No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (2024)

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (1)

This happens to me pretty much every day at around 3 o’clock, providing that I’m working from home. I get up from my desk, put on the teapot, throw a bunch of things in the blender, whirl it all together, and end up with a cozy and satisfying latte-ish drink that gets me through to dinner time. I don’t drink caffeine anymore, because I’ve always been very sensitive to it, and found that avoiding it altogether really helps with even energy levels (I may have made a few exceptions in Italy:)). But this little ritual takes me back to the days when 3 o’clock meant a cup of really good tea or a matcha. There’s really nothing better.
I end up making adifferent drink every time, based on my mood and the ingredients I have on hand, but the general formula is the same. There’s always something for creaminess, something for flavor, something for an energy boost… So I thought I’d give a ‘no-recipe’ recipe here, as well as a few of my favorite combinations. Midday super-latte making isa really fun routine to add to your day if you’re around a blender, and it’s good for your in a number of ways: it gets you out of the busyness of the day and nudgesyou to take a break, it’s creative, and the beverage you’ll end up with will likely be good-for-you, warming and tasty.

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (2)

Tahini Hot Chocolate

This was one of our most popular recipes last winter. It’s an incrediblysatisfying blender hot chocolate that comes together in seconds.

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (3)

Rosemary Hot White Chocolate

Another hot chocolate, but this one is a white hot chocolate infused with rosemary. A great casefor usingcacao butter in drinks, which lends both its chocolatey flavor, as well as a richness and a froth.

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (4)

Spirulina Latte

Another blender latte, but this time boosted with all the green benefits of spirulina, without the swampy taste.

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (5)

Chamomile Latte

The most grounding and delicious latte to drink before bed.

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (6)

Herbal Mocha with Chicory and Maca

Playing off New Orleans-style coffee, this herbal mocha is a great option for those trying to take a break from coffee and missing it dearly. Chicory brings a coffee-like richness, while maca and cacaoboost energy.

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (7)

Honey Miso Latte

This is basically a golden milk latte, but boosted with the flavor and health benefits of miso and raw honey (not vegan). I like to drink this one before plane journeys, since misomight be helpful when it comes to countering the radiation we are exposed to on any given flight.

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (8)

Hibiscus Ginger Latte

This latte gets its beautiful color and a pleasant sour note in the flavor from steeped hibiscus flowers.

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (9)

Pear Cranberry Chai

Any modesty aside, this is the best chai I’ve ever had or made in my life. A great example for how creative you can get with your beverages, this one uses both fruit and a bunch of healing spices to achieve an otherworldly flavor.

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (10)

No-Recipe Vegan Cozy Latte

Start With:

This is your base liquid, which will determine what other ingredients you will add to your blender. Choose one or a couple. Hot water is a blank canvas, while herbal coffee and tea will give you a base flavor, which you can play off off with your other ingredients.

  • hot water
  • chicory coffee or Dandy Blend
  • tea – herbal, black, green, etc.
  • hotplant milk – coconut, almond, cashew, oat, etc.


Add one of these ingredients or a combination of a few of themfor a rich, extra-creamy latte, especially important to include if you are just using hot water as the base.

  • coconut butter
  • tahini
  • almond butter/cashew butter/any other nut butter
  • tocos
  • cacao butter


This is optional if you already have a creamy element, but addingsome extra fat to your latte contributes to the most beautiful froth. Also, if your baseis something with caffeine like a black or green tea, this will help slow the absorption of caffeine for a more even boost of energy (like in Bulletproof coffee).

  • Coconut oil/MCT oil
  • Ghee


Add as much sweetness as you need, tasting as you go.


Play off your drink base while adding some flavor. Both cacao powder and turmeric dowell in creamy, milky drinks, while spices, herbs and vanilla can beused millions of ways (just see the drink round-up above).

  • cacao powder
  • cacao butter
  • turmeric
  • other spices like cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, ginger
  • vanilla
  • herbs
  • miso

Extras & Boosts:

My absolute favorite energy-boosting ingredient for drinks is maca powder – it instantly wakes me up and tastes so delicious. But there are a ton of other boosters you can add to your lattes, some ideas below.

Blend all your componentsuntil frothy and enjoy :)

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (11)

No-Recipe Cozy Vegan Latte - Golubka Kitchen (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.