Roasted Broccoli With Vinegar-Mustard Glaze Recipe (2024)



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I used a combo of broccoli and cauliflower because it's what I had on hand. Really glad I did!Classic flavor combo and so easy to throw together on roasted vegetables makes this infinitely adaptable.Subbed some garlic oil for the butter, and I was tempted to do as directed and make it all on the sheet pan - but for the sake of cleanup - I roasted on aluminum foil and tossed the florets in a bowl where I'd already whisked the oil, vinegar, and mustard.Perfect!

Kathleen Trgovich

I've made this a few times and find it comes out best if I pre-heat the cooking sheet in a 425° oven before adding the broccoli.


This did not turn out well as written. The butter and vinegar go their separate ways on the hot baking sheet and are impossible to emulsify. The second time around I pre-melted the butter and whisked it together with the mustard and vinegar in a large storage bowl that has a lid. Then I added the roasted broccoli, put on the lid, and shook it gently for half a minute or so. Worked much better. I also preheated my sheet pan for a nice under-char on the broccoli. Tastes great.


Frozen broccoli has a lot more moisture in it, so it would not get caramelized.

Downeast Mainer

This is delicious; as another commenter noted, it's a classic flavor combination. I cooked my broccoli for at 475 for 18 minutes to get good char while keeping it crisp-tender. Served as a tasty and bright side dish to pasta with red sauce. Learn from my mistake and only dress the broccoli you plan to eat immediately—otherwise leftovers will be soggy. Next time I'll add some whole garlic cloves to the sheet pan before roasting to add even more flavor.


Add a couple of sliced shallots to up the crunchy sweet taste.


This broccoli recipe is very good. The mustard flavor is quite subtle so I may up the amount by 1/2 tsp. next time. The vinegar gives it a barely slight tang that works well and isn't overpowering. I normally just roast my broccoli plain but the vinegar, butter and mustard make it taste better, is easy, and a flavor combo I'll repeat.


For best results, make sure the broccoli (or whatever veggie you're using) is thoroughly dry before roasting. this way they roast instead of steam, which makes them softer, almost soggy.

JT Daddio

Big yum. We had a lot of broccoli, including some baby broccoli that we needed to finish, along with a couple red peppers that were close to going over the edge. Oh, a d we wanted this for dinner, so I sliced up some tofu (wife's vegetarian). Didn't have red wine vinegar, so it was apple cider vinegar instead. It was really delicious, and healthy too. Thanks for this one


This reminds me of a dish I make I call brown butter broccoli. Cut the broccoli so it is flat on one side. Use a large sauté pan. Put in 3to 4 tablespoons of real butter and heat in the pan on med high heat until it starts to brown. Add the broccoli, as much as will fit and continue to cook until the bottom of the broccoli turns a nice brown, don’t burn it. Add about 1/4 cup of chicken broth, it will sizzle, take off the heat and cover with foil or a pan lid for a tight fit. Let sit for 4 min

Paul A

Double the butter, vinegar and mustard, otherwise delicious!!


I have made this a few times now and it is delicious and so simple. Last time around I dissolved two anchovies in the sauce and it was an umami bomb. Highly recommend anchovies or 1/4 teaspoon of hondashi.


Surprised by how good this was, as it would not have occurred to me to add Dijon to roasted broccoli! Like a previous commenter, I only had cider vinegar on hand the first time I made this - - and it came out deliciously! The second time, I used red wine vinegar, and the result was a bit less tasty. Returning to cider vinegar tonight!


Excellent effort to taste ratio


I just made this and could easily stand at the stove top where it's cooling and eat the whole thing. I took note and heated the sheet pan. With a piece of foccacia and a piece of cotija I've got a lovely lunch.


Truly delicious !


So, so, so good and so easy. I had to guesstimate the proportions because I didn’t make 1.5 lbs of broccoli (although I wish I had because my hubs and I could’ve eaten it all!). I added some unpeeled cloves of garlic and onion pieces to the pan to roast alongside the broccoli. It was great with and would’ve been great without. Served with roasted small yellow potatoes and chicken thighs. Delish! Definitely going to make this again.


Do what my mother always did with tough broccoli stems: peel them with a potato peeler. The inner core is soft and just as delicious as the crowns, and you'll have more broccoli to eat up!




I used pickled jalapeno brine in place of vinegar. It was so yummy that my spouse and I could not wait until the rest of dinner was ready and we ate it early haha.


This is such a great little flavor bomb. I combine this recipe with the Sautéed Broccoli With Garlic and Chile. Prepare the Sautéed Broccoli With Garlic and Chile as directed using half the oil, then during the last few minutes of heating, add a light coat of Ali's sauce (1T. butter, 1 T. vinegar and 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard. Nothing wrong with roasting it either.

The flavors and textures were AMAZING!!!!!

If you make this, double the recipe. Folks will want seconds and will raid plates if not appeased. The combination of the caramelization and the seasonings create an umami bomb.


Delicious! Since I was pregnant and the smell of cooked broccoli made me nauseated, I haven't been a fan. However, the roasting, the sauce and my Covid 19 nose which doesn't smell much anymore, makes this a winner. My husband loves broccoli, so now we have it more. Glad I ran across this recipe!I use balsamic vinegar, because we always have some, the Dijon mustard, butter and pink pepper, mixed in a bowl, then I dump the broccoli in and stir.

Laura Nak

There's beauty in simplicity! This is just delicious! I used convection roast and the broccoli had a nice char in 15 minutes. The sauce blended together easily.


OMG - this was so good, especially when I threw in some capers!!! Definitely melt/mix the butter-vinegar-mustard in a bowl before tossing.


I'm always looking for tasty but low salt recipes for when my dad comes over and this fit the bill. It was delicious and easy. I followed the tip from others to mix the butter, mustard and vinegar together first before tossing the broccoli in it. Worked very well.


Very high taste to effort ratio, which is what I'm always looking for in a recipe!


I had shaved brussels sprouts on hand, so used those, halving the amount of veggies, but making all the sauce. It was terrific. I added crispy onions to finish.


Andrew says this is tasty


I’m not a brocoli lover at all, but this recipe made it the opposite! This recipe is amazing. Everyone loved it around the table too. A must to have in your book.

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Roasted Broccoli With Vinegar-Mustard Glaze Recipe (2024)


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