What is a Mortgagee Clause | Property Insurance (2024)

What is a Mortgagee Clause | Property Insurance (1)

Key takeaways

  • A mortgagee clause is found in many property insurance policies and provides protection for a mortgage lender if a property is damaged.
  • While lenders do receive protections with the mortgagee clause, borrowers benefit as well from reimbursem*nts for repairs to the home as well as any documented lost property.
  • During the approval process, the lender will advise that the insurance policy you choose must have the proper mortgagee clause (likely documented in your commitment letter).

Found in many property insurance policies, a mortgagee clause provides protection for a mortgage lender if a property is damaged. If your property is damaged while you (the borrower) are paying off the mortgage, the insurance company will pay your mortgage lender for this loss, even though it’s covered on your insurance policy.

Mortgagee clause definition

According to Merriam-Webster, a mortgagee clause is a clause in an insurance contract that entitles a named mortgagee to be paid for damage or loss to the property.

Additionally, according to the International Risk Management Institute, it establishes that loss to mortgaged property is payable to the mortgagee named in the policy and promises advance written notice to the mortgagee of policy cancellation.

Without the protection of the mortgagee clause, financial institutions would be unlikely to loan the large amounts of money necessary to purchase houses.

Sections of a mortgagee clause

To provide protections that ensure a return on the lender’s investment if the home is damaged or destroyed, several sections are commonly included in the mortgagee clause:


The ISAOA, or “its successors and/or assigns” extends the protections granted by the mortgagee clause to separate institutions should they decide to purchase the loan. This allows the lender to operate in the secondary mortgage market.


The ATIMA or “as their interests may appear”, is another common component of a mortgagee clause. This component extends the insurance policy’s coverage to any associated parties who may incur losses if the property becomes damaged or destroyed.

Loss Payee

A loss payee is the party who is entitled to the insurance payout if a claim is made. In most cases, the loss payee and the lender are the same. If a claim is filed, complete the loss payee section with your mortgage lender’s name, address, and loan number.

How does a mortgagee clause work?

In the event of property damage, the mortgagor works with their insurance company to assess the damage, determine the payout amounts, and coordinate payments to the mortgagee and the mortgagor.

The mortgagee clause stipulates that the mortgagee (lender) is listed as payee on any insurance payments to ensure the property can be restored to its pre-damaged condition.

If you were to stop making insurance payments or the policy is canceled, the loss payee will be notified and given the option to force a new policy with a different provider. The cost of this new policy will be covered by the monthly mortgage payments.

Even if the mortgagors insurance policy has lapsed due to missed payments, the mortgagee can collect on the insurance policy if they meet these conditions:

  • The outstanding premiums are paid
  • A proof of loss is submitted on time
  • The insurer is notified of changes in the property’s occupancy or ownership

Everybody benefits: Protection for the borrower and the lender

While lenders do receive protections with the mortgagee clause, borrowers benefit as well. These protections, built into insurance policies, significantly reduce risks to the lender when a home is financed, allowing buyers to apply for the money that they need to afford their dream home.

Generally speaking, homeowners’ insurance provides security to the borrower against property damage or loss of personal belongings. If damage were to occur, this insurance coverage will reimburse the homeowner for repairs to the home as well as any documented lost property. Additionally, this policy also protects the homeowner from legal liabilities should a loss or if an injury occurs on the property.

How do I get a mortgagee clause?

During the approval process, the lender will advise that the insurance policy you choose must have the proper mortgagee clause (likely documented in your commitment letter).

Once you select your homeowner’s insurance company, you will provide the lender mortgagee clause, including the address of the lender.

For a complete understanding of a mortgagee clause and how it may apply to your specific loan, contact your loan officer.

What is a Mortgagee Clause | Property Insurance (2024)


What is a Mortgagee Clause | Property Insurance? ›

A mortgagee clause is a provision in a homeowner's insurance policy that ensures any unpaid loan amount is paid if a loss or damage of property happens. This is accomplished by allocating a portion of the insurance proceeds to the lender.

Is the mortgagee clause just an address? ›

It's the address the mortgage company uses for insurance purposes. It is not the same as their corporate address. Nor the place where you send your mortgage payments.

Is a mortgagee protection clause required? ›

Do you need a Mortgagee Protection Clause? A Mortgagee Protection Clause is often required by lenders. Without the clause in place, your landlord can commence proceedings to forfeit the lease.

What is the difference between a loss payee and a mortgagee clause? ›

Loss payee and mortgagee are not the same things. A loss payee is a person, entity, or organization that can receive insurance payments in case of damage or loss to the property. On the other hand, a mortgagee is a person or entity that provides a loan for the purchase of a property.

What is a standard mortgage clause? ›

Standard Mortgage Clause is the leading form of the clause and is as follows: "Loss or damage, if any, under this policy, shall be payable to - as - mortgagee (or trustee) as interest may appear, and this insurance, as to the interest of the mortgagee (or trustee) only therein, shall not be invalidated by any act or ...

How do I find my mortgagee clause? ›

During the approval process, the lender will advise that the insurance policy you choose must have the proper mortgagee clause (likely documented in your commitment letter). Once you select your homeowner's insurance company, you will provide the lender mortgagee clause, including the address of the lender.

What is a mortgagee clause? ›

The mortgagee clause is an important provision in a property insurance policy that ensures that the insurance company will pay the mortgagee in the event that loss or damage occurs to a mortgagor's property. The clause is an important measure that mortgagees take to protect their investment in a mortgagor's property.

What is the mortgagee clause on an insurance certificate? ›

A mortgagee clause is a provision in a homeowner's insurance policy that ensures any unpaid loan amount is paid if a loss or damage of property happens. This is accomplished by allocating a portion of the insurance proceeds to the lender.

Why do people need mortgage protection insurance? ›

MPI is a type of insurance policy that helps your family make your monthly mortgage payments if you – the policyholder and mortgage borrower – die before your mortgage is fully paid off. Certain MPI policies also offer coverage for a limited time if you lose your job or become disabled after an accident.

Does an insurance clause in a mortgage require the borrower to maintain property? ›

It provides that if the borrower does not keep the property insured, the lender will pay for the coverage and declare the mortgage to be in default. The insurance clause in the mortgage/trust deed will generally require the borrower to maintain property (hazard) insurance.

What is listed as mortgagee on insurance policy? ›

The mortgagee clause is a provision added to a property insurance policy that protects the lender (or the investors who actually own the mortgage), also known as the mortgagee, from suffering major losses on their investment.

What is the freedom mortgagee clause for insurance? ›

The mortgagee clause establishes the right of your insurance company to pay your lender the amount of your current mortgage principal balance.

Is a mortgagee the same as an additional insured? ›

As an additional insured, the mortgagee, obtains protection for its own liability, if liability arises from the ownership, maintenance, or use of the premises by the named insured and as designated in the endorsem*nt.

What will happen if a house covered by a standard mortgage clause? ›

Most standard mortgage clauses, also known as a mortgagee clause, protect the lender in the event that the insured property is destroyed. The insurance policy will generally be a cash value policy, and if the house is destroyed, the insurer will pay out the current value of the home less any applicable deductibles.

What mortgage clause allows a lender to charge? ›

An "acceleration clause" in a mortgage or deed of trust allows the lender, or current loan holder, to demand repayment in full if the borrower defaults on the loan.

What is a typical clause found in most mortgages? ›

An alienation clause is common in mortgages, giving a mortgage lender the right to request full and immediate loan repayment when the home is sold or transferred.

Who is considered the mortgagee? ›

The mortgagor is the borrower of the loan. If you're receiving the loan to buy a home, you're the mortgagor. The mortgagee is the lender — a bank, credit union or online lender, typically.

What clause in a mortgage addresses the transfer of the property by the borrower? ›

An alienation clause, also known as a due-on-sale clause, is a real estate agreement that requires a borrower to pay the remainder of their mortgage loan balance off immediately during the sale or transfer of a property title and before a new buyer can take ownership.

Which of the following best defines the mortgagee? ›

A mortgagee is an entity that lends money to a borrower (also known as a mortgagor) for the purpose of purchasing real estate.


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