Stronger Alone or Stronger Together? - Chapter 1 - Character1973 - 나 혼자만 레벨업 (2024)

Chapter Text






Urgh... What is that noise...



Who's alarm is this.. I don't remember setting up an alarm..



Better not be Jinah's alarm, it's literally Sunday.. She better not pulling a prank on me.



Ugh.. I better get up and find that source of noise.. If only this blanket isn't a bit too tight on the bed..



I'm feeling quite itchy, and this hospital wardrobe is in the way...



Wait.. Hospital Wardrobe?...

Opened eyes of black blue pupils greeted white ceiling, a completely anonymous room and life support on the right, and a window peeking sunlight inside, reaching a face of a female in her 20's. She had a young face, messy black long hair with bangs, looking confused and alarmed of her surrounding.

Aside from the room, she looked up and spotting a floating dark-blue hologram, she would've flipped but for some reason she felt a sort of familiarity at it.

Am I kidnapped? But why would a kidnapper had me inside a hospital?... Unless I was rescued like a damsel in distress and ended up here... Uwahhhh that sounded so cringy..

Let's see.. that weird hologram said something about unopened mai-

Before her thought was finished, she heard a click on the edge of the room, and realize it was a door opened with two men going inside.

Both of them had black tuxedos, one had a purple hair and eye carrying some sort of suitcase on his hand, and the other was a man with styled yellow hair and dark purple eyes, she blushed at the thought of her inspection on both men because they looked quite attractive, but she brushed it aside.

As the purple guy closed the door behind him, the yellow haired guy stepped towards her, handling her some sort of business card and kept his distance and not being too close to her space.

He looked with professionalism and manners, and he spoke, "Hello, I'm Woo Jinchul, a manager of hunter's association survelliance team." She quietly nodded and grab the business card, indicating his name and address of the building he worked at.

Wow.. what's someone from the big shot of a company want with me?

Her thought continue to linger when the purple guy introduced himself next, "And I'm Kang Taeshik."

"Now, Miss Sung, do you recall any memory of what happened during your latest dungeon raid?" The man, now known Jinchul asked her, his voice lowered down to a gentler tone.

The female, now introduced as Sung Jinwoo, started sweating as she fiddled with her wardrobe sleeve, and tried to kept silent, before she gave in.

"Uhmm.. Raid...?"

"We'd like to know what happened to that double dungeon raid you went on, and consider you're the only remaining survivor there, we'd like to ask some questions." Jinchul continued, he kept an inspecting glance on Jinwoo lip movement and her eyes.

Raid...? Double Dungeon?... Only.. Survivor..?

"Uhmm... What.. raid?" Jinwoo questionly said, now sweating more than ever.

"The double dungeon raid, the one you went on before you passed out."

"I don't.. remember doing a raid on Saturday.. I was having an off day.." Jinwoo replied, now her voice is higher and isn't timid.

"Saturday?..." Jinchul questioned, he took a while and think before he asked. "When was the last time you went outside for a dungeon?"

Jinwoo gulped, "It was.. Friday.."

"Friday?! That was.."

"What's wrong if I'm asking, Mr. Jinchul?" Jinwoo remarked, playing with her messy hair bangs, and swore she heard Taeshik "tsk'ed" not too long ago.

"The double dungeon you did, happened on Sunday, and you were out for three days straight." Jinchul replied, he looked skeptical now.


Did I heard it right?

I took a dungeon I don't remember doing, and was hospitalized for three days straight?


"Taeshik, Alarm a doctor for check-up, I'm afraid we'll have to stay longer than we thought." Jinchul said to his peer, and Taeshik replied with a "yes sir" and headed outside in quick motion.

Jinwoo found herself sweating while watching Jinchul grabbed a nearby seat and collecting his thoughts.

Just... What have I gotten myself into..?


After the doctor left the room, leaving Jinwoo alone with the two other men who has been confirmed that she has short amnesia after the fated raid, she sat on the bed dejected while the two men discussed the issue quietly.

"I guess it's understandable, a victim like her can only handle so much shock and trauma and lose a bit of memory from it." Jinchul concluded, running through small list of papers containing Jinwoo hospital files.

"Still, that doesn't explain how she lose memory of a whole day were she did the dungeon, it would make sense if she doesn't remember what happened after she enter the gate, but instead she doesn't remember of what happened of everything within the day." Taeshik remarks, his hands crossed and also looking through Jinwoo's files.

Jinwoo, decided she doesn't want to be a tunnel-visioned person, asked them. "If I may... Can you tell me of what happened during the gate?"

Jinchul sighed, "To summarise, you and 25 hunters in total took in a D-Ranked dungeon, you guys had no difficulty clearing it, however." He stopped.

"You encountered a double dungeon, and instead of alerting the Hunter's guild your team greedily thought that clearing it by themselves will get the reward for themselves, and took a vote. Overall you voted to go inside the dungeon and was met with slaughtering." Jinchul stopped and looked at Jinwoo one more time, before he continued. "You had to go through some ritual to survive 'statues' as they claim by the remaining survivors, there was only five of you that survived the tragedy."

"H-How.. did I survived?" Jinwoo asked, her throat felt quite dry.

"Your peers, Song Chiyul and Lee Joohee told us that you stayed behind to held off some sort of flaming timer while the others escaped, and Miss Lee said her last sight of you was when you were stabbed by a statue's sword and a missing leg." Jinchul looked at Jinwoo for some reaction, but he was surprised when Jinwoo looked scared and worried, but doesn't show it physically.

"I... see..." Jinwoo sadly replied, "But what happened to the other survivors?"

It was Taeshik turn to speak, "Song Chiyul lost an arm during the incident, and a damaged but healable eye injury. It is likely he will retire as an C-Ranked mage due to his missing limb."

"As for Lee Joohee, she is facing mental trauma from the raid along with an injuried leg, but those are also healable. It is also likely she will retire as an B-ranked healer." Taeshik continued, "A shame, really."

"That's enough, Mr. Kang." Jinchul said, "Do you recall anything now? Anything particular at all?"

Jinwoo took her time and hardest to think, to remember even a glimpse of memory, but nothing came up. Her eyes lingered to the hologram still floating just above her, she was tempted to ask but was interrupted by Kimchul talking, "The incident was a tragedy, many survivors are all in trauma and guilt when they said you sacrificed yourself to stay behind and help them escape."

"It wasn't until the Tiger's Guild came in and saw you, in a bloodied state but still healable damages." Kinchul looked into the papers again before he continued, "However the strangest thing was that your limbs was completely intact, save for the wounds and scratches on your hands and face."

"I-I lost an arm and leg you meant?..." Jinwoo hurriedly clutches both of her hands and leg, having a feel whenever they are prosthetic or not.

Kimchul continued, "According to others you look the most damage while alive, but you were fine." Taeshik took over this time, "According to witness statement there was statues around the place, they were huge and the biggest one was the statue sitting in a throne, however inside we found absolutely nothing."

"If it wasn't for the scattered bodies around the place, we could've gone up with a theory of a magic or illusion that was attacking your group." Taeshik showed Jinwoo some pictures of the dead bodies. "The bodies was completely cut clean in half or even missing, clearly it was something big that attacked you."

"This is.. a lot to take in when I wake up from a claimed amnesia.." Jinwoo replied with a small smile, Kimchul suddenly stood up from his seat and eyed his partner, before he looked at her. "Aside from the deaths and theories, we also come up with a possible theory of how you were fine after that tragedy." He opened the suitcase to pull out an item, Jinwoo wasn't sure what it was since his partner was blocking it.

"We've come to a possible theory that you've entered a Double-Reawakening." Those words put her to a pause, a heavy pause.

Double.. Reawakening??!

Throughout centuries of human lives, we were living until magical gates appeared and spawned monsters. Those gates gifted us powers,manas...those lucky few who awakened manas are Hunters..

As good as it was, being "reawakened" is like gambling your luck, you can't grow stronger with your received mana... it all came down to pure talent. Even an athletic person who worked hard and achieved Nobel Prize will receive one of the weakest mana power while the poor old man received the strongest mana powers..

Lucky few who are weak, or even strong can somehow reawaken their mana powers again.. And it's usually guarantee they get a lot stronger from it.

I was.. to say unlucky is putting it lightly, I was just a normal teenage girl growing up with an abscence father and a mother in coma, taking care of my little sister who was still in school and paying our bills. I was excited to reawaken until the world decided to give me one last middle finger and give me the weakest mana power ever...

The average E-Ranker was 70 mana prowess, and I straight up got 10, earning a world record and being the 'Weakest Hunter ever in mankind', to rub more salt to the wound people think it was because I'm a girl..

Seriously, what's with this sexism? I just have very bad luck with life, I don't want to just have people defend me all the time, I risk my life too y'know, I should get equal pay as everyone else!

Back to the topic, me having a reawakening again was sweet! Maybe I can be a D-Rank or even C-Rank and finally earn enough for my family.

Lost in her thought, Jinwoo was bought back from the cloud when she saw Kimchul giving an object with blue orb to the side of her bed.A Mana Meter!

"Please place your hand on it." Kimchul said, his mind linger to the frame of the proclaimed 'Weakest Hunter' hovering over the mana meter. He looked and thought,If these monsters are as deadly as they claim, there's no way a weak hunter could survive while other C-ranked couldn't.He was getting hopeful as well, Taeshik however is only minding his own business over the papers.

So he looked at the meter counter.


10? Shouldn't there be another zero or two behind it?

. . .

"My apologise ma'am, it seemed we have mistaken some things." Kimchul politely said, grabbing the meter and have it back inside the suitcase, with Taeshik followed suit. "Have a good day to you, and please take care of yourself."

And they left.

Leaving Jinwoo alone in her room.

"...I guess that's a no." Jinwoo said, lying back to her bed. "I was getting my hopes up as well."

She stared at the ceiling, taking a heavy breathe in and out. "I was hoping to ask about this floating hologram above me."

"Let's see.. it says I have.. unread ma-"

The door slammed open, revealing a teenage girl wearing her school uniform; consist of grey blazer and darkblue pencil skirt, she had long black hair in pony tail and purple pupils, looking at Jinwoo with clear worry and amazement.

How many people are going to interrupt me toda-

Her thought was interrupted when the girl headbutts herself into Jinwoo's breast. "Sis!! You idiot!"

This was Sung Jinah, the younger sister of Jinwoo, "You've got to take care of yourself often, I'm really scared and I missed you a lot!" Her head was up, revealing that she was in tears somewhat earlier.

Jinwoo smiled and patted her sister head, "It's alright Jinah, just some issues inside a dungeon.."

"That's not the point, you're in hospital again! I was so hopeful that you stopped being in hospitals for three weeks until you ruined it and returned back here!"

Jinwoo deadpanned, "I guess my streak is ruined again.."

"Don't joke like that! If you end up in hospital one for time I'll quit school and get myself a job, you're going to quit being a hunter!" Jinah claims, her face was hopeful but there's a small hint of hesitation in her voice.

"Don't say things like that, sis.." Jinwoo smiled sadly, "You're dream is to be a doctor, right? Don't let me hold you back."

"Being a doctor is pointless if I can't even cure my own sister from headbutting her own grim reaper!" Jinah said back, she stopped hugging Jinwoo and stepped back to get some air.

Jinwoo looked at her younger sister, all grown up and matured, she wish she could've been responsible like her sister, not that she'd said it out loud, Jinah is always a big eater.

"Say.. sis, can you see any floating hologram anywhere here?" Jinwoo asked her sister, Jinah returned from being in her thoughts before she looked around, "Hologram? Are you having the mandela effect again?"

"H-hey! Don't shame me like that.. But there was some sort of hologram around here saying something about mailboxes." Jinwoo said, Jinah thought for a moment before she spoke, "Well, I tried some VR game with my friend, and she said she saw some floating hologram in the headset."

"Since the game we tried wasn't touch screen based, we say things like open message box and things like that." Jinah said, her eyes lingering around the room.

Jinwoo looked at her, surprised at the new information, "Open Mailbox?" Then she heard a noise, the hologram above her changed into different words, she was about to read it until Jinah suddenly spoke up, "Well you're looking fine and pretty like you always do, the healers must've done a good job taking care of you."

"You can say that.."

"The doctor told that you should remain here for a couple of days, so don't you dare go out doing dungeons like you always do, got that?" Jinah spoke with a venomous voice that could defeat the monarch of dragons. "Don't worry about cooking, we still got some leftovers from the other days."

"Since you're content with that, I'll be seeing you until you're dismissed, bye sis!" Jinah came forward for one last hug, and Jinwoo hugged back, both girls stayed for a moment before they quietly nodded and part ways.

Or rather Jinwoo just sat there while Jinah head off.

As the door closes, Jinwoo looked at the hologram, making sure no one was around, she continued reading at the messages above.

Welcome, you've been chosen by "system" as [PLAYER]

The system is assigned and designed to assist [PLAYER]

Failure to comply the needs and wants of the System will result [PENALTY]

You've completed the quest: "Courage of The Weak."

[REWARDS] have been delivered.

"I don't.. understand what this means.." Jinwoo gasped, "It's like I'm in a VR video game, except what I'm seeing is real." Jinwoo came closer and tried to click the hologram, but it only sparked electricity out. "And it's not touched screen, I see.."

[DAILY QUEST] Strength Training has arrived.

PUSH UPS: [0/100]

SIT-UPS: [0/100]

SQUATS: [0/100]


[WARNING] Failure to comply will receive in Penalty.

"EEhhh? I have to do that?" Jinwoo remarked, sweating at the task before her. The task before her seemed quite tiring. "I was aiming towards of being a ranger during my hunter career, like Robin-hood with bow and arrow or a crossbows some sort.

"What's with this task? It's almost as if they're trying to make me bald, I'd like my hair thank you very much!" Jinwoo said to no one, "But I guess relying on nothing but my weapon is quite a cons, I've got to get stronger and faster in the battlefield."

Jinwoo sighed before she take off the blankets, she stood on the floor with her bare feet and feeling it's coldness in her nerve systems.

Now fully framed, she looked at a nearby mirror and examined herself, Jinwoo may be 24 but she looked almost like 15 years old, the long hair traveled and reached her breast, while a bit small but noticeable and medium bulge on the chest, she examined her slim arm and leg, feeling her chin and face.

She turned and look at the hologram before her, and had some thoughts before she spoke out, "I guess it's better than doing nothing." She began to face the floor and readied her hands to a position of a push-up. "Normally i'd complain when I just woke up in a hospital, but I don't remember much of the incident I went on and feel quite refreshed, I should do the task if I don't want to face whatever penalty they're giving me.

And the training arc begins..

[DAILY QUEST] The training has completed.

[REWARDS]: Full Recovery.

5+ STAT points

Random Loot Box [COMMON]

"Hah... Haaaahh..." Jinwoo tiredly looked at the floating hologram, she is now in a white tracksuit and laying tiredly on a nearby park, she has done the training for quite some time and took regular breaks, that was until she spotted a small clock on the hologram indicating a timer, and she panicked.

She was forced to do situps 50 times in one go without breaks, squats was the easiest but she had to run 10km, she could tell the nurses looked worried when they see her tired state when she asked to go outside for regular exercises.

But she learned neat things during her run, there was apparently a menu were she can put stat points to use, so far she received only 10 but she made good use of it.

She was tempted to put everything in [STR] but she thought back, what's the point of strength without [SPD]? But speed is useless without [INT] were she can sense things, pinpoint them and have precision.

So she evened it out the best she could.

STR: 3

SPD: 5

INT: 5

PER: 0

VIT: 0

Next she learned about Status Recovery, apparently upon use it resets everything and she was back to her prime, were she felt before she even begun training, and it was a very useful skill.

"I'll definitely abuse this if I have the chance." Jinwoo happily said, she then held the 3rd reward; [RANDOM LOOT BOX (COMMON)] in her hand.

Curious, the box opened itself and revealed a yellow light, the item flew above and gotten even brighter, having Jinwoo finally stood up from the grass and looked eager, like a girl seeing a new toy for the first time.

Then the light revealed, a pencil fell on her hand.


It's been three days since her hospital stayings, she continuedly doing the daily quest and getting different rewards, while the only physical reward she get was pencils and bandages.

She was about to put points in her stats before her friend, Lee Joohee showed up with flowers and a smile on her face, granted she also smiled at a sight of a familiar friend.

"Oh! Joohee! How are you doing?" Jinwoo replied, looking at her best friend with gratitude as she receive flowers and sympathy when she was alerted of Joohee situation.

Lee Joohee, a young woman with orange hair and tall, with blue eyes smiling at her, "I'm been doing fine, I should be the one asking you that question Jinwoo, you're the one facing death while I only see few people died and traumatized about it.."

"Don't sell yourself short, Joohee, I understand your pain." Jinwoo replied, hugging her best friend and she returned it back, "I was planning to have a talk, maybe about how each other are holding up, but.."

Joohee noticed Jinwoo sweats and her building muscles, "I guess you've got more important things to do.."

Jinwoo smiled, "Nonsense, I have all the time in the world for my best friend if she needed support, come come, let's chat over coffee."

So the girls had a hearty chat over coffee, while Jinwoo occasionally slip glances towards the timer on the floating hologram next to her reaching half of it's time.

"Ehhh.. You lost memories of that day? Man I envy you.. I wish I could've lost memory of what happened, maybe you shouldn't have to comfort me for my troubles by then." Joohee replied, playing with her coffee cup while Jinwoo was eating blueberry treats.

"Don't be like that Joohee, you're still being strong despite what happened." Jinwoo said sadly, she wished they could've stopped talking about this.

"I wish you're right.." Joohee sadly said, finishing her coffee and looking at the time, "I think I should head home now, I don't want to occupy you with your training any longer."

Jinwoo looked at her, "Joohee.. Are you really retiring?"

Joohee looked at Jinwoo, "I'd want to, but not right now, the guild said they needed me as a healer, and maybe I can redeem myself by then."

She was about to say goodbye, until Jinwoo interrupted, "Don't say it like that, it's like you doing whatever your parents said you to do." Jinwoo stood up and met the girl with eye-contact. "Forget what they want, think about what you want, Joohee, do you really want to continue on the path of a hunter?"

It took a while, a long time were Joohee collected her thoughts, before she smiled at Jinwoo, "I-I guess you're right, Jinwoo, I should stand up for myself and retire once and for all, and double dungeon was the final straw."

"You're always a smooth talker, Jinwoo, and I can't ask for a better friend than you." Joohee said, reaching into her purse and pulling out a stone, a mana stone. "Here, take this."

Jinwoo opened her mouth, "W-why are you giving me this? You need this-"

Joohee said with persistence, "You probably don't remember, but you gave me this stone as a promise of one day we will eat together somewhere this week, and before you got really hurt you said to eat without you." She said saily, "But you're here now.. and well.. I don't want to take something from you for granted."

"I'll be moving back with my parents, maybe I'll pursue a career that has something to do with healing, I'm still not ready to completely give up on my healer abilities either."


"I'm sorry our encounter had to end like this, but I won't be here for a while.." Joohee said, smiling genuinly at her, "But you can call me, y'know, we can talk again and maybe one day we will eat together like we promised to do."

"Joohee.." Jinwoo smiled back, "I guess I can't stop you from moving then, I wish you the best of luck."

The girls have one last hug, before they truly parted ways, Jinwoo left on a run to continue the daily quest she has left hanging on with a sad smile.

That dungeon, it truly has been bad, huh?....

I wonder how.. Mr. Chiyul is doing?

It was going to be a sad day to mingle in bed and reaching Manwhas, until Jinwoo recieved an item.

Random Loot box [Rare]

That got her on her toes, lately she always received Common rarity loot boxes until today were she had [RARE], and it's going to be something.

A key.

No, a dungeon key.

It told her were to activate, somewhere in a train station on the 3rd entrance, she's familiar because she has used it before.

"A dungeon, something to fight and receive items.."

Jinwoo had a sudden fire inside of her, she stood up and started changing, switching hospital wardrobe with her old hunter outfit; Blue hoodie and orange undershirt, along with blue slightly-above knee skirt, and dark pants underneath.

While changing, she remembered the old days of her hunter days.

"Useless b1tch! Stop hogging the attention to yourself!"

Jinwoo fixes her messy hair.

"Hey, I know huntering is fun, but it's not fun seeing a pretty girl getting hurt over something even a toddler can beat."

Jinwoo takes off the bandages on her face.

"You were here? But you barely did anything aside from wasting time for our healers.. just give her pocket money then."

Jinwoo grabbed her bag, clutching it hard in her hand.

"It's fun sweeping a maiden off her feet, but it gets really tiring if you do it every single second that maiden tried to fight something."

Jinwoo grabbed a small wooden bow with metal handles and sharp ends.

"Stop that, you're only holding us back."

Jinwoo grabbed her small bag of med-kits.

"The only use you have is spread those legs, doll."

Jinwoo grabbed a gun.

Weakest Hunter






Jinwoo had her bag behind her, taking a breathe in, with a determined look. She step out of the hospital and headed to the train station.

"It's time I face forward, leaving what's behind me."

"Phew." Jinwoo found herself in the destination of the train station, overall it's just a normal underground building structure, people going in and out minding their business, teenage boys giggling on their comics and phones, elderly people just being there watching.

I hope nobody will throw a fuse that I'm going to open a gate in the middle of civilization and mark me as a terrorist or something.Jinwoo searched and pulled out the dungeon key, and began walking down.

Before she got any further, the key suddenly thrusted itself forward, it glowed as it if was entering something, and darkness consumed her.

Opening her eyes, she found herself in a darker tone of the underground, it looked old and worn out, noticable tree branches and grass on the decorations.

"Uwahh!! That's so scary!" Jinwoo suddenly found herself regretting and scared, so she stepped back to be pushed back down by an unknown force.

She turned around to see some sort of invisible wall blocking her, "Hello?! I'm stuck!" The only answer she get is a fading in woman walking through the wall, completely obvious or Jinwoo screams.

You cannot exit the dungeon.

Use [TELEPORTATION STONE] or defeat Dungeon [BOSS]

"Gee, thanks for nothing, system." Jinwoo sighed, walking down the stairs, she hurriedly checking her items to see if it was with her, stretching the strings of her trustworthy bow and walking down with a worrisome face.

"I never went a dungeon solo before.. and this for sure isn't an E-Rank dungeon.." Jinwoo sighed again. "Can I really fight this alone, the boss without a party?"

The answer she got was six glowing eyes appeared beneath the shadows, stepping back Jinwoo realized it was three goblins, all had a hairstyle of mohawk, green skin and metal combat and leather armour, all looking at her with weapons in their hand mischievous smiles.

Jinwoo, alarmed and raise her bow up,Goblins.. I'm never good with those, they're fast and they dodge my magic arrows too easily.. Jinwoo readied her index finger on the middle string of the bow,And the way they're eyeing me is creeping me out, eek... I do not want to stand there and find out what they're planning to do to me..

One of the goblin made their move, dashing towards her, Jinwoo panicked and a blue glow appeared on the bow, with one pull and release, a magical arrow fired at the direction of the attacker, but the small mongel weaved and dodged the arrow, the other two also side-stepped away,

Shoot, I fired too early!Jinwoo saw an incoming slash, she remembered one of the first time she faced a goblin and was stabbed on the abdomen, she quickly weaved to the side, twisting her hips 180 degrees and completely avoided the charging goblin.

Before she felt relief, another two goblin came, one aimed for her head while the other went for her legs, Jinwoo steadied herself, seeing the lower goblin is going first, she ducked and leaped over, dodging both two goblins at the same time. Jinwoo landed on her legs just to realize the 3rd goblin was nowhere to be found, and instead right behind her as Jinwoo narrowingly dodged him as well.

It went back and forth, goblins would try to hit Jinwoo blind spot while she dodged, missing her arrow shots or never had the chance to fire it while they dodge it or interrupting her before she could even aim, the streak ended when Jinwoo stopped even just for a moment, a goblin came and slashed her shoulder, Jinwoo fell and clutched her arm on the floor.

Eh? It didn't.. hurt as it used to be.. Before she could open her mouth in awe, the goblin jumped from above for a finishing blow, but Jinwoo didn't gave in, she extended her leg up and kicked the goblin's chin, breaking its jaw and sending it flying to a wall and breaking it.

The other two goblin was alarmed, and they sped up to try and finish Jinwoo off, but they didn't realize that Jinwoo was already up.

Bow in hand, she was on one knee and released, two blue arrow blizting through both goblin before they had time to process it, they fell with holes in their stomach.

Jinwoo stopped to catch her breath, looking at the dead goblin in a wall and two other on the ground, she breathed in before she realized what she did, "Wow, I really did all of that?"

"I really did got stronger, hoo-" The wall shattered, before Jinwoo finish her cheer a red eye and fur wolf came at her bearing it's teeth in for a bite. But Jinwoo reacted just in time and slide beneath the wolf.

She raised the bow just beneath it's stomach and fired an arrow going straight through it's abdomen, killing it instantly.

"Huff.. Puff.." Jinwoo collected her breathing, looking at the dead wolf, looking above it, a hologram appeared.

"Wow.. [Steel-Fanged Lycan]huh? I wonder why it's nametag is red instead of yellow like those goblins." Jinwoo stood up and clutched her shoulder wound, but she found out she doesn't feel any pain from it anymore.

"Huh? It used to hurt here before... the pain faded?" Jinwoo stretches her hand back and front, feeling content with it, she picked up her bow and looked at the hologram, now in a different menu.

"Huh? I leveled up?" Jinwoo looked confusedly, "I'm level 2 now.. that never changed before."

"This really is like a game then, the more I fight, the stronger I get, I'm leveling up and get stronger." Jinwoo excitedly swing her hands to feel the new strength found within her body.

With her new enchanted sense, she could feel there was more Steel-Fanged vulcans deeper into the station, "I can feel it'll only get dangerous from there, I'll put some points in my stats first before I head back to fighting.

STR: 15

SPD: 20

INT: 40

PER: 10

VIT: 20

"Now I wonder if there's any mana stones." Jinwoo went over to the dead wolf, before she even search, the hologram menu appeared again. Curious, Jinwoo touched the screen and pulled out a fang from the wolf.

"Woah, Instead of regular old mana stones, I get things from this?" Jinwoo scratches her head, unsure what to do with a fang. "Dungeons with the system is so different than your regular old dungeon."

"I guess I'll store this for now." Jinwoo placed the fang inside the inventory. She stood up and fixes her posture. "I can't leave until I defeat the boss and get stronger, maybe I'll find some teleportation stone somewhere from these magical beasts, but for now I'll have to fight my way out of here."

Jinwoo ventured, not even 1km inside the dungeon and she already spotted three steel-fanged wolves, she quickly killed two with magical arrows while the 3rd one ran away with an injured leg, leaving a blood trail.

Jinwoo collected more fangs from their bodies, facing more wolves and killing more, she gets fangs again and sometimes gold from it.

"20 gold, huh?" Jinwoo said as she sold some fangs to the new shop menu. "I wonder how much that worth in real money here." Jinwoo was eating a snack bar from her bag after killing about 15 wolves in total, she rubbed the small rubbish in her skirt pocket.

Venturing deeper she spotted one lone steel-fang Lycan, steadying her bow, she was about to fire the arrow until four red glowing eyes appeared.

Four? No that's six, it's eight now, then twelve, fifteen, and more..

"Those wolves.. I knew what they are howling now, they always do that before they ran away.." Jinwoo sweated, looking at almost twenty-five Lycans in one corridor all looking at her with bloodlust.

"I shouldn't give up, I CAN'T GIVE UP." Jinwoo sparked herself a fire inside her eyes, "I can't afford to be weak again, I'll have to fight on!"

Both sides roar as the wolves dashed towards their only enemy. Jinwoo raised her bow and fired four shots, striking all four wolves each, she uses her [MP] and firing more magic shots, killing more wolves until they have reached a close enough distance to the girl. She hurriedly dodged four bites and killed one with a kick.

A Lycan bites her leg while she was unsuspecting, ignoring the pain, Jinwoo raises her leg and lifting the Lycan along with it, smashing it against another Lycan that was coming at her, both wolves collided and was killed instantly as Jinwoo began sprinting to a wall, propelling and jumping off to the ceiling of the building.

Standing upside down while the wolves were beneath her head, Jinwoo fired five shots and killed more and more, levelling up and feeling her increased inner strength, she landed back down and began her killing spree of wolves.

One Lycan tried to out speed her, she easily timed her shots, more Lycans trying to bite her blind spot or got close enough to her, she split their heads off their body with a kick or creating a hole in their heads with her fist. More blood sprayed on the walls and floor, Jinwoo used the building structure to her advantage, firing magic arrows to the breaking ceiling as it broke down in rubbles and killed multiple Lycans in the process.

"To get stronger, to not be looked down anymore." Jinwoo stabbed a Lycan with the sharp tip end of her bow on its eye, blinding it before she punched it dead.

"I'll gladly follow these.." Jinwoo throws a Lycan to other Lycan before firing a concentrated magic shot, killing multiple of them in a straight line.

"Ridiculous rules!"

Title Obtained: Wolf Slayer

Requirements: Given to one who has experienced in wolf-slaying.

BEAST-TYPE Monsters: All abilities are given 40% bonus.

"Huff..." Jinwoo wiped her sweats with a napkin, "My hair and body are all sweaty, I guess it's good I never took a single hit during that last moment." Jinwoo looked down to her bloodied shoe and skirt, "One miscalculation and I could've been mauled to death.."

"Inventory." Jinwoo looked as the hologram appeared infront of her, "I've obtained about 34 fangs so far, some shadow cloak that boost my speed and perception.." Jinwoo said as she put on the armour from the menu. She could feel the hologram of the cloak appeared on her body for a moment before it disappeared.

"Armours and equipment are weirdly invisible, I was hoping I could hide in the dark with this." Jinwoo stretches, feeling a newfound lightness in her body. "I guess I don't have to stand out much from this."

Jinwoo ventured deeper into the halls, while she walked, she whistled a small tune while looking around, guard up for what enemies that is about to jump her. What she didn't expect is however, a glowing vending machine infront of her. And it even had a hologram above it as well. Looking closer, Jinwoo saw what the letter pronounced.

"Buffs?" Jinwoo said, amazed by a newfound feature the system or dungeon has given her. "This is new, dungeons doesn't even have normal working technology in here."

"Then again, whatever happened in a dungeon stays in a dungeon, maybe some people never bothered acknowledging these stuff when you have mages that can buff you."

Jinwoo looked at the vending machine in a closer distance, it was shaped and seem like your average vending machine, multiple logos indicating snacks or drinks on it's form, however instead of food, it was names of stats and an ability.

"Red is strength, blue is agility, purple is intelligence, green is perception.." Jinwoo rubs her chin, "And what is this big orange button for?"

Looking closer, Jinwoo found out that the big orange button is an ability. "Stealth Skill?" Jinwoo wondered what that meant, she looked closer and saw that there are payment to obtain those buffs.

"So they are needed to pay in gold, I guess this is good for something." Jinwoo smiled, but she frowned. "This stealth skill cost like 700 gold, that's way too expensive, and I only have 20 golds."

"I guess I can't buy this stealth skill yet, but these additional buffs only cost ten gold, I guess that's good enough for me." So Jinwoo bought a STR and INT buff. The vending machine suddenly start shaking before a vent opened beneath it, dropping a red can and blue can.

Awed, Jinwoo picked both cans and drank the blue can first, at first she was expecting to drink bits by bit but just one gulp and it was already empty.

[BUFF] Obtained: 40% Increase in SPD for 10 minutes.

"Woah! This really does work, I feel a lot agile than I was a moment ago." Jinwoo did small hops and spin with ease, feeling like she just consumed 30 bottles of sugar.

"I guess I'll save this strength can for the boss, if I can ever last there." Jinwoo pocketed the red can, grabbing her bow and began sprinting deeper into the halls.

Not too long later, she was stopped by completely new enemies.

A Monkey with humanoid figure; [Razor-Clawed Briga]. A black panther with purple claws; [[Black-Shadow Razan]. They both launched themselves at Jinwoo before she took aim, but with the newfound speed buff she maneuver over them and stabbed the beasts with the sharp tip of her bow.

Expecting more fight she dashed back to regain distance, but until then she noticed the monsters was already dead on the floor, blood puddle dropping out in an inhuman manner.

"This must be the title's doing." Jinwoo glanced at the floating hologram indicating her new title. "Killing animal-like beasts has gotten really easy because of that."

"Not only that, the nametags of these guys are white now, it used to be orange when I fought them." Jinwoo looked at the dead Lycan, it's nametag is now white.

"I'm really getting stronger, it's so unbelievable..." Jinwoo gulped, clenching her hands and flexing her muscles. "To suddenly go to sleep after a lazy day and wake up with an accident i forgot about, and then suddenly no longer weak again, this is like a dream.."

"I don't know if I can take on that, however.." Jinwoo found herself at the end of the halls, now looking down to reveal an even deeper staircase downwards, with her [PERCEPTION] and [INT] stats at a high enough level to sense a strong enemy underneath it.

"it's bad that I can't find any teleportation stone, I guess I have no choice but to take that bad boy myself." Jinwoo gulped, "Here i go downwards.."

Jinwoo collected her thoughts, and stepped downwards the stairs, as she walked the steam and mist gets bigger and denser, "Why is this stair so long?" Jinwoo muttered, mentally preparing herself for what abomination she is about to face.

At last she found flat ground, looking up she found a broken train, a river of a railway and broken signs and chairs, it really does give off the abandoned theme of the dungeon she was taking on. "This really doesn't seem like the station I used to take to meet up with Joohee.."

Before she walked any further, suddenly a laugh growl entered her earbuds. Jinwoo braced herself when a giant tail came crashing at her, "So fast!" Jinwoo raised her arms to block, barely managing to defend herself from a fatal blow on the abdomen, the force suddenly got stronger and launch Jinwoo flying to a pillar, breaking it like twigs before crashing into a wall, leaving a giant crack. "It's so strong as well!"

Panting, Jinwoo felt the adrenaline rush into her veins, looking up she spotted that the giant tail came from a giant and venomous snake, blue shells and orange pupils, looking at her with killing intentions.

As the snake emerges from the water, splashing a huge wave of water washing everything small away, reaching Jinwoo just by her leg ankles and she stood up and readied her bow.

[WARNING] A dungeon [BOSS] has been alarmed of your Prescence.

[KING OF THE SWAMP] Blue Venom-Fanged Kasaka.

"The nametag, it's... orange!" Jinwoo suddenly felt herself smile by a bit. "I may have a chance on beating and get out of here!"

Clutching her bow tight, Jinwoo examine the giant snake. "What beautiful and strong scales... There's no way my arrows can pierce it." Jinwoo thought deeper. "Not by itself, maybe I can try and aim for it's eyes or mouth, those were unprotected areas."

"But first-" As Jinwoo pulled out the red can from her bag, the snake suddenly lunged its head towards her, no time to dodge Jinwoo clutched the tip of her bow and clashed the snake's side, its armour creating sparks along with the bows sharp ends.

"D-damn it, it's not going to let me get my buff..." Jinwoo had to drop the red can, as the force of the snake pushed the can into the broken pillar and rolling away. Jinwoo held on her stance on the snake before she loses her grip, the snake moved in crazy speed and pushed her flying to another wall.

"AUURGH!!" Jinwoo launched into a wall, getting out of it, she saw the snake maneuver itself around her, like a predator toying it's prey. She started sweating as she can feel the time limit of her speed buff beginning to close in. "I-I can't get a clean time to land a hit on him.. he's too fast!"

"Ugh.. This is why I have to fight with a group.. Rangers are only long ranged supports!" Jinwoo exclaimed before the snake moved again, opening its mouth and welcoming her inside it as it lunges at her. Jinwoo stayed strong and jumped above, running over the head of the giant snake and made a soundful escape, landing ontop of the broken train.

As she readied her bow, she realized something was wrong, she looked down to find out that her bow was snapped in half. "M-my bow!"

It must've been the time were I lose to the snake in the clashing endurance thing, I heard something snapped after that. . . Jinwoo cursed herself at her stupidity, it's obvious she would've lose to a snake the size of 10 story building!

"My only chance now is to find that buffing can.." Jinwoo searched for something in her skirt pocket, revealing a black object shaped like an F letter, a gun.

"Since hunters only need weapons that can benefit them in mana usage, physical weapons made by man are often made very cheap and maybe even free, as daily citizens needed something to defend themselves." Jinwoo explained to no one. "This Glock-17 was dropped somewhere in a dungeon and I found it, it's not as strong and mana-usable as my bow, but it can inflict some damage to beings without mana protection auras.."

"My speed buff is about to end in a minute, so I need to get that can within a minute!" Jinwoo located something red near a pillar, over there she saw a hologram appeared, indicating it was the buffing can she dropped earlier. "I spot it!"

"I can't get there by running cluelessly.. the snake is much faster I am at distance speed.." Jinwoo had an idea, "I can make a distraction!"

Jinwoo leaped off the train, the snake saw it and tried to chase after her, until it saw that she jumped into the water river, making a splash.

Before the snake even jumped in, it heard a loud noise hitting a wall on it's behind.


The snake turned around, and it sped up to reach for the noise, only to find nothing but a small hole on the wall, the snake turned back again just to see Jinwoo already standing in the distance, a red can in her hand and a smile on her face, along with her clothes drenched and wet.

Before Jinwoo even spoke, she heard a loud noise coming at her direction, she looked up just to see a train falling down at her direction, turns out the snake's tail has launched the broken train at Jinwoo as she maneuver over it.

As Jinwoo dodged, she realized it wasn't trying to hit her but to bait her to dodge, and she has fallen for the trap, the snake headbutts Jinwoo and sent her flying into more pillars, and crashed into the staircase, the very entrance she went on to fight the snake.

"Oof.. C-can't you give this girl a break?!" Jinwoo clenched her teeth, blood was spewing out of her mouth, but she smiled as she still had the red can in her hands. "L-Looks like you aren't strong enough to release my grip just yet!"

As she opened the can and began to drank it, she suddenly choked on her own blood and coughed blood out, her heart was beating fast as she felt the speed flowing inside her dying out.

[WARNING] You cannot use BUFFS when critically injured.

"A-aw man, really?!" Jinwoo claimed, standing up on one knee she looked at the snake, who is now making itself standing up, looking down at her with a red glow on it's eyes.

"I-I thought I gotten stronger.. turns out I barely make a difference in here.." Jinwoo sadly said, hugging her stomach in pain as she was now on her knees, her hair was messy and her hoodie and skirt was ripped in some places. The Hologram maneuver beside her, indicating her current status; [HP: 40/300. MP: 40/100]

I guess this is were I die.. huh? Jinwoo sadly thought, as the snake made it's move and crashing Jinwoo into the floor, trying to crush her with its giant tail as she coughed up blood, her hand still holding tight into the red can.


The Weakest hunter of all mankind?

"Huh? who said.. that?"

Jinwoo sadly sat in a bench, eating a sweet treat while a man sat next to her, he had long orange hair tied in a pony tail, a face with experience smiling kindly at her.

"People probably said that because I'm a girl.."

"Nonsense, it's childish how people have been treating you like that, and to a lady no less, have they have no morality?" The man before her said, he was known as Song Chiyul.

The man smiled at her, patting Jinwoo's head with his gloved hand, "You remind me of my wife, you know that? Always looked down upon because of her figure."

"That's kind of creepy, y'know Mr. Song." Jinwoo said, her mouth still munching the tasty treat.

"Hahahah! You always make me laugh!" Chiyul laughed, uncaring of the earlier statement about him. "But hey, you can't let that self-proclaim title get to you, y

know that?"


"Don't you know? I'm training an S-Class in swordman ship, and she's learning from me! A C-Ranked mage."

"Wow! That's something you can totally boast about!"

"Ignoring that, are you really going to sit around and let people call you that, young lady?"


"Sung Jinwoo, train, and get stronger."

Jinwoo looked at the man with newfound wonder. "Can I really do that?"

"Yes, Sung, you cannot get strong by just talent, you need discipline and hardwork."

"Prove them wrong, my girl, there's a limit on how a person can take before they break, don't be that person."

"Don't be that person. . ."

"Don't be that person. . ."

"Don't be that person. . ."

"Don't be that person. . ."

"Don't be that person. . ."

"Mr. Song.." Jinwoo coughed out more blood, "I understand now!" Jinwoo found a new fire lit inside her once again, clenching her teeth and bottom, she yelled as she tried to push the giant tail off the snake.


The tail was somehow pushed off the snake, the snake looked in surprise as it's prey who was on death's door is suddenly back.

"My human spirit... my indomitable human spirit!!" Jinwoo cried out, rolling herself out of the way as the snake headbutts on the ground, creating shockwaves and earthquakes.

"Huff...STATUS RECOVERY!!!" Jinwoo yelled, the hologram appeared next to her, as the unclaimed daily quest is now claimed, Jinwoo felt her injury, fatigues and pain died out, she has returned from 100% from the start before she fought the boss.

As she was healing, she immediately deepthroats the liquid of the red can, earning herself the buffs she has been trying to get.

[BUFF] Obtained: 40% Increase on strength, additional 60% Increase by title on certain beasts.

[Temporary Skill] Requirements: Use a buff during healing, player have earned themself a temporary skill that will die out along with the buff within 10 minutes.

[SKILL]: Element Bending; any element the user wills will appear, apply it to the magical arrow shots and increase it's power, 200% power increase on title effects.

To use: Chanting certain words.

"Woah.." Jinwoo looked at the newfound knowledge, she alarmed herself as the snake maneuver itself around her again, the snake circling around her trying to corner her, as it zig zags to her position.

Jinwoo looked at the chanting requirement to use the skill, looking at the hologram next to her, Jinwoo felt the power to complete the chant and defeat the snake once and for all, she raised her hand as it she is using an invisible bow.

Rangers doesn't necessary need a bow or crossbow to use their magical arrow as they can summon it at will, but they do need it to aim, and plus those weapons can make the shot stronger and aim for precise, why bother using it without weapons?

Jinwoo was about to prove that statement wrong, as she held in position, she imagined a flame burning inside her, the orange red flame suddenly turned blue fire as the title applied itself to the orange fire, creating a stronger fire.

Snakes are quite weak to high temperature, it burns them no matter how tanky they are.

Breathe In. . .

Breathe Out. . .


"Ancient Bull, sovereign the land of tears. . ."

The fire gets bigger, creating a blue fire aura around Jinwoo, melting small things around it.

"With the blood of the beginning child."

Jinwoo hair flew, her eyes burned bright blue as the blood on her mouth dried itself away.

"Let drain the red well and sever the root of immortality!"

Jinwoo hands burned bright, as a giant blue flame the size of a giant arrow appeared on her. Jinwoo held a strong gaze as the snake lunges at her with full speed.

"I have to control, to find the right moment!" Jinwoo held strong, feeling determination to win as the snake as reached within her hitbox.

"THERE!" She released, the flame arrow flew at the snake.

The snake saw what's coming and easily dodged the flame, what it didn't realize was that before the flame went pass it, it exploded into a big fire bomb and burned the snake's face, breaking its scales as it shrieks in pain.

The snake was shaking uncontrollably, headbutting into random things, as it felt the pain is dying out it noticed a small figure lunging at it's head and it was Jinwoo with the Glock-17 in her hand.

Jinwoo landed on the snake's head, as she aimed the handgun at the snake eye, she had a victory smile on her face, "I win."




Three shots was fired on the snake eyes, it bleeds and tears leak out, the snake was about to move until Jinwoo put more weight on her body, crushing it down and creating a crater on the ground, Jinwoo leaped off to the other untouched eye and fires three shots into it's eye again. The snake shriekd and tried to escape but pinned down again by Jinwoo as she began to push hard down, crushing the snake by it's neck. She pushed and pushed while the snake cried in agony, it was burnt and found it hard to breathe, eyes leaking of blood as it screams.




At last, the snake last breath has drawn as it's head was completely disconnected from the body, the nape and neck is twisted in crazy positions, and Jinwoo is now full of snake blood.

Crutching her broken arm, Jinwoo jump off as the strength died out along with adrenaline, she stared at the hologram indicating the boss defeat and level ups, she smiled as she wipe the blood off her face.

"I guess I kind of..."

"Gotten a bit stronger?"

As Jinwoo bends over to wipe the blood off her skirt and shoes, she examined her now torn clothing with a blush. Her shoes are magically fine while her skirt was ripped on the bottom, a quick lift and her panties could've been exposed to everyone, luckily she wore shorts underneath which was almost clean due to the blood mostly coming from the top.

Her hoodie is the worse state out of other clothing, her hoodie sleeves was completely gone as it revealed her bare arm yet muscled and meaty. The lower part of the hoodie could've revealed her belly bare if her shirt isn't protecting it, and the top of the hoodie and shirt was ripped off to both reveal her cleavage and a small hint of white sports bra.

Aside from torn clothing she also got new items as replacement for the boss defeat.

ITEM: Kasaka Fanged Crossbow

Rarity: C-Rank. | Category: Bow/Crossbow

ATK: 25%

Paralysis: Stun opponent for a period of time, worked better the lower ranked the enemy are.

Drain: -1% HP every 1 second.

A crossbow made with Kasaka fangs on the sides, can be used for close combat. It also inflict poison and paralysis in magical arrow shots.

"Amazing..!" Jinwoo examine her new weapon as she loaded her Glock-17 with new mag. "This is a huge upgrade from my worn out bow, and I've never used a crossbow before."

She held the crossbow as she summon a magic arrow on its top, and with one click it fired immediately in great speeds, crashing through two pillars before it disappears on the 3rd.

"A lot durable as well." Jinwoo smiled. "It's so easy to fire aside from bows, it's like a rifle or something."

"And this is..." Jinwoo held up a small potion. It was[KASAKA POISON].

"Make my skin toughens in exchange of dying inside? No thanks." Jinwoo said, she wondered for a moment before she placed it in Inventory. "I guess I can find use for this for someone else, some masoch*st perhaps.."

[DUNGEON BOSS] Has been defeated.

Returning everything to it's original state.

In a flash, Jinwoo suddenly found herself in the same train station she fought in, except its cleaner, more neat and no broken pillars this time, the snake and blood is also gone.

"Huh." Jinwoo looked in awe, "It's like a simulation, but feel so real." She turned around and suddenly reminded herself of her clothing, so she covered herself and looked around, it's surprisingly devoid of life.

Jinwoo found the staircase and smiled that it isn't long anymore, so she went up and exiting HabJeong station. "It's quite dark outside, did I really went that long?"

"Excuse me, Ma'am!" Jinwoo turned to see a soldier holding a gun walking to her, his face was stern and serious. "You shouldn't be here, haven't you heard of the broadcast?"

Jinwoo looked at him wearingly, "Broadcast?.."

The soldier was about to comment on if she is poor basing on her ripped clothing, but he noticed a crossbow in her hand, "Oh! I'm sorry ma'am, you're a hunter, aren't you?"

"O-oh! I guess I am?" Jinwoo shrugged, feeling a bit sluggish from the life-or-death battle just five minutes ago.

"Then! Please follow me." The soldier walked away and Jinwoo hurriedly went with him.

The soldier lead Jinwoo to the streets, she spotted broken cars and cracked street ground. "Is this a dungeon break? I'm guessing magic beasts made it out here."

"You're correct on that, Ma'am, there's a big fight there and we need the help we can get!" The soldier replied, walking in posture while Jinwoo follow him almost sloppily.

I feel bad for these guys.Jinwoo thought.You worked so hard before the hunter-era as you protect us all from danger and held law and civilization. yet one day we all just waltz in and suddenly we can take on almost all of the military.

But i'm glad they're still around, the military is still stronger than some hunters, even though it's mainly C-ranks and below, there's got to be someone who can protect both citizens and hunters at the same time. Although stronger we still rely on the military and policemen to protect daily lives.

Her thoughts was interrupted when she saw a giant golem over the distance, the soldier came to the crowd and said something about making distance and moving aside.

The fighting was drowned by the yelling and talking of civilians talking about the fight being too long. Jinwoo looked at the golem with alarm. "That one is really tough, it's shield is almost unbreakable basing on how much they're trying to fight it off." Jinwoo noted as she saw four hunters over the distance fighting, there was a tank aggroing the golem, ranger firing shots and a mage trying to give buffs, along with an assassin trying to damage it with quick strikes.

"They're low ranks too.. four E-ranks and only the tank is D-rank, not good, the boss is almost C-rank judging by it's aura." Jinwoo looked at the boss nametag, it's glowing orange.

"Not good, and it looked like my way to reach there isn't going to be there any time soon, too many civilians in the way.." Jinwoo held her gaze, she raised her new crossbow. "Let's see how much this bad boy can damage him."

And she fired, the magical arrow flew at the golem as it never had time to react, it broke an invisible barrier indicating to be it's shield, exploding and making the golem step back, losing control over itself before it fell down and hit hard on the ground.

The impact was so loud, creating a sonic boom pushing other hunters back, but the Tank manage to stood his ground as the blast died out, he looked over his shield and yelled something about fighting as the other hunters reclaim their sense and started hitting the golem with all their might, and successfully defeated it.

"Woah? I didn't realize.." Jinwoo looked at her crossbow, it glew bright despite the dark nights of the day. "Well it's weaker than the snake I fought with, so this shouldn't be a surprise for me.

"I've gotten stronger, but I can't let this power fly to my head, I've got to be responsible about this and calculate what I should do next." Jinwoo rubs her chin while examining her crossbow. "And the first calculation I acquire, is a good bath and a good night sleep."

Her strong gaze died out immediately as she walk away from the fighting field, also trying to cover herself when she saw couple of boys looking at her.

What she didn't notice was a look of gratitude from the tank hunter as he saw her walking away with a crossbow, he almost blushed when Jinwoo skirt blew up a little but suddenly found himself disappointed at the sight of shorts underneath.

Walking out of the shower, feeling refreshed Jinwoo purchased a small soda can from the vending machine and tightening the towel wrapped around her body, Jinwoo walked to her hospital room and dried her hair, looking over the window with a smile, "I made it, huh..."

"I'm glad I was given a chance to be strong, whoever you are." Jinwoo said to the hologram, whose completely silent and didn't change a thing. "Maybe you're some sort of God or Angel looking over me."

As Jinwoo unwrap the towel and find herself a change of clothes, she put on her new shirt and looked outside again, seeing the moon shining bright outside. "I'll probably be fine if I wake up from my sleep and find out this is all just a dream, at least I had some happiness over a dream."

Looking sadly at her bed, Jinwoo sighed one last time before throwing herself on the bed, and shutting off for the night.

Good-Night, Sung Jinwoo.

You have no idea what the system had in store for you.




Stronger Alone or Stronger Together? - Chapter 1 - Character1973 - 나 혼자만 레벨업 (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.