Eight tips to eat more sustainably (2024)

The planet is in peril, and it’s clear that we cannot restore it without transforming our food system.

Here's how we can all make changes to our diet to help us eat healthily and sustainably, in a way which is good both for both us and for the environment.

What we eat has changed the planet. Across the globe forests have been devastated to make space to rear cattle and to grow crops to feed livestock, while our oceans become barren as they are trawled and overfished.Food production is not only the greatest driver of wildlife loss, it contributes to climate change: about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with food.

Eight tips to eat more sustainably (1)

© Global Warming Images / WWF

1. Eat more plants

Farming animals for meat and dairy requires space and huge amounts of water and feed. The livestock industry alone generates nearly 15% of all man made greenhouse gas emissions. With global meat consumption soaring 500% between 1992 and 2016, it is clear we need to rebalance our diets by prioritising plants and moderating our intake of animal products.

2.Eat more variety

75% of the world’s food supply comes from just 12 plants and five animal species. Greater diversity in our diets is essential as the lack of variety in agriculture is both bad for nature and a threat to food security. With Knorr we have identified theFuture 50 Foods that can help reduce the environmental impact of our food system.

3. Make responsible seafood choices

Roughly 94% of fish stocks are overfished (34%) or maximally sustainably fished (60%) and aquaculture has its own issues.But when responsibly produced, seafood can benefit people, nature and climate. Try a diversity of species from well managed sources, eat lower in the food chain and opt for lower carbon emission seafood. Check out our seafood top tips for more information!

Eight tips to eat more sustainably (2)

© Global Warming Images / WWF

4. Cut the waste

Food waste is a big problem. 30% of the food produced is wasted, with serious repercussions for the environment. In fact, if food waste was a country it would be the 3rd largest emitter of greenhouse gasses after China and the USA. Reducing waste in your household is simple: freeze anything you can’t eat while it’s fresh and, where possible, buy loose produce so you can select the exact amount that you need.

5. Grow your own food

What’s better than fresh, home-grown produce straight from the garden? As well as being healthy and delicious, it is free from the carbon footprint of shop-bought food.

6. Look for products containing RSPO certified palm oil

Unsustainable palm oil is responsible for large-scale deforestation, putting wildlife like orangutans and tigers under threat, as well as contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the risk of climate change. But rejecting palm oil all together could have unintended consequences as alternatives can be even worse for the environment, with some needing up to nine times as much land to produce. When you’re shopping look for products containing RSPO certified sustainable palm oil.

Eight tips to eat more sustainably (3)

© Audra Melton / WWF-US

7. Pass on plastic

Plastic has infiltrated our natural world and even our diets. Bring a reusable-bag when you shop, opt for packaging-free fruit and vegetables where possible, and ask brands and retailers that continue to use plastic to find alternatives.

8. Eat what’s in season

When possible try to include seasonal produce from your local farm shop or greengrocer in your diet. As well as supporting your local economy, you might get to know local producers and get tips on how to prepare seasonal foods. You can check what’s in season with this handy calendar.

What are we doing?

We’re lobbying governments to introduce and strengthen laws to protect nature and to halt the climate emergency. We’re also working with the fishing industry, farmers and businesses throughout the production chain, to help them feed the world’s growing population sustainably.

By teaming up withSodexo (one of the world’s largest contract caterers) we are bringing planet-friendly food to 5,000 kitchens around the world, including universities throughout the British Isles. Retailers are essential: withTesco, we’re working together to halve the environmental impact of the average shopping basket.

Eight tips to eat more sustainably (2024)


What are the 8 top tips for healthy eating? ›

The eight tips are:
  • Base your meals on starchy foods.
  • Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
  • Eat more fish – including a portion of oily fish each week.
  • Cut down on saturated fat. and sugar.
  • Eat less salt – no more than 6g a day for adults.
  • Get active and try to be a healthy weight.
  • Don't get thirsty.
  • Don't skip breakfast.

What are 10 sustainable food practices? ›

10 Tips to Eat More Sustainably
  • Eat Seasonal and Local Produce. ...
  • Reduce Food Waste. ...
  • Choose Plant-Based Meals. ...
  • Opt for Sustainable Protein Sources. ...
  • Support Sustainable Agriculture Practices. ...
  • Minimize Packaging Waste. ...
  • Avoid Processed Foods. ...
  • Support Sustainable Food Systems.
Mar 26, 2024

How to make food more sustainable? ›

5 ways to be more sustainable with your diet
  1. Eat more plant-based meals! Meat production produces more greenhouse gases than plant production. ...
  2. Shop local for in-season produce to support your community. ...
  3. Cut Waste! ...
  4. Try to grow your own produce! ...
  5. Start the conversation!

What are the 8 dietary guidelines? ›

8 tips for healthy eating
  • Base your meals on higher fibre starchy carbohydrates. ...
  • Eat lots of fruit and veg. ...
  • Eat more fish, including a portion of oily fish. ...
  • Cut down on saturated fat and sugar. ...
  • Eat less salt: no more than 6g a day for adults. ...
  • Get active and be a healthy weight. ...
  • Do not get thirsty. ...
  • Do not skip breakfast.

What are 8 ways to stay healthy? ›

Once you've got those down, move on to the others.
  • Maintain A Healthy Weight. ...
  • Exercise Regularly. ...
  • Don't Smoke Or Use Smokeless Tobacco. ...
  • Eat a Healthy Diet. ...
  • Limit Alcohol – Zero Is Best. ...
  • Protect Yourself from the Sun And Avoid Tanning Beds. ...
  • Protect Yourself From Sexually Transmitted Infections. ...
  • Get Screening Tests.

What are 5 eco friendly foods? ›

Read on to explore the 15 most sustainable food options and find out how they can make the change.
  • Avocados. Avocados are a fruit that grows on avocado trees (Persea americana), native to Central America and Mexico. ...
  • Quinoa. ...
  • Blueberries. ...
  • Oats. ...
  • Pulses. ...
  • Organic Tomatoes. ...
  • Broccoli. ...
  • Mushrooms.
Feb 27, 2024

What are sustainable food habits? ›

Sustainable eating involves consuming food that has a low environmental impact. It's largely plant-based and can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, and chronic diseases in humans. Sustainable food production won't happen overnight, and much of the impact comes from systems, not people.

How to consume more sustainably? ›

Reducing the amount of food that we waste is a key part of making our diets more sustainable, whatever type of diet we choose to eat. We should aim to include more plant-based sources of protein in our diet. You can do this by eating more beans and other pulses, nuts, seeds, and plant-based meat alternatives.

What are the 3 S's of sustainability? ›

If we could break it down in its simplest form, running a sustainable small business is defined by 3 S's: Self-Sufficiency. Systems & Structures. Scalability.

What is an example of sustainable eating? ›

Organic fruit and vegetables

No list of environmentally-friendly foods is complete without fruit and vegetables, but organic is the most sustainable option. Farming using organic methods prevents the over-use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers — essential for the long-term health of the soil.

What are the 3 R's in eating habits? ›

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed a simple process focused on improving eating habits; the three R's: Reflect, Replace, and Reinforce. Beginning with reflect, the CDC urges you to keep track of your current habits. These may include the following: Eating too fast.

What is the key to good sustainable nutrition? ›

Eat more fruits and vegetables. Diversify and shift the balance of protein intake towards more plant-based sources of protein. Limit foods high in fat, salt, or sugar. Choose sustainable sources of fish and seafood.

How can we make food self sustainable? ›

In order to be self-sufficient, it is crucial to plan and cook your meals. This means buying ingredients in bulk, having a garden for fresh produce, and cooking meals from scratch. Eliminating pre-packaged foods is not only good for your health, but it also reduces the amount of waste you produce.

What are 10 healthy eating tips? ›

Here are wellness tips to help plan and manage healthier meals.

What are 10 tips for good health? ›

10 Tips for good health
  • Healthy eating and drinking.
  • Giving up smoking.
  • Get plenty of fresh air.
  • Keeping physically active.
  • Be socially active.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Keeping your brain active.
  • Have regular health checks.

What are the 7 ways to be healthy? ›

  • Practice Balanced Diet Habits. ...
  • Exercise Regularly. ...
  • Get Enough Sleep. ...
  • Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Consumption. ...
  • Maintain Mental Health. ...
  • Maintain Body Hygiene. ...
  • Drink Enough Water.
Feb 7, 2024


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.