Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (2024)

Ready to move into a new year with better health? Try these vegan detox diet recipes for all of Veganuary – and beyond!

By Lora O’Brien

I don’t know about you, but after indulging in sweet treats and co*cktails over the holidays, by New Year’s Day I’m ready to make some serious changes in my eating and drinking habits. Yep, that’s right – I’m talking about a detox diet. And I’m starting one right now.

But what is a ‘detox diet’, you ask? Well, great question.

What’s a ‘detox diet’?

It can be defined in different ways, but for the sake of this article, it’s basically one that shuns the typical ‘toxic’ foods we all eat. Those being mainly:

These kinds of foods can irritate your gut, strain your liver, lower your immunity and make your body feel sluggish in general. Time to clean up, especially in winter, when your body in need of heightened defences.

Which foods are best to eat when detoxing?

Some argue that it’s best to do a cleanse with liquid recipes for a vegan detox diet. This isn’t as boring as you’d think. That’s because by ‘liquid’, we mean not only smoothies and juices, but also chia puddings, smoothie bowls, stews and soups, too! Basically, any food that’s got loads of cleansing water content and fruits and veggies.

But that being said, not all fruits and veg are equal when it comes to vegan detox diet recipes.

For example, some of the most potent ingredients you can throw into your dishes include:

  • Beetroot: Beetroot not only contains many vitamins and minerals (like zinc, iron, and magnesium), but also supports the gallbladder and the liver. Both organs are critical to our health as they help break down food and remove toxins.
  • Lemons and limes: You should add a squeeze of these to everything! Why? Both are alkaline-forming, meaning they help to balance out the acidity of many of the other foods we consume. Not only that, but lemon stimulates the enzymes that help to convert toxins into a form that our bodies can more easily release.
  • Garlic and onions: These are basically medicines! Garlic is an antiviral, an antiseptic and an antibiotic. Onions too, to a lesser extent. Both help with detoxification.
  • Cruciferous veggies: Broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower and arugula are all high in fibre and antioxidants. Fibre helps keep your guts clean and your digestive system in track.
  • Certain herbs: Did you know cilantro can help detox your body of heavy metals? Or that turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory qualities? Or that oregano is a potent anti-bacterial? Throw in loads of herbs when cooking!

Some detox diet tips

I’ve done detox diets again and again, and I’ve learned a few things over the years. Some of my best detox diet tips are:

  • Be sure everything you eat is organic. After all, one of the most toxic things we eat are pesticides. And today, some ‘high tech’ pesticides are actually built into the plant, meaning you can’t wash them off, ever. So, go organic, always!
  • If you’re craving salt, use pure sea salt. While most table salt is generally not great for us, sea salt is packed with minerals that your body craves.
  • Craving sugar? Most smoothie bowls can be sweetened by the addition of a banana. If you’re not into those, try stevia instead.
  • While I call these ‘vegan detox diet recipes’ – don’t feel like you’re on a low-cal diet. These recipes are super healthy and are meant to cleanse your body, so eat as much as you like!

How you can detox a bit every day

You don’t need to wait for a special occasion, like the beginning of a new year, to do a detox. And you don’t need to go to a detox retreat or be on a hardcore diet, either.

To detox every day, why not try adding more of these foods to your daily diet? And why not try living on these vegan detox diet recipes for three days, a week, or even longer? You can turn to these recipes every now and then, when you’re feeling sluggish or under the weather.

This kind of detox will actually energise you. You’ll be using less energy to digest, and you’ll be infusing your body with a load of fibre and nutrients.

Here’s to your health – a great new you, and a great new year!

Plant Based Detox Diet Recipes For A New You

1. Chia Fruit Water

We all know by now that hydration is crucial for great skin and energy. When you wake up tired, before reaching for the caffeine, try and drink a glass of water. See if it perks you up. After sleeping, when our bodies ‘fast,’ we need to rehydrate first thing. And some fresh, fruity water is a great way to start the day. Of course, you can (and should!) sip this all day long, too.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (1)

2. Rejuvenating Green Smoothie Bowl

If you’ve overdone it on the sweets and puddings during Christmas, you’ll probably be craving something green and healthy for breakfast. And this green smoothie bowl will be a delicious way to get back on track. Eating these clean foods will do wonders for your digestive system, improving skin, sleep, mood and energy. You can pretty much consider this bowl a reset button!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (2)

3. Dirty Chia Detox Breakfast Bowl

Not sure what to grab for breakfast? Well, this detox breakfast bowl recipe is loaded with energy-boosting ingredients that will start your day off right! It’s healthy, nourishing and packed with antioxidants, rich spices and immunity-boosting nutrients. This filling breakfast bowl recipe will perk you up in no time!

Get the recipe here.

4. Turmeric Latte

Sometimes, it’s not just the caffeine we crave from our morning latte -it’s the rich creaminess. And this is one of those vegan detox diet recipes that has it in spades. It’s super simple to make, and even better, it’s super healthy, as turmeric not only detoxes the blood, but reduces inflammation in the body, too.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (4)

5. Clean Machine Cleansing Juice

Just seeing a green juice makes me feel better. After a month of co*cktails and rich food, my body is crying out for some serious nutrients, and nothing feels better than drinking a green juice. You can literally feel the goodness just flooding through your body with every sip. This concoction is sweet from the apple and super green from spinach and burdock root, whereas the addition of ginger gives a slight spicy edge.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (5)

6. Exotic Fruity Mermaid Smoothie Bowl

How magical does this smoothie bowl look? It’s definitely the most beautiful of all the vegan detox diet recipes. But I know what you’re thinking: that blue certainly doesn’t look natural, right? Never fear: this smoothie bowl 100% clean, and that brilliant shade of Smurf blue comes from….spirulina!

Get the recipe here.

7. Gut Healing Veggie Broth

Broth is one of the best vegan detox diet recipes, ever! It’s great for keeping our guts nice and healthy. And whilst many are under the illusion that only bone broth gives our body goodness, it’s simply not true. Miso and other vegan options do the trick as well. If you have any food intolerances or IBS, this will help to heal your gut, and provide you with plentiful vitamins and minerals.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (7)

8. Turmeric Broth Detox Soup

This healthy turmeric broth is a real superstar! Not only is turmeric super great for cleansing the body and boosting immunity, but it’s also packed with powerful antioxidants. That’s great news for giving a little TLC back to our livers. Make this broth as the base of this recipe, and then throw in whichever ingredients tickle your pickle. I highly recommend adding some extra greens like kale and some legumes like white beans.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (8)

9. Sweet Potato Detox Soup

Not only does this dish look warm and inviting, it’s one of the best vegan detox diet recipes for cleansing the sins of the holidays. This sweet potato based soup is packed with vitamin A and fibre. The red lentils and crunchy nut toppings bulk it up, so it doesn’t feel like you’re drinking your dinner!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (9)

10. 5 Ingredient Vegan Detox Pea Soup

This is a rich and tasty soup, and it’s one of the easiest vegan detox diet recipes to make. All you’ll need is oil, an onion, garlic cloves, a potato, peas and some vegetable stock. If you want to enhance the soup and its freshness, add some fresh herbs, like parsley and extra-detoxing cilantro.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (10)

11. Raw Vegan Sushi

If you’re looking to increase your vegetables, make it fun to eat them! And it doesn’t get better – or more delicious – than vegan detox diet recipes like these sushi rolls. Made from a plethora of veggies, they’re brought to life with a fabulous miso sauce, too. Yum!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (11)

12. Vegan Chickpea Pancake w/ Veggies

This dense and savoury chickpea pancake is one of my favourite vegan detox diet recipes! It’s loaded with protein and fibre which will leave you fuelled for longer. It’s also great for any meal of the day and is easy to adapt to anything you’ve got in your fridge veggie-wise. You could even serve this up with hummus, avocado and salsa!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (12)

13. Detox Rainbow Roll-Ups

Got loads of veggies on hand? Use them in these lettuce wraps and serve them up with a peanut dipping sauce. The wraps have lots of yummy, nutritional powerhouse foods like carrots, chickpeas, curry, red cabbage, peanuts and dark leafy greens. Full of colour and crunch!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (13)

14. Spaghetti Squash w/ Tomato Basil Sauce

Cut back on white flour easily thanks to vegan detox diet recipes like these spaghetti squash noodles. They’re tossed in a fresh tomato sauce, and garnished with crushed red pepper flakes and kalamata olives.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (14)

15. Moroccan Lentil Stew

This Moroccan lentil stew is one of the tastiest vegan detox diet recipes. It’s both hearty and healthy, and is loaded with African flavour. The cosy dish can even be frozen, so make a huge batch to have on hand for the next few months.

Get the recipe here.

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Lora O'Brien

Food Editor at Eluxe Magazine

After graduating in Journalism from the University of Greenwich, Lora worked for Sugar and Healing Lifestyles magazines in London before being hired to write about food for Eluxe. She’s recently become a new mom to baby Lulla, and is writing a blog about the experience of being a new mom. See more about Lora here.

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Vegan Detox Diet Recipes For A New You (2024)


How to start a vegan cleanse? ›

These tips should be used as a general guideline for a healthy vegan detox.
  1. Keep Hydrated. As with any detox, it's important to keep your water intake up. ...
  2. Avoid Alcohol. ...
  3. Get Quality Sleep. ...
  4. Drink Plenty Of Juices. ...
  5. Cleanse With Smoothies. ...
  6. Try An Oatmeal Cleanse. ...
  7. Eat Lots Of Soup. ...
  8. Cleanses Your Aura.

How do you start a vegan diet for beginners? ›

You could start by removing meat or dairy one day a week and go from there. Or you could try changing one meal at a time, having vegan breakfasts during your first week, adding a vegan lunch during week two and so on.

What is the 28 day vegan detox? ›

28 Day Vegan Detox consists of 28 days of Juice, Smoothie & Vegan Meals to help you detox your body. This detox also contains the Kidney Liver Flush, Detox Soup and also includes information on sprouting. 28 Day Vegan Detox consists of 28 days of Juice, Smoothie & Vegan Meals to help you detox your body.

How to do the 7 day vegan challenge? ›

How does it work? No meat, poultry, seafood, dairy or eggs for 7 days (any 7 straight days). Announce to your friends, family, followers that you're doing the challenge. Add your name to the list of Challengers.

How I healed my gut on a vegan diet? ›

Key Takeaways
  1. Eat lots of fiber like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
  2. Drink water like it's going out of style!
  3. Get probiotics from whole food plant-based food sources like sauerkraut, miso, kimchi, tempeh, and dairy-free cultured yogurts.
  4. Avoid sugar and high-fat foods (especially animal-derived fats)

What foods to eat for a 3 day detox? ›

For the three days of the detox, you could eat just whole foods, grains, fruits, and vegetables, and ingest no stimulants in order to give your body a break, relax the liver, detox the kidneys and adrenals, and enhance digestion. If you eat meat, you might want to try a vegetarian or vegan diet for a few days.

What happens first week of vegan diet? ›

At the start of a change to a vegan diet, you could experience a variety of differences to your body. These may include being hungrier, getting gassier, a change in your skin or body odor, weight loss or gain, better or worse sleep, headaches, tiredness, or having more energy. As you can see, it can go many ways!

What are the 5 most important rules of a vegan diet? ›

For a healthy vegan diet:
  • eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day.
  • base meals on potatoes, bread, rice, pasta or other starchy carbohydrates (choose wholegrain where possible)
  • have some fortified dairy alternatives, such as soya drinks and yoghurts (choose lower-fat and lower-sugar options)

How to lose belly fat vegan? ›

Fiber-rich, gut-friendly foods like legumes, avocados, potatoes and berries could all help reduce visceral fat and opting for at least one vegan meal each day will assist you in ramping up your fiber intake with ease—along with complex carbs, healthy fats and other essential nutrients.

How much weight will I lose if I go vegan for a month? ›

Eating a vegan diet is associated with a decreased risk of diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. This vegan weight loss meal plan also sets you up to lose a healthy 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Will I lose weight if I go vegan for a week? ›

Vegan diet to lose weight

Studies have shown that a vegan diet can reduce your weight by an average of 5.6 pounds in 18 weeks, or less or more than a third of a pound per week! In theory, you can lose up to 63 pounds in a year. However, the amount you lose depends on several factors.

How can a vegan lose 20 pounds? ›

5 Habits for Easy Vegan Weight Loss: How I Lost 20 lbs
  1. Consuming enough vegan protein. ...
  2. Eat enough Fruit and Vegetables. ...
  3. Make sure your meals are balanced! ...
  4. 80/20 Rule. ...
  5. Create a list of easy vegan recipes.
Feb 3, 2024

Is peanut butter vegan? ›

As with many food items, in its simplest form, peanut butter should always be vegan. The vast majority of peanut butters you find in grocery stores will therefore be fully plant-based. Traditional peanut butter is made from peanuts and often a small amount of salt or oil.

What happens to your body when you first go vegan? ›

Within the first few days of plant-based eating, you may feel more energized and alert. The protein in meat is tougher for humans to break down than plant protein is, making it a challenge to digest, which can cause sluggishness.

How to start detoxing the body? ›

The best way to detox your body is to let it flush out toxins naturally. The body is equipped with its own effective detoxing processes. Methods that support these natural processes include exercising, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and limiting processed foods and alcohol (if you drink).

What is the vegan diet reset? ›

You commit to a 30-day period where you eliminate foods that people are most often allergic to or intolerant of, and focus on the safe, nourishing foods high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.