Surgery for Undescended testicl*s (Orchiopexy) (2024)

By: Janice Taylor ,MD, MEd, FAAP

As a baby boy grows in the womb, the testicl*s first develop in the abdominal cavity. Then, they work their way down into the scrotum, which is the sac of skin on the outside of the body that holds the testicl*s. When one or both of the testicl*s do not make it into the scrotum by the time a baby is born, the condition is called undescended testicl*.

Children diagnosed with undescended testicl*s often need surgery to prevent certain health problems later. The surgery to repair an undescended testicl* is called orchiopexy.

What is undescended testicl* repair surgery (orchiopexy)?

Orchiopexy surgery is done to move a young boy's testicl*(s) from their abdomen into the scrotum. Sometimes, just one surgery is needed. If the testicl* is still in the abdomen and not close to the groin, however, your child may need two surgeries to get it into the right place. Your surgeon will tell you if this is what your child needs.

Why does my child need surgery for an undescended testicl*?

Surgery to bring the testicl* down into the scrotum is for more than just to make the sides "match." If the testicl* is not in the scrotum, it is difficult to check for abnormal lumps or tumors in the testicl*, particularly later in life. Undescended testicl*s have a higher rate of getting certain types of cancer, so having them in an easy-to-find area is important.

There may also be worries about fertility in the child's future, especially if both testicl*s are undescended. Surgery to bring down the testicl*(s) then gives the child the best chance to have children in the future.

If the testicl* is not attached in the scrotum, there is a higher chance that it could twist on its blood vessels (called testicular torsion), with the risk of the testicl* dying. If the undescended testicl* is located abnormally up at the level of the pubic bone, it may have a higher risk of trauma since it is not in the scrotum.

How is the surgery performed?

For typical surgeries, a small incision is made in the groin area and the testicl* is found. It is freed up and brought down into the scrotum. Usually, another small incision is made at the bottom of the scrotum so that the testicl* can be brought down to the correct level, and sewn in place.

If the undescended testicl* is found when your child is an infant, surgery may be delayed until at least 6 months of age. If the testicl* begins to drop on its own during the first 6 months, then many surgeons will allow more time to see if the testicl*(s) will fully drop into the scrotum on their own by your child's first birthday.

What happens around the time of surgery?

Your surgeon's office will give you specific details, but generally your child should not have any solid food (including formula and milk) for 8 hours before surgery. Stop drinking clear liquids (apple juice, water) by 2 hours before surgery.

If your child has other medical conditions, they may be required to come to the hospital the day before or stay longer after surgery.

When can we go home after surgery?

Unless your child needs to stay in the hospital overnight because of other medical conditions, you will be sent home from the recovery area on the day of surgery.

What will recovery be like for my child?

Instructions for care after surgery can be different based on the child or type of surgery.

Generally, pain will be helped with over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen. Your surgery team may have also injected numbing medicine under the skin of the incision while your child is asleep during surgery; this will help with pain on the first day. Expect some swelling or bruising in the surgery area, which can take up to a few weeks to go away.

Most patients will be able to eat right after surgery. Bathing instructions will be given to you by your surgeon, but typically your child will be able to fully bathe within a week of surgery. Activity should be light for the first 1-2 weeks after surgery, and your surgeon will give you their specific instructions.

When should I call the surgeon's office?

Your surgeon will give you specific instructions for calling their office. Typically, the instructions are to call for:

  • Bleeding or drainage from the incision(s)

  • Redness around the incision(s)

  • Fever above 101 F

  • Vomiting

  • Less peeing than usual or fewer wet diapers than usual

Will my child need to see the doctor after surgery?

You should notify your pediatrician's office of your child's surgery for any needed follow-up with them.

For your surgeon, you will be given specific instructions to see them after surgery. They may want to see your child for a follow-up exam after any swelling has gone down after surgery.

If your child needs more than one planned operation for the undescended testicl*, the surgeon may also want to see them again before the next surgery.

More information

  • Undescended testicl*s: What Parents Need to Know
  • What Is a Pediatric Surgeon?

About Dr. Taylor

Janice Taylor, MD, MEd, FAAP is an associate professor of surgery in the division of pediatric surgery at the University of Florida College of Medicine. She is a specialty fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) who serves on the AAP Section on Surgery, Patient-Family Education Subcommittee. Dr. Taylor is also a member of the Association for Surgical Education, Association for Academic Surgery and the American Pediatric Surgical Association, American College of Surgeons.

The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circ*mstances.

Surgery for Undescended testicl*s (Orchiopexy) (2024)


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