FTMO Challenge: how it works & tips for passing - Forexra.com (2024)

Out of all the challenges for funded trading accounts, the FTMO challenge is probably the most well-known one. Depending on the type of challenge you buy, passing it can open the door to trading with a $200,000 real live account, and keeping up to 90% of the profit. Here’s how it works, plus some ideas for passing it.

The FTMO challenge explained

FTMO is a Czech company that was founded in Prague in 2014. Its aim is to bring traders together by giving them better discipline, better feedback, and more capital.

The challenge consists of two phases. The first phase is called the FTMO Challenge, and the second phase is called FTMO Verification. The second phase lasts twice as long as the first. Its purpose is for you to show the company that you didn’t pass the first phase just by getting lucky.

How much does it cost?

Before you reach for your wallet, it’s well worth knowing that FTMO offers a free 14 day trial account. This allows you to test your risk management, skills, and strategies and measure them against the FTMO rules without spending a penny. You don’t even need to give the company any payment details, like your credit card info.

As for the cost of the challenge, this really depends on the size of the funded account you’d like to get. The challenge for the smallest funded account, $10,000 USD, costs €155, which is just over $166 at the time of writing. The fee for the largest account, $200,000 USD, is €1080, which at the time of writing, is just over $1,157.

How it works

The only actual difference between the different account size challenges is the different amounts of money. Apart from this, the goals and limits for all of the accounts are basically the same in terms of percentages.

Here are the rules for the first phase, the FTMO challenge:

  • You have 30 days to increase the starting account balance by 10%.
  • You must trade for a minimum of 10 days. These days do not need to be consecutive.
  • You must not lose more than 5%of the starting balance in a single day.
  • You must not lose more than10% of the starting balance throughout the challenge.

The rules for FTMO verification, the second phase, are essentially the same, except that you have60 days to increase the starting account balance by 5%.So basically, you get double the amount of time to make half the profit. Plus, you don’t need to pay anything for FTMO verification: it’s free as long as you pass the first phase.

Apart from the $200,000 USD account challenge, all of the other challenges are available in an “aggressive” style. In “aggressive”, the profit targets, and daily and overall loss limits are double.

You should also know that even if you don’t meet the profit target after 30 days, you’ll get an FTMO free retake so long as your account is in profit at the end of the time period. We think it’s really important to keep this piece of info in mind because hopefully, it takes off some of the pressure to meet that profit target. Less pressure means less stress, and hopefully less chance of emotional trading and taking on too much risk.

Other restrictions and FTMO Rules

The FTMO rules are really quite relaxed in comparison to a lot of prop firms. Things likediscretionary trading, hedging, algorithmic (algo) trading, and Expert Advisors (EAs) are allowed.

However, if you’re using a third-party EA, you should bear in mind that other traders could be using exactly the same EA, and by extension, they could be placing exactly the same trades as you. This could result in exceeding the maximum capital allocation rule, which could cause you to fail the challenge or forfeit your funded account.

Profits & the FTMO scaling plan

Once you’ve passed the challenge, congratulations. You get to keep 80% of everything you make.But it doesn’t just end there. If you are consistently profitable, FTMO will increase your account balance by 25% every four monthsand let you keep 90% of everything you make. It is theoretically possible that you can be trading with up to $2,000,000 USD.

Tips for passing the FTMO challenge

When it comes to tips on passing the FTMO challenge, we really like this video from Kieran at Trader Seed. Kieran is himself funded by FTMO, and he has the videos of his withdrawals to prove it.

If you’re not able to watch the video, here are some of the key points from it:

  • The first point, which we’ve already touched on, is not to worry if you don’t hit the profit target for the month. Sometimes the market conditions for hitting it simply aren’t there, so don’t stress about not meeting it. Your main priority is to finish the month in profit, so you can take advantage of that free retake if the market didn’t help you hit the target.
  • With this in mind, start off with smaller trades in order to gradually bring the account in profit. Early wins will take away the initial stress of starting the challenge, and with a bit of profit as wiggle room, a couple of losses will have less of a psychological impact than bringing the account into the red into the early stages of the challenge.
  • Try to think in terms of current affairs and longer time periods. A key world event, such as something affecting the price of oil or gold, could be all you need to hit the profit target in just one or two trades.
FTMO Challenge: how it works & tips for passing - Forexra.com (2024)


What are the rules in passing the FTMO challenge? ›

There is no time limit within which you need to pass the Profit Target, the Trading Period is indefinite. As soon as all the Trading Objectives of your FTMO Challenge are met and your results are reviewed, you can proceed to the Verification phase. The minimum time to complete an FTMO Challenge is 4 trading days.

Is FTMO hard to pass? ›

There is estimated to be a 90% fail rate of traders that take the FTMO challenge. The reason behind this is due to traders chasing the profit target with a time restriction in place. A trader doesnt know when a winning streak might occur, or when they may take a string of drawdowns.

What percentage of people fail the FTMO challenge? ›

The FTMO challenge has a reputation for being extremely difficult to pass. Across FTMO's various account levels, it is estimated that only around 10% of traders are able to successfully complete the evaluation and become a funded trader. This means approximately 90% of those who attempt the challenge end up failing.

Does FTMO actually pay out? ›

In conclusion, FTMO is a reputable proprietary trading firm that pays out profits to its traders as promised. The company has a transparent and reliable payout process, and numerous positive reviews from satisfied traders attest to this.

Can I pass FTMO challenge in one day? ›

We do not have any maximum time limit during which you would have to pass our Evaluation Process, you can therefore take as much time as you need. Once you meet all 4 Trading Objectives and your trades are reviewed, you can move on to the next phase right away.

Can you get banned from FTMO? ›

Besides the standard eligibility conditions, you should not have any past or prevailing conflict of interest with FTMO, or engagement in the Forbidden Trading Practices, as laid out in the Terms & Conditions (clause 5.4).

How much money does FTMO give you? ›

The default payout ratio for all FTMO Traders is set to 80%, however, an 80% share is not where we draw the line.

What is the biggest FTMO payout? ›

Dariusz from the USA exceeded everyone's expectations and made his dreams come true. As our FTMO Trader with a maximum allocation, he beat the previous record payout of $500,180 thanks to his profit of $1,206,225, the biggest payout in the industry!

Do you get your money back if you fail FTMO challenge? ›

The one-time fee for an FTMO Challenge covers it all, including the Verification, there are absolutely no recurring fees with us. Moreover, your fee will be reimbursed to you when you successfully pass the FTMO Challenge and Verification with the first Profit Split on your FTMO Account.

What happens if you lose FTMO money? ›

Loss of the FTMO Trading Account: FTMO sets maximum drawdown limits that traders must adhere to. If your account balance falls below this limit due to trading losses, FTMO may terminate the trading account, and you would no longer have access to their capital.

Does FTMO accept US clients? ›

Please note that FTMO does not provide services to persons in/from (both nationals and residents) Iran, Syria, Myanmar, North Korea and USA, persons listed on sanction lists, persons with criminal records related to financial crime or terrorism, and persons previously banned because of breach of contract.

How long does it take to pass FTMO? ›

Time passes

The time taken to complete the FTMO Challenge and Verification stage depends on your trading strategy, risk management skills, and market conditions. Some traders may be able to complete the challenge within a few days, while others may take the full 30 days.

Why is FTMO so expensive? ›

The fee covers the costs related to the FTMO Challenge provided by FTMO such as the designing, development, and operation of the FTMO platform (the technical infrastructure behind the provided educational services and applications).

How to pass the funded account challenge? ›

You need to have a solid understanding of how to manage risk in order to succeed. This involves setting stop losses, using leverage appropriately, and having a solid understanding of market trends. Keep in mind that the goal is not to make a quick profit, but to sustainably grow your account over time.

What happens after passing a prop firm challenge? ›

Successfully passing a Prop Firm Challenge grants traders a key advantage: access to substantial trading capital. This access empowers traders to take larger positions in the market, opening the door to the potential for significantly higher profits.

What are the payout rules for FTMO? ›

The Profit Split on an FTMO Account is done on a monthly basis by default, with the option to place a payout on-demand after a period of 14 calendar days from the first placed trade on the account.


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