King Charles III formally proclaimed Britain's new monarch in centuries-old Accession Council ceremony (2024)


By Tucker Reals

/ CBS News

King Charles III, the world's newest monarch, was officially proclaimed sovereign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Saturday morning in a constitutional ceremony that dates back hundreds of years. Almost 700 members of the current Accession Council, the oldest functioning part of Britain's government, were called to convene Saturday at St James's Palace in London, the official residence of the U.K.'s kings and queens for centuries.

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The council is comprised of Privy Counsellors, a select group of senior politicians, including new Prime Minister Liz Truss, religious figures from the Church of England, the Lord Mayor of London and a bevy of other top civil servants from across British society and the 14 other "realms," or nations, for which the monarch serves as the official head of state.

King Charles III formally proclaimed Britain's new monarch in centuries-old Accession Council ceremony (1)

While King Charles III immediately became the king upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, who died Thursday after a record 70 years on the throne, it was the council's role to formally acknowledge the passing of one monarch and to then proclaim the new one on behalf of the British government. It is part of Britain's constitutional process.

Around 200 of the current Privy Counsellors attended the proceedings in London on Saturday, including many former prime ministers and other senior politicians. The Privy Council is the oldest functioning part of Britain's government, dating back almost 1,000 years. For the first time in the Accession Council's long history, the two-part ceremony was aired live on television Saturday.

King Charles III formally proclaimed Britain's new monarch in centuries-old Accession Council ceremony (2)

In the first part of the ceremony, British lawmaker Penny Mordaunt, the Lord President of the council, announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II and then clerk of the council, Richard Tilbrook, read out loud a proclamation of accession.

The proclamation was then signed by members of the council.

For the second part of the council, King Charles joined the gathering at St James's. The Privy Counsellors watched as the new monarch read out declarations relating to his mother's death, and then swore an oath vowing to serve his kingdom.

Pledging to follow his mother's "inspiring example," Charles said he was "deeply aware of this great inheritance and of the duties and heavy responsibilities of sovereignty which have now passed to me."

"I know how deeply you and the entire nation, and I think I may say the whole world, sympathize with me in this irreparable loss we have all suffered," he said of the queen's passing.

King Charles III formally proclaimed Britain's new monarch in centuries-old Accession Council ceremony (3)

The new king then vocally approved a number of orders, including declaring the still-unconfirmed date of his mother's funeral a national holiday. It is expected to be held on or around September 19.

As required by Britain's constitution, Charles also declared to serve loyally the Church of Scotland, of which he is also the formal leader. He was then first to sign two copies of that declaration, followed by his son and heir, William, Prince of Wales, and other witnesses.

Following the Accession Council proceedings, the proclamation of King Charles as the monarch was read out loud from the Proclamation Gallery, a balcony of St James's Palace, by the Garter King of Arms, accompanied by other officials — all wearing traditional clothing.

Trumpets blared as the Garter King of Arms prepared to read the proclamation.

King Charles III formally proclaimed Britain's new monarch in centuries-old Accession Council ceremony (4)

The proclamation, as read out to the world by the Garter King of Arms, saw the assembled Privy Counsellors and other members of the Accession Council formally declare that they "do now hereby with one voice and Consent of Tongue and Heart, publish and proclaim that the Prince Charles Philip Arthur George is now, by the death of our late Sovereign of happy memory, become our only lawful and rightful liege lord, Charles the III, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of all His other Realms and Territories, King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, to whom we do acknowledge all Faith and Obedience with humble Affection, beseeching God by whom Kings and Queens do reign, to bless his majesty with long and happy Years to reign over us."

Afterward, another trumpet salute followed a cry of "God save the king!" by those gathered in the courtyard under the Proclamation Gallery. The assembled crowed then sang the British national anthem, with its newly revised lyrics of "God save the king."

The ceremony was to be followed later in the day by gun salutes, and public repetitions of the proclamation at other locations in London and then in the capital cities of the United Kingdom's other home nations, in Edinburgh, Scotland; Belfast, Northern Ireland, and Cardiff, Wales, among other locations across the 14 nations where Charles is the formal head of state.

The rest of King Charles' third day on the job will involve a range of formal meetings — or "audiences," as they're referred to by Buckingham Palace — with officials includingthe Archbishop of Canterbury, the prime minister and other members of the cabinet, and then leaders of Britain's political opposition parties.

  • King Charles III
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • United Kingdom
  • London

Tucker Reals

Tucker Reals is the foreign editor, based at the CBS News London bureau.

King Charles III formally proclaimed Britain's new monarch in centuries-old Accession Council ceremony (2024)


What was the proclamation of King Charles III Privy Council? ›

United Kingdom. The proclamation occurred on 10 September 2022 at 10:00am BST at St James's Palace in London. Even though all 700 members of the Privy Council were eligible to attend the Accession Council, only 200 were summoned due to limitations of space.

What is the ceremony of Charles becoming king? ›

The coronation of Charles III and his wife, Camilla, as king and queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms, took place on Saturday, 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey. Charles acceded to the throne on 8 September 2022 upon the death of his mother, Elizabeth II.

What is the proclamation of the king? ›

The proclamation of the new Sovereign is a very old tradition which can be traced back over many centuries. The ceremony does not create a new King. It is simply an announcement of the accession which took place upon the death of the reigning monarch.

When was King Charles coronation ceremony? ›

What was the Royal Proclamation meant to do? ›

While its intent was to slow the uncontrolled western expansion of the colonies and regulate the relationship between First Nations people and colonists, the Royal Proclamation also became the first public recognition of First Nations rights to lands and title.

What happened at the Royal Proclamation? ›

The Proclamation forbade settlers from claiming land from the Aboriginal occupants, unless it has been first bought by the Crown and then sold to the settlers. The Royal Proclamation further sets out that only the Crown can buy land from First Nations.

What name will Charles take when he becomes king? ›

He will be known as King Charles III. Charles was nine when he was given the title the Prince of Wales. He's now 74, and ascended to the throne immediately following his mother Queen Elizabeth's death.

What happens if Charles gives up the throne? ›

If the King becomes completely unable to carry out his constitutional duties and the state can no longer function properly, his powers can be withdrawn and assumed by a regent. Under the Regency Act 1937, that would be the next in line to the throne, which is Prince William.

How does Charles officially become king? ›

After Queen Elizabeth II died, the throne passed immediately and without ceremony to King Charles III. He became the UK's monarch at the age of 73 and was crowned at Westminster Abbey on 6 May 2023.

What is the Royal Proclamation of Accession? ›

Accession describes the event of a new Sovereign taking the throne upon the death of the previous King or Queen. A new Sovereign succeeds to the throne as soon as his or her predecessor dies and is proclaimed as soon as possible at an Accession Council in St James's Palace.

What did the king proclaim and why? ›

Answer. The king made the proclamation that arch should be constructed as a sign of victory . The king proclaimed that an arch be built stretching right across the main thoroughfare . He wished to morally instruct his subjects from his arch from time to time to instruct them morally & intellectually.

What is the proclamation for the ascension of a new monarch? ›

The proclamation confirms by name the identity of the new monarch, expresses loyalty to the "lawful and rightful Liege Lord", and formally announces the new monarch's regnal name, while the monarch and others, in front of the council, sign and seal several documents concerning the accession.

Why was the king's coronation so important? ›

Coronations emerged from a European tradition of increasing church involvement in the state, as well as the need to bring stability to often volatile societies in which several individuals had a claim to the throne. Central to the ceremony is the “unction”, the act of anointing a monarch with holy oil.

Why is Camilla being crowned? ›

That's because if a male sovereign is married when they accede the throne, his wife is traditionally anointed and crowned in a short ceremony. That takes place after Charles III is crowned and the homages are paid. On Saturday, Camilla became the 29th Queen Consort to be crowned at Westminster Abbey.

Why was May 6 chosen for coronation? ›

Perhaps most notably for modern royal fans, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, the eldest child of Charles's son Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, was born on May 6, 2019, so Charles's coronation day will also fall on the same day as his grandson's 4th birthday.

What was the Proclamation of King Henry III? ›

With the civil war coming to an end, the government of the young Henry III ordered the sheriffs of each county to publicly read Magna Carta in the county court. This order was designed to encourage rebel barons to defect and reaffirm their allegiance to the king.

What is the Privy Council to the King? ›

The Privy Council is responsible for offering advice to the King if solicited, and other duties as specified in the Constitution.” It was the first Thai Constitution with a reference to the Privy Council and its responsibilities.

What was the significance of the Privy Council during Elizabeth's reign? ›

The Privy Council was the core group of English nobles that acted as Elizabeth's main advisors and key members of the government. The main function of the Privy Council was to provide opinions on the matters at hand and to help the Queen make decisions.


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