What is a mortgagee clause? - Bankrate (2024)

What is a mortgagee clause? - Bankrate (1)

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Key takeaways

  • Many mortgage lenders require borrowers to have a homeowners insurance policy with a mortgagee clause.
  • The mortgagee clause is a provision that protects the lender from financial loss if the mortgaged property is substantially damaged or destroyed.
  • A mortgagee clause protects the lender even if the damage to the property was intentional and would otherwise void the insurance policy.

If you’re like most homeowners, you’ll need a mortgage to finance a home purchase. Since the home serves as collateral on the loan, your lender will want to ensure the property — its investment — is adequately insured. Along with proof of homeowners insurance, your lender may require you to have a mortgagee clause, a provision in the policy that protects the lender from financial loss if your home is damaged or destroyed. Here’s a closer look at how a mortgagee clause works.

Mortgagee definition

As you review your mortgage documents, you’ll encounter two terms: “mortgagee” and “mortgagor.” Who on earth, you might wonder, are they?

Who is the mortgagee? While legal language can be tricky to decipher, “mortgagee” is a relatively simple term. It’s another word for the lender: a bank, credit union, mortgage company or other lending institution that provides the funds to purchase or refinance a home.

Who is the mortgagor? On the other side of the transaction is the mortgagor—the borrower who accepts the funds.

A mortgage loan has two parts:

  • The promissory note. This is the financing instrument that acts as evidence of the debt. It’s a written promise or agreement to repay the debt in installments with interest. The mortgagor (borrower) executes a promissory note to reflect the amount of the debt.
  • The mortgage (or deed of trust). This is the document that serves as security for the loan. It conveys the property to the mortgagor (lender) as collateral for the debt.

Because the home is collateral, your lender can foreclose on the property—and sell it to recoup costs—if you default on the loan. But what happens if the home is damaged or destroyed? That’s where the mortgagee clause comes in. It ensures the lender receives an insurance payout covering its interest in the property.

What is a mortgagee clause, and how does it work?

Your lender will require you to have a homeowners insurance policy that helps cover costs if your home is damaged or destroyed by a covered loss, such as damages caused by:

  • Fire and smoke
  • Wind and hail
  • Lightning strikes
  • Theft or vandalism
  • Personal liability

A mortgagee clause protects your lender’s interest in the mortgaged property for these same losses. (Note that standard policies don’t cover damage caused by floods, earthquakes, or routine wear and tear). The lender is covered up to the outstanding amount of the mortgage, to pay for repairs that can restore the property to its pre-damaged condition.

Even though the mortgagee clause is part of your homeowners insurance policy, it’s actually an agreement between your lender and insurance company safeguarding the lender against significant losses if your property is damaged or destroyed. The clause is added to your policy (at your expense) and is usually a prerequisite to mortgage approval.

If the mortgaged property is substantially damaged or destroyed, the mortgagee clause guarantees the lender will be compensated for its portion of the loss. Your insurance company will evaluate the damages, determine the payout amounts, and issue payments—first to your lender and then to you.

The protection applies even if the damage is intentional. Say you deliberately set your house on fire, causing it to burn to the ground. In this case, your lender would still be covered, even though your insurer would void your policy if it determined you committed arson.

Finally, the mortgagee clause ensures the insurance company will notify the lender if you stop paying your insurance premiums or your policy is canceled for another reason. Your lender may obtain a new policy with a different provider and add the costs to your monthly mortgage payments.

Mortgagee clauses often come into play with foreclosures. Say a lender seizes a home that’s been severely damaged by the defaulting owners. The clause allows the lender to claim insurance funds to restore the home and sell it.

What are the components of a mortgagee clause?

Here’s a quick look at a few terms that may appear in the mortgagee clause.

  • Lender protections. These are the heart of the clause: the stipulations that protect the lender against financial loss and limit its exposure if the mortgaged property is damaged or destroyed — even if it’s a deliberate act by the borrower/mortgagor.
  • Loss payee. The party entitled to the insurance company’s reimbursem*nt — synonymous with the mortgagee or lender, in this case. Mortgagee clauses are sometimes referred to as “loss payee clauses.”
  • ISAOA. ISAOA is an acronym for “its successors and/or assigns.” It means the mortgagee can transfer its rights to a different financial institution or lender.
  • ATIMA. ATIMA is an acronym for “as their interests may appear.” It extends the insurance coverage to third parties the lender does business with and could suffer losses, even when they aren’t explicitly named in the policy.

The latter two sections allow the lender to sell the loan on the secondary mortgage market. (Lenders often don’t keep the mortgages they originate on their books, though they may continue to service them.)

If your mortgage is sold, be sure to update your policy’s mortgagee clause with the new lender’s name and details.

How do you get a mortgagee clause?

During the mortgage approval process, your lender will inform you that you must take out a homeowners insurance policy before your loan can close, and if it must include a mortgagee clause (this directive may be documented in your commitment letter). Once you compare the best homeowners insurance companies and choose an insurer, you’ll inform the insurer to add a mortgagee clause or loss payee clause in your policy. You’ll probably provide your lender’s details and your loan number.

If you ever do file a claim, you’ll complete the loss payee section with your mortgage lender’s info.

Mortgagee clause FAQ

  • A homeowners insurance policy helps cover costs if your home is damaged or destroyed by a covered loss. If you have a mortgage, your lender will want to ensure its interests — the funds it lent you — are also covered. This is accomplished by adding a mortgagee clause to your homeowners insurance policy.

    For example, say you buy a house for $500,000 with a $100,000 down payment and a $400,000 mortgage. To protect your investment, you purchase a homeowners insurance policy with $500,000 worth of coverage for the home. Your lender wants to protect its investment too, so you add a mortgagee clause to your policy.

    Now, say a wildfire incinerates your home while your family is safely out of town. In that case, your insurance company would give your lender a $400,000 payout to cover the outstanding mortgage debt, and pay you $100,000 to cover the equity you have in the home—allowing you and your lender to avoid substantial financial losses.

  • Most lenders will only approve a mortgage application with a mortgagee clause attached to the homeowners insurance policy. A mortgagee clause protects your lender if the property you borrowed to buy is damaged or destroyed, ensuring it gets reimbursed for its share of the loss. The mortgagee clause’s coverage allows banks and other financial institutions to reduce their risk in lending to you. Without it, they might be more reluctant to issue mortgages, since they’d go uncompensated if the collateral — the home — became worthless.

What is a mortgagee clause? - Bankrate (2024)


What is a mortgagee clause? - Bankrate? ›

The mortgagee clause is a provision that protects the lender from financial loss if the mortgaged property is substantially damaged or destroyed. A mortgagee clause protects the lender even if the damage to the property was intentional and would otherwise void the insurance policy.

What is the mortgagee clause? ›

Mortgagee clause definition

According to Merriam-Webster, a mortgagee clause is a clause in an insurance contract that entitles a named mortgagee to be paid for damage or loss to the property.

What is the mortgagee clause on a US bank home loan? ›

A mortgagee clause is a provision in a homeowner's insurance policy that ensures any unpaid loan amount is paid if a loss or damage of property happens. This is accomplished by allocating a portion of the insurance proceeds to the lender. It's important U.S. Bank is listed as the mortgagee on your new insurance policy.

Is the mortgagee clause just an address? ›

It's the address the mortgage company uses for insurance purposes. It is not the same as their corporate address. Nor the place where you send your mortgage payments.

What is the difference between a loss payee and a mortgagee clause? ›

Loss payee and mortgagee are not the same things. A loss payee is a person, entity, or organization that can receive insurance payments in case of damage or loss to the property. On the other hand, a mortgagee is a person or entity that provides a loan for the purchase of a property.

How do I find my mortgagee clause? ›

How Do You Get A Mortgagee Clause? Many lenders require borrowers to have a mortgagee clause, and it'll be a part of the loan under their property policy, issued by the homeowners insurance company.

What is the mortgagee clause for Wells Fargo? ›

The mortgagee clause shows that your mortgage lender is protected under the policy which is required by your mortgage agreement. If the mortgagee clause on your insurance policy is not correct, please contact your insurance agent to make the correction and issue a change to us.

Do I need a mortgagee protection clause? ›

Any new lender may insist that the lease is varied to include a mortgagee protection clause, which could lead to delays and additional costs. Therefore, in the long term, it's in the interests of everyone involved to include a mortgagee protection clause in a lease.

What is a standard mortgage clause? ›

: a mortgage clause that is usually considered to form a separate contract between the insurer and mortgagee under which the mortgagee can collect payment even if the policy is void or voidable with regard to the insured (as because of fraud or nonpayment)

What is an example of a mortgagee? ›

If you're receiving the loan to buy a home, you're the mortgagor. The mortgagee is the lender — a bank, credit union or online lender, typically. This is the entity providing the funds via a mortgage to buy a home.

What is considered a mortgagee? ›

“Mortgagee” is a term you'll likely see in your mortgage documentation. It refers to the lender, whether that's a bank, credit union, other financial institution or specialized mortgage originator like Rocket Mortgage®. Put simply, the mortgagee is the entity giving you the home loan.

What is the mortgagee clause for Quicken Loans? ›

The mortgagee clause is a provision added to a property insurance policy that protects the lender (or the investors who actually own the mortgage), also known as the mortgagee, from suffering major losses on their investment.

What clause in a mortgage addresses the transfer of the property by the borrower? ›

An alienation clause, also known as a due-on-sale clause, is a real estate agreement that requires a borrower to pay the remainder of their mortgage loan balance off immediately during the sale or transfer of a property title and before a new buyer can take ownership.

What is the difference between lienholder and mortgagee? ›

What's the difference between a mortgage and a lien? A mortgage allows people to borrow money to make a purchase, while a lien is a legal claim against property that can be used as collateral to repay a debt. Technically, a mortgage is a type of lien – a voluntary lien.

When a mortgagee is named in a mortgagee clause attached to a fire or other direct damage policy? ›

When a mortgagee is named in a mortgagee clause attached to a fire or other direct damage policy, the loss reimbursem*nt will be paid to the mortgagee as their interest may appear; and, the mortgagee's rights of recovery will not be defeated by any act or neglect of the insured.

What is the freedom mortgagee clause for insurance? ›

The mortgagee clause establishes the right of your insurance company to pay your lender the amount of your current mortgage principal balance.

What is the standard mortgage clause? ›

A standard mortgage clause (also called a union mortgage clause) is an insurance provision that covers the mortgage lender but not the borrower for a loss involving the mortgaged property. This clause protects the lender in the event that the borrower intentionally damages the property.

What is the mortgagee clause in the Rocket Mortgage? ›

A mortgagee clause works by asserting that, in the event of loss or damage to a property, an insurance company will pay the mortgagee – not the borrower (also known as the mortgagor). In this case, the mortgagee is considered the loss payee.


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