Dream or not.

"You okay?"

Looking behind him and into a familiar pair of worried silver eyes, Jaune was visibly relieved to see the one person he met earlier standing there just outside the door with her smoking gun held in front of her.

"Ruby" breathed a relieved Jaune.

"Ruby/Me!!?" Yelled everyone and Ruby in shock.

They all stared with fish like eyes at the clearly older version of the girl who was the youngest amongst them. They all knew that they were watching a complete different world, but to see that it also had different versions of themselves as well was just mind boggling!!

"Oh my gosh!! Ruby, look it's you!! An older version of you, but still you!!" Exclaimed an excited Nora.

"My adorable little sister is all grown up!!" gushed Yang, examining every detail of what could be. "And she grew her hair out like I've been wanting her too. With a cute few strands going down over her eye as well. She also grew in more ways than one ehh, I guess drinking all that milk actually did work ou-"

"Yang!!" Ruby was blushing at her sister's teasing but was just as mesmerized as any other person. Her older self was beautiful, albeit didn't quite look that much older than Yang herself. She also will secretly admit that she was quite very happy with her development. She knew drinking lots of milk was the key!!

As for Weiss....

The heiress looked down at her own little ongoing development and let's just say....she felt cheated!! The world was completely unfair!! How did Ruby surpassed her when she had little to no improvement for the past two years. It was unfair!!

No one mention the fierce scowl Weiss had on her face.

No one but Yang whose mouth Blake immediately covered from saying anything.

"Oh there are many versions of you all throughout the multiverse" said Tia, placing her empty bowl of popcorn on the floor only for it to disappear in mots of light. "Each one different and unique in their own little way"

The thought of seeing many different versions of themselves in so many different other worlds brought a curious and interested look to beacon's hopefuls. They wondered what lives their other selves lived, and what differences their world had compared to their own. Were there other versions of themselves inspiring to do good? Were they Evil? It was an interesting thought. Made them want to watch in the hopes of finding out.

Though they wish it wasn't at the expense of Jaune.

The Ruby before Jaune paused in her approach, giving him a strange expression which left him feeling confused as to why she was looking at him like that. Perhaps it was about how he just stood there when the zombie was coming right at him. Of how he didn't even try to get away or defend himself. He must have looked pretty pathetic in her eyes freezing up the way he did, but then again this was Ruby. Older or not, She probably wouldn't judge him for it.


"Of course I wouldn't!!" Said Ruby.

Before he could even ask though, Ruby resumed her approach to step beside him and gaze at the dead bodies of both the zombie and officer.

"I'm glad I came when I did, but maybe if I was a bit earlier..." said Ruby, with regret visible on her face.

"Yep, still the same kind Ruby too" Yang whispered with a sober smile.

Jaune glanced over at the two dead bodies for a moment. He also had regrets. He should have immediately moved in to help the officer, but he froze when he spotted just what it was that was attacking him. Maybe if he did, the officer would have lived...or have a chance to at least. Now he was dead because of his hesitation.

"This isn't your fault Jaune" surprisingly it was Blake who was the first to speak. "Any one of us would have been shocked at what we saw, and probably do the same. Don't blame yourself for what happened"

The others agreed and thought similar, they didn't blame the blonde knight for his hesitation. Nobody would have expected a zombie of all things in the current situation. It was so unbelievable, anyone would have been in disbelief at the sight.

Shaking his head, Jaune took a deep breath, then placed his hand on Ruby's shoulder to get her attention.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for what happened" silver met blue. "If anything it's my fault, I'm the one who froze up and let this happen. I could have helped"

"Then I'd probably be shooting a zombie over two corpses" said Ruby with a wry smile.

Jaune breathed a weak chuckle through his nose before giving Ruby's shoulder a light squeeze then taking a step back.

"We should get out of here" said Jaune.

"So are we going to get a Jaune and older Ruby against the zombie apocalypse adventure?" Asked Nora

"Seems that way Nora. Though we should wish them safety in this dangerous endeavor" answered Ren, massaging the aching hand that was once in Nora's grip.

"Hmm..." Nora rubs her chin as she hums to herself while looking at Jaune and the older version of Ruby on the screen. She was having thoughts. Many, many thoughts. Looking over at the smaller Ruby then back at the bigger one, Nora continued having many, many, interesting thoughts. "Interesting. Very interesting..."

Ren, who was sitting next to a contemplating Nora, knew from experience that he should watch out and prepare for whatever was going through that head of hers. He didn't need a repeat of "the pancake incident".

Meanwhile, Tia could barely hold in her laughter upon reading the very, very, Interesting thoughts the hammer wielding girl was having.

Jaune was about to walk back down the way he came but Ruby grabbed his arm to stop him in place.

"Wait" she said. "That door is locked. The guy that was there closed it behind me when I came in and I couldn't open it when I tried"

"What?" Asked a surprised Jaune.

"What the hell? So what, did the dude think to lock them both in there with the zombie? After Jaune had planned on helping him" Said an annoyed Yang.

"I suppose some people just aren't worth the hassle of saving" said a cold Weiss.

Ruby nodded at his surprise expression, having felt it as well. "Yeah. But there's another door here" walking over to said door that led behind the counter up front, Ruby pushed down on the handle but realized the immediate problem. "Really? It's locked from the inside?"

"Is that normal in a gas stations?" Ruby asked her sister.

Yang shrugged. "Couldn't tell you. Never been behind the counter"

"Great" groused Jaune. "Ok, it has a lock so there should be a key. Hopefully there's one back here and not on that guy out front"

Jaune began moving towards the back, being careful as to move around the two corpses and spotting the manager desk in the corner.

"Here's hoping" muttered Ruby from her place by the door, watching his form disappear before turning to look through the exit small glass window.

Coming to the back and looking around, Jaune quickly found a box on the wall with a single key labeled "storage room" right next to the poster of....professor Goodwitch in a bikini!?

"Woah!! Hot damn" Laughed Yang.

"Quiet you brute" Growled Weiss. "We're not supposed to see our teacher in such an unprofessional manner!!"

"Tell that to Jaune who can't stop looking" said an amuse Yang, who laughed even harder at the glare Weiss sent at a very captivated Jaune.

"Jaune no..." groaned Pyrrha

Jaune stared at the model of his combat teacher. From her unbound hair that was wet and swept back, to her black one-piece with a plunging neckline held together by a string.

If it wasn't already clear how hot the most disciplinary teacher of beacon was, well, this definitely would convince anyone.


"I said Quiet you!!"

Jaune grabbed the key and began making his way back. Again, stepping around the dead bodies.

"I found a key," Jaune announced. "It should get us out of here"

"That's great!" Ruby smiled. "Now let's-"

Groaning was heard behind them. Forcing the two to stop and quickly look to see, to their shock, the zombie Ruby had killed getting back up and onto its feet. It's face a bloody mess with his jaw dangling in place.

"No way!! Other me definitely killed that thing with multiple head shots to the head. It should be dead for sure!!" Said a shock Ruby, doing her best to ignore the gruesome spectacle.

"Head shots don't kill it?" Gasped a worried Pyrrha.

"We probably shouldn't based our knowledge of zombies from movies" said Blake.

But that wasn't all.

The officer also began to slowly get up. The blood fresh from his open wound on his neck seeping through as his face resembled the pale, near death like expression of the zombie next to him.

The infection spread way faster than he thought it would.

"We need to go, Now!!" Urged Jaune, as he moved to unlock the door.

"You don't have to tell me twice!!" Ruby was right behind him as she trained her gun at the two zombies walking towards them.

She didn't have that much ammo, and really didn't want to waste any if she can help it.

Just as Jaune was unlocking the door, more commotion could be heard on the other side, making him stop for only a split second before quickly getting ready to open it.

"Of course there's more. Why wouldn't there be more" whispered a terrified Jaune.

The others were just as scared and tense as they watch Jaune getting ready to face who knows how many zombies were on the other side. They can only hope that he and the other Ruby make it through it somehow.

"Get ready, I hear more on the other side" said Jaune, looking back at Ruby.

Ruby nodded at him, and once the door opened the two rushed out with Jaune quickly closing it behind him and Ruby taking point, setting her sights immediately on the zombified man that had sat by the storage door now walking towards them.

"I guess there was no real chance of helping him anyway if he was infected" Said Ren, though he doubt anyone would feel bad given what the man tried to do.

Jaune was right beside Ruby in an instant, looking at the man he once tried to help before looking to the exit.

"This is our chance, let's go!!" Said Jaune, moving quickly with Ruby right behind him.

Just before they could make it past the second aisle, a rack was knocked over in front of them with a zombie leaping for Jaune and pinning him against the counter.

"Jaune!!" Pyrrha and many others screamed.

"Oh no!!"

"Get it off you!!"

Jaune grunted from the surprise blow and held the zombie by the neck to keep it from biting him. It was strong, unburden by the limitations of the human body and its breath absolutely reeks. And though he did struggle for a bit, with it grabbing at him and pulling, Jaune could tell that it was nothing on the level of say Yang or Nora, and if he were to a apply just bit of aura infused strength around the neck-

"Get off him you undead freak!!"

The zombie's head was rocked to the side by a well placed shot to the head by Ruby.

Thankfully there was no spatter of blood and Jaune was able to push the offending creature away and into the shelves with little effort and blood on him.

"You go Ruby!! Protect our Jaune-Jaune!!" Cheered Nora towards the Ruby on this side of the viewing.

"T-that's not me Nora" stammered Ruby.

The others let out a round of sighs at seeing Ruby saving Jaune. Although they weren't safe just yet, it did helped to learn that despite a undead zombie's superior strength compared to normal people, it amount to little when up against an aura user.

"That's good to know" sighed Blake. "That means if Jaune can utilize his aura to his advantage, we won't have to worry about a zombie overpowering him"

"Yes, that is good news" said Pyrrha, never taking her eyes off the screen. "As long as he has his aura, I believe Jaune will stand a greater chance"

As the zombie fell to the ground from the impact of his shove, Jaune barely took a moment to think as he raised his foot and immediately stumped on the zombie's head with an aura infused foot, crushing it into a bloody platter.

"Hell yeah Jaune!! That's how you do it!!" Cheer Yang.

"Bring the pain fearless leader!!" Joined in Nora.

Ruby also wanted to jump up and cheer for her fellow leader, but held off on it at the sight of a person, or well, zombie's head being crushed. "Go Jaune" she mentally cheered instead.

Although a little surprised at himself for being able to do that, Jaune was just glad it was towards a zombie and not a real living person. He looked to Ruby to see that she looked just as surprised, if not more, of what she just witnessed, but Jaune only spared her a weak smile and offered her a grateful nod.


Ruby shook herself out of it, and quickly took Jaune's hand into her smaller ones to run down the aisle to avoid the other zombie that was getting too close.

"You can thank me later once we're out of here" she said.

Running fast down the middle aisle and turning the corner to see the front of the door, the two nearly full on sprinted in their haste to the exit but almost stopped at the sight of another zombie on the other side of the shelf they were passing, its hands reaching out in an attempt to grub them.

"Ughh, just how many are there!? Where did they even come from!?" Complained Nora.

They both ducked, dodging the zombie and continued moving even as the shelf fell over behind them, they didn't look back and headed for the exit. Just as they were inches from opening the door, someone appeared and slammed it open, their gun trained on them. It was-

"Sun!?" Blake was the most vocal in her surprise at seeing the monkey faunus. Though looking at him again, even if he did appear slightly older, she didn't see any visible tail on him.

"The Faunus don't exist here" Tia explained before anyone could even asked.

Blake wasn't sure how she felt about that. A world with no aura, and no Faunus? It was a weird and foreign concept to her. More so than actually seeing the visible proof right before her eyes. Does this mean that everyone in that world was all human? Very strange indeed. least there was no longer any discrimination...

Shock as Jaune was at seeing the presence of Sun, he was more inclined to not get shot.

"Whoa dude wait/Don't shoot!!" Yelled both Jaune and Ruby respectively.

"Get down!!" Ordered Sun, and immediately Jaune and Ruby did just that.

Neither of them noticed the zombie that was sneaking up on them from behind until Sun took a shot at it, killing it in one hit to the head.

How lucky were they.

"Honestly, even if Sun wasn't there they would have already left the building" shrugged Weiss. "I doubt tall and ugly would have had any success in knowing how to open a door.

"Yeah, but it was still a bad ass entrance" smiled Yang.

"You guys alright?" Asked Sun, lowering his gun.

Jaune and Ruby spared the dead zombie a brief but warily look, before standing up and began moving quickly toward the exit with their new arrival.

"Yeah, but we should really go" urged Ruby, as all three stood outside in front of the store.

Jaune's heart was beating out of his chest throughout this whole situation to the point where he was worried he might have a heart attack. But when he looked in front to see what was before his eyes, it nearly stopped.

"You got to be kidding me" gasped Jaune.

There was a swarm of zombies coming out of the darkness. All groaning and some chopping at air as they made their approach to reach towards the three of them.

This truly was a nightmare.

"There's so many of them" said a stunned Ruby.

"How are they going to get away?" Pyrrha asked worryingly. "There's only so many bullets Ruby and Sun has, and Jaune is weaponless. They can't fight this"

"They don't have much of a choice" Blake grimly said.

"Holy sh*t..." gasped Ruby, her revolver ready and trained at the nearest zombie to her.

"There's no way we can fight them all" Said Jaune, really wishing to himself that he had his weapon.

He honestly didn't want to risk fighting with his hands if he can help it. Aura infused attacks or not.

"Then we don't" Just as Sun said that, the same zombie that he shot in the head banged on the door from within, spooking the three as it attempted to get to them through the glass door.

"They just won't stay dead" said an annoyed Weiss.

Seeing no other way, the once money Faunus looked towards the police cruiser and motioned for the other two to follow.

"Come on!!" Shouted Sun, already moving towards the vehicle with Jaune and Ruby close behind.

Sun dodged low from the nearest zombie's grab, while Ruby tried to push past another one as it attempted to get a hold on her. Good thing Jaune was there as he grabbed the offending zombie by the arm and shoved it in the chest, sending it tumbling back into another of its kind as they both fell on the ground.

No time for thanks or chatter, all three immediately got into the car, with Sun in the driver seat, Ruby passenger, and Jaune hopping in the back. Wasting no time in closing the doors behind them.

"There are keys in there right?" Asked a worried Ruby, as she watched the zombies all trying to surround the vehicle.

"Headlights wouldn't be on if they weren't" answered Yang, her eyes glued to the screen. "I'd be more worried about gas than anything"

"I'm sure an officer of the law wouldn't allow their main vehicle of transportation to go below a certain threshold before deciding they needed gas" lectured Weiss.

"Hm, but what are the chances of the officer being the lazy type, and not putting gas in the car before being bitten by a zombie? It could be very low" Said a curious Nora, her hand rubbing her chin.

"Nora please, don't jinks it" groaned Pyrrha.

Once everyone was inside Sun turned on the ignition, noting the half full tank-

"Oh, so it does have enough"


Before switching the gears into reverse.

"Hold on!!" Shouted Sun, as he looked over his shoulder.

Jaune did as he said, and gripped onto the passenger seat behind Ruby as the vehicle reversed into the clearest path void of zombies before turning to face the main road. Jaune got a good look at their surroundings all around them. There really were zombies everywhere. It was like they were just magically appearing out of the thin darkness and kept spawning.

It was never ending.

"Just how far already did this infection spread?" gasped Blake, more than a little concerned at the thought of what Jaune was up against.

Has the world already fallen in the jaws of a full on zombie apocalypse? Or were they still just in the beginning stages of it? Whatever the case, Jaune was stuck in the middle and she can only hope that nothing bad happens.

After setting it to drive, Sun hit the gas pedal and did his best to avoid the zombies that were in his way as he headed onto the main highway and sped down the road. Leaving the zombies far behind and passing a lone sign.

*Welcome to Raccoon City!

Home of Umbrella*

Seeing the three no longer being in danger brought a breath of relief to everyone watching. They were on the edge of their seats during that last stretch. Hoping that Jaune and the other two would be able to safely get away. Now that they did, many began to wonder what else was in store.

"I'm glad they got away, but it's still just the start...isn't it?" Asked a troubled Ruby, who look to her silent friends that shared the same concerns as her.

"...Yes, I believe it is" said Ren, frowning. "If this is like any zombie related franchise, which we should be careful to base our knowledge on," Ren implored the others. "Then it stands to reason that Jaune will have to face more of the undead"

"And it looks like they're heading to a city too" interjected Yang. "Can't say if that's a good thing or a bad one, considering we don't know how long this been going on"

"Bad thing definitely" shuddered Blake, having read and seen way too many zombie stuff despite her effort to not project it onto the world through the screen.

Ruby shifted uncomfortably at the thought of all three of their words, at the thought of Jaune having to face this alone...was there really nothing they can do but sit here and watch? It was so unfair!! She wanted to help.

"Is there really nothing you can do?" Ruby heard Pyrrha say to the Goddess, and look to see the helpless expression the red head had as she did.

Pyrrha was really worried for Jaune, they all were. But it seems it was hitting her especially hard.

Tia seem to contemplate for a moment, her horned head tilting as she view the spartan girl's expression before deciding to take special care as in choosing her next words in an effort to put her, and everyone else for that matter, at ease.

"As I said, I'm limited in what I can do. The multiverse is vast and complex, but it has its rules, and the summoning of a chosen person for a God is a one way trip. By law, I am very limited in my power to assist Jaune when it comes to multiverse travel. If we want him to return safely and undetected, he needs to enter and walk the path within the veil himself to traverse across worlds until eventually, he makes it back on remnant, or even here"

Tia knew of course, it wouldn't be that simple. But it was the only way a mortal could walk between worlds without being completely noticed by outer entities. The problem with this method on the other hand is that there was no way of truly navigating the pathways to where you wish it to go. But they didn't need to know that. And judging how some didn't quite understand all that she said anyway, it wasn't much of a problem.

"You mentioned that before. What's this Veil?" Blake asked curiously.

"An explanation that would take far too much time to understand" she waved her scaled hand away.

"Just know that it's the space between worlds, a whirling vacuum filled with chaotic energies that can only be navigated by a select few who has the means to traverse it. Even then, the path is not without danger" she said cryptically.

"But," Ruby tentatively spoke up. "You brought us here through this veil right? We didn't experience any dangers. We sort of just...walked through our dorm room doors and ended up here"

Tia smiled at the young girl. "That you did little rose. And that's only because you had a deity who forged the path. It also helps that our two realms were already connected, which made it far safer than having you all enter the veil itself"

"But you want Jaune to walk in this Veil?" The uneasiness and worry Pyrrha showed was unparalleled to all the others who were just as concerned with the thought.

They know very little of how the multiverse works.

The risks, the dangers...

It went beyond everything they knew and like mortal behavior of the unknown...they fear it.

"Jaune is in good hands, that I can assure you all" said Tia. "Even now, as compensation for my mishap I bestowed Jaune some gifts" that tidbit of information sparked curious and interesting looks.

"Gifts?" Asked Nora.

"What kind of gifts?" inquired a far more suspicious Weiss, still not completely trusting the deity that created this whole mess.

Ignoring the heiress's suspiciousness, Tia gave the group of children a small sly smile and press her finger to her lips.

"In due time children, that would be spoiling now wouldn't it" seeing the displease forming on their faces, Tia quickly added while motioning back towards the screen. "Just know that we deities can be very protective of our blessed chosen. Especially us dragons"

Though her words seem to brought more questions than assurance, none could really asked as the holographic screen continued to play out.

The danger has passed, and they were safely on the road. No zombies in sight and no injuries were sustained...

They were alive.

They had made it out alive.


Burying his head in his hands, Jaune could barely stop the shaking as those whispered words once again echoed in his ear.

You're not dreaming Jaune.

Jaune took a calming breath to slow his fast beating heart.

You've been displaced from your own world.

He couldn't shut them out. Couldn't stop thinking about everything that was said to him now that his mind was no longer occupied.

Stranded somewhere in the multiverse.

This all felt too real. Everything felt too real.

If this truly isn't a dream then....

Looking out the window and up into the night sky, Jaune stared with haunting eyes once again at the moon hovering above.

Full and unbroken.

A sight he's never seen before.

Stuck in a different world.

...Where the hell was he?

"Jaune..." mourned Pyrrha, as she and everyone else watched as the boy they all knew was finally beginning to fully comprehend and realize his situation.

It was heart wrenching. Hearing his thoughts, seeing the confusion and fear slowly forming on his face...

Oh, if only they can speak to him so he didn't feel so alone.

A thought, that the Goddess of all dragons perked up in interest.

"What the hell is going on?" He snapped out of it at Ruby's questioning.

"I don't know..." answered Sun, still trying to catch his breath. "Hopefully they'll have some answers at the police station"

"Wait, you're a cop?" Asked a surprised Ruby.

"...You're a cop?" Whereas Jaune asked with a flat look on his face.

One that was intimately shared with a certain cat Faunus.

"Sun, a police officer?" The flat look on a Blake's face said it all, as she couldn't quite believe nor imagine the money Faunus in any form of authoritative position. His personality proved as such.

"I mean, him and Neptune did go through that whole junior detective thing they had going on" said an amused Yang.

"And how did that work out again exactly" Blake raised her brow at the blonde brawler who only chuckled and raised her hands placatingly.

"Yeah, the name's Sun Wukong" he introduced himself. "You guys are...?"

"Ruby-Ruby Rose" replied the once red reaper, before she looked to Jaune in the backseat with a curious look.

"...Jaune" he sighed, combing his fingers through his hair. He was already feeling exhausted about this whole thing.

These people weren't his friends.

Not the ones he knew, he realized.

"Jaune Arc" he finished.

Ruby stared at the blonde boy for a few moments, noting the clear exhaustion on his relatively young face which made her think...

"Hey, how old are you?" She asked curiously.

"Ah..." let out Nora, though for reasons only known to her.

Jaune's brow furrowed at the sudden question, but also because he was still trying to come to terms with talking to an actual older version of his very first friend at beacon. If this situation really was like that one comic he read, as well as him being somewhat familiar with the whole multiverse/parallel world concept, then it stands to reason that despite the physical familiarity, she didn't know him, and he in turn, really didn't know her.

He'll have to be careful about how he handles this whole thing from here on out.

No matter how much he really wants to freak out.

"Good" praised Weiss. "He's starting to take this seriously, and is properly thinking on how he'll move forward from now on. As long as Jaune keeps a level head he should do fine"

Ruby smiles at how vocal and supportive her partner has been throughout this viewing. Despite the rocky start her and Jaune had at the beginning of beacon, the two for a while now had....a more healthy relationship. And she couldn't be more happy for her two BFF!!

"I just turned eighteen recently" answered Jaune.

Ruby seemed to ponder on that for a moment as she continued examining his features for reasons Jaune wasn't quite sure. But if that cute pinch between her brow was any similar to his Ruby despite the older appearance, then that means she was seriously thinking hard about something.

That something, obviously concerning him.

"Aww, he called you his Ruby and also thinks your thinking face is cute" teased Yang, making said sister blush and splutter in a failed attempt to respond.

"So do any of you live around here?" Asked Sun, breaking Ruby from her thoughts and saving Jaune the uncomfortable experience of being under her silver gaze.

"Why do you think Ruby was staring at Jaune like that?" Asked a curious Pyrrha.

"Maybe other Ruby likes what she sees" Yang again teased her little sister who did an amazing job of matching the color of her red cape.

"Yang!!" Cried an embarrass Ruby. "I-it isn't like that!! He's my best guy friend, that would be weird!!"

Yang on the other hand thought differently, as she leaned towards her sister and wiggled her delicate blonde brows. "To you maybe, but not to her~" she sang, much to Ruby's continued embarrassment.

Pyrrha on the other hand, narrowed her eyes at the Ruby on the screen.

And Nora....she merely hummed.

"No, I'm looking for my sister," said Ruby, turning to face Sun. "She's a cop too"

"First Sun, now Yang....this world really has gone crazy" lamented Weiss, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Hey!!" Objected Yang. "I'd be an awesome cop!! Me cruising on top of bumblebee, catching crooks and taking names, everyone will know officer Yang means business.

"And the cause of several property damages no doubt" drawled out Blake, smiling faintly at Yang crossing her arms with a huff.

Yang....a cop? Oh this poor world.

"Dammit vomit boy!! Not you too" complain Yang, to the amusem*nt of everyone.

"How about you?" Jaune heard Sun ask, as he was looking at him through the rear view mirror. "You live around here?"

Jaune wasn't sure how he was supposed to answer that. He could say no, but what if they push? He didn't know how similar this world was to his and he couldn't very well say that he was from a different world. They'd think he was crazy.

", I don't" carefully answered Jaune, to which Ruby pounced on immediately.

"Where are you from" she asked.

Dammit Ruby.

"Other Ruby sure is curious about Jaune-Jaune huh" Stated Nora. And though she didn't mean for it to be taken in a teasing way, Ruby couldn't stop the blush that came from it. Especially when her stupid sister shot her a smirking look.

"Perhaps..." thought Ren. "Jaune did utter Ruby's name unconsciously earlier. She must have heard him and is probably wondering how he knows her"

"What's Jaune going to say?" Worried Pyrrha.

"I'm from..." Jaune needed to think and think fast. He needed to give her something, but what? "...Vale. I'm from vale"

He decided to take a risk.

And looking at Ruby, who cantered her head slightly to the side and hummed, it seemed to have been the right choice. "I guess we're from the same city huh" she said with a small smile.

Jaune also gave her a small hesitant smile in return, and felt relieved that this world was not that much different from his own. At least, when it comes to the similar names of places.

"So they have a city of vale of their own. I wonder what other similarities they have compared to our world" said Blake.

"From what I know of this world" began Tia, titling her head in thought while placing her index finger on her chin. "Aside from being technologically less advanced, having no Grimm, Faunus, dust or aura, and with a few more continents and countries, there's not much difference between your two worlds"

"That sure sounds like a lot of differences to me" Yang muttered.

"Well, it's a good thing we all found each other" Said Sun, shooting the two a quick smile before frowning and focusing back on the road. "Don't know what to expect anymore..."

"Yeah..." said Jaune, as he slumped back in his seat with a tired sigh while glancing out the window, seeing another of the same exact welcoming sign as before. "That makes both of us"

As the camera panned out and over the driving vehicle, everyone saw in the distance through the viewing the bright flashing lights of Jaune's destination.

Raccoon City.

Was it going to be a safe haven for help?

Or a death trap waiting to happen.

None of them knew....but really hoped that it was the former.

"Right," Tia clapped her hands together, getting the attention of the young group of students. "Now that the situation has slowed down a bit, why not use this chance to get some refreshments hm?"

At Tia's suggestion, a loud growl echoed out through the room, prompting those around to direct their gaze to the one responsible who couldn't help but blushed at all the attention.

"I'm sorry" muttered Pyrrha.

Smiles were shared between the group of friends, along with chuckles and teasing remarks, as they all went about out of their seats and towards the magical kitchen that was far larger on the inside than it appeared to be. Tia watched them as they went, happy that they all were taking the brief moment to recuperate before continuing the viewing that she knew was going to pick up in intensity.

Best they at least take the break now rather than later.

"Alright," Tia twirl her wrist around, gathering red energy within the palm of her hand and a sly smile on her beautiful face. "I suppose a few more guest wouldn't hurt right? The more the merrier"

Her giggling was the only thing that was heard before a quick snap rang out and a wave of red energy dispersed around the room. Signaling the materialization of what's to come next.

ArcWalker: Jaune Arc Vs The Multiverse - Chapter 2 - Shadowwalker22 (2024)


What happened to the jaune arc? ›

After picking a stopwatch fruit in "Confessions Within Cumulonimbus Clouds", Jaune was sent back in time and aged many years, becoming known as the Rusted Knight from the fairy tale The Girl Who Fell Through the World and taming a Jackalope he named Juniper.

Is Jaune Arc the youngest? ›

Jaune is the youngest child of eight, all of which are sisters.

Why did Jaune wear a dress? ›

Jaune changes into a dress to keep his promise to Pyrrha of wearing a dress at the dance if she does not get a date. He invites her to dance, to which she happily accepts.

Who is Jaune Arc's sister? ›

Bianca Arc- Jaunes oldest sister. She is the strongest warrior in their family. She does not want Jaune to become a warrior because she doesn't think he is capable and can't take care of himself, but she does love him very much. Olivia Arc- Jaunes second older sister.

What did Alyx do to Jaune? ›

She also secretly poisoned Jaune's meal without him suspecting anything and convinced Lewis and the Cat to continue helping her to escape the Ever After despite her actions.

Does Pyrrha love Jaune? ›

It is known that Pyrrha has feelings for Jaune; she is first seen scoping Jaune out before Ozpin's speech, and the two officially meet in the Beacon locker room as they are preparing for their initiation.

Why wasn t Jaune trained? ›

Fearing that his children might go the similar phases as he did. He never train to any of his children and made them pursue into a different career. Everybody except Jaune who always look up at huntsmen and their story. Despite having no training, he ran away home hoping to chase his dream.

How did Jaune cheat into Beacon? ›

Jaune eventually confesses to Pyrrha that he lied to get into Beacon by using fake transcripts.

Did Jaune fall into the Ever After? ›

Eventually, six more people would fall: Team RWBY, Neo and Jaune Arc. The evacuation center was then undone by Cinder's use of the Staff, cutting it off from Remnant. In the Jungle Arce of the Ever After, Jaune while being the last to fall, unfortunately found an odd tree bearing stopwatch fruit.


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.