Structure and regulation in photosynthesis (2024)

Research project

Plants, algae and cyanobacteria have the amazing capacity to perform delicate photophysical and photochemical processes of light capture, excitation transfer, charge separation and catalysis in fluctuating living environments. As a consequence, photosynthetic proteins and membranes form dynamic architectures. We study their flexible structures and performances to understand the mechanisms underlying dynamic photosynthetic energy conversion. Ultimately, this information may be used to re-design species that convert more light into biomass or to design solar-energy converting artificial constructs based on biological design principles.

Anjali Pandit

Living photosynthetic organisms are capable to activate processes by light and to convert light energy into the storage of chemical bonds. We want to know how these processes are carried out by chromophores, tuned by a protein scaffold and controlled by a responsive membrane. NMR spectroscopy is the method of choice, because of its ability to detect structure and dynamics with atomistic resolution and its application to samples in physiological conditions.

In solution NMR,linewidths increase as the molecules get larger and anisotropic interactions that influence the behavior of nuclear spins are not average to zero by brownian motions. Most of the time, our systems of interest are membrane proteins, biological membranes or even entire cells, which are considerably large. Therefore we apply solid-state NMR (ssNMR) spectroscopy. In ssNMR, samples are concentrated into small rotors and spun fast under a magic angle with respect to the static magnetic field to average anisotropic interactions. Relaxation measurements and dynamic spectral editing are applied as specific tools to detect dynamic motions of proteins, ligands and (other) cell constituents.

Structure and regulation in photosynthesis (1)

Molecular photo switches

Photosynthesis is tightly regulated via a feedback network that controls the activity of the light-harvesting antenna and prevents photodamage. The key players in this process are membrane proteins that act as molecular switches and respond to changes in light or pH. We study their functional mechanisms by combination of NMR and optical spectroscopy. We have shown that the micro-environment has considerable influence on the conformational dynamics of membrane proteins and use reconstitution in detergent micelles, liposomes or tailored lipid nanodiscs to address the role of a membrane environment.

Structure and regulation in photosynthesis (2)

Towards in-cell NMR

In-cell solid-state NMR is a rapid emerging field of research that is confronted with the major challenge of identifying atomistic signals from targeted biomolecules against the background of all other cell components. We use the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a model organism to explore the exciting opportunities of in-situ and in-cell NMR.

Using NMR dynamic spectral editing, we have demonstrated that we can detect the conformational dynamics of a target protein in native photosynthetic membranes and probe molecular dynamics inside chloroplast membranes of intact cells. We collaborate with plant biochemists and biophysicists to understand the role of membrane dynamics in the regulation of photosynthesis.

Structure and regulation in photosynthesis (3)

Artificial proteins for solar-energy conversion

In natural photosynthesis, proteins have a crucial role in optimizing excitation and electron transfer by positioning of chromophores and providing a scaffold for catalytic reactions to take place. In collaboration with inorganic chemists in the LIC (Bonnet lab), we work towards the design of semi-artificial metalloproteins for photocatalytic water oxidation. Modified proteins may offer a protected molecular environment where artificial water oxidation catalysts and photosensitizers can be organized in a controlled fashion, to perform efficient (photo)catalytic water oxidation while minimizing the rate of decomposition. In collaboration with theoretical chemists in the LIC (Dr. Francesco Buda) we are interested in protein-ligand interactions in retinal-binding proteins, for rational design of novel photo proteins with controllable optical and functional properties.

Structure and regulation in photosynthesis (4)

Key publications

  1. Azadi‑Chegeni F., Schiphorst C. & Pandit A. (2018), In vivo NMR as a tool for probing molecular structure and dynamics in intact Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells,Photosynthesis Research135(1-3): 227-237.
  2. Crisafi E. & Pandit A. (2017), Disentangling protein and lipid interactions that control a molecular switch in photosynthetic light harvesting,BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES1859: 40-47.
  3. Krishnan M., Moolenaar G.F., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Goosen N. & Pandit A. (2017), Large-scale in vitro production, refolding and dimerization of PsbS in different microenvironments,Scientific Reports7: 15200.
  4. Azadi Chegeni F., Perin, G., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Simionato D., Morosinotto T. & Pandit A. (2016), Protein and lipid dynamics in photosynthetic thylakoid membranes investigated by in-situ solid-state NMR,BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS1857(12): 1849–1859.
  5. Mathes T., Heilmann M.a, Pandit A., Zhu J., Ravensbergen J., Kloz M., Fu Y., Smith B.O., Christie J.M., Jenkins G.I. & Kennis J.T.M. (2015), Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Constitutes the Photoactivation Mechanism of the Plant Photoreceptor UVR8,Journal of the American Chemical Society137(25): 8113-8120.
  6. Pandit A., Ocakoglu K., Buda F., Marle Th. van, Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2013), Structure determination of a bio-inspired self-assembled light-harvesting antenna by solid-state NMR and molecular modeling,117: 11292-11298.
Structure and regulation in photosynthesis (2024)


Structure and regulation in photosynthesis? ›

Photosynthesis is tightly regulated via a feedback network that controls the activity of the light-harvesting antenna and prevents photodamage. The key players in this process are membrane proteins that act as molecular switches and respond to changes in light or pH.

What structure regulates photosynthesis? ›

Chloroplasts, the organelles responsible for photosynthesis, are in many respects similar to mitochondria. Both chloroplasts and mitochondria function to generate metabolic energy, evolved by endosymbiosis, contain their own genetic systems, and replicate by division.

What is the regulation of photosynthesis? ›

The regulation of photosynthesis occurs at different levels including the control of nuclear and plastid genes transcription, RNA processing and translation, protein translocation, assemblies and their post translational modifications.

What is the structure of the photosynthesis process? ›

The process of photosynthesis is commonly written as: 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2. This means that the reactants, six carbon dioxide molecules and six water molecules, are converted by light energy captured by chlorophyll (implied by the arrow) into a sugar molecule and six oxygen molecules, the products.

Which structure directly regulates the rate of photosynthesis? ›

The gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen occurs through small, regulated openings called stomata. In all autotrophic eukaryotes, photosynthesis takes place inside an organelle called a chloroplast.

How do you regulate photosynthesis? ›

Photosynthesis is tightly regulated via a feedback network that controls the activity of the light-harvesting antenna and prevents photodamage. The key players in this process are membrane proteins that act as molecular switches and respond to changes in light or pH.

Which structure is responsible for photosynthesis? ›

In plants and algae, which developed much later, photosynthesis occurs in a specialized intracellular organelle—the chloroplast. Chloroplasts perform photosynthesis during the daylight hours.

What are the factors regulating photosynthesis? ›

Photosynthesis is simultaneously regulated by many factors. Environmental factors, consisting primarily of light, water, heat, carbon dioxide, and other gases, can have direct effects on photosynthesis when they alter rates of chemical processes in the photosynthetic pathway.

What controls photosynthesis? ›

The chemical reactions involved in photosynthesis are controlled by enzymes close enzymeA protein which catalyses or speeds up a chemical reaction.. As with any other enzyme-controlled reaction, the rate of photosynthesis is affected by temperature.

Is photosynthesis regulating? ›

Photosynthesis is regulated in response to dynamic environmental conditions to satisfy plant metabolic demands while also avoiding possible over-excitation of the electron transport chain and the generation of harmful reactive oxygen species.

What is the main process of photosynthesis? ›

During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) from the air and soil. Within the plant cell, the water is oxidized, meaning it loses electrons, while the carbon dioxide is reduced, meaning it gains electrons. This transforms the water into oxygen and the carbon dioxide into glucose.

What are the 3 parts of photosynthesis? ›

Photosynthesis uses solar energy, carbon dioxide, and water to produce energy-storing carbohydrates.

What is the photosynthesis of cell structure? ›

chloroplast, structure within the cells of plants and green algae that is the site of photosynthesis, the process by which light energy is converted to chemical energy, resulting in the production of oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.

What structure regulates the rate of photosynthesis? ›

The leaves of a plant control the rate of photosynthesis through their specialized structures called chloroplasts.

What regulates photosynthesis? ›

The thylakoid proton antiporter KEA3 regulates photosynthesis in response to the chloroplast energy status | Nature Communications.

What are the main structures and summary of photosynthesis? ›

In plants, the process of photosynthesis takes place in the mesophyll of the leaves, inside the chloroplasts. Chloroplasts contain disc-shaped structures called thylakoids, which contain the pigment chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs certain portions of the visible spectrum and captures energy from sunlight.

What part of the plant cell controls photosynthesis? ›

The nucleus regulates metabolism and growth. The nucleus is made up of two main parts: the nuclear envelope and the nucleoplasm. The nuclear envelope is a double membrane with two layers and many portals. The rough ER of the cell meshes with the nuclear envelope.

What enzyme regulates photosynthesis? ›

The enzyme Rubisco, short for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, is the enzyme that incorporates CO2 into plants during photosynthesis. As it constitutes about 30% of the total protein in a plant leaf, Rubisco is probably the most abundant protein on earth and a major sink for plant nitrogen.


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.