Crisp Gnocchi With Brussels Sprouts and Brown Butter Recipe (2024)



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R. Lax

Dear NY Times stylist, thanks for using my father's, Michael Lax's, teak handled, cast iron, skillet, the large one, by Copco. Great skillets, but note, if you find one, due to the selection of the teak handle, you cannot put them into the oven. My father was an industrial designer and designed/started Copco. The NYTimes ran his obituary in 1999. He was a diehard New Yorker, born and raised in the west village on Morton Street and he went to Alfred University in the Industrial Ceramics dept.


Rather than honey, I substituted a splash of aged balsamic for sweetness as well as a touch of acidity.


This was so good! We roasted the brussel sprouts to make them really crispy and then added them to the skillet along with a shallot and chopped garlic after crisping the gnocchi. Also topped it with a dollop of lemon zested garlic ricotta to finish. It was over the top delicious!

Trepidatious Cook

I guess I'm the only whose brussel sprouts didn't cook in five minutes. I tried to follow this using the timing but ended up with hard brussel sprouts so I had to add liquid and let it simmer


Fabulous! Life required that I roast the sprouts. I prepared as directed with lemon zest and red pepper flakes. My helper popped them in oven at 425. They cooked for 25 minutes to perfection. By time I got home, I had enough time to prepare gnocchi as directed before roasting was complete.. I had to make 2 batches for crowd I was feeding - first one used 6 T butter, second batch 4T. Four was plenty. Used balsamic instead of honey. Will make again and again !

Thomas Burke

I have done this with pancetta rather than butter. It's fantastic, and it also would be almost as good with butter..


Made this into a true 20 min meal by baking the Brussels sprouts in the oven (15 min at 450 degrees) while simultaneously cooking the gnocchi on the stove top. Mixed them together on stovetop at the very end as recipe says. Also, 6 tablespoons of butter seems crazy - I added 2 and my gnocchi were deliciously buttery and crispy! Quick and easy, would definitely make again.

Julius Huckabee

My kids only dabbled in the brussels sprouts (understandable, and: more veggies for me!), but mainly stuck to the gnocchi. My wife - hates "cabbage-y" things - was astonished by how good it was. In my family, this counts as a success.However:- This took much more than 20 minutes, more like 40.- I rounded up on the portions (I live in Europe and buy in grams). Nonetheless, there weren't any leftovers. Feeds four? Feeds two adults and two toddlers. Well.


If the gnocchi immediately sticking to the pan like glue freaks you out like it did me the first time, don’t worry. It will release once the butter melts (and with a nice golden brown crust). Do make sure they are completely broken up before they go into the pan though.


Followed exactly, except my sprouts were big so I quartered them. It took more than 2 min for the butter to brown but once it did, magic. Don’t skimp on the lemon zest and don’t be afraid of some bigger chunks of it after chopping — fried in the butter and honey they are a delightful contrast to the rest of the dish. Don’t overdo the Parmesan at the end, a light sprinkle does the job.


Why decide between Pancetta and Butter when you can have both?!? One of the best things I’ve cooked at home in recent memory.


Cooked this last night and it was delicious. Next time I would double the Brussels sprouts and roast them instead of frying (my pan isn't big enough to properly fry that many sprouts!), try reducing the amount of butter by half (there was so much butter pooled at the bottom of my bowl when we finished it off!), then add the roasted sprouts into the pan to toss with the gnocchi at the very end. We didn't add the Parm because I was lazy and didn't bring it to the table, and didn't miss it one bit!


I think some aged balsamic might be a good substitute for the honey.


We loved this one! I think the secret is a cast-iron skillet. This was the first recipe I’ve ever attempted in my cast-iron, and I am now a believer! I would probably throw in some bacon next time. And a handful of toasted pinenuts.


Can you make this in the oven? Want to make it for a larger group


Has anyone tried with frozen gnocchi?


Delicious! Made as is. Next time I may add some garlic. And I like Claire's idea below about adding pork belly. Will make again.

less butter!

Half the butter


Amazing. Will be a regular in the rotation. Grilled chicken for protein, totally unnecessary. This was amazing on it’s own. Small modifications that worked for me:Roasted sprouts at 425 separately4tbs butter instead of 6 was plentyAdded a diced shallot in before gnocchiDash of balsamic to deglaze the panFinished with a bit of grated lemon zestHad fresh Rosemary to get rid of and threw some in - a fantastic herby additionFuture idea- may be fun with roasted pine nuts or walnuts


I doubled the recipe and used a wok. Very delicious! I will cook again when we have a big group and not a lot of time.

Emily von Allmen

I substituted the lemon and red pepper flakes for a swirl of Mike’s Hot Honey and used Trader Joe’s cauliflower gnocchi. It was a hit!!


I chopped some sun dried tomatoes and threw them in the gnocchi as it was cooking. Fantastic


This is my all time favorite NYT recipe. I make this at least once a month and my only complaint is that it is so good there are never any leftovers even when I double the recipe. My husband is a hardcore meat eater and this is his absolute favorite vegetarian meal. Also tastes great pine nuts for some extra protein and crunch.


Add lemon juice (half lemon, could try more)


So good! I use the recipe as a way to use up aging vegetables - Brussels sprouts, carrots, broccoli, bok choy, cauliflower, etc- sometimes without the gnocchi.


Remember to follow the descriptions rather than the timing guides. It always takes more than the 2-4 minutes they suggest to crip/brown/etc. my ingredients, and this dish thrives on crispy!

David Z

Made as directed. Added a little lemon and more red pepper at the table to brighten it up a bit. Delicious.


This is a consistent winner in our house! The only modifications we make are to 1. cover the Brussels with a lid so they steam through a bit more (otherwise they are a bit too crunchy for our taste) and 2. Add a can of white beans at the end for some extra protein.


Very Nice! But needs a little zip. Next time I'll squeeze some lemon juice over the cooked gnocchi with some mined garlic.

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Crisp Gnocchi With Brussels Sprouts and Brown Butter Recipe (2024)


How do you crisp soggy brussel sprouts? ›

It's as simple as spreading the leftover Brussels sprouts in a single layer on a baking sheet (use two to avoid overcrowding if there's a lot) and heating them in a 350°F for 10 to 12 minutes. When the sprouts come out of the oven they'll be hot and crispy all over.

Do I need to boil gnocchi before frying? ›

You can skip the boiling when frying your gnocchi. However, if you prefer your gnocchi a touch softer, you could boil it first and then pan fry them for about 3-5 minutes instead of the full time to brown. If making this as a full meal, this will serve 2-3.

Why are my brussel sprouts not crispy? ›

The crispy exterior, however, is achieved by preheating the sheet pan itself in a 450° oven. You're essentially treating the baking sheet like a sauté pan, searing an entire side of the brussels sprouts. Without preheating the pan, they'd overcook before they got to the ideal crispy state.

Should gnocchi be browned? ›

We like to pan-fry our pillowy-soft potato gnocchi after we've boiled them to give them a crisp outer layer. There's nothing better than the pillowy texture of homemade gnocchi.

How do you crisp up already cooked brussel sprouts? ›

Add leftover cooked Brussels sprouts to a lightly oiled baking sheet. Rewarm in the at 350 degrees F for 5 or so minutes, until heated through. You can also reheat them in the air fryer, or on a plate in the microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute, though the texture will be soggier than if they are reheated in the oven.

How do you make soggy vegetables crispy? ›

The #1 Tip for Extra-Crispy Roasted Vegetables
  1. Preheat oven to 425℉.
  2. Prep veggies and pat dry (ensuring the veggies are dry will help avoid clumping with the cornstarch). ...
  3. Add 1 tablespoon cornstarch per pound of vegetables. ...
  4. Roast until fork-tender and crispy, 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the vegetable.
Apr 3, 2023

Is it better to bake or boil gnocchi? ›

The secret to the lightest, most tender potato gnocchi is to bake the potatoes instead of boiling them. A baked potato is dryer than one that has been boiled, which means you avoid having to add more flour to the dough to account for excess moisture, a practice that leads to over-kneaded, tough gnocchi.

Do Italians fry gnocchi? ›

But what's really interesting about gnocchi is the different ways in which it's made throughout Italy. They can be boiled, baked or fried; bouncy, chewy or crunchy and studded with various herbs, spices or vegetables.

How do you know when fried gnocchi is done? ›

Fry until a golden crust forms, which should take approximately 5-7 minutes. Stir occasionally to ensure even browning. Once the gnocchi are golden and crispy, remove them from the heat. Sprinkle the grated cheese, chili flakes (if using), and chopped parsley on top.

Why are my brussel sprouts still hard after cooking? ›

This could be caused by using too little oil for roasting. You need a nice coating of oil—enough to make the heads shiny or if they're cut, enough oil to get inside the folds of some of the leaves. Without oil, Brussels don't brown and soften—they dehydrate.

Should you cut brussel sprouts in half before cooking? ›

One of the most common ways to cut a Brussels sprout is in half or quarters. By doing so, you reduce the size of the sprouts, speeding up cooking.

Do you cook Brussels sprouts cut side up or down? ›

Roast 'em! Our two rules: place and space! Place them cut side down to create that slightly crunchy exterior and soft interior. Space them out evenly so they don't steam–a crowded sheet pan party is not where your brussels want to be.

What should you not do when making gnocchi? ›

Don't overwork the dough: When making gnocchi dough, it's important not to overwork it. Overworking the dough can make the gnocchi tough and chewy. Mix the ingredients together just until the dough comes together, and then stop mixing! You're not kneading bread here.

Why is my gnocchi not crispy? ›

You don't want them damp when you add them to the pan. Step Four – Add the gnocchi to the infused oil and butter mixture and fry over a medium to high heat, turning from time to time. Don't be tempted to stir constantly or they won't crisp up.

Should gnocchi be crispy? ›

Boiled gnocchi can be a bit stodgy, a bit slimy, a bit heavy… fried gnocchi is perfectly crispy and fluffy and light and toasty and all sorts of other lovely adjectives.

How do you revive brussel sprouts? ›

We found that the best way to revive these kinds of vegetables was to trim their stalks or stems on the bias and stand them up in a container of cold water in the refrigerator for about an hour. This exposes as many of their moisture-wicking capillaries as possible to water.

Why are my roasted brussel sprouts mushy? ›

Moisture is the enemy of crispiness.

There's nothing wrong with soft and chewy Brussels, but if your goal is the type of crispy Brussels that they're serving at your favorite bistro you MUST thoroughly dry the surface of the sprouts before sautéing and/or roasting them. If they are wet they will steam instead of crisp.

How do you dry brussel sprouts after washing? ›

After you've rinsed the brussels sprouts in a colander or sieve, lay them to dry completely on a clean kitchen towel or paper towels. To help extract more moisture, sprinkle them with salt. This will draw out any moisture that's lingering in between the leaves and has the added bonus of seasoning your dish.

Why are my brussel sprouts mushy in the middle? ›

Any disdain you may harbor for Brussel Sprouts probably originated by eating them steamed or boiled. Steaming and boiling use moist heat, and moist heat can make Brussel Sprouts mushy and stinky—not a good combo. Give them the treatment they deserve by roasting them instead.


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.