Mission: Remember the Good Times (2024)

Remember the Good Times is a side mission.

This mission is part of Fang's questline.

  1. Fragrant Memories
  2. Relapse
  3. Remember the Good Times
  4. Leaving the Nest
  5. Eagles in the Oasis


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Pre-Conduct
    • 2.1 Incorrect
    • 2.2 Correct
  • 3 Conduct
    • 3.1 Follow X
    • 3.2 Win the Book
    • 3.3 Go to the Clinic
  • 4 Rewards


The player must have completed the mission Relapse.

The mission has no time limit.


One morning, the Player can find a mission icon leading to the clinic. Inside are Fang and an upset customer.

Patient's FamilyUrgh... you're supposed to be a doctor, ain't consultation part of the job? Where's that bird from before? I hate talkin' to that magpie, but this is even worse!
The sign...
Patient's FamilySign? What sign? This again?

The customer turns around and goes and reading one of the two signs hanging on the wall.

Patient's FamilyWhat are the symptoms? "How long has it lasted?" Argh, it's not that simple!

The customer turns around again and talks directly to Fang.

Patient's FamilyMy daughter's still sick! The cough's gone, but now she's got a fever. Can she keep taking the medicine you gave us last time? Or should we get a new one? What about if the fever goes away?
Slower... speak... slower.
Patient's FamilyI can't, doc! I'm on pins and needles, and not the acupuncture kind; this is my daughter we're talkin' about here!
  • What's going on?
  • Where's X?
→What's going on?
Patient's FamilyDoc, is this your friend?
Patient's FamilyGreat! Finally, someone who can speak... words! Maybe you can help!
Patient's FamilyI came here to buy some meds for my daughter, I'd heard about this hermit doctor in Sandrock and his dubious, yet potent practices that might cure her chronic disease. She's already a lot better, in fact!
Patient's FamilyBut recently her condition has changed drastically; I'm at wit's end. Fang's good, but you just can't get a word out of him!
→Where's X?
Not here.
Patient's FamilyEven if the bird was here, all it'd do is parrot out, "Don't make me tap the sign, don't make me tap the sign, squark!" I wanna talk to a freakin' human!
Patient's FamilyHey, wait a sec! You there, you're using... words! You know this guy, right? Maybe you can help!
Patient's FamilyJust help me read this prescription, the writing is all scribby! It's like the handwriting equivalent of mumble rap!

The customer shows the note he got from Fang.

  • Let me help you "translate" it.
  • I doubt I can read it either...
→Let me help you "translate" it.
Patient's FamilyGreat, you're friends. Friends understand each others' handwriting, right? Right. So, quick, tell me what it says!
Fang(Relationship +1)
→I doubt I can read it either...
Patient's FamilyYou can't read his writing? What kinda friend are you, then?
Just... look.
Patient's FamilyThree? Three what, three times a day? Three at a time? Three's a crowd? You want me to leave? Can you just speak clearly for once, doc?
...Symptoms... again... Player, look...
Patient's FamilyAlright! She was coughing, now she's not. When I brought here here, I think the weather did a number on her! Now she has a fever. And she says she's dizzy, too. I don't wanna be just poppin' pills, what do I do, doc!?
Per day - once for coughing, twice for fever, three times if dizziness is present. Amount - one for each of the following symptoms: Coughing, dizziness, fever.
  • One tablet, three times a day.
  • One tablet, once a day.
  • Two tablets, three times a day. (Correct answer)

The player must select the correct dosage, keeping the note and the customer's report in mind.


→One tablet, three times a day.
No. Not right.
Patient's FamilyWhat? What's not right? urgh, just have a look again, tell me what to do!
→One tablet, once a day.
No. Not right.
Patient's FamilyWhat? What's not right? urgh, just have a look again, tell me what to do!

If the player answers incorrectly, they will be given another chance. If they answer incorrectly again:

No... it's three.
Fang(Relationship -3)
Patient's FamilyWhat's wrong? Three? Three times a day?
... yes.
Patient's FamilyOkay, so how many each time? Three? One? Twenty?!
... Two.
Patient's FamilyYou're sure? Okay well, doctor... it's really okay? Urgh, I'm never coming here again. It's just so... frustrating.

The customer leaves.

Thank you. You... tried.


→Two tablets, three times a day.
Are you sure? Her life depends on this!
Fang(Relationship +3)
Patient's FamilyThat's great, thank you doctor! And your friend too, they've been super helpful. Way better than that bird, at least! Now, I gotta run. Thanks again!

The customer leaves.

Thank you.

Regardless of whether the player answered correctly, X enters the clinic after the customer leaves.

I'm sorry I was gone so long, honey. Squark! Not home!
What's wrong, cat got your tongue?
Don't use... that voice... "His" voice...
Sorry! Uh oh! Uh oh!
... Never use that voice.
I won't always be here, sweetie. Can you speak up a bit, Fang?
M... Mother's voice...
I won't always be here. Say somethin' already!
I... can't...
  • Why don't you want to speak?
  • You can't work without speaking.
  • It's okay. We understand it's hard for you.
→Why don't you want to speak?/You can't work without speaking.
I don't... like talking. X speaks...
Today... was hard. X not here.
Coco! Friend! I won't always be here, sweetie.
→It's okay. We understand it's hard for you.
I... Patients angry... This... won't... do.
Need... to think...

Fang walks away from the player and X.


X follows Fang.

(Maybe I should give them some space... I'll come visit again soon.)

If the player talks to Fang directly after the conversation:

  • Can I do something to help?
  • Whose voice bothered you?
→Can I do something to help?
Don't... bother... yourself...
→Whose voice bothered you?
No one...

Your relationship is not deep enough for Fang to open up about this.

Note:The player will receive this message regardless of their relationship level with Fang.

When the player leaves the clinic, the clinic will be closed for the next two days, and the player will not be able to enter.

On the third morning after the clinic closes, the player can find X outside the workshop:

Good morning! Good morning! Hello, pretty bird! Who's a pretty bird...?
Why don't you talk, kid? You need to express yourself!
Wanna help Fang! Wanna help Fang! Idea! Idea!
  • Why doesn't Fang speak?
  • What happened to him?
  • An idea to help Fang?

The first two options give no additional dialogue.

→An idea to help Fang?
Good idea! Not Arvio idea! Good idea!
Worthless! I'll never call you my brother! Keep your mouth shut!
Ma, are you okay?
I won't be around forever. Remember the good times, honey.
All alone! All alone!
Help Fang! Help Fang!
He can talk! He can talk!
That boy needs to learn. Idea! Idea! Follow! Follow me!

The mission starts.


Follow X[]

Where does X want to take you?Follow X

The player follows X to theGolden Goose where X is fighting with Catori about something.

Book! Book! Gimme gimme gimme!
I told you, birdbrain, you can't win if you don't play!
Honey, I just need it for a second. I'll give it right back.
It doesn't work like that. I can't just be giving out prizes, it defeats the entire purpose of my patented Golden Goose non-fungible game token exchange system!

X starts imitating Catori:

It doesn't work like that! Breh breh breh breh, defeats the entire purpose!
Hey! Stop it, X! I don't sound like that! ... Do I...? Urgh, Player, help me out here!
  • What's wrong?
  • What's special about this book?
The bird really wants this new book I got in, but if I give away a prize to him, I'll have to start givin' 'em out to everybody. I'll be broker than all the relics in them ruins you're always divin' into!
bad birdie! Fang need! Good book!
I run a game Center, not a library! I ain't givin' it to ya!
Read it again, Ma! Okay, okay, but it's the last time!
What's he even talkin' about?!
Look, if you really want it, then you're going to have to find someone to win it for you, fair and square. or grow some thumbs and win it yourself, heh heh... make fun of me, will ya, birdbrain...?
Birdie! Birdie help!
Good bird! I believe in you, you can do it!
See, there you go! player! They'll help you win the book, won't you, Player? That'll get you to shut your beak for a while, eh...?
Thanks, Player! You're a life-saver! You know where my exchange counter is... I hope...!
Good bird! Thank you!

Win the Book[]

Go to the Game Center and earn enough Tokens to win "The Eagle in the Valley" that X wants.Win the Book
  • The Eagle in the Valley(0/1)

Go to the Clinic[]

Now that you have "The Eagle in the Valley," go to the Clinic and show Fang.Go to the Clinic

When the player goes to the clinic, they can find Fang upstairs in his bedroom:

Pro-gamer! Player! Got it!
... Huh?
Prize! Golden Goose! Help! Help!
I won't always be here. You need to speak up!
  • Mission: Remember the Good Times (78)You can do this, Fang.
  • We all want to hear more from you.
  • You spoke clearly in your sleep...
  • You don't have to if you don't want to.
→You can do this, Fang./We all want to hear more from you.
Speak up, honey! Speak up!
→You spoke clearly in your sleep...
You can do it! You can do it!
→You don't have to if you don't want to.
It... hurts... to speak...
Be, brave, it's going to be okay! it's okay, it's okay!
It's all... it's too much...
Remember the good times, honey!
Good times are... gone.
Give! I remember, I remember!
This... X... I said... we don't need it...

The player gives Fang the book. He recalls reading the same book with his mother as a child.

Little FangI wanna read it again, Ma!
SarnaiAlright, but it's the last time!

In the present:

You really love this book, huh? Yeah! It's my favorite ever, Ma!
  • Is X imitating... you?
  • Is this your favorite book?
→Is X imitating... you?
Yes... and...
→Is this your favorite book?
As a child...
Mother... used to... help me... read this.
Again! Again!
Every night. My favorite.
I love this book, Ma!
The good times.
Before "he" came back.
You... brought this...?
Let me... show you... Player...

Fang and the player sits together and Fang reads the story aloud for the player.

Mission: Remember the Good Times (103)
Once upon a time there was a egg in a nest. From the egg sprung a bold, young eagle, with closed eyes and a big smile on his beak.
He flapped his arms a bit. But didn't go anywhere...
The rain was getting worse, the eagle was starting to feel cold.

The screen fades to black. When it fades back in, Fang has reached the end of the story.

...And then the eagle... finally found the strength to use his wings... and soared over the mountain, away from the clouds... to glide free in skies of blue... happily ever after.
Bravo! Bravo! Wonderful!
  • That was a lovely story.
  • You got through it!
  • Still a long way to go...
→That was a lovely story.
I had... almost forgotten...
→You got through it!
Was hard... but...
→Still a long way to go...
He can talk, he can talk! He can siiiiing!
I am ready...
... To try.
For you... my...
For now... Must return... to work...
Let us meet again... soon...

The mission ends.


Experience +1,150
Fang: Relationship +10
X: Relationship +10

Mission: Remember the Good Times (2024)


Why do I only remember the good times with my ex? ›

When we're nostalgic, our memory takes a wander through the past with a frosted lens. We revisit experiences and moments, highlighting the more enjoyable aspects and blocking out those that are less so. Our memories are malleable, and we can manipulate personal memories to create a favourable version of events.

How to remember the good times? ›

The 3 main strategies that have been researched include:
  1. Positive mental time travel (thinking about a past event)
  2. Capitalising (sharing that event with someone else)
  3. Capturing memorabilia/objects of interest that reflect the event.

Where is the medicine stall in my time at Sandrock? ›

Go to the Medicine Stall at Fang's Clinic. The medicine stall is only open on Wednesday and Friday every week. The player can approach the Clinic during the working hours on Wednesday or Friday to see Fang and X selling medicine. It's free!

Is it true that your ex always comes back? ›

Exes may return in some cases. Since couples break up for various reasons, the circ*mstances of a breakup may impact the potential for reconnection. A recent study showed that 44% of Americans have gotten back together with one of their exes after breaking up with them.

Do exes always miss you? ›

It's unlikely that an ex will forget about you, even if you don't communicate with them after the breakup. Relationships tend to make a large emotional impact on both people involved, so it's likely your ex will remember you and the relationship even after the breakup.

What is it called when you remember good times? ›

To reminisce is to reach into our memory bank and gift ourselves the emotional upside of remembering a happy time.

Where in the Bible does it say remember the good times? ›

Ecclesiastes 7:14 New Century Version (NCV)

But when life is hard, remember: God gives good times and hard times, and no one knows what tomorrow will bring.

Why does my ex bring up old memories? ›

Exes who are still interested in you or who have feelings will also have a tendency to reminisce. By doing so, they are trying to get you to remember the good times that you had together in hopes that you might want to reconnect.

Is My Time at Sandrock better than My Time at Portia? ›

The farming sim I found myself sinking the most time into, though, was MY TIME AT SANDROCK. While its predecessor MY TIME AT PORTIA didn't blow me away, SANDROCK's refined mechanics and smoother gameplay kept me hooked for hours on end.

Is My Time at Sandrock a sequel to Portia? ›

My Time at Sandrock is a 2023 farm life sim developed by Pathea Games and published by PM Studios and Focus Entertainment. It is the sequel of My Time at Portia.

How many hours is Sandrock? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, My Time at Sandrock is about 78½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 161 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How do I stop remembering good times with my ex? ›

After a breakup, you may find yourself engaging in obsessive thought about your ex, or how you could have done things differently. Over time these feelings should fade, and you can help this by allowing yourself to mourn your loss for a while, and then making an effort to focus on your other relationships.

Why do I only remember bad things about my ex? ›

People often remember negative experiences in relationships more vividly because negative emotions, such as pain, hurt, and anger, tend to leave a stronger emotional impact.

Why do I keep replaying memories of my ex? ›

Ruminating on an ex is more about our need for survival than our affection for that specific person, Bobby says. Evolutionarily, we are wired to be social and mate. Losing a partner triggers the same survival instincts our brain deploys when we're in physical danger.

Why do I miss the good times with my ex? ›

Missing the good times with an ex is your brain's way of reconciling and reframing your choices to keep them in a positive light. Our brains are wired such that we are encouraged to return to a relationship. This is evolution trying to make sure you reproduce. It doesn't mean the relationship was good.


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Views: 6435

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.