Chocolate Chip Cut Out Cookie Recipe (2024)

By marian 48 Comments

Chocolate Chip Cut Out Cookie Recipe (1)

Christmas baking time is here for me, and I’m ready to share a new recipe, chocolaty goodness combined with classic roll out sugar cookies – chocolate chip cut out cookies.

Chocolate Chip Cut Out Cookie Recipe (2)

A combination of these chocolate chip cookies and my go-to sugar cookie recipe, they’re easy to make, and the dough or baked cookies can easily be frozen as is.

Chocolate Chip Cut Out Cookie Recipe (3)

Delicious without the royal icing too, I’ve opted to keep these ones plain. You could freeze them and decorate a little closer to Christmas time or you can also decorate them early and freeze the iced cookies.

Chocolate Chip Cut Out Cookie Recipe (4)

The key to these cookies keeping their shape lies not only in the combination of ingredients (exact measurement in baking is important) and omission of the leavening agent (i.e. baking powder), but in some crucial points in the process. You can find a whole post dedicated to cookies keeping their shapehere.

Chocolate Chip Cut Out Cookie Recipe (5)


  • Use mini chocolate chips for this recipe. You could chop up larger chocolate chips, but I find they make the dough look messier. Just fine if you like more chocolate streaks in your dough though! It ends up looking more marbled because of the chocolate “crumbs”.
  • I used semi-sweet mini chocolate chips because that’s all I could find, but I’m pretty sure I’d love milk chocolate chips even more in this recipe. Please let me know if you find mini milk chocolate chips somewhere!
  • In case you missed it, these cookies will be frozen to keep them as fresh as possible for Christmas time. Find a post on freezing cookieshere.
  • Here’s my digital download complete guide to cut-out cookies, including tips, tricks and a video on making sugar cookies.
  • If you’re baking a little closer to Christmas than I am, here’s a post for you on theshelf life of cookies.

Such a simple recipe to make and the perfect palette for sweet cookie designs – have fun making them too!



Chocolate Chip Cut Out Cookie Recipe (6)

Chocolate Chip Cut Out Cookie Recipe

Chocolate Chip Cookie Cut Out Cookie Recipe


  • 1 cup granulated sugar (7 oz or 198 g)
  • 1 cup brown sugar, not packed (5.4 oz or 152 g)
  • 2 cups salted butter, room temperature (1 lb or 454 g)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 5 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (1 lb 9 oz or 698 g)
  • 1 1/2 cups mini semi-sweet chocolate chips


  • Cream the butter and sugar together in the bowl of an electric mixer on low speed, using the paddle attachment. Mix until incorporated – for about 30 seconds. Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a plastic spatula and mix again for a few seconds more. Over mixing the butter and sugar in this step will cause too much air to be incorporated into the dough. If you'd like a light and fluffy cookie, that's ideal, however the dough will spread more during baking; not ideal if you'd like the cookie to hold its shape.

  • Add eggs and vanilla extract slowly and mix. Scrape down the bowl with your spatula if needed and mix again.

  • Add all of the flour to the bowl. Place a large tea towel between the edge of the bowl and the electric mixer so that the flour won't escape. Mix on low speed for 30 seconds. Remove the tea towel and observe the dough mixing; when it starts to come together add the mini chocolate chips and mix until the dough clumps around the paddle attachment. The dough should peel away from the sides of the mixer and clump around the paddle attachment. You can also test the dough by pinching it between your thumb and index finger. If it’s soft but not sticky, it’s just right. If it’s too sticky when you pinch it between your fingers, add flour, ¼ cup at a time, and mix until you’re happy with the texture. There are various reasons why a dough can be too dry or too sticky, ranging from humidity in the environment, to what kind of flour you use, the fat content of the butter etc., however, there are ways to fix the issues if you run into them. Already mentioned, add flour if your dough is too sticky, and if it’s too dry, make sure you’ve mixed it as best as you can first, and if it’s still too dry, add a little water or milk until your dough comes together.

  • Roll the dough out between 2 large pieces of parchment paper. Place on a baking sheet and into the fridge or freezer for a minimum of 1 hour.

  • Cut out cookie shapes. Place on parchment paper-lined baking sheets. Re-roll scraps and repeat. If your dough gets too soft to work with, place in the fridge or freezer periodically to firm up again.

  • Once all cut out, put cookie dough shapes back into the fridge or freezer for 10 minutes to 1 hour to chill again. They will then hold their shape better when baked.

  • Preheat your oven to 375°F or 190°C.

  • Bake cookies for 8-12 minutes or until the edges become golden brown. The baking time will depend on the size of your cookie.

  • Let cookies cool to room temperature and decorate if you like! If you’re new to decorating cookies,here is a cookie decorating tutorialwith everything you’ll need to know to begin!


Makes approximately 35 medium-sized cookies

Chocolate Chip Cut Out Cookie Recipe (7)
Chocolate Chip Cut Out Cookie Recipe (8)
Chocolate Chip Cut Out Cookie Recipe (2024)


What is the secret to cut out cookies? ›

Pull off the top sheet of parchment, then slide the sheet of dough onto a baking sheet, then pop it in the freezer. (You can stack as many sheets of dough onto one baking sheet as you'd like.) Sandwich your dough between two sheets of parchment, roll, then freeze; it makes cut-out cookies a breeze!

What is the best thickness for cutout cookies? ›

To ensure the wonderfully soft sugar cookies of your dreams, you want to roll the dough about ¼-inch thick. This may seem too thick when you are rolling and cutting, but it's absolutely vital.

What makes cut out cookies spread? ›

6 Reasons Why Your Cookies are Spreading
  1. Room Temperature Butter. If it's too soft, it will melt faster in the oven and ultimately spread out. ...
  2. Excess Sugar and Fat. Measuring is key in baking. ...
  3. Mixing Butter & Sugar. ...
  4. Dough is Too Warm. ...
  5. Greased Cookie Sheets. ...
  6. Warm Cookie Sheets. ...
  7. Oven Temperature. ...
  8. The Test Cookie.

Can I use cookie cutters on any cookie dough? ›

You can use any cookie dough recipe you choose. But for best results, use one for soft cookies rather than crunchy ones. Step 2: Flour your work surface to roll out your dough. You can roll your dough on a floured countertop or floured parchment paper.

Should you refrigerate cut-out cookies before baking? ›

Refrigerating the dough allows the flour to fully hydrate and helps to make the cookie dough firmer. Firm dough prevents the cookies from spreading too much, which is why chilling the dough is a crucial step for cut-out and rolled cookies.

How do you keep cut-out cookies from spreading while baking? ›

“For the best results, choose a silicone baking mat or parchment paper to line your pan,” Dawn recommends. “Simply greasing your pan — basically adding fat to it — will encourage your cookies to spread.” (Check out our side-by-side test baking to see for yourself.)

How to make cut out cookies keep their shape? ›

To help cookies keep their shape, freeze them! I freeze each batch of cut-out cookies for 5 to 10 minutes before baking. They rise just slightly higher and keep their shape better. This really helps when using an intricate cookie cutter, but I do this even when baking circles.

Why are my cutout cookies puffy? ›

Q: Why are my cookies so puffy and cakey? Whipping too much air into the dough. That fluffy texture you want in a cake results from beating a lot of air into the room temperature butter and sugar, and it does the same for cookies. So don't overdo it when you're creaming together the butter and sugar.

Why won't my cut-out cookies hold their shape? ›

Oven Temperature

If you still notice that your cookies are spreading, another thing you can do to help cookies keep their shape, is increase the heat 10-25 degrees higher than the suggested temperature on the recipe. Every oven is different, so you may need to try this for yours.

What makes cookies fluffy and not flat? ›

Flour adds fluff and texture to the cookies. Adding too little flour can cause cookies to be flat, greasy, and crispy. Most recipes assume you'll use all-purpose, but if you want a lighter, crumblier cookie texture, choose one with a lower protein content such as cake-and-pastry flour.

Why are my chocolate chip cookies spreading too much? ›

If this happens, put the dough into the refrigerator until it is well chilled, usually about 1 to 2 hours. Another possible fix is to add some additional flour, 1 tablespoon at a time, until the dough is slightly stiffer and doesn't spread.

Can I use store-bought cookie dough for cutouts? ›

There's a tried-and-true last-minute method to make delicious and easy Christmas cookies: cut-outs. Simple metal cookie cutters can transform store-bought slice-and-bake dough into the most festive holiday dessert.

How long to chill cookie dough before cutting? ›

How Long Should I Chill Cookie Dough? Anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. The longer you chill the dough, the more flavor will develop. The flour will also absorb more of the moisture so the thicker and chewier the final texture will be.

Do I use a cookie stamp before or after baking? ›

Using cookie stamp, center over ball and push down until dough starts to squeeze out around stamp. Slowly lift/remove stamp. If desired, trim any excess dough around the stamped design. Bake at 350 for 12-13 minutes.


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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