14.4: Zero-Order Reactions (2024)

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    \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\)

    \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

    \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

    \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

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    A zeroth-order reaction is one whose rate is independent of concentration; its differential rate law is rate = k. We refer to these reactions as zeroth order because we could also write their rate in a form such that the exponent of the reactant in the rate law is 0:

    \[\textrm{rate}=-\dfrac{\Delta[\textrm A]}{\Delta t}=k[\textrm{reactant}]^0=k(1)=k \label{14.4.1}\]

    Because rate is independent of reactant concentration, a graph of the concentration of any reactant as a function of time is a straight line with a slope of −k. The value of k is negative because the concentration of the reactant decreases with time. Conversely, a graph of the concentration of any product as a function of time is a straight line with a slope of k, a positive value.

    14.4: Zero-Order Reactions (1)

    The integrated rate law for a zeroth-order reaction also produces a straight line and has the general form

    \[[A] = [A]_0 − kt \label{14.4.2}\]

    where [A]0 is the initial concentration of reactant A. Equation \(\ref{14.4.2}\) has the form of the algebraic equation for a straight line, y = mx + b, with y = [A], mx = −kt, and b = [A]0.) In a zeroth-order reaction, the rate constant must have the same units as the reaction rate, typically moles per liter per second.

    Although it may seem counterintuitive for the reaction rate to be independent of the reactant concentration(s), such reactions are rather common. They occur most often when the reaction rate is determined by available surface area. An example is the decomposition of N2O on a platinum (Pt) surface to produce N2 and O2, which occurs at temperatures ranging from 200°C to 400°C:

    \[\mathrm{2N_2O(g)}\xrightarrow{\textrm{Pt}}\mathrm{2N_2(g)}+\mathrm{O_2(g)} \label{14.4.3}\]

    Without a platinum surface, the reaction requires temperatures greater than 700°C, but between 200°C and 400°C, the only factor that determines how rapidly N2O decomposes is the amount of Pt surface available (not the amount of Pt). As long as there is enough N2O to react with the entire Pt surface, doubling or quadrupling the N2O concentration will have no effect on the reaction rate. At very low concentrations of N2O, where there are not enough molecules present to occupy the entire available Pt surface, the reaction rate is dependent on the N2O concentration. The reaction rate is as follows:

    \[\textrm{rate}=-\dfrac{1}{2}\left (\dfrac{\Delta[\mathrm{N_2O}]}{\Delta t} \right )=\dfrac{1}{2}\left (\dfrac{\Delta[\mathrm{N_2}]}{\Delta t} \right )=\dfrac{\Delta[\mathrm{O_2}]}{\Delta t}=k[\mathrm{N_2O}]^0=k \label{14.4.4}\]

    Thus the rate at which N2O is consumed and the rates at which N2 and O2 are produced are independent of concentration. As shown in Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\), the change in the concentrations of all species with time is linear. Most important, the exponent (0) corresponding to the N2O concentration in the experimentally derived rate law is not the same as the reactant’s stoichiometric coefficient in the balanced chemical equation (2). For this reaction, as for all others, the rate law must be determined experimentally.

    14.4: Zero-Order Reactions (2)

    A zeroth-order reaction that takes place in the human liver is the oxidation of ethanol (from alcoholic beverages) to acetaldehyde, catalyzed by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. At high ethanol concentrations, this reaction is also a zeroth-order reaction. The overall reaction equation is

    14.4: Zero-Order Reactions (3)

    where NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) are the oxidized and reduced forms, respectively, of a species used by all organisms to transport electrons. When an alcoholic beverage is consumed, the ethanol is rapidly absorbed into the blood. Its concentration then decreases at a constant rate until it reaches zero (part (a) in Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\)). An average 70 kg person typically takes about 2.5 h to oxidize the 15 mL of ethanol contained in a single 12 oz can of beer, a 5 oz glass of wine, or a shot of distilled spirits (such as whiskey or brandy). The actual rate, however, varies a great deal from person to person, depending on body size and the amount of alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver. The reaction rate does not increase if a greater quantity of alcohol is consumed over the same period of time because the reaction rate is determined only by the amount of enzyme present in the liver. Contrary to popular belief, the caffeine in coffee is ineffective at catalyzing the oxidation of ethanol. When the ethanol has been completely oxidized and its concentration drops to essentially zero, the rate of oxidation also drops rapidly (part (b) in Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\)).

    14.4: Zero-Order Reactions (4)

    These examples illustrate two important points:

    1. In a zeroth-order reaction, the reaction rate does not depend on the reactant concentration.
    2. A linear change in concentration with time is a clear indication of a zeroth-order reaction.

    Zero-Order Reactions: https://youtu.be/64i7uYsVsSs

    14.4: Zero-Order Reactions (2024)


    How to calculate zero order reaction? ›

    The given integrated rate law of a zero-order reaction is: [A]t = -kt +[A]0. At half-life the concentration is half of its original amount, so [A]t = [A]0/2. [A]0/2 = -kt + [A]0, after the substitution. -[A]0/2 = -kt, subtract [A]0 from both sides of the equation.

    How do you know if a reaction is zero order? ›

    Zero order reactions are those in which the concentration of the reactants does not change over time and the concentration rates remain constant.

    Are zero order reactions rare? ›

    In reality, zero order reaction kinetics are rare.

    Can a rate constant be negative? ›

    Here now we discussed the rate constant, it cannot be negative because it measures how fast the concentration changes over time so it cannot be a negative value. However, the rate of disappearance can be negative.

    How to determine reaction order? ›

    Either the differential rate law or the integrated rate law can be used to determine the reaction order from experimental data. Often, the exponents in the rate law are the positive integers: 1 and 2 or even 0. Thus the reactions are zeroth, first, or second order in each reactant.

    What is an example of a zero order RXN reaction? ›

    Decomposition of NH3 in the presence of molybdenum or tungsten is a zero-order reaction. 4. The Haber process, which produces ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen gas, is well-known.

    Is zero order reaction always Multistep? ›

    Thus a zero order reaction must be multi step/complex reaction such that the individual steps have their own molecularity but molecularity for the overall reaction is not defined as seen in multi step/complex reaction.

    How much time is required for zero order reaction? ›

    This reaction is the zero-order reaction. Thus, the time required for the completion of the zero-order reaction is [R0]/k.

    Can a zero order reaction not be elementary? ›

    Explanation: a zero order reaction is never an elementary reaction since zero order in elementary States that molecular is zero which is never possible as molecularly is the no of species colliding or reacting to form a product.

    What is the rate 1 time? ›

    1/t represents the rate of reaction experiment. 1/t tells us that when a small change in t causes a large change in 1, then for any given time, an event can happen many times during that time period.

    What is the average rate of reaction? ›

    Average rate of reaction = Change in concentration Time rate ( r ) = Δx Δt. Sign of average rate of reaction: When the rate of concentration of reactant decreases then the average rate of reaction will be negative. When the rate of concentration of product increases then the average rate of reaction will be positive.

    What is the equation of line for zero order reaction? ›

    For a zero order reaction, the graph of [A] vs time will be linear. The slope of the graph is equal to -k. This aligns with the zero order integrated rate law, [A]=-kt+[A]o, as it takes the form y=mx+c, where -k is the slope and [A]o (the initial concentration) is the y-intercept.

    What is the relationship between t7 8 and t1 2 for zero order reaction? ›

    Therefore, the time required for a reactant to decrease to half of its initial concentration (t1/2) is directly related to the time required for the reactant to decrease to one-eighth of its initial concentration (t7/8). The time required for t7/8 is 3.5 times the time required for t1/2 in a zero-order reaction.

    What is the rate law for zero order reaction? ›

    Zeroth-Order Reactions. rate=k. Because rate is independent of reactant concentration, a graph of the concentration of any reactant as a function of time is a straight line with a slope of −k. The value of k is negative because the concentration of the reactant decreases with time.


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    Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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    Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

    Birthday: 1993-08-23

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    Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.