5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe (2024)

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe (1)

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch:

Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe (2)

Fresh Free-Range Eggs

With dozens and dozens of fresh Free-Range eggs at my disposal, and I am not exaggerating, I was rather pleased to find this recipe forSpinach and Poached Egg Muffins in one of my Weight Watchers cookbooks. I was also pleased to see that it came in at only 220 calories a serving too, which makes it extremely suitable for my two fast days a week on the 5:2 diet. I did lighten it up even more by using toasted crumpets in place of muffins, which I didn’t have at the time. I am always on the look out for tasty breakfast, brunch or light luncheon recipes to enjoy on my low-calorie fast days, and this certainly fitted the bill on so many counts, and if only to use some of my eggs too.

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe (3)

The Hens: Betty, Peggy and Mavis

The hens, Mavis, Betty and Peggy have all been very busy lately and I each trip to the hen-house sees me coming back with three eggs a day lately – in all different sizes and colours. Mavis is the oldie in the group, she is two years old now and is a Black Rock hen with a lovely sweet nature – she lays beautiful large eggs that are pale brown. Peggy is my friendly and laid back Sussex Light, and she is just five or six months old, so her eggs are still quite small but a lovely pale cream colour. Betty is a really beautiful French breed called a Bluebell; she is also about five or six months old and lays pale brown eggs that are often speckled. I love my hens and they have the freedom to roam at the bottom of the garden amongst wild flowers, with a cherry and fig tree to shelter under.

So, not only was I pleased when I discovered this recipe, but I was also very grateful thatmy randomly selected recipe didn’t throw up something that was not suitable for us to eat! As you may have gathered by now, this recipe forSpinach and Poached Egg Muffins was my Random Recipe for Dom’s (Belleau Kitchen) monthly challenge. This month marks Dom’s 30th month of this most interesting and exciting of challenges, and we were asked to pick our 30th book, and if possible to use the recipe on page 30 of that book – I did BOTH and when presented with TWO recipes on page 30, I opted for the one that used eggs, of course! My book came from the bookcase in the kitchen, as I have bookcases scattered all over, as well assome old wine boxes full of books too, and was Pure Points 2002 Cookbook, which is published by Weight Watchers. My choice of recipes on page 30 was a Turkey Frittata and the recipe I chose to make,Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins.

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe (5)

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe

The dish was wonderfully comforting and as well as being low in calories, it felt healthy too – must be all that spinach along with the golden yolks of my hen’s eggs!I have shared the recipe below, with notes how to reduce the calories even more, and as I had a selection of different size eggs, I chose to use the small eggs, which will also have reduced the calorie count per serving too. This recipe is what my mum would call Eggs Florentine, and I remember her serving is something similar when I was little, for a weekend brunch but with grated cheese on top of the eggs. Whatever the name, it was delicious when served for a light lunch last week. I am sure you can sit the spinach and eggs on top of any “bread vehicle” and the crumpets certainly worked very well> That’s it for today, I hope you have a wonderful week ahead, I’ll be back soon with more recipes, reviews and some tea time treats as well as herbal pleasures, see you soon, Karen

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe (6)

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe

Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins (Low-Calorie)

Print recipe

Serves 2
Prep time 5 minutes
Cook time 10 minutes
Total time 15 minutes
Allergy Egg, Wheat
Dietary Vegetarian
Meal type Breakfast, Lunch, Main Dish, Snack
Misc Serve Hot
Occasion Casual Party, Christmas, Easter
Region British
From book Pure Points 2002 Cookbook

A delicious and satisfying recipe that is healthy and tasty; the calorie count per serving is 220 calories, but if using a crumpet in place of a muffin half, then reduce the calories by 20 to 200 calories per portion. (Based on a crumpet of 77 calories per unit) Suitable for the 5:2 diet and has 3 points per serving for anyone following the Weight Watchers diet. (pre pro-points)


  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1 medium muffin, halved (or 2 crumpets)
  • 200g frozen spinach (or 400g fresh spinach leaves, stems removed)
  • freshly grated nutmeg
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat creme fraiche
  • 2 medium eggs
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper


A delicious and satisfying recipe that is healthy and tasty; the calorie count per serving is 220 calories, but if using a crumpet in place of a muffin half, then reduce the calories by 20 to 200 calories per portion. (Based on a crumpet of 77 calories per unit) Suitable for the 5:2 diet and has 3 points per serving for anyone following the Weight Watchers diet. (pre pro-points)


Step 1 Out a pan of water on to boil and add the vinegar.
Step 2 Toast the muffin halves or the crumpets until lightly browned. Meanwhile, heat the spinach through on a saucepan, season to taste and add some freshly ground nutmeg with the crème fraîche.
Step 3 When the water is at a boil, break the eggs into a small cup and then carefully slide them into the water. Turn the heat down and simmer for 3 minutes until the white has set and it firm, but the yolks are still soft and runny.
Step 4 Remove the eggs from the water with a slotted spoon. Spoon the warm, cooked spinach on top of the muffin halves or crumpets and then put the eggs on top of the spinach. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and serve straight away.
Step 5 220 calories with the muffin and 200 calories with the crumpets.

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe (9)

Free Range Eggs

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe (10)

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe (11)

5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe

More EGG recipes:

Lavender and Lovage Egg Recipes

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5:2 Diet & Weight Watchers Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch: Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins Recipe (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.