Single Player Commands (2024)

Single Player Commands (1)

This article is a work-in-progress.
It may be finished in the near future, check its history to see previous edits.
Single Player Commands
Current developerssimo_415
Supported Minecraft versions1.2.5
Mod loaderNo

Single Player Commands is a mod that adds many commands to single player. It provides many powerful building capabilities. Many server commands can be found on Bukkit.

Installing this mod may disable sounds. To restore sounds, delete the .bin folder.


  • 1 Command List
    • 1.1 Global Command
    • 1.2 Brushes
    • 1.3 Chunk tools
    • 1.4 Clipboard
    • 1.5 General commands
    • 1.6 Generation
    • 1.7 Getting around
    • 1.8 History
    • 1.9 Region operations
    • 1.10 Scripting
    • 1.11 Selection
    • 1.12 Snapshots
    • 1.13 Super pickaxe
    • 1.14 Tools
    • 1.15 Utilities
  • 2 External links

Command List[]

To bring up the command "console" type "T" then type in the command. Below is a brief run through of the command list:

  • achievement <list|unlock> – Allows the player to list or unlock all achievements
  • alias <NAME> <COMMAND> {ARGS} – Allows the player to assign an alias to one or more words
  • ascend – Moves the player to the next platform above their position.
  • atlantis – Toggles atlantis mode on/off. Do not use from mod version 3.2.2 onwards, as it will destroy the player's world.
  • biome – Tells the player what biome they are currently in.
  • bind <KEYCODE> <COMMAND> {COMMANDPARAMS} – Binds a command to a keyboard button.
  • bindid <ID> <COMMAND> {ARGS} – Binds a command to a keyboard key using the key id.
  • binditem <MOUSEBUTTON {COMMAND}> – Binds a mouse button to a command when the specified item is in hand.
  • bring [ENTITY] – Brings the specified entity to the player.
  • cannon [STRENGTH] – Shoots a primed TNT in the direction the player is looking at.
  • calc – Calculator command
  • chest <drop|get|fill|swap|clear> – Allow chest access.
  • clear – Clears the console
  • clearwater – Toggles water clarity on/off
  • climb – Allows the player to climb any surface without a ladder
  • clone [QUANTITY] – Clones the NPC which the player is looking at
  • config <setglobal [reset]> – Allows the player to set the global configuration file as their current configuration
  • confusesuicide – Makes mobs attack one another
  • creeper <explosion [enable|disable]> – Enables or disables Creeper explosions.
  • criticalhit [enable|disable] – Allows the player to turn critical hits always on/off
  • clouds [enable|disable] – Allows the player to turn clouds on/off via commands.
  • cyclepainting – Cycles through the painting which the player is pointing at
  • damage – Turns player damage on/off.
  • defuse [all] – Defuses any TNT nearby which has been hit and drops 1 TNT in its place.
  • descend – Moves the player to the next platform below their position.
  • destroy [all] – Destroys the current item.
  • difficulty <LEVEL> – Sets the difficulty to the specified level (0–3).
  • drops – Turns item drops on/off; having them turned off will make the game run a little bit faster, and also stops the player's inventory from filling.
  • dropstore – This command transfers everything in the player's inventory into a chest that it creates next to them.
  • duplicate [all] – Duplicates and drops the currently selected item stack.
  • effect <list|remove TYPE|add TYPE [DURATION] [STRENGTH]> – Configures potion effects on the player.
  • enchant <list|remove|add TYPE [LEVEL]> – Enchants the currently selected item.
  • enderman pickup [enable|disable] – Enderman command to enable/disable block pickup.
  • explode [SIZE] – Sets off an explosion at the player's current location.
  • exterminate [SIZE] – Kills mobs the player are looking at.
  • extinguish|ext [all] – Extinguishes all nearby fires (or all fires).
  • falldamage – Turns fall damage on/off.
  • feed <QUANTITY> – Adds the specified quantity to the player's food bar.
  • firedamage – Turns fire damage on/off.
  • flammable <BLOCK> [CATCH] [SPREAD] – Sets the specified block at the designated flammability level.
  • fly [SPEED] – Allows the player to turn flying mode on/off, speed specified their flying speed
  • flymode <dynamic|standard|minecraft|reset> – Allows the player to specify which flying mode to use
  • fog [tiny|small|normal|far] – Changes the render distance
  • freecam – Allows the player to freecam around the map
  • freezecam – Freezes the player's camera at the current location
  • freeze – Freezes mobs so that they cannot move or attack the player
  • gamemode <creative|survival|1|0> – Changes the world's game mode to creative or survival.
  • gamemode toggle – Toggle between creative and survival modes.
  • goto <NAME> – Go to a waypoint.
  • grow [all] – Grows all saplings/wheat on the map.
  • hardcore [enable|disable] – Enables or disables hardcore mode.
  • hardcore toggle – Toggles hardcore mode on or off.
  • heal <HEALTH> – Heals a player with the specified number of points.
  • health <min|max|infinite> – Sets the health of a player to pre–defined figures.
  • help [COMMAND] – Gives general help when COMMAND is not specified, gives specific help when COMMAND is specified. Same as /h
  • helmet [ITEM] [QTY] [DAMAGE] – Specifies the helmet the player wears.
  • home – Teleport to spawn point.
  • hunger <empty|full|infinite|enable|disable> – Sets the player's hunger level to predefined figures
  • infiniteitems – Toggles infinite items on/off
  • invrotate [line|item] – Rotates their inventory hotbar with the next line. the player can rotate just a single item or the whole line
  • invstore <save <NAME>|load <NAME>|list> – Loads or saves their current inventory to file
  • instantkill – Instantly kills any mob the player hits.
  • instantmine – Turns instant mining on/off (Installing Forge disables this function).
  • instantplant [grow] – Instantly plants saplings into the ground; if grow is specified the tree will instantly grow after that amount of time passes .
  • item <ITEMCODE|ITEMNAME> [QUANTITY] [DAMAGE] – Gives player item, if quantity is not specified a full stack of the item is given. Same as /give and /i.
  • itemdamage – Turn item damage on/off.
  • itemname – Use this command to discover the itemname and ID of their currently selected item.
  • itemstack <ITEMID|ITEMNAME> [QUANTITY] – Gives the player the specified quantity of maximum item stacks of the item.
  • jump – Moves the player from where the they are to where their mouse is pointing. Note: This command is buggy and may put the player in the block they move to.
  • keepitems – When turned on, the player keeps their inventory when killed.
  • kill – Kills the current player.
  • killall <ENTITYTYPE> – Kills all of the specified entity type. This will destroy all entities (paintings,

minecarts, etc.) unless specified otherwise.

  • killnpc [all|monster|animal] – Kills all living creatures nearby.
  • light – Turns permanent lighting on and off.
  • listwaypoints – Lists all waypoints. Same as /l.
  • longerlegs – Makes the player's legs longer so they can walk up 1 block high steps.
  • macro <edit|create|dir|folder|delete|list|FILENAME {PARAMS}> – Runs a macro.
  • maxstack [ITEMID|ITEMNAME|all] [STACKSIZE] – Configures the maximum stack size of that item between 1 and 64.
  • mobdamage – Toggles damage inflicted on the player by mobs.
  • moveplayer <DISTANCE> <DIRECTION> – Moves the player the specified distance (in blocks) in the specified direction, (neswup)
  • msg <MESSAGE> – This commands adds a message to the console.
  • music [play|pause|skip|stop|VOLUME] – Requests a music track to be played. A maximum of two tracks can be played per day. Set the volume by specifying VOLUME.
  • noclip – Turns no clip mode on/off.
  • output – This just toggles SPC messages on/off, which is useful for macros/scripts.
  • path <BLOCK_ID> [size]
  • phelp [COMMAND] – Provides help for plugins
  • pick [QUANTITY] – Command which gives the player the blocks the player looks at.
  • platform – Puts a glass square under their feet
  • plugin <list|enable [MODNAME]|disable [MODNAME]|dlist> – Lists all loaded plugins and also allows the player to

enable/disable plugins.

  • pos – Gives current player position. Same as /p.
  • ralias <NAME> – Removes the specified alias
  • reach <DISTANCE|reset> – Sets the player's reach distance (may crash game if set too far).
  • refill [all] – Re–stocks the player's items in their inventory to the maximum amount.
  • rem <NAME> – Removes the specified waypoint.
  • removedrops [all] – This command removes item drops from the world.
  • rename <COMMANDNAME> <NEWNAME> – Allows the player to rename a command to a new name.
  • repair [all] – Repairs the currently selected item to full durability.
  • repeat – Repeats the last used command (useful command to bind).
  • reset – Resets the player settings.
  • resize [1080p|720p|480p|setdefault [WIDTH]|<HEIGHT>] – Resizes the Minecraft window, no arguments sets it to default.
  • reskin <FILENAME> – Reskins the NPC which the player is looking at to the specified skin.
  • return – Moves the player to the last position before teleporting.
  • ride – Allows the player to ride any NPC which the player is looking at.
  • sc <FILENAME> – Added scripting support (more information coming soon).
  • search <SEARCHTERM> – Allows the player to search for items using a name.
  • set <NAME> – Mark a waypoint on the world.
  • setjump [JUMP|reset] – Sets the height that the player jumps. Note: Turns fall damage off if the jump is configured to be higher than 1.
  • setspawn [<X> <Y> <Z>] – Set the current position as the spawn point, where X Y Z are coordinates that position the spawn point.
  • setspeed [SPEED|reset] – Sets the speed that the player moves.
  • sign <add|edit> ["LINE1"] ["LINE2"] ["LINE3"] ["LINE4"] – Allows placing and editing of signs without a GUI
  • skin <USERNAME> – Change the player's skin to any Minecraft player.
  • slippery <BLOCK> [SLIPPERYNESS] – Makes the specified block slippery; default is 0.6.
  • spawn <NAME|ID|random|list> [QTY] – Allows the player to spawn an individual creature where the player is looking.
  • spawner <TYPE> – Changes the mob spawner the player is looking at
  • spawnportal <nether|end> – Spawns a portal near the player.
  • spawnstack <NAME|ID|list|random> – Spawns the specified creature where the player is looking (use "/spawn list" to get a list of creature names and codes).
  • sprinting [enable|disable] – Enables or disables sprinting without holding down the sprint key.
  • stackcombine – When the command is run it combines all of the same stack types into the same stack.
  • stacklimit – Turns stack limiting on/off
  • startup <COMMAND> {ARGS} – Specifies a command to run on startup.
  • superheat [all] – Turns items which can be smelted into their smelted form.
  • superpunch [DISTANCE|reset] – Hit that NPC with a charged punch.
  • tele <X> <Y> <Z> – Teleport to X Y Z coordinates. Same as /t
  • textcolor <<normal|error> <0–f|random>>|<setrandom COLORS> – Allows the player to configure output text colors
  • time [set|get|day|night [minute|hour|day [TIME]]|speed SPEED] – Set and get the time within minecraft.
  • timeschedule <reset | <TIME1> <TIME2>> – Sets a period of time (HH:MM format), which causes the world to stay within this period and loop.
  • unbind <KEYCODE|all> – Unbinds the specified key from a command.
  • unbindid <ID> – Unbinds a command from a keyboard key using the key id.
  • unbinditem [all] – Unbinds the currently selected items' bindings, or all bindings.
  • update <enable|disable> – Turns update checking on/off.
  • useportal <normal|nether|end|PORTAL> – Instantly transfers the player to the Nether; use it again to go back.
  • waterdamage – Turns water damage on/off.
  • weather <lightning|thunder|rain|enable|disable> – Toggles weather on/off and summons specific weather patterns.
  • world <load|save|seed|new|exit|list|backup> – Allows the player manipulates the world's save states.
  • world load <FILENAME> – Loads the specified FILE; this allows the player to play any save on their computer; the files can have any name.
  • world save – Explicitly saves the player's game then returns to it.
  • world seed [SEED] – Allows the player to see and change the seed of the map to generate custom terrain.
  • world new [FILENAME] [SEED] – Creates a new map at the specified location.
  • world exit – Lets the player exit a game without saving.
  • world list – Lists all the saves which the player can load from ".minecraft/saves".
  • world backup – Allows the player to backup their current world into ".minecraft/backup".
  • xp <add QTY|get|set XP> – XP (player experience) related commands

Global Command[]

  • //limit <limit> – Set a maximum number of blocks to change at most for all operations. This only affects the player. Use this to prevent catastrophic accidents. This command will not override the limit in the configuration if it is set.


  • /brush clipboard – Switch to the clipboard tool.
  • /brush cylinder [-h] <material> <radius> [height] – Switch to the cylinder brush tool.
  • /brush smooth <radius> [iterations] – Smooth the region.
  • /brush sphere [-h] <material> <radius> – Switch to the sphere brush tool.
  • /mask – Clear the mask
  • //mask <mask> – Set a mask
  • /mat <mat> – Change the material used by their current brush. the player cannot turn this off!
  • //size <size> – Change the size of the current brushes

Chunk tools[]

  • //chunkinfo – Get the filename of the chunk that the player is in.
  • //delchunks – Generate a shell script to delete chunks.
  • //listchunks – Print a list of used chunks.


  • //clearclipboard – Clears the player's clipboard.
  • //copy – Copies the currently selected region. Be aware that it stores their position relative to the selection when copying.
  • //cut – Cuts the currently selected region.
  • //flip [dir] – Flips the clipboard.
  • //load <filename> – Loads .schematic into clipboard.
  • //paste [-ao] – Pastes from the clipboard.
  • //rotate <angle-in-degrees> – Rotates the clipboard.
  • //schematic save <filename> – Saves clipboard to .schematic. Must copy first.

General commands[]

  • //search <item> – Search for an item by its name.
  • //worldedit reload – Reloads WorldEdit's configuration.
  • //worldedit tz – Set the player's timezone. This is temporary.
  • //worldedit version – Gets WorldEdit's version.
  • //gamemode 1
  • //gamemode 0


  • //cyl <block> <radius> [height] – Creates a vertical cylinder.
  • //forestgen [size] [type] [density] – Makes a forest.
  • //hcyl <block> <radius> [height] – Creates a vertical hollow cylinder.
  • //hsphere <block> <radius> [raised?] – Creates a hollow sphere.
  • //pumpkins [size] – Makes a pumpkin forest
  • //sphere <block> <radius> [raised?] – Creates a sphere.

Getting around[]

  • /ascend – Go up one level.
  • /ceil [clearance] – Get to the ceiling.
  • /descend – Go down one level.
  • /jumpto – Jump to the block that the player is looking at.
  • /thru – Go through the wall that the player areislooking at.
  • /unstuck – Go up to the first free spot.
  • /up [distance] – Go up some distance.


  • //clearhistory – Clears the player's history.
  • //redo [number of steps] – Redo their last (undo) action. This command plays back history and does not repeat the command.
  • //undo [number of steps (default – last)] – Undo the player's last action.

Region operations[]

  • //move [count] [direction] [leave–id] – Moves the selection's contents. A block can be specified to fill in the left over area.
  • //move [count] [leave–id] – Uses the direction in which the player is looking as the direction input for this command.
  • //overlay <block> – Places a block on top of blocks inside the region.
  • //outline <block> – Builds walls, floor, and ceiling.
  • //regen – Regenerates the selection region.
  • //replace <to–block> – Replaces all non–air blocks blocks inside the region.
  • //replace <from–block> <to–block> – Replaces all blocks of the specified block(s) with another block inside the region.
  • //set <block> – Sets all blocks inside the selection region to a specified block.
  • //smooth [iterations] – Smoothes the selection's heightmap.
  • //stack [count] [direction] – Stacks the selection.
  • //walls <block> – Builds the walls of the region (not including ceiling and floor).


  • //cs <script> [args...] – Executes a script.
  • //.s [args...] – Re–executes last script with new arguments.
  • //<script>.js [args...] – Executes a JS script.


  • //chunk – Selects the chunk that the player is within for their selection.
  • //contract <amount> – Contracts the selection in the direction that the player is looking towards.
  • //contract <amount> [direction] – Contracts the selection in the specified direction (north, east, south, west).
  • //contract <amount> <reverse–amount> [direction] – Contracts the selection in two directions at once.
  • //count <block> – Counts the number of blocks in the region.
  • //distr [–c] – Gets the block distribution in the selection.
  • //expand <amount> – Expands the selection in the direction that the player are looking.
  • //expand <amount> [direction] – Expands the selection in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).
  • //expand <amount> <reverse–amount> [direction] – Expands the selection in two directions at once.
  • //expand <vert> – Expands the selection to include sky to bedrock.
  • //hpos1 – Set selection position #1 to the block that the player is looking at.
  • //hpos2 – Set selection position #2 to the block that the player is looking at.
  • //inset [–hv] <amount> – Inset the selection in every direction.
  • //outset [–hv] <amount> – Outset the selection in every direction.
  • //pos1 – Set selection position #1 to the block above the one that the player is standing on.
  • //pos2 – Set selection position #2 to the block above the one that the player is standing on.
  • //sel <cuboid or poly> – Choose the region shape to use for selections.
  • //shift <amount> [direction] – Moves the selection region. It does not move the selection's contents.
  • //size – Get the size of selected region.
  • //toggleeditwand – Toggles the edit wand selection mode, allowing the player to use the edit wand item normally.
  • //wand – Gives the player the "edit wand" (by default, a wooden axe). Left click with this tool to select position 1 and right click to selection position 2.


  • //restore [snapshot] – Restores a particular snapshot.
  • //snap after <date> – Finds the first snapshot after the given date.
  • //snap before <date> – Finds the first snapshot before the given date.
  • //snap list [num] – Lists the 5 newest snapshots.
  • //snap use <snapshot> – Uses a particular snapshot.

Super pickaxe[]

  • // – Toggle the super pickaxe.
  • //sp area <range> – Switches to area super pickaxe mode.
  • //sp recur <range> – Switches to recursive super pickaxe mode.
  • //sp single – Switches to single block super pickaxe mode.
  • //sp undo – Undoes the last super pickaxe modifier inputted.


  • //cycler – Block data cycler tool.
  • //info – Switches to the info tool.
  • //none – Switches to no tool.
  • //repl <block> – Switches to the block replacer tool.
  • //tree [type] – Switches to the tree tool. Available types: [tree, regular, big, bigtree, redwood, sequoia, tallredwood, tallsequoia, birch, white, whitebark, pine, randredwood, randomredwood, anyredwood, rand, random].


  • //butcher [radius] – Kills nearby mobs.
  • //drain <radius> Drains nearby water/lava pools (within one block of lava/water).
  • //ex [size] – Extinguishes fires.
  • //fill <block> <radius> [depth] – Fills a hole.
  • //fillr <block> <radius> – Fills a hole fully recursively.
  • //fixlava <radius> – Levels nearby pools of lava (within one block).
  • //fixwater <radius> – Levels nearby pools of water(within one block).
  • //remove <type> <radius> – Removes nearby entities. Type can be "items" for loose items/drops, arrows, boats, minecarts, or TNT.
  • //removeabove [size] [height] – Removes blocks above their head.
  • //removebelow [size] [height] – Removes blocks below their feet.
  • //removenear [block] [size] – Removes blocks near the player.
  • //replacenear <size> <from–id> <to–id> – Replaces all existing blocks nearby.
  • //snow [radius] – Simulates snow cover.
  • //thaw [radius] – Thaws/removes snow.
  • //toggleplace – Toggles between using pos #1 or the player's current position.

External links[]

Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted.

More Fandoms
  • Fantasy
  • Minecraft
Single Player Commands (2024)


Can you use commands in single player Minecraft? ›

In Java Edition singleplayer, you need to select the “Allow Cheats” option when you create the world. If you forgot to do that, it's possible to enable them temporarily by opening the game menu, selecting “Open to LAN” and ticking the “Allow Cheats” option and then clicking “Start LAN world”.

What are the op player commands in Minecraft? ›

Ops can use /clear, /difficulty, /effect, /gamemode, /gamerule, /give, /summon, /setblock and /tp, and can edit command blocks. Ops can use /ban, /deop, /kick, and /op. Ops can use /stop.

Can Minecraft be fun alone? ›

You can totally play solo. You might want to increase some of the harvesting and stack rates to make up for being solo. You don't really use vehicles to fight npcs so that doesn't matter.

How do I op myself in Minecraft? ›

Method 1 - Game Panel

When your server is running, start managing the instance and open the Console menu: Then run the command op <nickname> .

What is the fake op command in Minecraft? ›

/fakeop Sends A Player (The One You Typed) A Message Saying You Are Now Op! And Sets Then On Fire. /fdeop Sends The Player A Message Saying You are no longer op and kicks them.

Are game cheats illegal? ›

Modifying game data usually constitutes a violation of a software license agreement that prohibits modifying the program at all.

How do you give yourself items in Minecraft? ›

You'll type it as /give PlayerName ItemName Quantity. So for example, if your username was JohnDoe and you wanted to give yourself 30 diamonds, you'd type /give JohnDoe diamond 30. If you don't know your username, you can type @s in its place instead.

What does @a @e @p mean in Minecraft? ›

There are six selector variables to choose from: @a - Target all players. @p - Target the nearest player. @r - Target a random player. @e - Target all entities.

What does r mean in Minecraft? ›

@r. Selects a random player. Bedrock Edition can use @r to select non-player entities via the type selector argument; in Java Edition, to select a random entity, use @e[sort=random] instead. In Bedrock Edition, @r can only select entities who are alive.

Can non op players see commands in Minecraft? ›

you can type in your /gamemode 1 and boom, creative mode without anyone seeing the command in the chat. Only operators can see that in the chat. As long as if they are members or visitors then they can't see that.

How do you use command blocks in Minecraft single player? ›

Single-player World

Look for the 'Cheats' option and make sure it's switched on. You should now see an option to 'Enable Command Block'. Make sure it's turned on. With these settings in place, you're now ready to start using command blocks in your world!

Can I use mods in single player Minecraft? ›

In a single player game, go wild. Mod the game, mess around in the game code, do whatever you want. That is completely fine and pretty normal.

Can regular players see admin commands Minecraft? ›

Only operators can see command output from players.

If you demote them to a regular player, they will not see it in the chat.


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Article information

Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Last Updated:

Views: 6600

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.