New pup? Colorado Springs trainer offers some advice for new pet parents (2024)

The phone has been ringing nonstop at Dog Training Elite in Colorado Springs since reopening after the holidays, with new dog owners scrambling to find answers to questions about their latest family members.

Lucas Martin, branch manager for the local dog training center, said interest in training typically picks up around the middle of January, with many people welcoming new puppies for Christmas.

Martin, who specializes in service dog training, said concerns from new puppy parents vary based on if they have a dog.

Those who have a dog often share concerns over how their older dog is reacting to having a new sibling in the house. Common issues include a house-trained dog suddenly having accidents inside and an adult dog playing too rough with the puppy, he said.

“It’s super, super common — there’s a new baby in the house, the social order has kind of been upset,” he said.

“They get jealous, very similar to when a new human baby is born and they have older siblings.”

Puppy parents who don’t have another dog — and even those who do — often have lots of questions about nipping, housebreaking and training. Martin, who has an 8-week-old pup, offered some tips to address these concerns.


Puppy teeth can be sharp — like little razors. The best way to nip teething in the bud is to redirect your pup to a toy. Martin recommends puppy-safe chew toys, and advises against something like antlers, which their teeth aren’t prepared for.

“You don’t want to encourage them to teeth on you,” he said. “Redirecting is huge, being able to give them a different type of toy that (is) safe for them to chew on.”

The “puppy yelp” is also a useful tool to communicate to your pup that they shouldn’t chew on you or certain objects. You can do so by letting out a loud, high-pitched yelp or “ouch,” which teaches the pup boundaries.

“The puppy yelp is also extremely useful because it speaks directly to what the puppy understands,” Martin said. “You want to be dramatic. When puppies play with each other and other dogs, that’s how they tell each other, ‘Hey, that’s too hard.’”


Housebreaking can be one of the most difficult parts of having a pet — it even drives Martin crazy. His biggest tip: Get them used to going outside.

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Martin suggests setting a timer for every 30 minutes as a reminder to take them out. And every time you let them out of the crate, you should go directly outside.

“The big thing to keep in mind is always how old is your dog,” he said. “Give yourself some grace if you’re housebreaking a puppy who’s 10 weeks old and are having a hard time with it. They are very, very young and it’s totally normal that they’re going to struggle. Keep at it.”

Once they’re out, and they start doing their business, Martin says throw a party — show them you’re excited and give them treats.

“I always tell people throw a party the second your dog is peeing, even if it’s in the middle of them peeing,” he said. “You just want to get as exciting as possible, because they’re going to want to repeat that and get all of that praise.”

On the flip side, Martin said, never punish a pup for going inside. “Don’t punish your dog if they do go in the house, especially as a puppy. They’re not going to know what you’re saying. It doesn’t work like that for their brain,” he said.


Training approaches vary depending on the age of the dog, Martin said. He suggests the first command they learn is sit, which can help calm a puppy down and teach them discipline.

For dogs under 4 months old, treats are the way to go. Puppies might need a slower approach to training, because although they learn quickly, they get distracted easily.

To teach your pup to sit, take a treat and hold it above their nose, out of their reach. Slowly move your hand back toward their head, which will lead them to sit in order to follow the treat.

Once they hit the ground, give them the treat and praise.

“It’s a good one for puppies because it can help them learn how to settle down,” he said. “It can just make the overall craziness of a puppy more manageable.”

One final piece of advice Martin had to offer for those with a new dog is simply to practice patience.

“They are trying their best, and what they care about the most, especially if you’re doing the training right, is making their person happy,” he said.

“So when they don’t understand it, there is absolutely no need to get angry — just be patient.”

New pup? Colorado Springs trainer offers some advice for new pet parents (2024)


What is the best age for a child to get a puppy? ›

Generally, since many dog bite injuries happen to young children, it may be safest to wait until your child is older than age 4. But think about your children and their individual maturity levels, because each child develops differently.

What is negative punishment in dog training? ›

Negative punishment is when you take away a desired stimulus after a undesired behavior is performed making the behavior less likely to happen in the future. For example you are walking your dog and they start to pull, You stop walking and wait till your dog stops pulling.

Is negative reinforcement good for dogs? ›

Punishment and negative reinforcement should not be used in attempts to change the behaviour of dogs. Training of dogs is best achieved through positive reinforcement. Animal behaviour education and assessment should be incorporated into mainstream veterinary practice.

How long does it take for a dog to get used to a new puppy? ›

After what seems like an eternity but is only about three weeks, you'll notice some signs of harmony between the dog and the puppy.

What is the best age for a puppy to leave its mother? ›

The ideal time

The exact time that is best for a puppy to go to its new home can vary by situation, but most breeders and veterinarians agree that 8 weeks of age is a good minimum. Some states have laws in place preventing puppies from being sold any earlier.

Is 12 weeks too old to get a puppy? ›

Dog breeders and behavioral specialists feel that the 8-12 week range is the adequate age for most dogs to leave their mother for their new homes.

What does R mean in dog training? ›

Positive Reinforcement (R+)

As our primary focus, this method adds something the dog wants (+) to increase the likelihood of a desired behavior (R).

Is yelling at a dog negative reinforcement? ›

Training centered on intimidating or punishing your dog to establish your authority is known as "negative reinforcement" or "discipline." A variety of "corrections," including as screaming, leash tugging, hitting, and shock collars, may be used during training to instill obedience.

What happens when you punish a puppy? ›

It is impossible for him to comprehend what went wrong when you use yelling, time-outs or even smacking as a consequence for his behaviors. The puppy won't associate the discipline with something he did – rather he will associate the discipline with you as an owner and learn to not trust you.

Does Cesar Millan use negative reinforcement? ›

In fact, Cesar Millan only uses reward techniques (positive reinforcement, negative punishment) on the people he interacts with. He is often positive and very encouraging. He also uses experiences from a person's daily life to get his messages across.

What is positive punishment in dog training? ›

In a positive punishment training program, the dog's undesirable behaviors are punished by adding an aversive. Some of these include sudden loud noises (e.g. cans with coins and air horns), a spray bottle, a chin “cuff” (a smack), a muzzle hold, and pinning the dog to the floor.

What type of reinforcement do dogs learn best with? ›

Dogs respond best to praise—and food or toys. Positive reinforcement training uses a reward for desired behaviors. Because the reward makes them more likely to repeat the behavior, positive reinforcement is one of your most powerful tools for shaping or changing your dog's behavior.

What is the 3-3-3 rule for puppies? ›

The 3-3-3 rule is a guideline for transitioning a rescue dog into its new home and helping it to settle in. It suggests that the first three days should be used for adjusting to its new surroundings, the next three weeks for training and bonding, and the first three months for continued socialization and training.

What are red flags when adopting a dog? ›

If you aren't allowed to meet the pup in person before you agree to adopt them, it's a red flag! And if the person with the dog says the animal must be shipped to you and you must pay upfront, it's also a red flag! You want to meet the dog in person before committing to providing a home for them.

How traumatic is it for a dog to change owners? ›

Dogs may feel unsure or insecure in new surroundings and with unfamiliar people. They may exhibit signs of anxiety, such as trembling, excessive barking, or withdrawal. It's essential to provide a calm and nurturing environment to help them adjust.

What is an example of negative punishment training? ›

Negative punishment is one form of punishment that can be used to modify behavior. It involves removing a reinforcer to decrease the likelihood of a behavior. An example of this would be taking away a child's favorite toy after they throw a tantrum.

What are examples of negative punishment? ›

In negative punishment, you remove a pleasant stimulus to decrease a behavior. For example, when a child misbehaves, a parent can take away a favorite toy. In this case, a stimulus (the toy) is removed in order to decrease the behavior.

What are examples of negative reinforcement in dog training? ›

Negative reinforcement is getting rid of something your dog doesn't like after they perform the desired behaviour. Some of the examples include stopping a training session when your dog is behaving well or taking them for a walk after they've been good.

What are some examples of punishment in dog training? ›

In a positive punishment training program, the dog's undesirable behaviors are punished by adding an aversive. Some of these include sudden loud noises (e.g. cans with coins and air horns), a spray bottle, a chin “cuff” (a smack), a muzzle hold, and pinning the dog to the floor.


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