Zero Order Reaction - Introduction, Meaning, Examples, and FAQs (2024)

The Order of reaction gives a relationship between the rate of a chemical reaction and the concentration of the elements taking part in it. Therefore it can be defined as the power dependence of rate on the concentration of all reactants. To determine the reaction order, the power-law form of the rate equation is commonly used. The expression for the rate law is given by r = kAxBy. In the expression, ‘r’ refers to the rate of reaction, ‘k’ is the rate constant of the reaction, A and B are the concentrations of the reactants. The exponents of the reactant concentrations x and y are partial orders of the reaction. So, the sum of all the partial orders of the reaction gives the overall order of the reaction. In this topic, we will discuss Zero-order reactions.

What is a Zero Order Reaction?

A reaction in which the concentration of the reactants does not change with respect to time and the concentration rates remain constant throughout is called a zero-order reaction. The rate of these reactions is always equal to the rate constant of the specific reactions because the rate of these reactions is proportional to the zeroth power of reactants concentration.

A Zero-order reaction is always an artifact (made by humans) of the conditions under which the reaction is carried out. Due to this reason, reactions following zero-order reactions are also sometimes referred to as pseudo-zero-order reactions.

Characteristics of Zero Order Reaction

  • The square root of the reactant's concentration determines the reaction rate i.e it is proportional to the former.

  • The rate of the reaction is related to the reactant's concentration.

  • The reaction's rate is not proportional to the reactant's concentration.

  • The reaction rate is related to the square of the reactant's concentration.

  • The natural logarithm of the reactant's concentration determines the reaction rate, i.e they are proportional in nature.

There are two broad categories of situations that can result in zero-order rates:

  • Only a small fraction of the reactant molecules are in a condition or position that allows them to react, and this fraction is constantly replenished from the larger pool.

  • When two or more reactants are present, some have substantially higher concentrations than others.

When a reaction is catalyzed by adhesion to a solid surface (heterogeneous catalysis) or by an enzyme, this is a common occurrence.

Differential and Integral Form of Zero Order Reaction

An equation representing the dependence of the rate of reaction on the concentration of reacting species is termed the differential rate equation. The instantaneous rate of reaction is expressed as the slope of the tangent at any instant of time in the concentration-time graph. It is not easy to determine the rate of reaction from the concentration-time graph. So, we need to integrate the differential rate equation in order to obtain a relation between the concentration at different points and the rate constant. This equation used is known as the integrated rate equation. For reactions of a different order, we observe different integrated rate equations.

In the case of a zero-order reaction, the rate of reaction depends on the zeroth power of the concentration of reactants.

For the reaction given as A → B (A is reactant and B is a product)

Rate = -dA / dt = kA0

⇒ -dA / dt = k

⇒ dA = -k dt

Now Integrating both sides, we get:

⇒ A = -kt + c

Where c = constant of integration

At time, t = 0, A = A0

Putting the limits in the above equation we will get the value of c,

⇒ A0 = c

Using the value of c in the equation above we get:

⇒ A = -kt + A0

⇒ A = A0 - kt

This equation is known as the integrated rate equation for zero-order reactions. We can observe the above equation as an equation of the straight line (y = mx + c) with a concentration of reactant on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. The slope of the straight line gives the value of the rate constant, k.

Half-Life of a Zero Order Reaction

The half-life of a chemical reaction can be defined as the specific amount of time taken for the concentration of a given reactant to reach 50% of its initial concentration (or the time taken by the reactant concentration to reach half of its initial value). It is denoted by the symbol ‘t1/2’ and is expressed in seconds. It is to be noted that the formula for the half-life of a reaction varies with the order of the reaction.

From the above-integrated equation we have:

A = A0 - kt

Now replacing t with half-life t1/2 in the above equation:

⇒ 1/2 A = A0 - k t1/2

⇒ k t1/2 = 1/2 A0

⇒ t1/2 = 1/2 k A0

⇒ t1/2 = A0 / 2k

t1/2 is the half-life of the reaction ( seconds)

A0 is the initial reactant concentration (mol.L-1 or M)

k is the rate constant of the reaction ( M(1-n) s-1 where ‘n’ is the reaction order)

From this equation, it can be concluded that the half-life is dependent on the rate constant as well as the reactant’s initial concentration.

For a first-order reaction, the half-life is: t1/2 = 0.693/ k

Degree of Reaction

  • The response proportion, also known as the degree of reaction.

  • The proportion of the static head (also known as clearance hole pressure) to the fall head or syphon head is described by this boundary in multistage turbomachinery.

  • It refers to how the static pressing component is distributed between the impeller and the stage.

  • A level of reaction of zero indicates that there is no pressure expansion inside the impeller (stationary pressing factor impeller), whereas a level of response of 1 indicates that the stage's static pressing factor expansion occurs solely in the impeller.

Relation Between Half-life and Zero-order Reactions

The half-life, t1/2, is a timeline in which each half-life addresses the underlying population's reduction to half of its original state. The accompanying condition might be used to address the relationship.

[A] = 12[A]0

[A] = A0-Kt

12A0 = A0 - Kt1/2

solve for t1/2

t1/2 = [A]02K

It is to be noted that the half-life of a zero-order reaction is determined by the initial concentration and rate constant.

The rate constant for a Zero-order reaction, rate of constant = k.

The rate constant k will have units of concentration/time, such as M/s, due to a zero-request response.


1. The reaction of hydrogen with chlorine is also known as a Photochemical reaction.

H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl

Rate = k[H2]0 [Cl2]0

Rate = k

2. Decomposition of nitrous oxide on a hot platinum surface.

N2O → N2 + 1/2 O2

Rate [N2O]0 = k[N2O]0 = k

d [N2O] / dt = k

3. Decomposition of NH3 in the presence of molybdenum or tungsten is a zero-order reaction.

2NH3 → N2 + 3H2

4. The Haber process, which produces ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen gas, is well-known.

The reversal of this is called the reverse Haber process, and it is defined as follows:

2NH3(g) → 3H2(g) + N2(g)

Because its pace is independent of ammonia content, the reverse Haber process is an example of a zero-order reaction.

It should be noted that, as with other chemical reactions, the sequence of this reaction cannot be derived from the chemical equation and must be determined experimentally.

The Haber process is responsible for the production of ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen gas.

A zero-order reaction (the breakdown of ammonia to form nitrogen and hydrogen) is the inverse of this mechanism.

Zero Order Reaction - Introduction, Meaning, Examples, and FAQs (2024)


Zero Order Reaction - Introduction, Meaning, Examples, and FAQs? ›

A zero-order reaction is defined as “a chemical reaction in which the rate of reaction does not change when the concentration of the reactants grows or decreases.” The rate of these reactions is always equal to the rate constant of the specific reactions since the rate is proportional to the 0th power of the ...

What are the examples of zero order reaction with explanation? ›

Chemical reactions that do not depend on the concentration of reactants are called zero-order reactions. Example: Radical reaction of alkanes to haloalkanes in the presence of light. Zero-order kinetics are always a product of the conditions under which the reaction is carried out.

What is zero order kinetics in simple terms? ›

Zero-order kinetics undergo constant elimination regardless of the plasma concentration, following a linear elimination phase as the system becomes saturated. A simple analogy would be an athlete signing an autograph on a picture.

What is the correct statement for a zero order reaction? ›

Rate of Zero order reaction is equal to Rate constant of that reaction, which is independent of concentration. Hence, on increasing concentration of reactants, rate of reaction does not increase.

Which of the following reactions is an example of a zero order reaction? ›

H2+Cl2→2HCl is an example of zero order reaction because the rate of the reaction is proportional to zero power of the concentration of reactants.

What describes a zero order reaction? ›

A zero-order reaction is defined as “a chemical reaction in which the rate of reaction does not change when the concentration of the reactants grows or decreases.” The rate of these reactions is always equal to the rate constant of the specific reactions since the rate is proportional to the 0th power of the ...

What does a zero order reaction depend on? ›

In the case of a zero-order reaction, the rate of reaction depends on the zeroth power of the concentration of reactants. This equation is known as the integrated rate equation for zero-order reactions.

Why is it called a zero order reaction? ›

Zero-order reaction is a chemical reaction wherein the rate does not vary with the increase or decrease in the concentration of the reactants.

What are the characteristics of a zero order reaction? ›

“A zero-order reaction is a chemical reaction in which the rate remains constant as the concentration of the reactants rises or falls.” The rate of these reactions is always equal to the rate constant of the specific reactions since the rate is proportional to the 0th power of the concentration of reactants.

Are zero order reactions always complex? ›

Zero order reactions are complex reactions. A reaction having first order may be either elementary or complex reaction. A reaction having second order reaction must have molecularity =2. A reaction with molecularity =2 must be a second order reaction.

How do you prove a reaction is zero order? ›

If an increase in reactant increases the half life, the reaction has zero-order kinetics. If it has no effect, it has first-order kinetics. If the increase in reactant decreases the half life, the reaction has second-order kinetics.

What is true of zero order reactions? ›

In a zeroth-order reaction, the reaction rate does not depend on the reactant concentration. A linear change in concentration with time is a clear indication of a zeroth-order reaction.

Is a zero order reaction is one step reaction? ›

A zero order reaction is complex and takes place in many steps. For each step molecularity cannot be zero.

What is the time taken to reduce in a zero order reaction? ›

In a zero order reaction, the time taken to reduce the concentration of reactant from 50% to 25% is 30 minutes.

Is zero order reaction multistep reaction? ›

Thus a zero order reaction must be multi step/complex reaction such that the individual steps have their own molecularity but molecularity for the overall reaction is not defined as seen in multi step/complex reaction.

How many molecules react during a zero order reaction? ›

Molecularity value of zero means no molecules are reacting to form a product.

What is an example of a zero order system? ›

The output of a zero order system is proportional to the input. At all times, the output is equal to the input multiplied by some constant of proportionality. Where k is a proportionality constant. Example – rheostat, potentiometer.

What are examples of zero order reaction drugs? ›

A few substances are eliminated by zero-order elimination kinetics, because their elimination process is saturated. Examples are Ethanol, Phenytoin, Salicylates, Cisplatin, Fluoxetin, Omeprazol.

What is an example of a zero activation energy reaction? ›

Typical is neutralization reaction H+(aq)+OH−(aq)⟶H2O(l). Bond formation between atoms (e.g. H+H⟶H2) is most often exothermic/exergonic and has zero activation energy.

What is an example of a zero order reaction with HCl? ›

This photochemical reaction is zero-order reaction. The reaction is studied by placing H2 and Cl2 gases over water. The rate of reaction is studied by nothing the rate at which water rises in the vessel due to dissociation of HCl formed.


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