What Is an Entrepreneur? + How to Become One (2024)

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

Learn what an entrepreneur is, discover real-life examples of entrepreneurs, and more.

What Is an Entrepreneur? + How to Become One (1)

An entrepreneur takes on the adventure and risk of starting a new business. These businesses can begin either as side jobs or full-time business ventures. Entrepreneurs start their businesses and build and scale them to become profitable.

Learn what an entrepreneur does, the common characteristics of entrepreneurs, the four different types of entrepreneurs, and how to become one.

What does an entrepreneur do?

When hearing the word entrepreneur, you may think of someone who has launched a start-up. While this is true, an entrepreneur is a person who sees a need and works to create a business that solves that need. It’s someone willing to take a risk and turn their business idea into reality.

Common characteristics of entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs tend to be hardworking, innovative, and resourceful because, in the beginning, they’re often solely responsible for the success of their ventures. Building a business can be a 24/7 job. No matter how brilliant a start-up idea may be, entrepreneurs need the skills to build and run a successful business, including:

  • Adaptability: If an idea isn’t working, you may need to adapt quickly and find solutions.

  • Ability to network: Networking can be one of the most valuable skills you learn as an entrepreneur. Growing a successful business requires a lot of time and effort. Creating a network of like-minded individuals can help you market your new business and stay motivated and enthusiastic when challenges arise. Collaboration and networking can also create opportunities to learn from other entrepreneurs.

  • Comfort with fundraising: You will likely have to spend a fair amount of time selling and seeking investment in your idea if you have the resources to start your new business venture.

  • Leadership: As your company’s founder, you must make important decisions and build and manage a team

While there can be flexibility regarding expectations around any formal training, certification, or education requirements when starting your own business, entrepreneurs are driven and lifelong learners. Entrepreneurship is about ideas, experience, and dedication to making vision a reality.

Who is an example of an entrepreneur?

Some famous examples of entrepreneurs include Ritesh Agarwal, Falguni Nayar, and Sushmita Sen. These self-made magnates had a vision and saw it through, pushing past hardships and staying on course.

These individuals also show that entrepreneurship can look different and that you don't have to be an inventor or engineer to start a business. Looking at famous examples of entrepreneurs illustrates the diversity and possibility of entrepreneurship.

What Is an Entrepreneur? + How to Become One (2)

Is being an entrepreneur a career?

Being an entrepreneur is a career, and it can be a lifelong career choice that turns out to be a lucrative endeavour. As an entrepreneur, you are solving problems and innovating in a way that may bring value to the economy. Initially, it can be challenging, but the reward of working for yourself is worth it for most entrepreneurs. Similar to other careers, you can work as an entrepreneur until retirement. You may also start multiple businesses or just one. This career path can be long-term, leading to job satisfaction and financial independence.

Whether scaling your company long-term, starting new businesses, or working as a consultant for other entrepreneurs, it is possible to turn entrepreneurship into a lifelong, full-time career.

What are the four types of entrepreneurs?

There are four types of entrepreneurs based on the various business models being pursued:

  • Large company entrepreneurs launch businesses within an established business by acquiring or creating a new internal division. Examples include Meta’s acquisition of Instagram and Google's launching of Google Maps.

  • Small business entrepreneurs open businesses with few employees. Often, they open a single location or offer professional services to a small list of clients.

  • Social entrepreneurs work to create societal change with their products or services. They aim to create a sustainable business that can solve a societal problem or address a social issue.

  • Scalable start-up entrepreneurs start businesses with the intention of widespread, long-term growth. They are innovators who often have a novel idea that shakes up a new market or launches it altogether. Examples include companies like Meta and Uber.

How to become an entrepreneur

To become an entrepreneur, consider the viability of your ideas and research whether anyone else is doing something similar. After assessing the viability of starting your own business, go in-depth by building your business plan, from financing to product development.

Conduct research.

Consider the following questions to help you learn about your new business venture:

  • Is your idea solving a problem that needs fixing?

  • How can you disrupt long-standing industries or niche markets with modern technology?

Build a network.

Once you’ve determined if your idea can become a successful business, focus on building your network with individuals who support you. Attend networking events in your area and connect with investors, lawyers, and anyone who can help. Consider finding a mentor who can guide and advise you as you work out the details of your business’s operations.

Get organised.

Organising your idea into actionable steps and a clear plan is important in starting a business. Create a business plan and consider having a business partner or professional review and offer feedback. You can also hire someone to write one for you or use free online resources to create one.

Next, incorporate your business and open a bank account. Pick a location and get settled in. Create a proof of concept as early as possible to attract investors to help fund your business. Interacting with and getting feedback from investors and customers is valuable in shaping the direction of your business.

Get funding.

If you’re taking out a loan, determine what type of loan you’ll need and the payments you can afford. Gather all required documentation required by the lender. Make sure you apply for the right loan based on your business and financial situation. Entrepreneurs may apply for several business loans, such as lines of credit, personal loans for business use, and low-interest loans through Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY), headed by the Government of India.

If you’re seeking out investors, be ready to present your business plan, including financial plans and why the investor would benefit from funding your idea.

Build and test.

Building and rolling out your minimum viable product (MVP) can help engage your first potential customers to help validate your idea. Take this as an opportunity to see what works and what doesn't. This trial and error phase is essential to the long-term success of your business.

You'll want input from a wide variety of people. Use the feedback to help you make decisions about your company’s progression. Your concept doesn’t have to be perfect. This step ensures people are interested in your product or service and allows them to fine-tune it based on feedback.

After gathering data and implementing changes from your test run, your product and business plan should be relatively polished and targeted to intended consumers. Having these details in order can make convincing investors to fund your venture easier.

Scale your business.

Take the money you’ve raised and allow what’s needed to build and scale your business. As a tip, many successful business owners suggest starting with the end in mind to align your goals as you scale your business properly. Manage your cash flow accordingly, and you may see the growth that matches your initial dreams for the company or beyond.

Resources for entrepreneurs

There are many resources available to entrepreneurs. Here are a few helpful ones for first-time and seasoned entrepreneurs alike:

  • The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, & Trade Marks provides the resources you need to file for a patent, trade mark, or copyright.

  • India PR Distribution offers free and discounted options for press release distribution to search engines, news websites, and journalists.

  • PMMY provides resources to help you start your business, including information on affordable government loans.

  • Chatur Ideas connects you to a network of small business mentors and a knowledge hub full of useful business articles.

  • Your board of advisors can provide counsel, advice, and support for your business.

Next steps

Learning more about entrepreneurship can be a great way to prepare for your venture.

Consider the following programs:

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Coursera Staff

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This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

What Is an Entrepreneur? + How to Become One (2024)


What is an entrepreneur and how do you become one? ›

Anyone can become an entrepreneur by coming up with a unique business idea, understanding their customers' needs, testing the business idea and building their brand. But you will need the innovation, energy and perseverance common among all entrepreneurs to make your business idea successful.

What is entrepreneur answers? ›

An entrepreneur is an individual who identifies a need in the marketplace and works to fulfill it. The term, historically, has been applied to an individual who starts a business, seeing the ability to fulfill that identified need as an economic opportunity.

What is entrepreneurship in your own words? ›

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating, developing, and managing a new business venture with the aim of generating profits or creating value. An entrepreneur is an individual who takes on financial risks to start and grow a business, using innovative ideas and strategies to capitalize on market opportunities.

What makes an entrepreneur become successful answer? ›

Passion, resourcefulness, willingness to improvise and listen to others and strong determination to succeed is what makes an entrepreneur successful. And this is what you have to keep in mind if you want to be a successful entrepreneur.

How do you become a well known entrepreneur? ›

How to be a successful entrepreneur
  1. Be flexible. Staying flexible is important for entrepreneurs who are constantly generating business plans. ...
  2. Learn from others. ...
  3. Deliver quality. ...
  4. Find a mentor. ...
  5. Be ambitious. ...
  6. Stay updated. ...
  7. Give yourself creative space. ...
  8. Take risks.
Feb 3, 2023

What makes one entrepreneurial? ›

Entrepreneur characteristics are varied, but they make an individual into a business person who isn't afraid to take on the challenges of starting a company from scratch. They're ready to take on different challenges, have a strong sense of self-awareness, and know when they need to make hard decisions.

Who is an entrepreneur answer in one sentence? ›

A person who undertakes the risk of starting a new business venture is called an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur creates a firm to realize their idea, known as entrepreneurship, which aggregates capital and labor in order to produce goods or services for profit.

What is entrepreneurship one word answer? ›

Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a business enterprise, along with any of its uncertainties in order to make a profit. The most prominent example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses.

Who is an entrepreneur in simple words? ›

Entrepreneur: “A person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money.” This is the Merriam-Webster definition open_in_new of the word “entrepreneur.” But it's so much more than that, isn't it? It's about passion. It's about recognizing opportunities and generating innovative, creative ideas.

How do you define yourself as an entrepreneur? ›

A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

What does entrepreneurship mean to me? ›

Being an entrepreneur to me personally means living and breathing your own idea, taking a risk and trusting that it will pay off. It means working hard to create something of value, learning new skills as you go, and building something truly special that can help others.

What is true entrepreneur? ›

A true entrepreneur is passionate, does not give up on their dreams, determined, hardworking, and a calculative risk taker. You cannot underestimate the spirit of a true entrepreneur. Just give them time and they will always come on top.

What are entrepreneur traits? ›

8 traits of successful entrepreneurs--Do you have what it takes?
  • Strong leadership qualities. Leaders are born, not made. ...
  • Highly self-motivated. ...
  • Strong sense of basic ethics and integrity. ...
  • Willingness to fail. ...
  • Serial innovators. ...
  • Know what you don't know. ...
  • Competitive spirit. ...
  • Understand the value of a strong peer network.

What are entrepreneurial skills? ›

Entrepreneur skills include various skill sets such as leadership, business management, time management, creative thinking and problem-solving. You can apply these skills in many job roles and industries. These entrepreneur skills are vital for promoting innovation, business growth and competitiveness.

What do entrepreneurs value? ›

Entrepreneurial values are prerequisites for entrepreneurial behavior. They include creativity, risk-taking, innovation, achievement-oriented, ambition, and independence. Values in running a business contain a consideration that develops one's personal or social ideas.

Do entrepreneurs make money? ›

All business ventures aim for profitability. Owing to the high-risk/high-reward scenarios of entrepreneurial ventures, entrepreneurs expect to make substantial profits, provided that they plan their activities carefully and meet their objectives effectively.

Can I become an entrepreneur? ›

Yes, anyone can be an entrepreneur, but not everybody is going to have the same level of success. Entrepreneurship takes a lot of experience, determination and sometimes education. There are no prerequisites to becoming an entrepreneur, though, and there are successful entrepreneurs from every demographic.

How to become an entrepreneur with no experience? ›

How to Become an Entrepreneur
  1. Identify profitable startup ideas.
  2. Find and focus on a growing category (or categories).
  3. Fill an underserved demand.
  4. Make something better (or cheaper) than what's out there.
  5. Network with other entrepreneurs.
  6. Research patent applications.
  7. Have a brainstorming session.
May 19, 2023

How hard is it to become an entrepreneur? ›

There are many unknowns in entrepreneurship, so it takes someone with tenacity, a willingness to learn and a dedication to making their idea come to life. Many entrepreneurs find great value in having a day job as they build their side business.


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.