New Student Online Enrollment (2024)

New Student Online Enrollment (1)

New Student Enrollment

Account Request

This form is the first step to enrolling your new student online. Complete it to request an account that you will use to log in to a secure system.



If you have any students currently attending Maize and are trying to enroll a new student, please log into your Family Access account and complete the application from there. Annual registration for returning students is also available in your existing Family Access beginning in May.

FOR PRE-K and Early Childhood Parents: Please complete this application as your first step in enrolling. Once completed, please call the Maize Early Childhood Center at 316-722-3105 to find out next steps. There are several additional forms that will need to be completed before the application can be processed.

PLEASE NOTE: It is best to use a laptop, desktop or Chromebook to complete this application. If you need assistance due to technical difficulties, and you are using one of these listed devices, please email the Enrollment Team at

Complete required fields to request an account to enroll your new students.


By filling out the following online information, you agree to conduct business/transactions with Maize USD 266 electronically and understand your electronic signature holds the same legal status as a handwritten signature. The signature you provide is unique to you because of the username and private password needed each time you log in to the software and/or electronically conduct transactions with the school district. This electronic signature statement governs the ongoing use of Maize USD 266 student database software that may include use of electronic signature until written revocation. You have the right to refuse to conduct transactions electronically. If you decline to conduct transactions electronically, you will be given access to paper versions of the material requiring a signature. Please call our office at316-350-2050for information about enrolling with paper versions.

**Note: Once you submit this form, if you return, you are able to READ/VIEW only. For any corrections or updates please visit with school office personnel when finalizing enrollment.Send inquires to

Enter the name of the legal parent/guardian of the student you want to enroll

Guardian contact information

Complete the security dialog

Asterisk (*) denotes a required field

Click here to submit Account Request

"{'title':'Account Request Confirmation','html':vVerHTML}); } function checkAddSave() { document.getElementById("hFlagOOD").value = "Y"; checkSave(); } function checkSave() { if (finalValidate()) { var url = window.location.href.toString().split("/"); url.pop(); document.getElementById("hURL").value = url.join("/") + "/"; = 'wait'; sff.request('skyenroll.w',{'action':'save','sendData':true}, afterSave); } } function afterSave(data) { = 'default'; if (data.status == 'success') { if ($("#cNoEmail").is(':checked')) { for (var i = 0; i < data.messages.length; i++) { if (!data.messages[i].show) { //If .show is true, then the message was displayed automatically vVerHTML = "

" + data.messages[i].message + "

" + "

";{'title':'Enrollment Submitted','html':vVerHTML}); } } } else { var vMyMsg = "

Your Account Request has been successfully submitted. An email has been sent to " + document.getElementById("tEmail").value + " with instructions on how to continue enrolling your new student.

" + "

";{'title':'Enrollment Submitted','html':vMyMsg,onHide : function(){checkBack();}}); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < data.messages.length; i++) { if (!data.messages[i].show) { //If .show is true, then the message was displayed automatically vVerHTML = data.messages[i].message; if (vVerHTML.substring(0,4) != "

" + "

";{'title':'Enrollment Not Submitted','html':vVerHTML}); } }grecaptcha.reset(); } } function finalValidate(){ var sError = ''; if(!$('#g-recaptcha-response').val()){ sError += "Please complete the reCAPTCHA.
"; } if (document.getElementById("tGurFirst").value == "") sError += "The Legal First Name is a required field.
"; if (document.getElementById("tGurLast").value == "") sError += "The Legal Last Name is a required field.
"; if (document.getElementById("tEmail").value == "") { if ($("#cNoEmail").is(':checked')) sError += "Login is a required field.
"; else sError += "Email Address is a required field.
"; } // the regex filters out the following characters before counting: '(', ')', and '-' var vPhoneNumberLength = document.getElementById("tPhone").value.replaceAll(/\(|\)|-/g, "").length; if (vPhoneNumberLength === 0){ sError += "Phone is a required field.
"; } else if(vPhoneNumberLength !== 10 && vPhoneNumberLength !== 0){ sError += "The Phone Number must be 10 digits.
"; } if (document.getElementById("tEmail").value != document.getElementById("tVerEmail").value) { if ($("#cNoEmail").is(':checked')) sError += "The Logins you entered do not match.
"; else sError += "The Email Addresses you entered do not match.
"; } else if (!$("#cNoEmail").is(':checked')) { var x=document.getElementById("tEmail").value; var atpos=x.indexOf("@"); var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf("."); if (atpos<1 || dotpos

=x.length) sError += "The Email Address entered is not valid"; } if (sError!='') { sError = "Please review the following:

" + sError + "

";{'title':'Enrollment Not Submitted','html':sError}); return false; } return true; } function checkBack() { if (opener) self.close(); else window.history.back(); } function noEmail() { if ($("#cNoEmail").is(':checked')) { $("#enteremail").html("Guardian Login"); $("#reenteremail").html("Re-type Login"); } else { $("#enteremail").html("Guardian Email Address"); $("#reenteremail").html("Re-type Email Address"); } }sff.addEvent(document, 'ready', runLoad());function runLoad() { $('div.instructarea a').attr('target','_blank');}
New Student Online Enrollment (2024)


Can a public school refuse to enroll a student in Texas? ›

A decision of a school district to deny admission may be appealed to the commissioner of education under §7.057(c). In an appeal under that section, the commissioner will review the record developed at the district level to determine if the decision is supported by substantial evidence.

What causes low enrollment in schools? ›

Counties serving higher shares of English Learner (EL), Asian, Black, and Latino students expect larger declines. The long-term trend of falling enrollment primarily reflects declining birth rates and net migration from California to other states.

How do you prove you are a student? ›

Any of the following qualifies as proof of your status as a student:
  1. Photocopy of your dated student ID (with current date)
  2. Photocopy of your class registration.
  3. Photocopy of your class schedule.
  4. Photocopy of your school bill.

What does online enrollment mean? ›

The answer is simple. A real-time registration that enables students to enroll in their courses and programs before the commencement of their classes. This way, everything integrates into a system and acts as a mechanism to serve the students better.

How long can a child not be enrolled in school in Texas? ›

So, your child can only miss 18 days of school or 18 days of a specific class (or nine days if they're on a semester schedule) before the 90% rule affects their class credit. For elementary school students, this means they could repeat a grade if they are in school less than 90% of school days.

What is the 90% attendance rule in Texas? ›

In addition to Texas compulsory attendance laws, districts are required to enforce the 90% rule which states that students in grades Kindergarten through 12th must attend class for 90% of the time it is offered to receive credit or a final grade. This rule applies even if your child has an IEP or 504 Plan.

Why is enrollment declining? ›

Consistent Concerns. The biggest concerns that seem to be holding potential students back include the fear of taking on debt, a general lack of interest in schooling, insufficient return on investment, overall stress levels and an uncertainty about the future.

What school has the smallest enrollment? ›

Table of Contents
  • Cottey College (MO)
  • Sweet Briar College (VA)
  • Amridge University (AL)
  • Alaska Pacific University.
  • Bryn Athyn College of the New Church (PA)
  • College of St. Joseph (VT)
  • Marlboro College (VT)
  • Find the College for You.

Are public schools losing students in the US? ›

Over the last decade for which data are available, public school enrollment dropped from 49.8 million in 2012 to 49.6 million in 2022. During that period, though, public school enrollment increased slightly each year from 2012 to 2019 before dipping dramatically in 2020 when the pandemic hit.

What counts as a student ID? ›

What is a Student ID Card? A Student ID Card is an identification card that includes information such as name, date of birth, photo, card validity date and the name of the academic institution you study. After collecting your student ID card, it will work as a proof of your studentship.

How to get a student card for free? ›

You can get a free student ID card issued by your educational institution. It could be a school, college or university.

What is a proof of student status letter? ›

The certificate of status letter will confirm your name, mode of attendance, your course title, the start and end dates of your course and your address(es).

What is the enrollment process? ›

Traditionally, the enrollment process is the moment when a student (or guardian) formalizes their commitment with an education institution. The student is then invited to register, confirm personal data, deliver documents (ID, proof of residence, etc.), and finally, accept the agreement.

Does enrollment mean accepted? ›

College enrollment is the process of deciding where you will attend a university. Enrollment in college means that you accept admission to that school and commit to attending. While it may seem simple, figuring out how to enroll in college can be a confusing process.

What is enrollment mode? ›

In Enrollment mode, when you bring the peripheral device (or detector) close to a wireless receiver, wireless communication between them will be established after you confirm such an establishment.

What is Section 25.085 of the Texas Education Code? ›

Texas Education Code 25.085 (Compulsory School Attendance) states that a child who is at least six years of age, or who is younger than six years of age and has previously been enrolled in first grade, and who has not yet reached the child's 19th birthday shall attend school. court for truant conduct.

What is Section 25.095 of the Texas Education Code? ›

Section 25.095 - Warning Notices (a) A school district or open-enrollment charter school shall notify a student's parent in writing at the beginning of the school year that if the student is absent from school on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year: (1) the student's ...

What is Section 25.093 of the Texas Education Code? ›

Section 25.093 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Parent Contributing to Nonattendance (a) If a warning is issued as required by Section 25.095(a), the parent with criminal negligence fails to require the child to attend school as required by law, and the child has absences for the amount of time specified under Section 65.003(a), ...

What is Section 25.092 of the Texas Education Code? ›

Section 25.092 - Minimum Attendance for Class Credit or Final Grade (a) Except as provided by this section, a student in any grade level from kindergarten through grade 12 may not be given credit or a final grade for a class unless the student is in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered.


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.