Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (2024)


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Looking for the ultimate Gluten Free Panettone recipe? This traditional Italian Christmas treat is just as it should be… A subtle hybrid of bread and cake, with a light, open and airy crumb… Moist and buttery with a sense-tingling aroma and flavour of citrus and vanilla, dappled with juicy bites of fruit. No one will know it’s gluten free and wheat free and that, my friends, is gluten free wizardry.

NOTE: This is a long blog post. The recipe is at the bottom. However, I urge you to look through the post itself as it has important information on how to get the best from the recipe.

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Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (1)

Introducing my ULTIMATE Gluten Free Panettone Recipe

THIS is my Gluten Free Panettone. A recipe which is as close to my Italian-rooted heart as it is a triumph of gluten free mastery. I am seriously proud of this creation. It has been a hard graft. We’ve eaten more Panettone this year than I care to recall… And I’m not sure my family want to see another in a long time. (Although having come this far, they WILL get one at Christmas whether they want it or not).

To be clear at the outset… Making this particular gluten free Panettone recipe is not a throw in the bowl and bake job. It has a number of stages (as would be expected with ANY good Panettone recipe). And anyone making it must opt in to following the recipe as written. It has been a painstaking process testing each and every ingredient and ratio. Don’t think you can leave ingredients out and still create the results seen here.

But for those who want to make a gluten free Panettone that is this authentic for texture, flavour and appearance… and that will bring back memories of Panettones past… I share my Gluten Free Panettone Recipe with my love. Enjoy xx

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (2)

What is an Italian Panettone?

Panettone (pronounced Pah-neh-toh-ney) is a traditional Italian yeasted ‘cake’ (although it is technically bread) which is served and given as a gift at Christmas and New Year. It is recognisable for its tall shape and domed top, which is sometimes simply decorated and sometimes not.

The dough is sweet and rich with an airy, open crumb and a delicate buttery, citrus flavour, dotted with juicy dried fruit and Italian candied citrus peel… Butter mingling with vanilla and a slight yeastiness that is unmistakably ‘bread’. It should never be over-sweet. Indeed, without its distinctive flavour, this bread would disappoint… and thus should never be compromised.

Anyone who has eaten the real deal, will know that the uniqueness of Panettone is what makes it special. It’s like no other ‘cake’ ever tried. Indeed, I’ve seen it described as ‘like a fruitcake and a brioche had a baby’. But once tried, it’s never forgotten. And becoming gluten free, it has tugged on those memory cells every Christmas since. For me, creating a gluten free Panettone recipe that made the grade has been more than just ‘developing a recipe’. This one has been a matter of heritage pride. And I’m a perfectionist… Strap yourselves in… this is a going to be one hell of a ride for your tastebuds.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (3)

The texture of Italian Panettone, Gluten Free or not… and why it matters

A genuine Italian Panettone is all about the crumb. Without it, it’s not Panettone. Search the internet and there are now loads of gluten free Panettone recipes to choose from. But look at them again… Carefully… Specifically the cut slices. Virtually none of them come even close to resembling the crumb of the genuine article.

The texture of a real Panettone is hard to describe… It seems to be neither a cake nor a bread. It should NOT be dry, yet neither is it wet. But it should be light, with large and irregular pockets of air, a tender interior and a slightly golden crust that holds the whole thing together.

Created well, a fresh Panettone (whether gluten free or not) shouldn’t require automatic toasting to make it palatable. Neither should it need turning into French toast… Although of course, as the days wear on and nature takes hold, these are both admirable ways to eat it. Rather, the texture of fresh Panettone should be luxurious… An opportunity to indulge in the pulling off of feathery strands and savouring the flavours of Christmas.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (4)

How easy is this Gluten Free Panettone recipe?

Compared to an authentic gluten-based Panettone recipe (which is famed for being incredibly difficult, takes 3 days to make, uses an additional ‘starter’ and has to be proofed and rested several times), I’d say my gluten free Panettone is actually relatively straight forward. So, while I’m usually reluctant to ‘blow my trumpet’, what I have achieved in creating THIS Panettone is little short of gluten free wizardry. I FINALLY impressed myself.

Nonetheless, you will need some baking skill for the recipe and more importantly, confidence. There are several stages and it does require a little ‘baker’s instinct’ to know when it is proofed and baked enough. Too long and the Panettone will potentially collapse or become dry.

And (even gluten free) it will take the best part of a day to make… Although that includes the time to cool the Panettone suspended upside down.

Please don’t let this put you off though… I firmly believe my Gluten Free Panettone recipe is within anyone’s reach, providing they follow the instructions carefully and keep to the ingredients listed. The journey to get the Gluten Free Panettone of dreams is more than worth it.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (5)

How to make this Gluten Free Panettone… Tips for success

I want you to have every chance of success in making my Gluten Free Panettone. So, I am happy to share with you as much as I can about my learning along the way. And hopefully to explain why some of the ingredients are used and why the process is as it is. But first and foremost, I will emphasise again to follow the recipe

A recipe is your guide to creating any bake successfully. The most common reason for a bake not working is that the baker left out or changed crucial ingredients or didn’t follow the method. I say this more than for any other recipe I ever created. My Gluten Free Panettone is a finely balanced combination of ingredients with a specifically tested process. Change it and the result will NOT be the same.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (6)

The Ingredients…

The flour blend used to make my Gluten Free Panettone

Yes. It REALLY matters. And for anyone who cannot eat any of the ingredients listed, I apologise. I have no suggestions for substitutions on this one. The combination of gluten free flours offered is what works. If you want to change them, it is within your gift to experiment. But my advice is don’t. This one is what it is…

With ONE exception… The oat flour. I have tested the recipe at different stages with Sorghum Flour in place of oat flour (as I know there are many Coeliacs who are also oat intolerant) and this has worked pretty well.

In terms of other flour specifics… Make sure that your potato, tapioca and corn are all of the white STARCH variety. Glutinous rice flour (also known as sticky rice flour, sweet rice flour and Mochiko) can be found in Asian supermarkets and on-line. This is the brand that I use. NOTE: it is NOT the same as standard white rice flour.

Hydrating the psyllium husk

If you have already looked at my gluten free Panettone recipe, you will see that it uses both xanthan gum and psyllium husk. Both are important. But the psyllium husk is crucial. Do not try to make the recipe without it…. Psyllium offers essential structure. And because it is well hydrated in the recipe, brings sustaining moisture properties too.

For this particular bake, it is necessary to hydrate ground psyllium husk before adding it to the dough mix. This will give it the best chance of taking in and retaining the moisture needed to achieve the Panettone’s final texture.

I personally don’t use ready-ground psyllium husk powder, as I find some brands can be excessively fine. Instead, I advise buying whole psyllium husks and grinding at home.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (7)

Why is there ginger in this Gluten Free Panettone?

The ginger is there to support the rise. It’s a bit of culinary magic… But don’t worry, you won’t be able to taste it.

Full fat milk and milk powder

My Gluten Free Panettone uses milk in two forms… Full fat (‘whole’) liquid milk and milk powder (skimmed is fine). Both are important. Because of its higher fat content, full fat milk supports both the structure and shelf-life of the bake. The extra dried milk also supports tenderness and structure by adding protein. I’ve tried making my Panettone with and without it… It makes a difference. Really.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (8)

The dried fruit

Although traditional Panettone contains raisins, they are not added to my gluten free recipe. Instead, I have carefully balanced other dried fruits alongside Italian Chopped Mixed Peel (essential to the flavour) and citrus zest. If you wish to substitute any of the fruit for raisins, then I would advise specifically subbing the blueberries.

Do I have to soak the dried fruit for a Gluten Free Panettone?

Yes. Although traditionally, the dried fruit is not soaked, there are many recipes that choose to do so. I have most definitely soaked mine… With all my knowledge of gluten free baking, I have learned that using unhydrated dried fruit in bread or cake is a recipe for disaster. Gluten free flours are notoriously thirsty and unsoaked dried fruit will suck the gluten free Panettone dough dry.

But… what to soak with? I think it is perfect hydrated with a little Italian Amaretto liqueur (I used Disaronno). The alcohol will evaporate during the preparation and baking process, so there is no need to worry about alcohol content. However, if unsure, this specific ingredient can be switched for some orange juice.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (9)

The yeast

The yeast used for my gluten free Panettone recipe is Dried Active Yeast. I have chosen to use it because it needed to be activated before adding to the dough, which is subsequently proofed and knocked back. Do NOT use instant yeast.

Specifically, I use Allinson’s Dried Active Yeast, which is available in many supermarkets. If you can’t find it where you are, look for something with similar qualities. But make absolutely sure to check the ingredients list on the pack for any hidden gluten. Many brands of yeast are notorious for adding wheat.

Egg size

Egg size matters. In Panettone, eggs are crucial to the rise and structure. But as the size of eggs varies around the world, it is really important to check what you are using. Head over to my International Guide to Egg Size and Weight to check how eggs vary across the world. Although to make it as clear as possible, I’ve also added to the recipe, the weight range of liquid egg that I have used when testing my gluten free Panettone at home.

Why does this gluten free Panettone recipe use honey instead of plain sugar?

The development of my gluten free Panettone tested versions with and without honey. But the honey makes a difference. What honey offers is not only a natural sweetness, but also (with its incredible anti-bacterial properties), softness and increased shelf-life. Like every other carefully chosen ingredient, it’s there for a reason.


I literally threw everything I knew at this recipe. And yes… even the glycerine has a defined function. A commonly used ‘trick’ to bringing softness and long life to commercial bakes, I tested it in my gluten free Panettone development and it really helped… So, it stayed!

How to make my Gluten Free Panettone – Tips on key steps of the Process

Soaking the fruit

The reasons for this are covered above. But in terms of process, try to soak the fruit for several hours for best hydration and preferably 12 to 24 hours. Cover the bowl while hydrating.

Psyllium hydration

Covered above.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (10)

Activating the yeast

As explained, this recipe usesDried Active Yeast(NOT instant yeast). That means it needs to be activated before adding to the rest of the ingredients. How you do this is crucial. The yeast needs a little sugar to feed it and liquid that is at the right temperature. Too cold and it will not activate… Too hot and it will be killed and stop working.

The sugar used to feed the yeast is the honey in the recipe, which easily dissolves around it.

The liquid is a portion of the full fat milk, which MUST only be hand hot when added to the yeast bowl. The optimum milk temperature for activation is 38 C/100 F. So, if you haven’t got a food thermometer to help you out, be sure to check by touch.

The yeast has activated if (after mixing and standing in a warm room for about 10 minutes), the liquid has developed froth and bubbles on the surface. If still not showing signs of bubbling, set the bowl over a mug of steaming water to double check for ‘life’. If there is still nothing, it’s probably dead. Either the yeast was too old or the milk was too hot. In this case, throw it away and start again. If the yeast isn’t active, the Panettone won’t rise.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (11)

Which is best for making gluten free Panettone… Hand Mixer or Stand Mixer?

Whether you use a hand mixer or stand mixer is up to you, as long as the mixer has a dough hook attachment. This is one recipe that really cannot be made gluten free using arm-power alone. The dough is quite stiff and needs to be mixed for longer periods of time than many gluten free breads. And a whisk head will NOT do the same job.

I have tested this recipe with both my old Kenwood hand mixer (similar to this one) and also my shiny new KitchenAid hand mixer, which I am fast becoming besotted with. Unfortunately, my old mixer was so old, it died and I had to replace it. But the KitchenAid is incredibly light and easy to use.

The stand mixer that I use is also a KitchenAid and can be highly recommended, both for performance and versatility.

Proof the dough twice

This is necessary. Even a gluten free Panettone dough needs to be proofed first in the bowl (before adding the fruit) and then a second time after transferring to the Panettone mould for a final rise. Double-proofing helps to develop the structure and traditional pocketed airiness of the final bake.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (12)

Do I need to use a paper Panettone case/mould to bake a Gluten Free Panettone?

Yes. Absolutely yes! Do NOT attempt to make the Panettone without a traditional paper case. It is not just there to make it look pretty. It is essential to maintaining structure, particularly when cooling it suspended upside down. Without the case, the skewers which enable the hot Panettone to be hung upside down, will simply rip through the baked dough and you will be left with a squashed mess.

What is a Panettone case and what size should I use?

For anyone unsure… A traditional Panettone mould is made from thick, sturdy bake-proof paper which has a smooth inside coating. They are not designed to be re-used. They are usually graded by the weight of the cake and include mini, individual versions (which I also tested).

The recipe for gluten free Panettone shared here makes one 750g Panettone. The paper cases that I used (after a very long search and so they would fit the Panettone tin I had (6” wide x 5” tall)… see below) came from Bakery Bits. Here’s the link. But the important thing is to use a case… Max 750g. If the cases you find are smaller, just split the mix between them.

In the UK, I also found some thicker paper cases in store at Lakeland (both larger sized and mini versions). Similar ones are also available on Amazon.

Do I also need to use a Panettone baking tin?

I think this possibly depends on how thick the paper Panettone case is. Some are much firmer in structure than others. However, for ALL the tests I have done with my gluten free Panettone at home, I have additionally supported the dough through its rise and bake with a metal Panettone tin. It may be a ‘belt and braces’ approach, but as gluten free bread tends to be less ‘structured’ due to lack of gluten, I have taken no risks. It is also possible that the additional tin protects from a harsh and drying heat.

Any cake tin used to support your Panettone baking will need to be deep and to fit the diameter of the paper case, or be fractionally larger. So, bear that in mind on choice. The Panettone tin used with my tall 750g cases was a 6” wide x 5” height Springform tall tin that I sourced from Amazon. Make sure to use a springform or loose-bottomed tin as the Panettone will need to be removed quickly after taking from the oven (see below).

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (13)

Do I have to hang my gluten free Panettone upside down to cool?

Yes. This is another crucial part of the recipe process. I tried cooling several bakes along the development route the right way up… Although they had the flavour of traditional Panettone and I knew from the base texture that the flour blend and other ingredients were good, they lacked the open, large-pocket airiness of crumb that is the gold standard of a good Panettone.

Why is panettone hung upside down to cool?

Whether you do or don’t hang a cooling Panettone upside down, can break… or make the bake. This is not something that is just about a gluten free Panettone. The requirement to suspend a cooling cake upside down is a necessary step for any good Panettone and is part of the authentic Italian process.

It may add an extra conundrum of ‘how’, but if the Panettone is taken from the oven and left upright, it will (and does) collapse like a soufflé. It needs to be flipped quickly. Any time delay after it leaves the oven before flipping, will lead to compression from its own weight of the carefully proofed air pockets. Flipping and suspending quickly ensures the airy benefit of the rise, which will firm in structure as it cools allowing the Panettone to be ‘uprighted’ once cold and to stay tall and fluffy.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (14)

How to hang a gluten free Panettone at home

To hang your gluten free Panettone upside down, you will need long skewers with sharp ends and something to suspend it from that is taller and wider than the baked cake. If you have a larger, deeper pan that you can use (like I did) that’s perfect. Otherwise, you’ll need to improvise and set something up that works for you.

However you hang it, the important bit is to make absolutely sure that EVERYTHING you need is ready and set up BEFORE you take the Panettone out of the oven. Then (working as quickly as possible)…

  • Remove the side panels of the metal Panettone tin. Do this by either loosening the springform and lifting off, or placing the whole of a loose-bottomed tin onto something that will allow the side to fall away.
  • Insert the Skewers as low as possible (about 2 cm up from the bottom of the cake) through the Panettone case from one side to the other, so that the skewers create a hanging point. Use two parallel skewers (three is probably overkill and caused an internal gap)… Position one towards each side of the Panettone at the same height.
  • Flip the Panettone and suspend – Bear in mind that the hot Panettone is very soft and any pressure will compress it. You will need to think about the best way to work this for you (in advance of having to do it!). But I have given instructions on the recipe card for my method, in case that helps.
  • Leave the Panettone to cool completely, suspended upside down, before turning back upright.
  • The Panettone may ‘pull’ a little at the skewers, but this should hopefully be minimal and won’t affect the cooled bake.
Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (15)

How to serve gluten free Panettone


  • Panettone is traditionally served cut into tall, wedge-shaped slices, often with a sweet wine or hot drink.
  • With lightly-sweetened mascarpone (crema di mascarpone) or zabaglione.

Less than fresh…

  • Utterly delicious thick-sliced, well-toasted and slathered in butter.
  • Warmed and served with custard and even some fresh berries.
  • Made into Panettone French Toast for a New Year’s breakfast…
  • Or .
  • Made into trifle.

How to store gluten free Panettone

Assuming it hasn’t been over-baked, this gluten free Panettone will keep fresh enough to eat without toasting or re-heating for about 4 days and possibly longer. Although as with all bakes, it is at its best as fresh as possible. Beyond freshness, see the suggestions above for how best to eat.

To store… Once cold, tightly wrap the Panettone with clingfilm or similar and store (airtight) at room temperature. Do not keep in the fridge.

I have not tried freezing it, but there is no reason why this would not be possible (although it is likely to require re-heating/toasting after freezing).

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (16)

Can I make this Gluten Free Panettone recipe dairy free?

I have worked hard to ensure my gluten free Panettone recipe is free from all gluten-containing ingredients and is safe for people with Coeliac Disease (Celiac Disease). But I have also been asked whether it can be made dairy free too.

The honest answer is that I haven’t tried. However, providing the dairy ingredients (butter and milk) are carefully substituted for good-quality comparable alternatives, there is no reason why it wouldn’t work. If you do wish to try it, I would advise…

  • Butter – sub with a good, dairy free alternative baking BLOCK, such as Stork or Flora unsalted baking blocks.
  • Milk – choose a milk that has a higher fat content. Standard full fat (whole) dairy milk has a fat content of 3.5%, which is what you are trying to replicate.
  • Milk Powder – There are several dairy free milk powders that are now available. Pick one that is right for you.
Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (17)

Will you make my ultimate gluten free Panettone?

With any luck, all that information will get you on your way to making my ultimate Gluten Free Panettone. It’s been a long road to get here, so I am nervously hopeful that it will meet expectations beyond my home kitchen.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to help. You can leave a comment, or contact me direct. And if you do make it, let me know how it goes. You could even share a photo of your Panettone bakes on social media… Find me onFacebook,Instagram,TwitterorPinterest. (@glutenfreealchemist) #glutenfreealchemist. Don’t forget to tag me in so I can find you.

And that’s it… Enjoy and happy baking. Shared as always for FREE with the gluten free community with my love

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (18)

NOTE : We also now have a Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Panettone Recipe shared on the blog as well as a recipe for Gluten Free Lemon Panettone. And if you have any leftovers, make my epic Gluten Free Panettone Bread and Butter Pudding.

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (19)

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** © 2019-2024 Kate Dowse All Rights Reserved. Do not copy or re-publish this recipe or any part of this recipe on any other blog, on social media or in a publication without the express permission of Gluten Free Alchemist. Or use for commercial purposes without prior agreement**

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Gluten Free Panettone

This traditional Italian Christmas Panettone is just as it should be… A subtle hybrid of bread and cake, with a light, open and airy crumb… Moist and buttery with a sense-tingling aroma and flavour of citrus and vanilla, dappled with juicy bites of fruit.

Prep Time1 hour hr 10 minutes mins

Cook Time1 hour hr 10 minutes mins

proof time + cooling time4 hours hrs 30 minutes mins

Total Time6 hours hrs 50 minutes mins

Course: Bread, Cake, Christmas

Cuisine: Gluten Free, Italian

Keyword: christmas, fruit bread, fruit cake, Panettone

Servings: 20

Calories per serving: 208.9kcal

Author: Gluten Free Alchemist – Kate Dowse

Key equipment


Soaked Fruit

  • 45 g dried apricot chopped
  • 75 g Italian chopped mixed peel
  • 45 g glacé cherries cut into small pieces (about 6 to 8 pieces per cherry)
  • 30 g dried cranberries cut into smallish pieces
  • 30 g dried blueberries
  • 3 tbsp Amaretto liqueur such as Disaronno
  • 1 lemon zest finely grated
  • ½ orange zest finely grated

Psyllium Husk Hydration

  • 14 g ground psyllium husk
  • 190 ml/g warm (Full Fat/Whole) milk

Yeast Activation

  • 15 g dried active yeast NOT instant yeast
  • 30 g runny honey
  • 60 ml/g hand warm milk (Full Fat/Whole milk) optimum temperature 38 C/100F

Gluten Free Flour Blend

  • 90 g glutinous rice flour also known as Mochiko, sticky Asian rice flour and sweet rice flour (available in Asian supermarkets and online)
  • 90 g oat flour or sorghum flour if oats cannot be eaten
  • 30 g potato STARCH
  • 90 g tapioca STARCH
  • 75 g corn STARCH fine white powder, known in the UK as cornflour
  • 3 g fine sea salt = ½ teaspoon
  • tsp xanthan gum
  • tsp baking powder gluten free
  • 45 g caster sugar
  • ½ tsp ground ginger powder
  • 3 tbsp milk powder

Additional ingredients

  • 150 g unsalted hard block butter cold and cubed
  • 3 large eggs At room temperature – UK large (Canadian ‘Extra Large’; Australian ‘Jumbo’; and US ‘Extra or Very Large’) – approx. weight out of shell 171 to 177g
  • tsp glycerine
  • tsp vanilla extract
  • tsp orange extract
  • 3 tsp lemon juice


  • 1 egg lightly beaten
  • ½ tbsp Demerara sugar crystals (approx. amount to sprinkle)


Soaked Fruit

  • Weigh the prepared fruit into a bowl.

  • Add the liqueur and zests and stir thoroughly to combine.

  • Cover the bowl and soak for several hours (eg. overnight), stirring well again before starting to bake.

Psyllium Husk Hydration

  • Weigh the ground psyllium husk into a small bowl and add the 190g portion of warm milk

  • Stir well and leave to stand for a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes to hydrate.

Yeast Activation

  • Weigh the yeast and honey into a small bowl.

  • Add the 60g warm milk being very careful to check the temperature is hand warm (38 C/100 F).

  • Lightly whisk the mixture to blend and to help the yeast dissolve.

  • Set aside to stand in a warm place for 10 minutes. The mix should become frothy and develop a ‘head’. If it doesn’t, the room may be too cold or the yeast may be ‘dead’. To test again, stir through and set the bowl over a mug of steaming water. Leave for a further 10 minutes. If the mix still doesn’t froth, the yeast is no good (the milk was too hot or the yeast too old). Throw it away and start the yeast activation stage again.

Gluten Free Flour Blend

  • Weigh all the flour blend ingredients into a large mixing bowl and stir well until evenly combined. (If using a stand mixer, weigh directly into the mixer bowl).

Making the Panettone Dough and Proof 1

  • Rub the cold, cubed butter into the flour blend with finger tips, until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs.

  • Break the eggs into a bowl (weigh if possible, to check they are in weight range) and beat lightly with a fork.

  • Add the egg mix to the flour bowl along with the hydrated psyllium and activated yeast.

  • Also add the glycerine, vanilla extract, orange extract and lemon juice.

  • Using an electric mixer (hand or stand) with dough hooks attached, beat the mixture well until it becomes a stiff batter.

  • Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a firm spatula and re-mix for a further 4 to 5 minutes.

  • Scrape down the sides of the bowl again, pulling the dough-batter into the centre of the bowl in a rounded pile (so that any batter stuck to the sides doesn’t dry out).

  • Set the mixer aside… you will need it again later!

  • Cover the bowl with a plate or some clingfilm (not touching the batter) and set aside in a warm place for an hour +, until the dough has doubled in size. This is the first proof.

Preparing the Panettone tin and ‘suspension’ tin

  • While proof 1 is taking place, prepare the Panettone tin, by lining with a Panettone paper case (for a 750g Panettone). I use a spring-form (or loose-bottom) Panettone tin (as you will need to be able to release, remove and invert the baked Panettone quickly without squashing) – size diameter 6” (15 cm) x height 5” (12.5 cm). The paper Panettone case is essential. Do not make the bake without this.

    But the important thing re size, is that the case is for 750g and you have a supportive cake tin to place it in.

  • You will also need to have ready a second tin/vessel/saucepan/or alternative mechanism to invert the Panettone as soon as it comes out of the oven. The vessel needs to be taller and wider than the baked Panettone itself. Bear in mind and calculate that the Panettone will rise above the case in height. The Panettone will need to be cooled upside down and suspended so that its inverted ‘top’ is not touching anything. I use a second tin that is 7” (18 cm) diameter x 7” (18 cm) tall, but your choice will need to work with your own Panettone size and shape.

  • Also have ready 2 to 3 long skewers (metal or wood) with sharp points, that will fit through and beyond the Panettone sides.

Adding the Fruit to the Dough and Second Proof

  • Once the dough has doubled in size, ‘knock it back’ by beating again thoroughly with the mixer and dough hooks.

  • Add the soaked fruit to the dough, being sure to scrape all remaining liquid from the bowl.

  • Beat the fruit into the dough with the mixer and dough hooks until the dough is even in consistency and the fruit evenly distributed. If the fruit has ‘bunched’ and not distributed well, use a firm spoon or spatula to give the dough a final mix by hand, to ensure it is distributed.

  • Transfer the dough to the Panettone case (it should reach almost two-thirds of the height of the case), and smooth the top with the back of a spoon, or spatula. (Make sure there are no large air-pockets, by pushing down well as you fill the case).

  • Cover the top of the Panettone tin and case lightly with clingfilm and place in a warmish room to proof for approximately 1½ hours (dependent on air temperature).

  • The Panettone will be risen enough when the dough reaches almost the top of the case. Keep an eye on it.

Baking the Panettone

  • Pre-heat the oven to 180 C/350 F/Gas 4 when the dough has nearly finished its second proof.

  • When ready to bake, gently glaze the top of the dough with beaten egg-wash using a pastry brush.

  • Sprinkle the top with Demerara sugar.

  • Gently place in the oven on a baking tray (for base-heat protection).

  • Bake at 180 C for 25 minutes and then turn the oven down to 150 C/300 F/Gas 2 (do NOT open the oven door).

  • Bake for a further approx. 40 to 45 minutes. The Panettone will be well risen, golden and firm on the top and a skewer inserted will come out clean.

Inverting, Suspending and Cooling the Panettone

  • BEFORE removing the Panettone from the oven, be sure to have everything you need ready to invert the cake.

  • Remove the Panettone from the oven and immediately but gently remove the cake from the side-panel of the external metal tin (leaving the base and cake in place on the baking tray).

  • Then immediately insert the skewers parallel through the sides of the cake paper wrapper, pushing through to the other side, as low as possible to the base of the cake (about 2 cm up from the bottom). Use two skewers placed towards either side of the cake for stability. A third is probably unnecessary.

  • Working as quickly as possible, the Panettone needs to be inverted and suspended, so that it hangs from the skewers over the prepared cooling ‘vessel’. Although this can be done by hand, the cake is hot and still very soft, so any pressure will compress it. To overcome this, I have found the easiest way is to place the cooling vessel over the upright cake, so that it sits on the skewers. Then using the support of the baking tray and holding both baking tray and ‘vessel’ in place, quickly flip the whole thing over (it may help to have a second pair of hands available).

  • Remove the baking tray (now on the top) and the metal base of any baking tin that was in place.

  • Leave the Panettone to cool completely suspended upside down, before turning back upright.

  • Store in an airtight container or well-wrapped.


* Note: nutritional information is an estimate & may vary according to portion size/ingredient variants.

This recipe has been carefully created and all of the ingredients used are there for a reason. Use the ingredients as stated (other than the dried fruit for which alternatives may be used if necessary) and avoid using alternatives or leaving anything out. Follow the recipe as written.


Calories: 208.9kcal | Carbohydrates: 30.8g | Protein: 3.1g | Fat: 8g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1.9g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3.6g | Trans Fat: 0.1g | Cholesterol: 26.9mg | Sodium: 193.1mg | Potassium: 132.5mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 12.8g | Vitamin A: 417.9IU | Vitamin C: 1.3mg | Calcium: 56.2mg | Iron: 0.6mg

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© 2019-2024 Kate Dowse All Rights Reserved – Do not copy or re-publish this recipe or any part of this recipe on any other blog, on social media or in a publication without the express permission of Gluten Free Alchemist

Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (21)



Gluten Free Panettone – The Ultimate Recipe (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.