P/N Pass - No Pass Considerations to Discuss with your Advisor (2024)

  • What terms can I opt forCovidPass/No Pass grading?

Studentscan currently request P and N marks for Winter 2020, Fall 2020, Winter 2021, and Spring/Summer 2021 terms. Covid P/N grading is different than the regular P/N grading whichmust be elected at the time of registration and requires advisor approval.

  • How will taking a course P/N impact my GPA?

P and N marks are not calculated into your GPA, however, it may not be in your best interest to change some or all of your courses to P/N marks. A letter grade that improves your GPA is better than a P, since a P does not have an impact on your GPA. Conversely, one or more P marks may serve to prevent your GPA from lowering, depending on your starting GPA and the grades you have earned.

In addition, if you are applying to graduate or professional school or if letter grades are needed for certification or licensure, it may not be in your best interest to take a P/N mark for some or all of your courses. If you are unsure whether this may be an issue in your program, please consult your academic advisor prior to opting for P/N. Also, if you are considering a career in medicine or law, consider consulting withaPre-med and Health Science Centerorpre-lawadvisor.

  • How will taking a course P/N impact my credit hours toward degree?

For both Pass and No Pass marks, the credit hours for the class will count as hours attempted for your degree. Credits for courses earned with a Pass will also count as hours earned toward your degree, however, credits for courses earned with a No Pass willnotcount as hours earned. Since students can opt to change a D+/D/D- grade to a No Pass, these credits will be removed from a student's record and will result in fewer credits earned for the term and towards the degree.

Since earning a No Pass (N) mark impacts progression toward a degree, selecting an N should be done in consultation with your academic advisor as well as theStudent Service Centerfor any financial aid consequences.

  • I am repeating a course during a term allowing for P/N grading. Will a P/N mark apply as a repeat and remove my previous grade from my GPA?

Yes, you can use the P/N option to serve as your repeat grade. The grade and credits for the previous attempt will be removed from the record and GPA and the P/N mark will replace it, even if that mark is an N (0 credits). Please consult with your academic advisor to ensure you will benefit from choosing a P/N mark in this way.

  • Will my degree program allow the use of P grades towards my major?

This is not a simple yes or no answer as majors and professional programs (ex: Nursing) may have different requirements for the major/program classes. Check with your academic advisor for specific requirements and policies

  • Will P grades apply towards my General Education requirements?

P marks apply toward the University General Education requirements but be sure to check with your academic advisor if you are using one of the courses to satisfy a major requirement as well. The department may require a letter grade.

  • Given that different programs may have policies restricting the use of P, what happens when I have a double major or a minor from another school?

You must follow the course and grade requirements for the specific major(s) and minor(s) you are pursuing. This may mean meeting with multiple advisors to determine how the use of P marks will impact course completion and timeline toward graduation.

  • I know how P/N applies to my current degree plan, but what happens if I change my major or do not get accepted to my professional program?

It is important to discuss a change of major or other next steps, if not accepted to your professional program, with your academic advisor. They can help you explore all options of your new major or program, including the use of P/N marks.

  • I am anAGRADE student during a P/N term. Can I choose the P/N option for my courses?

Studentswho are participating in an AGRADE program will need to work closely with their advisor and the director of the graduate program they are pursuing regarding P/N decisions. Certain graduate programs may allow for an N to apply to grades below a "B," but only for certain semesters impacted by Covid. Similar to the undergraduate policy, these decisions (if permissible) can be made up until the point of graduation and advisors should be the first line of contact.

  • What is the impact for P/N grading besides not countingtowardsmyGPA?

Meeting course prerequisites:For academic purposes, courses with prerequisites of aC or betterin another class are not automatically met by a P mark in the prerequisite course. An override would need to be entered once the original prerequisite grade is evaluated.

Employer reimbursem*nt:If you have any employer reimbursem*nt requirements or tuition agreements/sponsorships that are contingent upon standard grading and minimum GPA, it may not be in your best interest to take a Pass/No Pass (P/N) for some or all of your courses. You are strongly encouraged to consult your employer or sponsor prior to changing any courses to Pass/No Pass (P/N).

  • How might taking courses as P/N affect my graduate or professional school applications?

Studentspursuing admissions to competitive graduate or professional schools should consult with advisors well-versed in the admissions process for those programs and who can speak to various P/N considerations and their impact on an applicant.

  • My professor issued an "I" for a course during a Covid P/N term. Can I elect a P/N grade after I completethe course?

Accordingto university policy, a student issued an "I" has up to one year to complete the requirements and earn a letter grade. If an "I" is issued for a term allowing for Covid P/N marks, a student can still request these options once the letter grade has been issued, up until the point of graduation.

  • I took courses at another institution as P/N. Can these courses transfer to WSU?

Asa general rule, if your previous school is "P" or "Pass" credit, WSU will transfer "P" marks as earned credit. Please note that these credits may not be accepted towards major or other program requirements. Your advisor can provide additional information on how transfer credit will apply towards your degree.

  • How does the P/N impact consideration for the Dean's List?

Dean'sList calculations are specific to the WSU school or college that you are in. WSU Dean's Lists have specific cut-offs for term GPAs based on the number of graded credits you have completed. Other restrictions and deadlines may also apply within a particular school or college. It is important to check with your advisor about how the Dean's list is calculated and the deadlines by which you need to make your P/N decisions so that your term credits and GPA are properly evaluated.

  • I am an internationalstudent,can I use the P/N option?

Internationalstudents should consult with the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) as well as their academic advisor to ensure that the Pass (P) option for courses will still apply to your degree and not impact your graduation timeline and that the No Pass (N) option does not negatively affect your visa status by lowering your credit hour count.

  • I am a student-athlete,can I use the P/N option?

Weencourage student-athletes to consult with their athletic advisor to discuss any potential impact on NCAA eligibility.

  • I opted for a P (or N) mark but now I have changed my mind and wish to reinstate my original grade. How can I request this change?

If you have opted into a P or an N mark, you can change your mind and reinstate your original grade (and credits) up until the point of graduation. You or your advisor will need to email the University Records Office (academicrecords@wayne.edu) to make the request.The email must be sent from your Wayne State email address or from your advisor (includename, ID, course, and term).We recommend consulting with your academic advisor prior to requesting this reversal to review potential changes to your GPA and credit hours.

P/N Pass - No Pass Considerations to Discuss with your Advisor (2024)


Does pass no pass look bad in college? ›

Furthermore, colleges typically emphasize your performance in the core subject areas when evaluating your transcript. If you have a strong overall academic record with good grades in your core courses, then one pass/fail course is unlikely to raise any red flags.

Is it bad to have a no pass on your transcript? ›

If you don't pass, then you don't receive credit and there's usually no negative impact on your GPA. It seems pretty cut and dry. But be warned, this is not how all schools operate, which can lead to trouble academically in the present and when transferring to a university in the future.

What does "pass no pass" mean? ›

Pass (P) grades require a level of performance at least equal to a letter grade of C- and will earn units, but no grade points. No pass (NP) grades represent a level of performance at a D+ or lower. No units or grade points will be earned. Neither P nor NP grades will affect your GPA.

What happens if you don't pass AP NP class? ›

If you receive a P grade, this counts towards your overall degree units the same as passing a letter-graded course. If you receive an NP grade, you will not receive the units from the course the same as failing a letter-graded course, but your GPA will not be impacted negatively.

Does p-np affect financial aid? ›

Although the grades of P/NP will not affect the GPA, the courses taken will be considered as attempted hours. To maintain Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress, you must complete (earn) at least 67 percent of all attempted credit hours.

Is no pass better than an F? ›

A No Pass ("NP") grade indicates less than satisfactory work (a letter grade of "D" or "F"); and with such a grade, no units are earned, nor is the grade used to compute the grade point average.

Does pass no pass look bad for law school? ›

Earning good grades in challenging courses demonstrates academic excellence. Compiling an impressive record is a critical first step in the process of getting admitted to the law school of your choice. Avoid using the pass/fail option as it doesn't give enough information to evaluate your performance in that course.

Can you retake a pass no pass class? ›

If you originally took the course Pass/No Pass (P/NP) and received a No Pass, you have the option of repeat- ing the course for a grade or for P/NP. There is no limit to the number of P/NP courses you may repeat.

Does p-np affect GPA UCLA? ›

Passed/Not Passed Grades

The grade P is assigned for a letter grade of C or better. Units earned this way count toward degree requirements but do not affect the GPA.

Does a NP affect your GPA? ›

A NP (No Pass) is also GPA-neutral; it appears on your transcript and does not affect your GPA; you also don't earn credits for the course. Once you request an NP, it will appear on your record even before grades are reported at the end of the quarter.

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They do not impact GPA, however students need a minimum of 72 graded UC units in order to be eligible, so if taking p/np puts you below that number then you could be ineligible despite GPA.

What is the meaning of no pass? ›

No Pass (NP) is defined as no institutional credit because the grade is lower than D-.

Do colleges care about pass no pass? ›

A Pass will not affect the GPA for admission purposes. Students who plan on applying to professional schools should consult those specific schools. At this time, it is unknown how professional schools will view courses taken P/NP, so it is recommended that students take applicable courses on a graded basis to be safe.

Do grad schools care about P NP? ›

Caroline Breitenberger, the director of the Center for Life Sciences Education and the honors biology major adviser, said although she thinks pass/no pass classes will have some effect on graduate school admission chances, the effect on professional school admissions could be even more noticeable.

Do colleges care if you don't pass AP exams? ›

It's natural to feel some pressure, but remember that your overall performance in the course matters more than the exam score itself. Now, to address your concerns: Failing an AP exam isn't ideal, but it's not necessarily a deal-breaker for college admissions.

Do colleges care about pass no credit? ›

Finally, pass/fail grades can raise a red flag if you're applying to graduate school. Admissions committees might assume students took a class pass/fail because they were worried about their ability to earn a good grade.

Is it bad to do pass no pass at UCLA? ›

A Pass will not affect the GPA for admission purposes. Students who plan on applying to professional schools should consult those specific schools. At this time, it is unknown how professional schools will view courses taken P/NP, so it is recommended that students take applicable courses on a graded basis to be safe.

Do colleges look at pass-fail grades? ›

The University of California requires a C or C-minus to pass an undergraduate course, but allows campuses to choose their threshold. Choosing a pass/no record option means a transcript won't show the class was even taken if a student fails.


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