Liberal Arts and Sciences < Wayne State (2024)

For complete information regarding academic rules and regulations of the University, students should consult theAcademic Regulationssection of this bulletin.The following additions and amendments apply to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.


Regularity in attendance and performance is necessary for success in college work. Attendance requirements will be announced by instructors at the beginning of each course.

Normal Program Load

To graduate in four years, students should take at least fifteen credits per semester for eight consecutive semesters. A normal load should not exceed eighteen credits.

Because at least two hours of outside preparation are normally expected for each class hour, a fifteen credit program calls for approximately forty-five hours of class attendance and study per week. Students who undertake such a program should expect to give it their full time and energy.

Extra Credits

Extra credits are credits taken in excess of the normal maximum load of eighteen credits. Students with 3.0 (or above) grade point averages may take more than eighteen creditswith approval of the advisor.

‘AGRADE’ (Accelerated Graduate Enrollment Program)

Some departments of the College permit academically superior majors to apply for admission into the College's ‘AGRADE’ program. ‘AGRADE' procedures enable qualified seniors in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to enroll simultaneously in the undergraduate and graduate programs of the College and apply a maximum of sixteen credits towards both a bachelor's and master's degree in the major field.

Qualified students may apply for the AGRADE program no earlier than the semester in which ninety credits are completed. Applicants must meet overall and major minimum grade point average requirements, which vary dependent on program; see specific programs for details.

For more details about the ‘AGRADE’ program, contact the Graduate Director of the major department or the Graduate Office of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (313-577-2516).

Graduation with Academic Distinction

Candidates eligible for the bachelor's degree may receive a special citation on their diplomas under the following circ*mstances: The designations of ‘Summa Cum Laude,’ ‘Magna Cum Laude,’ and ‘Cum Laude’ will be conferred upon graduating students whose cumulative grade point averages at Wayne State University fall within approximately the upper five percent, the next five percent, and the next ten percent of the senior class, respectively. The grade points used to identify the lower limits for each designation will be based upon the grade points attained by seniors at these percentile levels during the preceding academic year. Only students who have earned 56 or more credits at Wayne State University are eligible to graduate with one of the above distinction citations.

Dean’s List

The Dean's List of academically superior students is compiled each fall and winter term based on the following criteria: A 3.6 grade point average for students registered for twelve credits or more and a 4.0 grade point average for students registered for between six and eleven credits.

Academic Probation

If a student's cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0, the student will be placed on academic probation. A probation hold willneed to bereleased each term before he or she registers. To obtain this release, the student must seehis or her academic advisor.

A student will be off of academic probation at the end of any term in whichshe or heachieves a cumulativeG.P.A. of 2.0 or better.


Students on academic probation will be given two subsequent termsto enroll whileon probationary status. At the conclusion of thethirdconsecutiveterm below 2.0,a student will be excluded from the University. An excludedstudent may not apply for reinstatement for one calendar year.

The decision to reinstate will be made by the College Probation Committee and based upon evidence presented by the student that circ*mstances have changed during the year away and that the probability of success has increased. Students seeking reinstatement should consult:

Cheating and Plagiarism

The principle of honesty is recognized as fundamental to a scholarly community. Students are expected to honor this principle and instructors are expected to take appropriate action when instances of academic dishonesty are discovered. An instructor, on discovering such an instance, may give a failing grade on the assignment or for the course. The instructor has the responsibility of notifying the student of the alleged violation and the action being taken. Both the student and the instructor are entitled to academic due process in all such cases. Acts of dishonesty may lead to suspension or exclusion.

Academic Advising

Academic advisors are available in all departments. Students who have chosen a major should meet with their departmental advisor. Students should confer with advisors on all questions concerning degree requirements, academic regulations, course elections, and programs of study. It is of primary importance that students talk with an advisor when they are having difficulties in their academic work.

Liberal Arts and Sciences < Wayne State (2024)


What is a passing grade Wayne State? ›

Undergraduate: A grade point average of 2.00 is required for graduation. Graduate: A grade point average of 3.00 is required for graduation.

What is the average science GPA for Wayne State? ›

Admitted WSU students had a 3.72 average cumulative GPA and a 3.65 average science GPA. The average MCAT score was a 503. Nationally, admitted students had a 3.65 cumulative GPA and a 3.59 science GPA. The average MCAT score was a 503.

What happens if you fail a class at Wayne State University? ›

A student who receives any grade of "F" (failure) or "U" (unsatisfactory) will be dismissed and prohibited from completing additional coursework. A student who receives more than one grade of "WF" (Withdrawal Failing) will be dismissed.

What do you need to get on the dean's list at Wayne State? ›

The Dean's List recognizes undergraduates in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences who, in a given semester, either earn a GPA of 3.60 or above and at least 12 credits or earn a GPA of 4.0 and between 6 and 11 credits.

Is a 60% still passing? ›

Most colleges and universities generally consider a "D" (or a 60% to 69% score) as a passing grade. It's important to note that this minimum or lowest passing grade standard can significantly vary depending on the institution or major. For instance, some universities may require a "C" or better to pass.

Is 60 or 65 a passing grade? ›

Each letter grade corresponds with a grade point average (GPA) and a numerical range. You'll usually need to receive a letter grade between A and D to pass a class, often the numerical equivalent of 65 percent or higher. Receiving an F—which stands for “fail”—indicates that you did not pass the class.

What's the lowest GPA Wayne State accepts? ›

To be admitted to a general degree program, you must:
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
  • Meet Wayne State's English proficiency requirements.

Is a 3.3 science GPA good? ›

A science GPA around 3.3-3.4 is Very Good, one between 3.5-3.7 is usually Excellent and one above 3.8 is generally Superior.

Is a 3.56 science GPA good? ›

The average GPA for med schools overall is 3.64 for science and a 3.71 overall. Most medical schools require candidates to have a 3.0 or higher GPA to even apply, and many require 3.5 or higher.

What is Wayne State's acceptance rate? ›

Wayne State University has an acceptance rate of 75%. Half the applicants admitted to Wayne State who submitted test scores have an SAT score between 980 and 1230 or an ACT score of 20 and 28.

Do Wayne State credits expire? ›

Degree Time Limit

At Wayne State, you have 6 years from the time you start your degree until you need to have completed all degree requirements. If you return to finish beyond the 6-year limit, the credits you earned more than 6 years ago will have expired.

What is the dress code for Wayne State University? ›

The dress code is business casual.

How rare is Dean's List? ›

The award is given to a top percentile of students, like the top 10% or 25%. The exact dean's list GPA requirements will depend on each particular pool of students, but is usually at least a 3.5 GPA. To be eligible, you'll also need to be a full-time student taking a minimum number of credits (often around 12 credits).

How do I know if I'm on the dean's list? ›

How do I know if I made the Dean's list? Most colleges will email the students who have made it on the dean's list directly. If you are unsure if you made it, the list of students who achieve this award are typically compiled into a document which is made public to all students.

Does Dean's List matter? ›

Students who make the dean's list are recognized for outstanding academic achievement. Benefits include personal achievement, prestige, public recognition, the opportunity to attend special events, being granted scholarships, and standing out on job applications.

Is the D grade passing? ›

Numerical and letter grades

In primary and secondary schools, a D is usually the lowest passing grade. However, there are some schools that consider a C the lowest passing grade, so the general standard is that anything below a 60% or 70% is failing, depending on the grading scale.

Is a 70 a passing grade for a class? ›

The normal grading range is from 55 to 100. The number grades correspond to letter grades as reflected in the chart below. The minimum passing grade is 70 (C). Any grades between 55 and 69 (D and F) are considered failing grades for which unit credit is not earned.

Is a 50 grade passing? ›

Not usually. Most colleges say you need at least a 70% to pass. A very few say passing is 65%.

Is a passing grade of 52%? ›

Many people wonder, “What is a passing grade in college?” Coming from high school, the grading system doesn't really change. In fact, a “D” is considered passing in both high school and college, as it's above 60%. While a passing grade may be as low as 60%, you will want to aim higher for many reasons.


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