Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (2024)

Taste of Your Own Medicine is a side mission.

Completion of this mission enables relationship gain through chatting with Fang.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Pre-conduct
  • 3 Conduct
    • 3.1 Go to Medicine Stall on time
  • 4 Post-conduct
    • 4.1 Medical trials
  • 5 Optional content
  • 6 Rewards
  • 7 Gallery


The mission becomes available on Summer Day 8 Year 1.

This mission has no time limit but can only be completed on Wednesdays and Fridays.


The player will receive a letter from Fang in the mail.

Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (1)


From: Fang

This letter is to inform you that the clinic has new medical trials available; these trials will be available Wednesday and Friday.

Note: Effects and side-effects may not be in line with all customers' expectations. Fang Clinic reserves the right to interpret the effectiveness of said products. Ingest at your own risk.


X is flying around town giving out Medical Posters and advertising free products at the Fang and X Clinic.

Goodies! It's free!
Yummy yummy yum!
  • Where?
  • What "goodies?"
Come one come all! To Faaang's Clinic! One per customer, no cuttin'! No cuttin'! Buh-bye!
Medical Poster(1)

Go to Medicine Stall on time[]

Go to the Medicine Stall at Fang's Clinic. The medicine stall is only open on Wednesday and Friday every week.Go to Medicine Stall on time

The player can approach the Clinic during the working hours on Wednesday or Friday to see Fang and X selling medicine.

It's free! It's free! Leave your wallet at home!
Are these really free? I always believed that there's no such thing as a free lunch...
What does this medicine actually do?
Ow, my achin' back! Awk!
I'm cured, Doc! I'm cured!
Egad, it's healed!
Surely, a bird would never mislead us.
Impossible! Animals are pure of heart!
I'll take twenty!

Fang offers the player to try some of the medicine.

It's free! It's free!

The player can choose to try one of the Fang's medicines on the table in front of them as part of the experiment. Any medicine has a chance to give the player a temporary negative or positive effect. If the experiment is successful, the player will unlock a new medicine at the Clinic store and receive its crafting recipe. Every experimental medicine the player tries gives them 3 relationship points with Fang regardless of the experiment's outcome.


Fang's stall is open every Wednesday and Friday after the player has completed the mission. They can visit it to take part in more of Fang's experiments and discover new medicine recipes.

If the player wants a different outcome, they can save before and reload to try the experiment again. The three test tubes are just for show and don't affect the experiment.

Note: The testing ends at 18:00 each day, and the player won't be able to participate after that time.

These recipes unlock in a specific order.

Medicine unlocked
#ItemBuffBuy price
1Lavender Extract
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (19)Health Points +10 every 1 second. Lasts 30 seconds.50
2Orchid Extract
Protects from poison. Lasts for 60 seconds.100
3Bassia Potion
Prevents burns. Lasts for 60 seconds.100
4Thunderweed Extract
Prevents numbness. Lasts for 60 seconds.100
5Fang Special
Health Points +30%100
6Iron Muscle Soup
Min Damage +20%, Max Damage +20%. Lasts for 60 seconds.150
7Golden Bell Pill
Defense +20%. Lasts for 60 seconds.150
8Fang Special X
Health Points +60%175

Medical trials[]

Unlocking each medicine takes up to three trials. In the first two trials, the player might get a random debuff, but the third trial always successfully unlocks the medicine.

Each medicine trial has a chance to cause vision, stomach, or skin problems, or even make the player faint. Only one debuff varies depending on the medicine. Reloading the game can be used to get a different outcome of the experiment (except for the guaranteed success on the third trial).

The player will always get +3 relationship points with Fang regardless of the outcome.

Trials and debuffs
ResultDescriptionRelated drugTrials and debuff chances
Trial 1Trial 2
SuccessGives the player a buff the medicine gives for 60 seconds.All24%63%
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (35)Vision issuesApplies a blur effect to the player's screen for 30 seconds.All19%4%
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (36)Stomach issuesGives the player stomach issues for 30 seconds.All19%4%
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (37)Skin issuesTurns the player's skin bright blue for 30 seconds.All19%4%
FaintingThe player faints and skips a hour of in-game time.All19%4%
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (38)HP reducedMax Health Points -10% for 60 seconds.Lavender Extract
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (40)PoisonPoisons the player for 60 seconds.Orchid Extract
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (42)BurningBurns the player for 60 seconds.Bassia Potion
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (44)ParalysisParalyzes the player for 60 seconds.Thunderweed Extract
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (46)HP reducedMax Health Points -20% for 60 seconds.Fang Special
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (48)WeaknessReduces the player's Attack by 20% for 60 seconds.Iron Muscle Soup
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (50)VulnerabilityReduces the player's Defense by 20% for 60 seconds. [verify]Golden Bell Pill
Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (52)HP reducedMax Health Points -30% for 60 seconds.Fang Special X

Optional content[]

Some characters will comment if the player is under the effect of Fang's stomach issues potion:

Fang's medicine, eh? Yeah. Yeah....
I'm sorry, but I'll have to make a note of that on your profile. This is a no gas zone!
Are ya ill? I hope it's not contagious.
I ain't smelled somethin' that bad since we got them hoof an' tooth disease attackin' our Yakmel. I tell ya, they could knock a man down in 10 seconds flat with one of those.
Gah! This counts as pollution in my book, Player! Cut it out!
Hahahah! Careful, Player. Never trust a fart; you might get more than you bargained for!
Wow. Walking around in public like that. So brave.
Um. Player. Perhaps you're not aware... Uh... should you maybe... head to the bathroom...?
I'm not gonna laugh at you Player... You just... get yourself some privacy, alright?
Bleurgh... I can almost taste it!
Huh!? Thought I heard gunshots!
Ugh! Light! Get it away! Player... what have you done to yourself!?
Dear, we don't do that in polite company, okay? You pass gas at home in the dark, understand?
This is the result of that... testing? Oh... my... Perhaps we were rash in allowing such a thing...
Note to self: do not try Fang's medicine...
Eh. Perhaps... you should come back another time, Player...
Oh man. That's one upset stomach. Player, you'd better get some rest! And, er, don't worry, I won't tell anyone!
Ahh!! Get away, get away!
HAHAHAHAHA... What's that look? Don't try to blame me. Thoust who smellteth it, dealteth it!
Is that... a methane leak...?
Huh... what's that smell? It's like... I'm cooking?
Ha! I tell ya, Pebbles can do a wicked big fart. Kid his size, he's already pumpin' 'em out with the best of us.
Did City Hall sign off on that Fang experimentation permit? Ugh, what were we thinking...?
Beans indeed are a magical fruit. But as you have learned... there is a dark side...
Oh, Player... are you okay? You seem... gassy.
I'm going to believe you can't control yourself.
How dare you! Two can play at this game, Player! I fart in your general direction! Begone!


Experience +400
Fang: Relationship +20


Experimenting with "interesting" results ...

Mission: Taste of Your Own Medicine (2024)


Have a taste of your own medicine quotes? ›

So consider the following quotes:
  • “Give them the taste of their own medicine, and you'll be imprisoned for poisoning them.”
  • “You give them a taste of their own medicine, then they tell everyone you poisoned them.”
  • “I thought to give you a taste of your own medicine.
Jan 9, 2019

Where is the medicine stall in my time at Sandrock? ›

Go to the Medicine Stall at Fang's Clinic. The medicine stall is only open on Wednesday and Friday every week. The player can approach the Clinic during the working hours on Wednesday or Friday to see Fang and X selling medicine. It's free!

Is it a good idea to give someone a taste of their own medicine? ›

When you're not yet sure whether it's time to cut bait and leave someone, giving that person a taste of their own medicine could assist you in making the right choice. Mostly, what you'd be doing is testing whether that person is capable of developing greater empathy for you, so they won't continue hurting you.

What is the nearest in meaning of given a taste of their own medicine? ›

give someone their comeuppance. get back at. let someone see how it feels. avenge oneself. revenge oneself.

Is My Time at Sandrock a sequel to Portia? ›

My Time at Sandrock is a 2023 farm life sim developed by Pathea Games and published by PM Studios and Focus Entertainment. It is the sequel of My Time at Portia.

Is My Time at Sandrock the same as Portia? ›

With a score of three to two, My Time At Sandrock takes center stage while My Time At Portia serves as its understudy. Sandrock is just a more interesting and engaging affair with a heavier emphasis on survival, time management, and contribution.

How many hours is Sandrock? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, My Time at Sandrock is about 78½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 162 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Why do I taste my medicine? ›

Medications taken orally can be directly tasted and medications given intravenously stream can be excreted into the saliva and tasted that way. Some medications do not have a taste in and of themselves but can disrupt your sense of taste or smell, and thus make food taste “different.”

What is the figurative language of a taste of your own medicine? ›

“A taste of your own medicine” is an idiomatic metaphor. It uses “medicine” as a metaphor for any action “you” have taken that another person doesn't like. This could be anything from rudeness to overprotectiveness.

What is the taste of medicine? ›

Medicine often tastes bitter, and because children are more bitter sensitive than are adults, this creates problems with compliance.

What is medicinal taste? ›

The concept of “Medicinal Flavour Standard” denotes an off-flavour that resembles medicine that is introduced into food & beverages by inadequate cleaning in process (CIP) systems. Cleaning agents used in beverage processing systems provide the medicinal flavour since rinsing does not completely eliminate it.


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 6431

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.