Best Dog Training in Colorado Springs - Sit Means Sit (2024)

Training with a remote dog training collar like the Sit Means Sit dog training collar is really no different than training your dog with a leash or with treats. Reinforcement in any form is a required and necessary part of your dog’s life. Even after they are trained, it will still be necessary to maintain your rules and boundaries. This is really no different than we encounter with people learning to drive a car. Obtaining your driver’s license only shows that you understand the rules of the road, and have demonstrated your ability to operate a car safely. It does not guarantee that you will stop at every stop sign, and drive the speed limit all the time. Obviously there are a lot of factors that change as you drive, and some drivers are more honest than others. The bottom line however is that there are police officers responsible for maintaining the law and enforcing the rules that we have agreed to.

When looking at dog training from this standpoint, it easy to see how reinforcement of rules will be inevitable at some point. Every dog is different though, and some dogs require more or less reinforcement than others.

The good news is that proper and thorough training including our puppy training classes, will result in your dog being more reliable even without training equipment or training ‘aids’ as we call them. Training your dog to be reliable without a Sit Means Sit dog training collar on is a matter of transferring attention through conditioning. There are three broad phases of training that you will encounter as you train your dog. Sticking with the your training and reinforcing your rules consistently over a long enough period of time will get your dog as reliable as they can be. The phases of training are as follows:

Phase 1: The Teaching/Control Phase ~ 6-12+ weeks

During phase one, the goal is to achieve control over your dog, teach them the rules, boundaries and desired behaviors you want. It also the time to teach the dog to pay attention and perform these commands around distractions. This phase lasts between 6-12 weeks on average, however in certain situations it may take longer to gain the reliability needed before moving on to phase two. Once your dog is capable of performing commands quickly and reliably around a variety of distractions with minimal problem solving required, then your dog and you are ready to move on to phase two.

Phase 2: The Reinforcement Phase ~ 6-12+ weeks

During phase two, the goal is to begin phasing out your training aid (remote dog training collar). In phase one, we use the dog training collar on a regular basis to regain attention and maintain our rules. Now in phase two we begin to reduce our dependence on the dog training collar and introduce consistency via variable reinforcement. You may or may not need your dog training collar, but we want to teach the dog that you are still in control even if the perception of the dog is that you are not. This phase will last between 6 – 12 weeks on average, and will require you to stick with phase two for longer than average. It’s also not uncommon as dogs mature and age to have to revert back into phase one training again for several weeks depending on how your dog’s performance and behavior is. When your dog is capable of performing commands without the need for reinforcement for approximately 6 weeks, then your dog is very likely to be reliable without their training aid present. We are ultimately looking to have your dog learn how to filter our distractions entirely. When this is achieved, your dog is much less likely to act out in an unwanted manner because of distractions.

Phase 3: The Maintenance Phase ~ Ongoing

The third and final phase of training a dog is the maintenance phase. During this phase, you will likely be using your dog training collar or other dog training aid very little as your dog is capable of ignoring distraction. The catch however is that they are still capable of distraction (they are not robots). A smart trainer recognizes this and is ready to maintain their rules, commands and boundaries at anytime. It is not uncommon to have a dog who sense the lack of maintenance and begins to revert back in their behavior. The benefit of having done your dog training properly to begin with is that regression is easily minimized and dealt with by simply jumping back into training for a short time to remind the dog of the expectations.

At Sit Means Sit Dog Training – Colorado Springs, we are committed to helping you achieve your training goals. Whether you have a new puppy needing our puppy training classes or an older dog with behavioral issues, our expert dog trainers will work with you to develop a customized dog training program that suits your needs. Contact us today to schedule your free dog training consultation and see why we are the best choice for dog training in Murfreesboro and the surrounding areas.

Best Dog Training in Colorado Springs - Sit Means Sit (2024)


What dog trainer used to say sit? ›

The 1980 television programme, Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way made its star, seventy-year-old Barbara Woodhouse a household name all over the world. When she ordered us dog lovers to bark out 'sit' or 'walkies', we all did as we were told.

What is the number one rule in dog training? ›

Golden Rule #1: Let the dog choose

It is crucial to remember that all behavior is conditional. This means to teach or modify any behavior, we need to change the conditions that allow it to occur.

Does Sit Means Sit use shock collars? ›

In the dog training field, specifically Sit Means Sit, remote dog training collars are used as a tool to provide a remote controlled cue. The cue is designed to neither cause pain nor to disrupt the dog's emotional state, but rather to function as an adjustable “tap”.

What method would be most effective when you are training your dog to sit? ›

With your dog in a standing position, hold a tasty treat near their nose. Keeping the treat near your dog's nose, move your hand in an arc over his head. As the dog raises his head to follow the treat, his bottom will go on the floor. The instant he sits, praise him and give him the treat.

What is the hand signal for sit in dog obedience? ›

Hand signals are easy to teach, particularly if you use lure-and-reward training. For example, the common hand signal for sit, raising your hand from your side to be parallel with the floor, comes from holding a treat to your dog's nose and lifting it over his head to lure a sit position.

What's the 90 10 rule for dogs? ›

When it comes to where dog's get their daily calories, we recommend following the 90/10 rule: 90% of calories from a complete and balanced diet, 10% from treats! Treats can be considered the splurge, but more often, the actual act of giving a treat means more to the dog than the actual treat itself.

What dog training method is best? ›

Positive reinforcement isn't just one of the most effective dog training methods. It's also popular since it's both humane and ethical.

What is the controversy with Sit Means Sit dog training? ›

Sit Means Sit's use of shock collars caused controversy in 2015 when two men with a St. Peters, Missouri franchise were charged with animal abuse for using shock collars in a way that caused pain to four dogs.

Is it OK to send your dog away for training? ›

We totally get the nerves and questions behind sending a puppy away for training, however the short answer is YES. Your puppy can absolutely be trained successfully away from home. There are a few reasons why we find owners may prefer a board and train program versus keeping their puppy at home.

Does sit mean sit refund? ›

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return any item in its original condition within 30 days of receipt and we will gladly provide a refund, replacement, or an exchange.

How long does it take to train a dog to sit? ›

Every dog is different so it's impossible to say exactly how long yours will take to learn to sit. However, with patient and consistent training, most dogs get the hang of learning to sit reasonably quickly, with many picking it up within 1 - 2 weeks.

What is the 1 2 3 dog training method? ›

1-2-3 treat walking is another pattern game created by Leslie McDevitt. It's a mobile game that doesn't require any equipment. Count out loud – “one, two, three” – and give the dog a treat on three. Then add movement – take three steps while counting out loud, treat on three.

How do dogs choose who to sit with? ›

Dogs often choose a favourite person who matches their own energy level and personality. In addition, some dog breeds are more likely to bond to a single person, making it more likely that their favourite person will be their only person.

What are other names for sit pretty dog trick? ›

Sitting Pretty is a cute trick also often referred to as “beg.” The dog starts in a sit and then raises his front legs up so he is sitting on just his back legs with front feet legs curled and held in front of him.

How do French people tell their dog to sit? ›

When speaking to the dog, some common commands you may hear from the owner include: Assis! = Sit. Reste!


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.