The Best Lime Rickey Recipe: Gin Rickey (2024)

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This lime rickey recipe is simple and delicious. You can even adapt it to make a virgin lime rickey if you fancy.

You may know this drink by its other name – Gin Rickey.

The ingredients are the same but as the drink was originally made with Bourbon, the Gin Rickey was known as a variation for a long time.

If you haven’t heard of a gin rickey before, then you are in for a real treat.

Lime Rickey co*cktails are refreshing and great for when you want something a bit different.

They are the perfect brunch co*cktail when you want to impress your guests after a morning on the tennis court.

The Best Lime Rickey Recipe: Gin Rickey (1)

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Why is it called a Lime Rickey?

Many co*cktails have fun names and the Lime Rickey is no exception.

A fun thing about discovering new co*cktails is learning about their origin.

One of the most interesting and oldest drinks that I enjoy is the classic Lime Rickey.

The Best Lime Rickey Recipe: Gin Rickey (2)

The lime Rickey is a great drink if you like drinks with a story behind them.

It’s one of those co*cktails that is perfect for serving at a dinner party or special event when you want some easy conversation starters.

The person who created the lime rickey gave it the fun name.
The inventor was a Democratic Lobbyist called Colonel Joe Rickey who came up with the drink back in the 1880s.

He frequented a bar in Washington DC called Shoomakers and worked with the bartender to come up with this delicious beverage.

The Best Lime Rickey Recipe: Gin Rickey (3)
While the drink has evolved over the years, it has remained a classic drink for people who love simple yet tasty co*cktails.

The original version of the Lime Rickey actually contained whiskey instead of gin and lemon instead of the lime.

So really, it wasn’t a Lime Rickey at all!

It wasn’t until 1883 thatMissouri Rep William Henry Hatch added in the lime turning it into the zesty drink we all love today.

Eventually gin became more popular than whiskey although both versions are still common.

You may also come across the lime rickey under the names “Gin Rickey” or simply “Rickey” but the ingredients stay pretty much the same.

Is a Lime Rickey alcoholic?

The Best Lime Rickey Recipe: Gin Rickey (4)

Typically the Lime Rickey does contain alcohol, namely gin or bourbon in some versions.

During prohibition, the virgin Lime Rickey became popular and was a staple of soda fountain.

Without the alcohol, the Lime Rickey is a really nice refreshing lime flavored seltzer.

You can easily omit the gin when making this co*cktail so that everyone can enjoy a light and citrus- flavored drink whether they partake in alcohol or not.

What is in a lime rickey co*cktail?

The Best Lime Rickey Recipe: Gin Rickey (5)

There really aren’t many co*cktails as simple as the Lime Rickey when it comes to ingredients.

This classic Lime Rickey Recipe calls only four – namely, fresh lime juice, simple syrup and club soda and of course, a liquor.

I typically use gin (In this recipe I used Hendricks Lunar gin) but bourbon is just as common and offers a smokier flavour.

If you love gin and lime co*cktails, make sure to check out my gin mojito recipe – it tastes amazing.

For the full ingredients list and directions, scroll down to my printable recipe card at the bottom of this post.

The Best Lime Rickey Recipe: Gin Rickey (6)

How To Make A Gin Rickey co*cktail

This is one of the easiest co*cktails to make!

Here’s how to rustle up a Ricky in just a few minutes:

Add ice to your co*cktail shaker and then add in the lime and simple syrup.

Shake well.

Now add in the gin and shake again.

Strain into your glass containing fresh ice.

You can make your Gin Rickey in a high ball glass or a co*cktail glass – both work really well so it is just a matter of personal preference.

Top with club soda.

I like to garnish my Lime Rickey with a slice of fresh lime.

The Best Lime Rickey Recipe: Gin Rickey (7)

Yield: 1

The Best Lime Rickey Recipe

Prep Time: 1 minute

Cook Time: 1 minute

Total Time: 2 minutes

This Gin Rickey tastes great with freshly squeezed lime juice. You can add more club soda to taste if you like your drink less strong.


  • 2 ounce Gin (or Bourbon)
  • 1/2 Freshly squeezed Lime Juice
  • 1/2 ounce of simple syrup
  • 2 ounces Club Soda
  • Slice of Lime


    1. Add the lime juice and simple syrup to your co*cktail shaker. Shake well.
    2. Add the gin and shake
    3. Fill a glass (highball or goblet) with ice
    4. Pour the mixtures over the ice
    5. Top with club soda
    6. Add a slice of lime for a garnish


          You can interchange the gin for bourbon.

          Omit the alcohol completely for a non-alcoholic refresher

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          The Best Lime Rickey Recipe: Gin Rickey (8)

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          The Best Lime Rickey Recipe: Gin Rickey (2024)


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          Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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          Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.