Oven Roasted Turkey (Easy Recipe with VIDEO) | NeighborFood (2024)

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This is a no-tears, no-fuss Easy Garlic and Herb Oven Roasted Turkey recipe. If you’re looking for an easy turkey recipe to make this Thanksgiving, this oven roasted turkey is for you!

Oven Roasted Turkey (Easy Recipe with VIDEO) | NeighborFood (1)

A few years ago, I made my very first turkey… Ever. Before that, I had never even watched someone cook a turkey. I was clueless.

So, I started hunting the Internet for easy turkey recipes, and it took me about 5 minutes to become totally overwhelmed and confused.

People have some STRONG opinions about turkey, and they’re all different. Depending on what you read, your techniques (Brining, basting, or tenting your turkey with foil) are either THE BEST THINGS to ever happen to poultry, or will completely RUIN your turkey and your life. Many agree that deep frying is the best way to cook a turkey, but you should NEVER do it because it’s too dangerous and could explode and burn your house down. What?! Even the cooking temperature is a hotly debated topic! Pun intended.

Oven Roasted Turkey (Easy Recipe with VIDEO) | NeighborFood (2)

Table of Contents

An Easy Turkey Recipe Anyone Can Make

Paralyzed by all of these different opinions, I decided it was time to rise above all that noise and just cook. Sometimes you just have to shut out the Internet and try something yourself.

So that’s what I did. And it actually worked. I made a turkey as simply as I could, using common ingredients. And it had a golden crispy skin and tender, flavorful meat. There was no brining, no basting, and (most importantly) no panic attacks.

*Disclaimer* Here’s the thing: I’m no turkey aficionado. I’m not a professional chef. I’m a normal person just like you, who makes a turkey dinner once a year for Thanksgiving. And that’s exactly why I posted this recipe. If I can make an oven roasted turkey that turns out this good, then you can too!

I want everyone to know that turkey doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need 20+ attempts to get it right, and it does not require 3 days of preparation. You can make your very first turkey today–Yes, this very day!–and it can taste good!

Oven Roasted Turkey (Easy Recipe with VIDEO) | NeighborFood (3)

How to Prepare to Make an Easy Oven Roasted Turkey

Buy (and Defrost) Your Turkey

Many Internet voices yelled at me told me I needed to buy a fresh, organic, local turkey. Normally I would be all for that. But here’s the thing. Some people can’t afford to buy a turkey like that, or they don’t even have access to one. And I believe everyone should be able to enjoy amazing turkey on Thanksgiving, whether it was butchered 2 days ago at a local farm or it was frozen and on sale at the local Save-A-Lot.

So I started with a frozen turkey I bought on sale. The Internet is in agreement on one count: thawing your turkey beforehand really pays off. So give yourself at least three days to let the turkey thaw out in your refrigerator and your life will be much more enjoyable.

Once your turkey is thawed, this whole process is easy-peasy. Start by removing any jewelry, rolling up your sleeves, and mentally preparing yourself to get all up in that bird’s business.

Prepare Roast Turkey Seasoning and Ingredients

I recommend prepping all your ingredients before handling the turkey. This helps avoid getting nasty meat hands all over your spice jars, cabinets/drawers, and refrigerator door handle.

  • To prepare your ingredients, take some butter and smash it with lemon zest and fresh herbs (or use Gourmet Garden’s herb blends in a bottle–the Italian Herb blend is great for this!).
  • Then, put your salt and pepper in bowls.
  • Finally, chop up an onion and some celery, and cut a head of garlic in half.

Prepare The Bird For Oven Roasted Turkey

  • Take your (now defrosted) bird out of the bag and remove the giblets and any other nasties up in the cavity.
  • Rinse the raw turkey under cold water then pat the whole bird dry with paper towels.
  • Place the bird on your roasting rack.
  • Then scoop the butter mixture into your hands, and rub it all over (and inside) the bird. (Over, under, in all the nook and crannies and in the cavity).
  • Rub the salt and pepper all over and inside the turkey as well.
  • Finally, stuff the cavity with the onions, garlic cloves, celery, and lemon, and tie up the turkey drumsticks.

Oven Roasted Turkey (Easy Recipe with VIDEO) | NeighborFood (4)

How To Oven Roast a Turkey

Alright, your bird is ready to roast! Now, remove all but one of the racks in your oven and place the main rack at the bottom or second to bottom level. You want to make sure you have plenty of room for the turkey to slide in! Then, preheat the oven.

What oven temperature is best for roasting a turkey?

I have had the best results starting my oven roasted turkey at a higher temperature of 425 degrees for 30 minutes, then lowering it to 350 degrees for the remaining roast time.

Should I cook turkey covered or uncovered?

The answer is both! Leaving the turkey uncovered for part of the roasting time is important for getting a nice golden brown color and crispy exterior. I prefer to leave the bird uncovered at the beginning, tent with foil for the majority of the roasting time, then remove the foil again for the last 15-20 minutes.

If you have trouble tucking the wings (I always seem to), you can also make a little foil cap just for the tips to keep it from getting too brown.

How long does it take to roast a turkey?

A turkey can take anywhere from 3-5 hours to cook, depending on the size of your turkey. I generally make turkeys on the smaller side (in the 12-16 pound range) and they cook in 3-3 1/2 hours.

A 17-22 lb. turkey will take about 3 1/2-4 hours. Turkeys in the 22+ lb. range can take anywhere from 4-5 hours. Stuffed turkeys will take longer than unstuffed turkeys to cook through.

That said, I ALWAYS recommend depending on your meat thermometer (I use this one), not the time. Also, throw away that silly turkey popper. It’s not a reliable way to test for doneness.

One more piece of advice: Don’t forget to take the meat thermometer out before putting the turkey back in the oven (unless it’s oven safe). This will most definitely result in a total plastic meltdown… Not that I would know or anything. Ahem.

Oven Roasted Turkey (Easy Recipe with VIDEO) | NeighborFood (5)

Once you take out your gorgeous, crispy, golden bird, tent it with foil and let it sit for at least 30 minutes before carving. I know it’s hard. I know you want to dive right in, but that 30 minutes allows the juices to soak back into the meat, keeping your turkey nice and juicy.

If you want a tutorial for How To Carve a Turkey, I recommend checking out this one from Huffington Post. Or just grabbing a big knife and hacking away, which, in the interest of full disclosure, is exactly what I did.

What to Serve with Thanksgiving Turkey

First off, don’t even think about tossing all those juicy, herby, buttery drippings. They make the best gravy ever! I used this easy gravy recipe from In Sock Monkey Slippers.

Creamy Mashed Potatoes (made without a ricer!) are the quintessential side dish for turkey, but I also really love Cheesy Potatoes and Herbed Potatoes Anna. Of course, it never hurts to add in some Easy Mashed Sweet Potatoes as well!

Our other favorite Thanksgiving sides are Creamy Mac and Cheese, Roasted Green Beans and Mushrooms,Homemade Crock Pot Applesauce, and Butterhorns.

For dessert, try these amazing Pecan Pie Bars (they’re even better than pie!) and my Pumpkin Cream Cheese Roll! Or get even more inspiration from my 15 Drool-Worthy Thanksgiving Desserts.

Oven Roasted Turkey (Easy Recipe with VIDEO) | NeighborFood (6)

How long does leftover turkey last in the fridge?

Once you and your guests have eaten as much garlic and herb oven roasted turkey as humanly possible, package up the leftovers and store them in the fridge. It’s important to get leftover turkey in the fridge within about 2 hours to prevent bacteria growth.

Cooked turkey will last 3-4 days in the fridge, which gives you plenty of time to make Waffled Cranberry Turkey Sandwiches, Turkey Avocado Sandwiches, or 30 Minute Chicken (Turkey) Noodle Soup.

Can leftover turkey be frozen?

Absolutely! Place it in a freezer safe container or ziplock bag and stash it for a busy weeknight. Turkey will keep in the freezer for up to three months.Oven Roasted Turkey (Easy Recipe with VIDEO) | NeighborFood (7)

Easy Garlic and Herb Oven Roasted Turkey Recipe Reviews

It has been several years now that I’ve been making this exact oven roast turkey, and it holds up as one of the best turkey recipes I’ve ever made. It’s also been made from hundreds of other readers! You can check out all turkey recipe reviews on Pinterest here or read the comment section below to hear about other people successfully making their very first (or 20th) turkey!

Here are a few of my favorites:

“This was by far the best turkey I have ever had!!! I cooked it in an oven bag rather than tenting it with foil. But oh man my whole family couldn’t believe how tender it turned out to be! This will be my go to recipe every year.”

“SOO good! My brother told me it was the best turkey he’d ever had, right in front of our mom 👀 it was also the first turkey I’d ever made! Super easy to make.”

“This is the BEST and juiciest turkey recipe I’ve ever tasted (and I even used a frozen bird this year!) I added the zest of an orange and stuffed the orange inside the bird as well, but no other changes. This was an easy to follow recipe, and the herbs add delicious flavor you don’t want to miss out on! My kids and husband couldn’t stop talking about the turkey all day!!”

If you try this turkey this year, please take a minute to let me know how it went by rating it or leaving a comment below!

That’s it folks! You’ve totally got this. I believe in you! Now, go forth and roast!

Note: I did find this BuzzFeed article on 17 Thanksgiving Turkey Mistakes Everyone Makes helpful. It’s worth a read. But do yourself a favor and ignore everything else. I promise you’ll do just fine!

Oven Roasted Turkey (Easy Recipe with VIDEO) | NeighborFood (8)

Easy Garlic and Herb Oven Roasted Turkey Recipe

Yield: 8

Prep Time: 25 minutes

Cook Time: 3 hours

Total Time: 3 hours 25 minutes

This easy garlic and herb oven roasted turkey takes all the stress out of making your Thanksgiving turkey! Using simple ingredients and directions, this turns out a juicy and flavorful turkey every time!


  • 12-15 lb. turkey
  • 1 stick unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 3 Tablespoons assorted fresh chopped herbs (I used basil, rosemary, and parsley)
  • Zest of 1 lemon, plus the lemon itself
  • 1/2 a yellow onion
  • 1 celery stalk, chopped in long strips
  • One head of garlic
  • About 1/4 cup Kosher salt
  • About 2 Tablespoons black pepper


  1. Take the turkey out of the fridge and allow it to come to room temperature for 30 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
  3. Prep your ingredients. In a medium sized bowl, stir together softened butter, olive oil, herbs, and lemon zest. Place the salt and pepper in a bowl and lay out all the other ingredients so they're ready to go.
  4. You'll probably want to remove any rings and roll up your sleeves at this point because you're about to get up close and personal with this turkey. Ready?
  5. Rinse the turkey under cold water and make sure to remove any gravy packets and the giblets. Place the turkey on a roasting pan and pat dry with paper towels. Make sure to dry the top, inside the cavity, and the underside of the turkey.
  6. Grab a hunk of the butter mixture and rub it all over the turkey, over the wings and breast, underneath, and in the cavity. Then take your fingers and work them under the skin (I told you we were going to get up close and personal, right?), and rub some butter under the skin of the breast as well.
  7. Sprinkle the salt and pepper evenly all over the bird and inside the cavity. You may not need the full 1/4 cup, but the bird should look like a light snow has fallen all over it.
  8. Halve the garlic crosswise so the centers are exposed then stuff it in the cavity along with the onion, celery, and halved lemon. Tie the legs together with twine, tuck the wings under, and place the bird in the oven.
  9. Bake the turkey at 450 for 30 minutes then turn the heat down to 350, tent with foil, and continue to cook for 2 hours. Take the bird out after 2 hours and insert a thermometer into the thickest part of the thigh. If you're way off, set the timer for another 45 minutes and check again. If it's at 150 or higher, you know you're getting close--check every 10-15 minutes from there. Remove the foil for the last 30 minutes of baking, unless it's getting too browned.
  10. Once the thigh registers 165 degrees, remove the turkey from the oven, and allow to stand for 30 minutes before carving.


This recipe can be used to make larger turkeys, just make sure to increase the roasting time as well. A 20+ pound turkey will take 4-4 1/2 hours to roast.

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Nutrition Information:

Yield: 8Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 450

Did you make this recipe?

Leave a review, or head over to Instagram and share a photo! Tag your projects with #neighborfoodies!

Oven Roasted Turkey (Easy Recipe with VIDEO) | NeighborFood (2024)


Should a turkey be covered or uncovered when roasting? ›

To achieve a perfectly golden, juicy turkey, let the bird spend time both covered and uncovered in the oven. We recommend covering your bird for most of the cooking time to prevent it from drying out; then, during the last 30 minutes or so of cooking, remove the cover so the skin crisps in the hot oven.

Is it better to cook a turkey at 325 or 350? ›

We recommend roasting turkey at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 13 minutes per pound for an unstuffed turkey. We've done the math for you — check out the chart below to determine both turkey cook times and estimated servings (with leftovers!).

Do you put water in the bottom of the roasting pan for turkey? ›

Place roast, skin side up, on a flat roasting rack in 2-inch deep roasting pan. Do not add water to pan. Roast uncovered according to Cooking Schedule or until meat thermometer in center of breast roast reaches 170° F and in center of turkey roast reaches 175° F.

What not to do when cooking a turkey in the oven? ›

9 Mistakes That Could Sabotage Your Thanksgiving Turkey
  1. You put a cold turkey in the oven. ...
  2. You don't season all parts of the turkey. ...
  3. You're not using a roasting rack. ...
  4. You open the oven door too much. ...
  5. You cook your stuffing inside the turkey. ...
  6. The oven is too hot. ...
  7. You don't use a meat thermometer.
Sep 1, 2020

Should you roast a turkey face up or down? ›

The United States Department of Agriculture advises to cook a whole turkey breast side up during the entire cooking time. Turning over a large, hot bird can be dangerous and it's very easy to tear the skin, making the finished product less attractive.

What is the best way to season a turkey? ›

Our favorite way to season a turkey is through a dry brine. This simply involves rubbing a seasoning mix (like salt, pepper, dried herbs, and maybe spices) all over — and inside — the turkey well before you are going to roast it.

How long does a 15 pound turkey take at 350? ›

Calculate turkey cooking time and temperature. The simplest way to figure out turkey roasting times is to calculate 13 minutes per pound at 350°F for an unstuffed turkey (that's about 3 hours for a 12- to 14-lb. turkey), or 15 minutes per pound for a stuffed turkey.

Do you really need to baste a turkey? ›

To be clear, you don't have to baste your turkey. You can still get juicy meat and crispy skin without basting. Basting just scores you extra quality points. More juiciness + crispy skin = win, win.

How long does a 325 pound turkey take? ›

These times are based on a room temperature turkey at 325 degrees F the entire time; plan on about 15 to 17 minutes per pound (the times below are based on 15 minutes per pound).

Is it better to put butter or oil on a turkey? ›

Fat is going to help the skin get brown and crisp, and contrary to what most might think, butter isn't better. Butter does an okay job, but because it contains a lot of water, oil is a better fat to rub on the skin to ensure it gets extra crispy.

Should I put a stick of butter in my turkey? ›

Covering a turkey with butter (under and over the skin) serves to flavor and moisten the meat, as well as help the skin get crispy and golden brown.

What vegetables go in the bottom of the turkey pan? ›

Place chopped onions, celery, and carrots in the bottom of the roasting pan. Pick a few herbs off the stalks and add to the vegetables. Set aside. Pat dry the turkey with paper towels.

Should I cover my turkey with aluminum foil? ›

To Cover Or Not To Cover

So, yes, you do want to cover the turkey with foil to give it a chance to roast without getting dry. But then, towards the end of the cook time, remove the foil so the skin—the best part in this writer's opinion—gets a chance to crisp up.

Should I take turkey out of the fridge before cooking? ›

First, Bring Your Bird to Room Temp

Your turkey will cook more evenly and faster if you start it out at room temperature so remove the turkey from the refrigerator 1 hour before roasting. If you plan to stuff your turkey, wait until you're ready to put it in the oven before putting the stuffing in the turkey.

Why should you not wash a turkey before cooking? ›

Wash your hands, but not the turkey! Many consumers think that washing their turkey will remove bacteria and make it safer. However, it's virtually impossible to wash bacteria off the bird. Instead, juices that splash during washing can transfer bacteria onto the surfaces of your kitchen, other foods and utensils.

Is turkey done at 165 or 180? ›

Hold the thermometer still until the numbers stop increasing. If it is not ready, return it to the oven. According to the Department of Agriculture, a turkey must reach 165 degrees F to be safe, but you can take it out of the oven as low as 160 degrees F because the temperature will rise at it rests.

Do you roast with lid on or off? ›

When cooking a roast in the oven, keep it uncovered until roasted to the desired doneness. After removing from the oven, tent with foil and let stand 15 minutes before carving. This allows the juices to redistribute, preventing them from draining out during carving—and preventing dry, disappointing meat.

Should you cover or baste a turkey? ›

To be clear, you don't have to baste your turkey. You can still get juicy meat and crispy skin without basting. Basting just scores you extra quality points. More juiciness + crispy skin = win, win.


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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Views: 5788

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.