Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten (2024)

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Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten (1)

by: Gerhild Fulson / Cookbook Author, Blogger, German Oma!

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Oma'sbest carrot recipeis one of the quick easy vegetarian recipes that are part of a traditional German meal, vegetarian or not. The carrot goes by various names in Germany: Mohrrübe, Möhre, Karotte, and Wurzel.

Pan roasting is one of the ways I love making them. Why? Because it's one of the ways my Mutti used to make them and the way I loved them most. I'll often use baby carrots for this, because that makes this dish so quick.

Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten (4)

What about using baby carrots?

There are many views on using baby carrots. Most think that ALL are made using chemicals in the peeling process. However, that's not the case. Just make sure you're using organic (if that's important to you) baby carrots and you'll be fine.

For further reading about this, check out article from Craving Health,Baby Carrots – 3 Myths You Need to Know.

Personally, I don't often use baby carrots. For me, regular carrots are more economical and easy to use. But, sometimes, especially when I want something to look extra special, I'll use them instead, like I did above. I always try to have them in the freezer for those just-in-case-I-need-it moments. :)

The new way Germans cook veggies:

The newer, more modern German kitchen recognizes that a vegetable that still has a bit of crunch and has been cooked in the least amount of water possible, is much more nutritious and tasty than the traditional way of cooking them.

The traditional way for most vegetables was that they were cooked and cooked until almost mush! I think many of us Germans grew up with mushy cooked veggies, whether carrots, cabbage, or more. However, that has now changed, for the most part.

Sometimes, though, when a 'comfort food' is wanted, cooking the way we were brought up, with the mushies ... well, that's ok too.

There are carrot recipes for soups, stews, and casseroles. This easy and quick carrot dish adds wonderful flavor and color to the plate.

The recipe posted below uses a method that can be used with so manyvegetables - the only alteration would be the cooking time and that somemay need a bit of extra water added.

If you love carrots, then be sure to try my carrot soup as well. It's an easy-to-make recipe that can easily be altered into a variety of vegetable soups.

Grab your copy of Oma's favorite salads in herSummer Salads e-Cookbook.

Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten (5)

Take a peek atall Oma's eCookbooks. They make sharing your German heritage a delicious adventure!

Sometimes I let them get a bit of color on them like these below. I love the "roasted" flavor this gives. In fact, this makes them very similar to oven roasted carrots, a definite favorite of mine. However, doing them on the stove-top means they are ready a lot quicker. There's no preheating of the oven required.

Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten (6)

Oma says:

Full of vitamins, it's important not to cook carrots too long or in lots of water.

They're best steamed in their own juices. Therefore, keep the water content of this recipe at a minimum :-)

Ready to make these pan roasted carrots?

Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten (8)

Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten

Make this pan roasted carrot recipe when you're wanting quick and easy carrots just like this German Oma makes them. Similar to oven roasted, just quicker. YUM!

Prep Time

5 minutes

Cook Time

15 minutes

Total Time

20 minutes


Makes 4 servings


  • 2 pounds carrots
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • ½ cup water
  • salt, sugar, pepper
  • 2 teaspoons butter
  • fresh parsley


  1. Peel or scrap carrots. Rinse. Cut into slices. If using bagged mini- or baby carrots, just leave them whole.
  2. In frying pan, heat olive oil.
  3. Add carrots and lightly sauté, stirring constantly, about 5 minutes.
  4. Add water, season with salt and sugar.
  5. Cover and simmer until just tender, about 10 minutes. Either drain or let the liquid evaporate.
  6. Add butter.
  7. Serve with freshly ground pepper and parsley over top.


  • Add 4 tablespoons raisins and 4 tablespoonssour cream if desired. This variation is often served with fried liver.
  • For a delicious change, use orange juice instead of water.
  • Instead of parsley, use dill.
  • If you're concerned about using baby carrots, check out this article,Baby Carrots – 3 Myths You Need to Know.

* * * * *

Unless otherwise noted recipe, images and content © Just like Oma |

07.25.2021 revision update

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Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten (12)

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Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten (19)

Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe ~ Oma's Karotten

By Oma Gerhild Fulson
Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten (20)
Make this pan roasted carrot recipe when you're wanting quick and easy carrots just like this German Oma makes them. Similar to oven roasted, just quicker. YUM!

Ingredients: carrots,olive oil,seasoning,butter,

For the full recipe, scroll up ...

Words to the Wise

"It’s better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home."

Proverbs 25:24 (NLT)

Top of Best Carrot Recipe

Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten (2024)


Pan Roasted Carrot Recipe – Oma's Pfanne geröstete Karotten? ›

Boil the carrots and butternut squash first for aprox 8 minutes, then add in the parsnips and swede and cook all together for another 5 minutes. Drain, and place in a shallow roasting tray with a drizzle of oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Roast for 20 – 30 minutes till golden and crisp.

How does Gordon Ramsay roast carrots? ›

Boil the carrots and butternut squash first for aprox 8 minutes, then add in the parsnips and swede and cook all together for another 5 minutes. Drain, and place in a shallow roasting tray with a drizzle of oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Roast for 20 – 30 minutes till golden and crisp.

What cooking method is best for carrots? ›

Roasting really brings out carrots' best qualities. To make them, just toss carrots with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Bake until they're golden on the edges and tender throughout. Serve these simple roasted carrots with traditional or heavy main dishes, like standard Thanksgiving fare, lasagna or mac and cheese.

How do you get the most flavor out of carrots? ›

Here's some of our favorites to sprinkle on carrots:
  1. Garlic (minced, powder or granules)
  2. Onion powder or granules.
  3. Black malabar pepper.
  4. Cinnamon (Cassia for sweeter, Ceylon for sweetness with some more complex savory and vanilla flavors)
  5. Nutmeg powder.
  6. Cayenne pepper powder.
  7. Ginger powder.
  8. Aleppo chili.
Mar 28, 2021

What happens if you don't peel carrots before roasting? ›

As with many vegetables, roasting carrots brings out their sweet inner nature. Peel the carrots or don't peel the carrots—it's up to you. Peeling takes a bit more time, obviously, but also leads to a more consistent final texture to the dish.

How to make Gordon Ramsay carrots? ›

Cooking instructions

Heat the olive oil in a large sauté pan, then add the carrots and parsnips and toss to coat in the oil. Add the thyme, cinnamon, star anise and some seasoning. Cook over a medium heat for 15-20 minutes, turning the vegetables frequently, until golden brown and almost cooked through.

Why are my roasted carrots tough? ›

Undercook them, and the texture is tough and dense. Overcook them, and they're dry and wrinkled. The secret is to soften the carrots slightly by boiling them briefly before roasting. The texture will be firm-tender with just the right amount of caramelization on the outside.

How many carrots per person for roast dinner? ›

Whether it's parsnips, sprouts, braised cabbage or carrots, 80g of each per person will do the trick.

Why are my roast carrots soggy? ›

Too much oil and your veggies will turn out soggy and dense. But skimp on that oil and those vegetables will be too dry. Luckily, it's easy to find Goldilocks' just right amount. The solution: Before hitting the sheet pan, place the vegetables in a large bowl and add a tablespoon of oil.

What makes carrots taste better? ›

Or, to bring out their fresh, woody flavor, add some anise. If you're roasting your carrots, toss them in olive oil first. This will help keep the moisture in them. To bring out the sweetness in your carrots, season them with orange or lemon juice or a little brown sugar and butter.

Should carrots be parboiled before roasting? ›

I only boil these for a couple of minutes; you don't want them fully cooked when you par-boil. You want them partially cooked so that you can finish them off by roasting them. If you don't par cook the carrots, they will cook faster on the outside than the inside when they are in the oven.

Should you soak carrots before cooking? ›

You don't want to soak them, you want to cook them. The prep and method of cooking will determine how long it will take to soften the carrots. Quickest: slice and boil in salted water; done in a few minutes. Best tasting: clean carrots, toss in oil and a little bit of salt.

Why do my carrots have no flavor? ›

Improper soil pH--you might want to have a soil test done, to check pH, available phosphorus, and potassium. If you need to raise pH and magnesium levels are low, use dolomitic limestone. 4. Low soil organic matter--add lots of compost to the bed to increase soil humus.

Why do my carrots taste weird? ›

You don't have to throw them away, though, since that bitter, soapy flavor isn't a sign of the carrots going bad. It's simply the result of a chemical reaction that happens due to improper storage. Credit that reaction to the naturally occurring ripening agent, ethylene gas.

Why aren't my carrots roasting? ›

Don't Crowd the Pan.

If your roasted vegetables aren't crispy, it is likely because you overcrowded the pan. This will cause the vegetables to steam instead of roast. Be sure the carrots are in a single layer and the pieces are not touching.


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