Social Darwinism - Definition, Examples, Imperialism | HISTORY (2024)

Social Darwinism is a loose set of ideologies that emerged in the late 1800s in which Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection was used to justify certain political, social, or economic views. Social Darwinists believe in “survival of the fittest”—the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better. Social Darwinism has been used to justify imperialism, racism, eugenics and social inequality at various times over the past century and a half.

Evolution and Natural Selection

According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, only the plants and animals best adapted to their environment will survive to reproduce and transfer their genes to the next generation. Animals and plants that are poorly adapted to their environment will not survive to reproduce.

Charles Darwin published his notions on natural selection and the theory of evolution in his influential 1859 book On the Origin of Species.

Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection was a scientific theory focused on explaining his observations about biological diversity and why different species of plants and animals look different.

Herbert Spencer

Yet in an attempt to convey his scientific ideas to the British public, Darwin borrowed popular concepts, including “survival of the fittest,” from sociologist Herbert Spencer and “struggle for existence” from economist Thomas Malthus, who had earlier written about how human societies evolve over time.

Darwin rarely commented on the social implications of his theories. But to those who followed Spencer and Malthus, Darwin’s theory appeared to be confirming with science what they already believed to be true about human society—that the fit inherited qualities such as industriousness and the ability to accumulate wealth, while the unfit were innately lazy and stupid.

Survival of the Fittest and Laissez-Faire Capitalism

After Darwin published his theories on biological evolution and natural selection, Herbert Spencer drew further parallels between his economic theories and Darwin’s scientific principles.

Spencer applied the idea of “survival of the fittest” to so-called laissez faire or unrestrained capitalism during the Industrial Revolution, in which businesses are allowed to operate with little regulation from the government.

Unlike Darwin, Spencer believed that people could genetically pass learned qualities, such as frugality and morality, on to their children.

Spencer opposed any laws that helped workers, the poor, and those he deemed genetically weak. Such laws, he argued, would go against the evolution of civilization by delaying the extinction of the “unfit.”

Another prominent Social Darwinist was American economist William Graham Sumner. He was an early opponent of the welfare state. He viewed individual competition for property and social status as a tool for eliminating the weak and immoral of the population.


As social Darwinist rationalizations of inequality gained popularity in the late 1800s, British scholar Sir Francis Galton (a half-cousin of Darwin) launched a new “science” aimed at improving the human race by ridding society of its “undesirables.” He called it eugenics.

Galton proposed to better humankind by propagating the British elite. He argued that social institutions such as welfare and mental asylums allowed inferior humans to survive and reproduce at higher levels than their superior counterparts in Britain’s wealthy class.

Galton’s ideas never really took hold in his country, but they became popular in America where the concepts of eugenics quickly gained strength.

Eugenics became a popular social movement in the United States that peaked in the 1920s and 1930s. Books and films promoted eugenics, while local fairs and exhibitions held “fitter family” and “better baby” competitions around the country.

The eugenics movement in the United States focused on eliminating undesirable traits from the population. Proponents of the eugenics movement reasoned the best way to do this was by preventing “unfit” individuals from having children.

During the first part of the twentieth century, 32 U.S. states passed laws that resulted in the forced sterilization of more than 64,000 Americans including immigrants, people of color, unmarried mothers and the mentally ill.

Nazi Germany

Adolf Hitler, one of the world’s most notorious eugenicists, drew inspiration from California’s forced sterilizations of the “feeble-minded” in designing Nazi Germany’s racially based policies.

Hitler began reading about eugenics and social Darwinism while he was imprisoned following a failed 1924 coup attempt known as the Beer Hall Putsch.

Hitler adopted the social Darwinist take on survival of the fittest. He believed the German master race had grown weak due to the influence of non-Aryans in Germany. To Hitler, survival of the German “Aryan” race depended on its ability to maintain the purity of its gene pool.

The Nazis targeted certain groups or races that they considered biologically inferior for extermination. These included Jews, Roma (gypsies), Poles, Soviets, people with disabilities and hom*osexuals.

By the end of World War II, social Darwinist and eugenic theories had fallen out of favor in the United States and much of Europe—partly due to their associations with Nazi programs and propaganda, and because these theories were scientifically unfounded.


Social Darwinism; American Museum of Natural History.
America’s Hidden History: The Eugenics Movement; Nature. September 18, 2014.
In the Name of Darwin; PBS.
Victims of the Nazi Era: Nazi Racial Ideology; United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Social Darwinism - Definition, Examples, Imperialism | HISTORY (2024)


Social Darwinism - Definition, Examples, Imperialism | HISTORY? ›

Social Darwinists

Social Darwinists
Social Darwinism is the study and implementation of various pseudoscientific theories and societal practices that purport to apply biological concepts of natural selection and survival of the fittest to sociology, economics and politics. › wiki › Social_Darwinism
believe in “survival of the fittest”—the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better. Social Darwinism has been used to justify imperialism, racism, eugenics and social inequality at various times over the past century and a half.

What is an example of Social Darwinism in imperialism? ›

Similarly, Social Darwinism was used as a justification for American imperialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines following the Spanish-American War, as many adherents of imperialism argued that it was the duty of white Americans to bring civilization to "backwards" peoples.

How did Social Darwinism impact New Imperialism? ›

Answer and Explanation: Social Darwinism impacted New Imperialism by providing intellectual support and justification for the practice of imperialism and the conquest of indigenous peoples and countries.

What is an example of Social Darwinism for students? ›

Some social Darwinists believed that economic struggle and even war between countries was good because it led to the success of “favored races.” For example, the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War (1870–71) by a coalition of German states was said to result from the “vitality” of Germanic peoples and the “ ...

How did Social Darwinism contribute to imperialism in Africa? ›

​Therefore, Social Darwinism was a contributing factor to aspects of European imperialism in Africa, such as: the Atlantic Slave Trade and the role of Belgian King Leopold II in the Congo Free State. This is because the European people would have viewed African people as inferior.

What are some examples of social imperialism? ›

In this point of view, groups such as the Colonial Society and the Navy League are seen as instruments for the government to mobilize public support. The demands for annexing most of Europe and Africa in World War I are seen by Wehler as the pinnacle of social imperialism.

What is an example of Darwinism? ›

For example, Darwin observed that a population of giant tortoises found in the Galapagos Archipelago have longer necks than those that lived on other islands with dry lowlands. These tortoises were “selected” because they could reach more leaves and access more food than those with short necks.

How did Social Darwinism influence imperialism Quizlet? ›

They felt that imperial conquest, like natural selection and survival of the fittest, was the natural method to improve civilization. This belief fueled their egos, implying that they were the world's superior race and that their job was to conquer lower races.

What was Social Darwinism in ww1? ›

Social Darwinism was an intellectual movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries that merged Charles Darwin's biological theory of evolution with theories about human economies and societies. Social Darwinism indirectly contributed to German militarism and World War I.

Which statement best describes Social Darwinism? ›

The statement that best describes Social Darwinism is People compete for social stations based on their natural talents.

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Example Sentences

Similar arguments were in fact used this way in the unlamented days of Social Darwinism. But in our past there has been another term for it - Social Darwinism, every man and woman for him or herself. Our Constitution, Holmes famously wrote, does not enact social Darwinism.

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A common example of Social Darwinism is Rudyard Kipling 's White Man's Burden . The poem explains it is the burden of the most intelligent, strong, and righteous of men to “take care” of natives and their possessions.

What are the main points of social darwinism? ›

Social Darwinists held that the life of humans in society was a struggle for existence ruled by “survival of the fittest,” a phrase proposed by the British philosopher and scientist Herbert Spencer.

What are some examples of Social Darwinism during imperialism? ›

Social Darwinism created a few different justifications for expansion. It promised benefits for the colonizer and empire-builder. Because it was predicated on competition between similar groups, it was also cast in defensive terms: the expansion of an American empire would ultimately safeguard the country.

What was Social Darwinism quizlet the New Imperialism? ›

- The idea that natural selection applied to human society especially to warfare and economic competition, became known as Social Darwinism. It was British philospher Herbert Spencer who coined the phrase "survival of the fittest".

What is a modern day example of imperialism? ›

One example of modern day imperialism was the takeover of Crimea and eastern Ukraine in 2014 by the Russian military. Through the invasion of the "little green men," unmarked Russian troops, Vladimir Putin and Russia seized control of Ukrainian territory that is rich in coal, oil, natural gas, and iron.

What was the theory of Social Darwinism used by imperialists to justify? ›

Social Darwinism is based on Charles Darwin theory of Natural Selection which called for the survival of the fittest. This ideology was used to justify imperialism, racism, eugenics and social inequality by the Social Darwinist who believed that certain people become successful as they are innately better.

What is an example of Social Darwinism in the Industrial Revolution? ›

In summary, social Darwinism during the late 1800s and early 1900s had a significant impact on the industrial revolution. It justified extreme wealth inequality, promoted laissez-faire capitalism, exploited workers, influenced business practices, and supported the eugenics movement.

How did Social Darwinism impact imperialism weegy? ›

Explanation: Social Darwinism impacted New Imperialism by providing a racial justification for conquering nonwhite peoples. It promoted the notion that certain races were superior to others and that it was natural for the superior races to dominate and exploit the inferior ones.


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