Kentucky New Era from Hopkinsville, Kentucky (2024)

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Kentucky New Erai

Hopkinsville, Kentucky

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HM Tobacco Sales Care Centers Awarded Grants MAYIELD Ky (AP) Sales of dark fired tobacco are suspended this week at Murray and Mayfield because sale floors have become congested and blocked Holmes Ellis general manager of the Western District Dark ired Tobacco Producers Association said the closedown would allow time to get tobacco shipped and processed at the redryers Warehouse managers said there was an unusual amount of wet tobacco and Ellis said handling tobacco during warm humid weather creates more moisture Tobacco producers are being discouraged from delivering their leaf to the warehouses during this week he said although that is being left up to individual farmers Dark tobacco sales in Ken tucky and Tennessee had been delayed earlier this season because of a protest over prices Last week some members of the western belt sought to seat a new board of directors an action Ellis says is illegal Harlan Coal HARLAN Ky (AP) The president of the Harlan County Coal Operators Association urged President Carter and Gov Julian Carroll Monday to initiate actions to deregulate the coal mining industry at the state and national levels of government The request was made by James Baker in letters to the two executives Baker said in the letters am of the opinion that deregulation of the coal mining industry would be in the best interest of the economy of the country and promote stability on the energy front rather than both being in constant tur moil through unrest in the oil producing countries" Baker said his proposal is aimed at regulations generally applicable to the coal He said he will ask other coal groups to support his action He said he will ask the Kentucky Independent Coal Producers Association to join the deregulation drive at a meeting in Lexington Wednesday Columbia Gas LEXINGTON Ky (AP) An attorney for Columbia Gas Co Monday asked ayette Circuit Court to dismiss a class action suit filed over the ser vice cutoff policy Joe Arnold the attorney said the utility has complied with a new state Public Service Commission regulation requiring utilities to give 10 day written notice before cutting off service to notify delinquent customers of partial payment or budget plans and to refer cus tomers who pay to various welfare agencies for financial aid Several customers told the court their gas had been cut off Circuit Judge Armand Angelucci took motion for dismissal under advisem*nt The suit was filed by Marie Hocker on behalf of several Lexington residents whose service was cut off The utility discontinued service to the Hocker home eb 12 but the court or dered service reinstated temporarily Airport Plans ELIZABETHTOWN Ky (AP) Hardin iscal Court has said officially that it will withdraw its sponsorship of a proposed new airport in the county After three weeks of debating its role in the $116 million project the court voted 8 1 Monday to adopt a resolution stating its intent to end its participation But officials of the ederal Aviation Administration and the city of Elizabethtown said the funding and timetable of the airport remain intact The AA is providing most of the money for the project while the city is the other local sponsor A federal official said con struction should begin this summer The airport would be inside the Elizabethtown city limits north of the Western Kentucky Parkway and west of the US 331W bypass RANKORT Ky (AP) our comprehensive care centers have been awarded state grants totaling $480000 to establish community based living arrangements for mentally retarded people The Department for Human Resources has also provided $86936 to continue five programs providing community services to mentally retarded citizens according to a statement issued Monday The comprehensive care Plate Deadline RANKORT Ky (AP) The March 1 deadline for motor vehicle license renewals will not be ex tended Gov Julian Carroll announced Monday A statement from office said he made the deci sion after receiving a letter from the County Clerks Association recommending that the deadline not be extended The association said that with the new staggered renewal schedule a number of Kentuckians whose motor vehicle licenses expired in December and January have been fined for failing to meet those deadlines It said to grant an ex tension to others would be discriminatory Carroll added that the new system of staggering the re newal dates provides an opportune time to end the tradition of extending license renewal deadlines The March 1 deadline applies for all cars licensed prior to last year Vehicles registered in Kentucky for the first time last year will be re registered in the month in which they were reg istered Coal Bombing HAZARD Ky (AP) ederal authorities said Monday that progress has been made in the in vestigation of a bombing at a coal company office here eb 11 in which the son of a former Kansas congressman was killed Agents of the US Treasury Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and irearms who are heading the probe con firmed that the investigation is nearing completion The explosion at the Tesoro Coal Co office caught Walter McVey III 28 the accountant apparently as he was en tering offices on the third floor McVey was the son of former US Rep Walter McVey Jr of Kansas who served one term that started in 1960 Charles Hill an AT agent in the Louisville district office said have made significant progress but we cannot disclose the meat of it at this time" Hill said some an nouncement regarding results of the investigation would be made soon About 105 miners have been involved in a dispute with Tesoro which has surface and deep mining operations in Perry Leslie and Breathitt counties McBrayer Race LOUISVILLE Ky (AP) Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McBrayer has pledged that he would reduce the operational cost of state government and would major tax cuts and In a press release Monday McBrayer said he would state government on a diet to clearly and firmly limit the cost of operating He proposed to accomplish that by imposing mandatory restraints on all department and agency operating budgets the release said McBrayer would limit budget increases to 55 percent a move which he said would fight inflation and force efficiency McBrayer released a five point plan for tax reductions including an increase from the present individual standard deduction of $650 to $2300 for singles and $3400 for married couples His plan also includes a $10 000 homestead exemp tion for homeowners a child dare deduction for working parents a one time $100000 exemption for persons over age 55 for sale of a home and a report on tax returns to explain how tax dollars are spent centers that will each receive $120000 to set up the new services are Pennyroyal Mental Health Mental Retardation Board Hopkinsville Seven Counties Mental Health Mental Retardation Board Louisville Mountain Mental Health Mental Retardation Board Prestonsburg and Comprehend Inc Maysville Human Resources Secretary Peter Conn said the grants are primarily for the development of com munity based group homes supervised apartments family care homes and foster homes The five programs receiving continuation funding are: Children Group Home Wright Sheltered Apartment Programs in lorence and Louisville Group Home Prestonsburg and Citizens Advocacy Program Louisville Abortion Plan LOUISVILLE Ky (AP) The University of Louisville board of trustees has agreed that women can receive first trimester abortions upon request at Louisville General Hospital The board voted Monday to go along with an abortion policy established by the Louisville Jefferson County Board of Health which shares management of the hospital with the university The university had previously agreed that it would abide with the Board of Health's abortion policy The board said the policy which reinstates one in effect before passage of a Jefferson County anti abortion or dinance would remain in effect until July 1 On that date ownership of the hospital reverts to the university and the board said it would then develop an abortion policy of its own Carroll Set RANKORT Ky Gov Julian Carroll is scheduled to meet Tuesday in Washington DC with the governors of three neigh boring states to discuss organization of the new Mid South Regional Commission his office here said Monday The meeting was timed to coincide with the winter meeting of the National Association which Carroll chairs Also attending the meeting will be state Development Secretary William Short alternate on the new commission and Deputy Development Secretary Wilburn Pratt The Mid South Regional Commission was designated by US Commerce Secretary Juanita Kreps last month and includes the portion of Kentucky not in the Appalachian Regional Commission Also in the commission are parts of Tennessee Alabama and Mississippi The governors are ex pected to discuss the ap pointment of a federal co chairman for the com mission and make recom mendations for a skeleton staff to begin preparing a regional development plan TVA Meeting GLASGOW Ky (AP) It was nothing new for a Ten nessee Valley Authority counsel when no one showed up at a Glasgow meeting to discuss service standards which TVA is considering for adoption David Gardner regional public counsel for TVA had come to Glasgow for the hearing from Leitchfield No one came to the Leitchfield meeting either apparently due to heavy rains The Glasgow meeting at 1:30 pm Saturday in the Barren County Courthouse although publicized in ad vance was attended only by Gardner and a news reporter Gardner said the at tendance pattern for the 14 public meetings being conducted by the TVA had varied from no one in at tendance to a sizable number He said no large crowds have attended but a number of people have shown interest A public hearing will be held before the TVA board in Nashville Tenn next Tuesday on the service standards The standards cover such things as procedures for termination of service consumer in formation connection charges and billing Tuesday eb 27 1979 Kentucky New Era 15 Photo by Don Don DeMarsdis No Waste Effort By The City lli 2 fSSSSSV s' Jas! Bj 1 mmm NEW USE TRUCKS bought by the city at a cost of $83573 and used for the first time Monday are expected to give a shot in the arm to the city's garbage collection system The four trucks bring the total city owned fleet to 11 according to Amon Mensor city public works director and Ray Joiner superintendent of the city sanitation department The shortage of garbage trucks curtailed collections in some areas Eclipse Provides Diversion By The Associated Press Chickens go back to roost but the partial eclipse of the sun did provide a mid morning diversion for many residents in the Jackson Purchase area Most other Kentuckians however strained in vain to view phenomenon looks just like someone took a big bite out of a said Danny Smock of Paducah as he watched the eclipse with glasses In Paducah and around far western Ken tucky skies were clear for the big event But in Louisville and apparently everywhere else in Kentucky heavy cloud cover prohibited anything more than only a faint dimming of daylight At the Museum of Natural History and Science in Louisville children were making solar watches and patrons were ushered inside Comparison Shopping Helps At Money Borrowing Time By MARIA BRADEN RANKORT Ky (AP) If you need to borrow money it pays to tye a comparison shopper You can ask the cost of a loan by telephone and check around for a better deal before you even file a loan application Interest rates vary widely depending on the lending in stitution your credit references and any collateral you put up The key thing you need to know is how much it will cost you ask the monthly interest rate ask for the annual percentage rate or APR and the total payback on the loan Lenders are required by law to tell you the APR rather than quote monthly interest rates but some may give you the monthly rate first because it sounds much lower than the APR You may be able to obtain a small loan on your signature if your references are good Otherwise you will need collateral or property such as stocks and bonds that guarantees your loan will be paid back Unless you can borrow from a relative at a low interest rate likely to have to pay more than 10 percent interest Until last week the cheapest money in Kentucky was available at state chartered banks who were required to charge no more than 85 percent interest on loans of $15000 and under However the Legislature changed the law allowing state banks to charge up to one point above the federal discount rate That currently means a maximum 105 percent interest on smaller loans although many will charge less for good cus tomers Suppose you want to finance a used car or buy some furniture and need to borrow $1000 for a year what you can expect from the various lending institutions: Credit Union: you must be a member holding at least one share at a cost of $5 and you have to be in the right field of membership before you can join The annual percentage rate on an un secured loan is 12 percent pay back the loan on a monthly basis paying about $66 in interest Small Loan Company The APR is generally in the 32 percent range on a signature or unsecured loan which means pay the com pany about $185 $190 in in terest make monthly payments Banks installment loans: The APR is about 109 per cent You pay back the loan in monthly installments and are charged about $60 for use of the money Banks straight or so called commercial loans: you pay back the loan at the end of the 12 month period If the bank charged you the maximum 105 percent allowable interest pay $105 interest for use of the $1000 The interest payment is nearly double that of the installment loan because you have use of the money for the entire year be afraid to ask questions about the terms of the loan Insurance is usually not mandatory but you may be advised to purchase it Ask the cost of credit life in surance and credit disability insurance Ask if there are filing fees or any other charges Ask the lender to explain any terms you understand sign anything until you have read and un derstand the contract' By DON DeMARSILIS NEW ERA Staff Writer Barker Davie spends his day solving riddles and unraveling mysteries The Hopkinsville native now living in ort Wayne Ind is a forensic chemist who analyzes evidence for the ort Wayne Police Department He has worked for the department for the last five years by a Solar Bear Solar yellow sunglasses however were unnecessary Dozens of people were reported to have had a good view of the eclipse in Mayfield where skies were clear A special telescope and viewing screen was set up for science students at Paducah Community College to behold the 65 percent eclipse in that area was really strange The sky was clear blue just before It get really dark but it got dim enough that you knew something just said one Paducah observer A telescope and screen also was set up at Murray State University But Bill Burnley an assistant professor of astronomy said the phenomenon had vir tually no research value be cause it was not a total eclipse An average month will find Davie or other members of the lab in court 25 times He recalls one grueling court appearance on an arson case resulting in his spending six hours on the witness stand justifying his findings spare time is used in preparation of arson reports for Barker Analytical Laboratories a firm which he co owns The Act On Tip Murray Police Holding Western State Patient rom Hopkinsville Crime Solving Is Man orte By DON DeMARSILIS NEW ERA Staff Writer Murray police acting on tips and a Paducah television report ap prehended a man after he walked off the grounds at Western State Hospital here Jefferson Morris age unlisted Paducah was being held in the Calloway County Jail today pending transfer back to the mental hospital on US 68 east Morris reportedly left the hospital grounds Monday afternoon and attempted to start a car at a nearby Kwik Pik Market But an unidentified woman who owned the vehicle ran from the store and reportedly scuffled with Morris who location Reportedly Morris was in the hospital after a mental warrant was issued against him in his hometown Meanwhile the city sewage treatment plant was burglarized and laboratory balance scales were stolen for the second time in a month Although small in size the scales sometimes used in weighing narcotics and marijuana are very ex pensive according to Malcolm King manager of the city Sewerage and Water Works Department King said the scales were pur chased for $2395 after a similar theft on Jan 24 Police said gates leading to the building were secured before the Monday night incident But the intruders somehow managed to get through a window A series of thefts involving balance scales has occurred in the area over recent weeks University Heights Academy and Hopkinsville High School have reported similar thefts Police also are in vestigating a Monday af ternoon burglary at the home of Salvation Army Major Charles LaRue where glass in a door was broken and the house ransacked Authorities said they do not believe anything was taken although some damage was reported inside the dwelling Davie who played for the Hopkinsville High School champion football team during the 1965 1966 school year spends a good part of his day analyzing minute samples of hair soil fibers and blood samples from which evidence is drawn in criminal cases He is able to determine race blood type and hair color from the samples Soil samples pinpoint the ap proximate location where a particular type of soil is found Davie also spends much time on drug cases running tests for the Police Depart ment and city hospitals He estimates that 90 percent of his time is spent on drug cases private firm is employed by insurance companies state fire marshals and others leming Thornton high school football coach calls him heck of a Thornton said Davie was hard and made a lot of contributions to the team Davie who graduated from Murray State University still enjoys football and playing tennis and chess The television portrayal of Quincy involving forensic medicine is only make believe but Davie is into the real world of unraveling mysteries needed in assisting law enforcement officials in their fight against crime left There was an initial report that Morris abducted the woman But Janet Pierce manager of the store said she watched as Morris ob tained a ride from a passing motorist on the highway Murray police arrested Morris in a Murray motel Monday night after a Paducah TV station flashed a picture of the escapee on the screen and an uniden tified caller reported his Kenady Rally Slated Tonight A fund raising rally is scheduled tonight for Don Kenady the Christian County farmer running for state agriculture com missioner The rally which will begin at 7:30 in the Convention Center will include com ments from the candidate on why he favors gasahol as a substitute fuel Kenady a Democrat has been active in the American Leaders or Posse BI kJ Agriculture Movement and in the recent controversy over prices paid for dark fired tobacco OICERS THE Christian County Sheriff's Posse are (leftto right) Al Hester past president Ed Hester president Henry Leavell treasurer Tommy Gary secretary and Ed Lovell vice president Not pictured is Darrell West historian Al Hester received a plaque of appreciation from the organization for his two years of service as president Tne uffkers were elected and the plaque presented at a recent meeting.

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Kentucky New Era from Hopkinsville, Kentucky (2024)


Did Hopkinsville, KY get a tornado? ›

Local Officials Mobilize Swiftly After EF2 Tornado Strikes Hopkinsville, Citizens Invited to Help. Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks extended a heartfelt thank you to city and county emergency responders for their swift and professional response to the weekend's severe weather events.

What is Hopkinsville, KY famous for? ›

Living in Hopkinsville

With a mild climate and four distinctly beautiful seasons, people from around the globe call Hopkinsville home due to our strong connection to the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), other units stationed at Fort Campbell and our successful track record of recruiting international industries.

How did Hopkinsville get its name? ›

In 1799, the town was renamed Elizabeth in honor of Wood's eldest daughter. However, a town in Hardin County already had been established with the name, so when the city incorporated in 1804 the Kentucky General Assembly established the settlement as Hopkinsville, in honor of General Samuel Hopkins of Henderson County.

How old is Hopkinsville, Kentucky? ›

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
24 more rows

How many EF5 tornadoes have hit Kentucky? ›

1974 saw Kentucky's only EF5 tornado

The April 3, 1974, tornado is the only one to receive an EF5 rating. It touched down in Breckinridge County, causing damage and killing multiple people as an EF3 storm.

What is the race population in Hopkinsville Kentucky? ›

White alone, percent 60.5%
Black or African American alone, percent(a) 28.9%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent(a) 0.2%
Asian alone, percent(a) 1.5%
57 more rows

What is the oldest town in Kentucky? ›

The City of Harrodsburg Kentucky was founded in 1774 as the first permanent settlement west of the Allegheny Mountains. As Kentucky's oldest town, the city is located in the heart of the Bluegrass Region and is surrounded by rolling countryside, horse farms, historic stone fences, historic architecture and culture.

Is Hopkinsville, KY a small town? ›

Hopkinsville | Small Town, Historic Site, Civil War | Britannica.

What is Hopkinsville nickname? ›

The use of "Hoptown" — Hopkinsville's longtime nickname — dates back to the late 19th Century.

What is the crime rate in Hopkinsville KY? ›

With a crime rate of 40 per one thousand residents, Hopkinsville has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 25.

Is Hopkinsville KY the batter capital of the world? ›

A few years ago, Hopkinsville was rebranded as the Batter Capital of the World. Merchandise, signs and even statues can be found in the city proudly displaying the slogan.

What is Kentucky real name? ›

Kentucky (US: /kənˈtʌki/ kən-TUK-ee, UK: /kɛn-/ ken-), officially the Commonwealth of Kentucky, is a landlocked state in the Southeastern region of the United States.

Is Hopkinsville a town or city? ›

Hopkinsville city, Kentucky is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in Kentucky.

Who was the founder of Hopkinsville KY? ›

Hopkinsville's founder, Bartholomew Wood, planned to name the town for his daughter Elizabeth after claiming a 1,200-acre land grant in what became Christian County in 1796.

Did the tornado hit Fort Campbell? ›

Fort Campbell, which is based on the Tennessee-Kentucky border and spans much of Clarksville, sustained heavy damage and left tens of thousands of residents without power for days.

Did the tornado touch down near Clarksville Tennessee? ›

The tornado touched down north of Clarksville near Tennessee's border with Kentucky at about 1:35 p.m. on Saturday, according to the Clarksville Police Department. Most of the damage from the tornado is concentrated on the north side of town, according to Jimmy Settle, a spokesperson for Pitts.

Has there ever been a tornado in Kentucky? ›

Yes. Evan Webb, a meteorologist with NWS of Louisville, said three preliminary EF-1 tornadoes touched down in various parts of Kentucky, including Nelson, Anderson and Jessamine counties.

Are twisters tornadoes? ›

A tornado or twister is a narrow, violently rotating column of air. It is usually attached to the base of a thunderstorm, extending to the ground. But it's often hard to see it, because wind is invisible. Oftentimes it forms a condensation funnel that has gathered dust and debris.


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.