Sweeney Potatoes Recipe (2024)



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Why all the negative comments about this holiday dish, it’s not for daily consumption. If when you read it and it doesn’t appeal to you move on to another that does.

John Kasley

Simply type in the ingredients into Google -hash browns, cream cheese, sour cream, cheddar and about 30 somewhat similar recipes appear. I do that all the time when I have ingredients but no inspiration. I type in the ingredients I do have and Google rises to the occasion. I come to The Times for ideas and sometimes techniques.


As I read the notes I saw that there was a problem with curdling. Sam’s recipe calls for whole milk, if you used anything with a less fat, including low fat sour cream, curdling will most likely happen. The fat stabilizes the milk. If you want to use lower fat items you need to lower the oven temperature and increase the cook time.


I'm confused. This is an entirely different recipe.


America's Test Kitchen did an article on this recently. American cheese has sodium citrate in it which is ridiculously good at preventing cheese separation- it changes the protein structure of the cheese in such a way that the water and the fat can't separate out.

Maggie Sabovich

Yes, I will be making it 2 days ahead and in the fridge tightly wrapped in plastic and foil, then remove plastic and foil when baking at 350 degrees for about an hour on Thanksgiving...so convenient!


Did you say, "margarine?" If you really truly want "healthy," never ever use margarine. It is extremely unhealthy: transfats, and a very toxic manufacturing process. If you want "healthy," please consider using real butter. Butter is NOT the dietary villain that it was made out to be in the misguided, unscientific-based "low fat" era of the 80's and 90's. The current science does not support using vegetable oils and margarine.

Maggie Sabovich

We bake the russet potatoes, five large ones, instead of boiling, then scoop out the insides and mash roughly, and add 2 cups sour cream, and one melted cube of butter, (or less) but also use a can of low fat cream of chicken soup for richer flavor, plus shredded cheddar to taste and also a package of chopped green onions...no milk...you can also use low fat sour cream but it's not as good...Everyone dies for this dish!


I believe it was elsewhere in the Times the suggestion to use evaporated milk as it holds up better in the cooking. I've tried this with fresh potatoes, but honestly frozen hash browns make it none the worse and are so much easier for a holiday.

Jane F

Use heavy cream instead of milk and it won't curdle.


Because it's a holiday? Most of us don't eat this way all the time, but it's wonderful once in a while. I suggest you try it... or not.

Kathryn Jennings

Because it is delicious. What if we die tomorrow? I eat healthy, but I allow myself to splurge. My vet who lived a very healthy lifestyle died in a plane crash at 46. I hope he had a nice meal before he left us.


It’s a different recipe, isn’t it?


idk about the 32 people that agreed with jeff, but subbing cream of chicken for the cream cheese & milk is hardly "an entirely different recipe" imho. (especially when the intro says the original uses creamed soup.)

when it's a recipe that's been around for awhile, you're going to get people sharing their way of doing it. i don't see how that's confusing at all.


There are so many versions of this casserole, it would be hard to get it "wrong." For me 2 lbs of frozen hash browns win every time (don't buy the brand with the red bag & hyphenated name. They are not as flavorful as Mr. Dell's.) They MUST thaw completely! Add at least 1 cup thin-sliced scallions w/green parts; 1 can each cream of chicken & cream of mushroom soup; seasoned salt & black pepper; 16 oz. Daisy lite sour cream; 8 oz. grated cheddar. 350 for 35-40 mins


I've made this dish three times now. Comes out great every time. Potato purists complain it doesn't honor the potato, with all that cheese and butter. They are dumb. People who love cheesy potatoes love this dish. And you will too. I usually make this when I'm serving a ham. And there's always an inevitable Navy Bean soup afterwards. Add your leftover potatoes for a little oomph.


Are we supposed to peel the potatoes first?


Our typical big group potato dish is Molly Stevens Party Potatoes; mashed potatoes but with cream cheese and sour cream. The “funeral potato” version of this recipe, with a can of soup and cornflakes is also a midwest potluck staple but this is like a perfect middle ground between the two, just as easy as the soup version and everyone loved it. My only note is that maybe I’d just mix some cheese in next time, rather than layer it.


I followed the recipe exactly and my cheese sauce also curdled. Could it have been because the potatoes were still warm when I added them to the sauce. Definitely would have been better if it was creamy.

Marlene J Geary

I made this with a thawed pkg of frozen diced potatoes, 1 tbsp of Penzey's Bavarian seasoning, and a crumbled sleeve of pseudo-Ritz crackers. Used half-n-half in place of the whole milk. I forgot the butter and I only had about a cup of shredded Mexican-blend cheese. I also browned a roll of Jones pork sausage and added that. Came out great! I love the base recipe.


I followed the recipe with no changes. Delicious. Quite filling, so small portions are best.


Add 1/2 the cheese with potatoes and sprinkle rest before baking. Higher temp


Why all the hate? I eat healthy most of the time but I am relaxed enough to know that the occasional splurge won’t kill me. I never understand the food stalkers who read a recipe just to harp on the nutritional value of it. This was delicious, I added some white wine and used cream of mushroom soup instead of the cream cheese. I also added some chopped onion which I cooked in a pan first.


Made a half recipe which was enough for three meals for two adults! Fit nicely in a 9x9 inch pyrex pan.This is basically pre-chopped, pre-mixed baked potato. It tastes just like a baked potato with sour cream and parsley and cheese that Mom/Dad cut up for you to eat at a nice restaurant.If making a half recipe, keep all ingredients the same except do three-quarters amount of cheese.Good for company if they're older/pickier eaters.


Tried a lighter version with light: cream cheese, sour cream, Mexican cheese blend, cooking spray on the dish, half the melted butter. It was still an awesome dish and I don’t feel like I have to wait for the holidays to enjoy it.


adding a small amount of diced red and green bell peppers gives it some Christmas colors. I just add enough for color since I find bell pepper's can take over the flavor, eps. leftovers.


This is the most fantastic potato recipe EVER! Haha! Mos def not healthy but whooo cares! So satisfying with broiled chicken thighs and roasted carrots/cabbage. Wootwoot!


PS I used jalapeno cream cheese, which added a wee bit of a kick.

Dee K

I have made this for years. Recently, due to becoming lazy I’ve used homestyle cubed frozen hash browns. No cubing, just dump and mix and once baked no one can tell the difference. It is a family favorite.


It tasted very good, as something with copious amounts of butter, milk, cheese, sour cream and potatoes would taste good. In spite of all those "superstar" ingredients, I felt like it was missing a little something special -a surprise somewhere or something splashy.

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Sweeney Potatoes Recipe (2024)


How many things can you make out of a potato? ›

How many ways do you know to cook a potato? Mashed, fried, roasted, boiled - that's four, but what about another 59 ways? Sounds impossible, but the guys at Bon Appétit have taken on the enormous task of cooking potatoes in every way imaginable, and put it all together into a single 33-minute video.

How does Gordon Ramsay make smashed potatoes? ›

Gordon Ramsay begins by boiling the potatoes in salted water. Next, he drains the potatoes. After that, he stirs in butter, sour cream, herbs, and seasoning. This is Gordon Ramsay's version of smashed potatoes, which differs from the one in this recipe.

How to cook new potatoes Jamie Oliver? ›

Wash your potatoes and parboil until almost tender, then drain. Pick and bash the rosemary leaves. Drizzle with just a little touch of oil and roll in a teaspoon of sea salt, a little freshly ground black pepper and the rosemary. Put the potatoes in a roasting tray and cook in the oven for 25 minutes until golden.

How many fries can you make from one potato? ›

Bonus: You can cut about 25 fries from 1 potato. How many potatoes do you need to make 100 fries? The sky's the limit: If 8 potatoes make 200 fries, and 12 potatoes make 300 fries, and 20 potatoes make 500 fries…

Is it better to microwave or bake a potato? ›

Because a microwave steams the inside of the potato rather than baking it from the outside, the resulting potato has a fluffier inner texture. The only downside of microwaving potatoes is that the skin gets soggy and doesn't have the crispy texture that you get from the oven.

Why do you soak potatoes before cooking? ›

Soaking potatoes in water helps remove excess starch. Excess starch can inhibit the potatoes from cooking evenly as well as creating a gummy or sticky texture on the outside of your potatoes. Cold water is used because hot water would react with the starch activating it, making it harder to separate from the potatoes.

How many minutes should I boil potatoes? ›

In general small or cubed potatoes will take about 10 to 15 minutes to boil, while larger, whole potatoes will take between 20 to 25 minutes. To check potatoes for doneness, insert a knife into one. If it slides in without much effort, you're good to go!

Why do you poke holes in potatoes when you cook them? ›

"It pokes holes in the skin, which allows steam to escape. Otherwise, they could explode—it doesn't happen all the time, but it happens every once in a while. The potato is full of water it's trying to turn to steam, or water vapor. The skin acts like a pressure vessel.

Why boil potatoes before frying? ›

There are lots of recipes that call for par-boiling the potatoes first to reduce the amount of cooking time, but it's an extra step and an extra pan to wash. If you cook the potatoes over medium heat and keep them covered for most of the cooking time, the lid traps in steam, which helps cook the potatoes through.

How do you boil potatoes in Ina Garten? ›

Bring the water to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes, until the potatoes are barely tender when pierced with a knife. Drain the potatoes in a colander, then place the colander with the potatoes over the empty pot and cover with a clean, dry kitchen towel.

Why do you boil water before adding potatoes? ›

For most potato dishes it's important to add the potatoes to cold water and allow the water to come to a boil with the potatoes in the water. The potato starch can react as soon as it comes in contact with hot water, which will promote uneven cooking and mealy potatoes.

What happens if you don't boil potatoes before roasting? ›

If the potatoes are raw, when you use a high temperature, the outside of the potatoes will burn before the inside cooks. That's why the parboiling is really important! Now these potatoes are my "basic" ones with my usual go-to seasoning.

How many potatoes can one potato produce? ›

So you plant one potato in the ground it grows into a plant which makes somewhere between 5 and 20 potatoes which you dig up at the end of the season, and eat. You can save some to plant again next year, or buy in new seed potatoes.

How much can a potato produce? ›

In practical terms of electric power, one potato can produce approximately . 5 volts of energy. However, did you know that by boiling the potato, you can get it to produce 5 volts instead? For reference, this is about half of the energy of an average AA battery.


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.