What Is A Mortgagee Clause? (2024)

April 20, 20245-minute read

Author: Victoria Araj


When obtaining a mortgage, you may find that there are specific terms and elements of the contract that you don’t understand. Some initial confusion is normal, considering that most people aren’t fluent in the language used in legal contracts. However, you should learn as much about your contract as possible before signing.

In the process of drawing up a contract, mortgage lenders (also known as mortgagees) put in place certain measures to ensure that the collateral for their investment – your new property – is protected. One such measure is the mortgagee clause. Let’s take a closer look at what it is, so you have a clear understanding of how it can impact you and your lender.

Mortgagee Clause Definition

A mortgagee clause is a protective provisional agreement between a mortgage lender (the mortgagee) and a property insurance provider. This type of clause safeguards the lender from incurring financial losses in cases where the mortgaged property becomes damaged, as it requires the insurer to guarantee payouts when any claims covered by the property insurance policy are made. Mortgagee clauses are also known as mortgage clauses or loss payee clauses.

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What Is A Mortgagee Clause? (2)

How Does A Mortgagee Clause Work?

As a provision in a borrower’s property insurance policy, the clause stipulates that, in the event of loss or damage to the property, the insurance company would make payments to the mortgagee. Therefore, if you obtain a mortgage to buy a home or property and that property is then destroyed in a fire, the mortgagee clause would ensure that the loss would be payable to your lender even though it’s part of your insurance policy.

This clause also protects the lender in the event that you cause damage to the property, which leads the insurance provider to cancel the policy. For example, if you commit arson – an act that would void your insurance policy – the clause protects the mortgagee, ensuring that your lender will still be covered.

How Do You Get A Mortgagee Clause?

Many lenders require borrowers to have a mortgagee clause, and it’ll be a part of the loan under their property policy, issued by the homeowners insurance company. The company will need to document who has the lien within the policy. In some cases, if it’s not a requirement to get a mortgagee clause, a borrower must contact a lender to add the clause to their current contract.

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Mortgagee Vs. Mortgagor

As you’ve learned, a mortgagee is a mortgage lender. A mortgagor is a borrower, an individual or party who receives funds from a mortgagee to purchase a property. In a real estate transaction, a mortgagee provides a mortgage loan to a mortgagor, who, in turn, offers the title of the property purchased to the mortgagee as collateral.

This means that if a mortgagor is unable to keep up with monthly mortgage payments and defaults on the loan, the mortgagee can foreclose on the property and sell it to recoup costs. But if the property is damaged, the mortgagee’s investment is put in jeopardy. This is where the mortgagee clause comes in. It ensures that the mortgagee will be paid out even if the mortgagor is responsible for the damage to the property.

Property Insurance Basics

Property insurance includes a few different types of policies, including homeowners insurance, renter’s insurance and flood insurance. For the purpose of this article, we’re going to focus on homeowners insurance, as it’s directly beneficial for both mortgagors and mortgagees. Mortgagees require that mortgagors purchase a homeowners insurance policy that includes dwelling coverage, which protects against physical damage to a property, and liability coverage, which protects against lawsuits brought against a homeowner in the event that someone is physically injured on their property.

Mortgagees will require mortgagors to buy enough insurance to cover their entire property in order to protect their investment. Remember, if a property were damaged and uninsured, the mortgagee might not be able to sell it for enough money to cover the remaining balance of the mortgagor’s loan. In this way, this insurance also protects the mortgagor, who would most likely be held accountable for repaying the difference.

What Are The Components Of A Mortgagee Clause?

Although you now understand the basics of mortgagee clauses, there are still some unfamiliar terms that you’ll find in the clause. Let’s take a look at three specific terms you should understand.

Lender Protections

As discussed, a mortgagee clause is a lender protection that prevents lenders from financial losses and from taking complete responsibility for a failed loan due to property damage. The mortgagee clause ensures that the insurance company pays the lender if the property is damaged and guarantees that they’ll receive their money even when borrowers are responsible for the destruction of the property.


ISAOA is an acronym found in mortgagee clauses that stands for “its successors and/or assigns.” It’s included in the clause to stipulate that the mortgagee can transfer their rights to another bank or financial institution. This ability to assign rights to another party allows the mortgagee to sell the mortgagor’s loan on the secondary mortgage market. Mortgage lenders commonly sell borrowers’ loans to secure funds for future loans; however, this practice has little to no effect on borrowers. Even if a lender sells your loan, they can retain the servicing rights, meaning you still send your payment to them and their responsible for maintenance of the escrow account and you can contact them about the loan at any time.


Another acronym commonly found in the mortgagee clause, which may be used in conjunction with ISAOA, is ATIMA, or “as their interests may appear.” This term is used to extend the insurance policy to include insurance coverage for other parties with whom the mortgagee tends to do business. Its meaning is very similar to ISAOA, as it merely allows the mortgagee to include others under the policy’s protection without having to name them explicitly.

The Bottom Line

The mortgagee clause is an important provision in a property insurance policy that ensures that the insurance company will pay the mortgagee in the event that loss or damage occurs to a mortgagor’s property. The clause is an important measure that mortgagees take to protect their investment in a mortgagor’s property.

If you’re a mortgagor, or you’re soon to be one, it’s vital that you have a strong understanding of all the contractual provisions that could have an impact on you and your real estate transaction. Get mortgage approval now to make sure you have all the info you need to close on your property with confidence.

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What Is A Mortgagee Clause? (2024)


What is the mortgagee clause? ›

A mortgagee clause is a part of your homeowners insurance policy that protects your lender—the mortgagee—from losses incurred due to damage to your property. Many mortgage providers require a mortgagee clause in place to grant a mortgage.

How do I find my mortgagee clause? ›

During the approval process, the lender will advise that the insurance policy you choose must have the proper mortgagee clause (likely documented in your commitment letter). Once you select your homeowner's insurance company, you will provide the lender mortgagee clause, including the address of the lender.

What is the mortgagee clause in Quicken Loans? ›

The mortgagee clause ensures that the insurance provider will pay the mortgagee their expected payments if physical damage or another kind of loss occurs to the mortgagor's – meaning the borrower's – property.

Is the mortgagee clause just an address? ›

It's the address the mortgage company uses for insurance purposes. It is not the same as their corporate address.

What is a mortgagee clause for a closing protection letter? ›

During the mortgage closing process, you'll sign multiple documents that spell out the terms of your home loan. A mortgagee clause is a stipulation within your homeowners insurance policy that protects your mortgage lender in the event your property gets damaged or destroyed.

What is a standard mortgage clause? ›

A standard mortgage clause (also called a union mortgage clause) is an insurance provision that covers the mortgage lender but not the borrower for a loss involving the mortgaged property. This clause protects the lender in the event that the borrower intentionally damages the property.

What is a typical clause found in most mortgages? ›

An alienation clause is common in mortgages, giving a mortgage lender the right to request full and immediate loan repayment when the home is sold or transferred.

What is the A13 mortgagee clause? ›

A13 - Mortgagee clause

If any other interested party is specified in the Schedule, any loss under this Policy shall be payable to such party to the extent of their interest.

What is the mortgagee clause in commercial property? ›

The mortgagee clause is a provision that protects the lender from financial loss if the mortgaged property is substantially damaged or destroyed. A mortgagee clause protects the lender even if the damage to the property was intentional and would otherwise void the insurance policy.

What is an example of a mortgagee? ›

The mortgagee is the lender, such as a bank, credit union or online lender.

What is the mortgagee clause for Wells Fargo? ›

The mortgagee clause shows that your mortgage lender is protected under the policy which is required by your mortgage agreement. If the mortgagee clause on your insurance policy is not correct, please contact your insurance agent to make the correction and issue a change to us.

Who is considered the mortgagee? ›

What Is a Mortgagee? A mortgagee is a lender: specifically, an entity that lends money to a borrower for the purpose of purchasing real estate. In a mortgage transaction, the lender serves as the mortgagee and the borrower is known as the mortgagor.

Is the homeowner the mortgagor or mortgagee? ›

In a real estate agreement, the mortgagor is the borrower of a mortgage loan, and the mortgagee is the lender. The mortgagor makes regular payments on the loan and agrees to a lien on the mortgaged property as collateral for the mortgagee.

What is a mortgagee clause lender's loss payable endorsem*nt? ›

A lenders loss payable endorsem*nt is a commercial property policy endorsem*nt that gives a creditor of the insured that has loaned money in connection with the insured's personal property the same rights and duties that a mortgage clause gives a mortgagee.

What is the freedom mortgage mortgagee clause? ›

The mortgagee clause typically establishes the right of lenders who might buy your mortgage later to be named in the place of your original lender. It protects the lender from certain actions which might void the homeowners insurance policy (such as the homeowner deliberately burning down the house).

What is the mortgagee clause on a COI? ›

The mortgagee clause is an important provision in a property insurance policy that ensures that the insurance company will pay the mortgagee in the event that loss or damage occurs to a mortgagor's property.

What is the mortgagee clause for Chase bank? ›

The mortgagee clause is a provision that protects the lender from financial loss if the mortgaged property is substantially damaged or destroyed.

What is the mortgagee clause on Wells Fargo insurance? ›

The mortgagee clause shows that your mortgage lender is protected under the policy which is required by your mortgage agreement. If the mortgagee clause on your insurance policy is not correct, please contact your insurance agent to make the correction and issue a change to us.

What is the mortgagee clause of freedom mortgage? ›

The mortgagee clause typically establishes the right of lenders who might buy your mortgage later to be named in the place of your original lender. It protects the lender from certain actions which might void the homeowners insurance policy (such as the homeowner deliberately burning down the house).


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.