Evansville Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)

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Evansville Pressi

Evansville, Indiana

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20 THE EVANSVILLE PRESS Friday Au 27 1971 Local deaths KENTUCKY DEATHS Accidents on bridge cause traffic delay Helm retiree of Chrysler Corp The Pugh car in turn struck the rear of one driven by Miss Linda Sinnett24 of Reed Ky The chain-reaction ended when Mias Sinnetfs car struck the rear of a pickup truck driven by Mia Martha Brown 24 also of the Reed community Pugh was fiie only one requiring medical attention in the chain-reaction accident He was treated tor minor bruises at Henderson Community Methodist Hospital and released Volunteer aid concept set lor fall A new concept in using citizen volunteers to help solve community problems will be bunched here this fall by the Volunteer Action Center Inc a new social service agency The center organized as a result of the Perspective 71 discussion series on needs will be a recruiting training and placement agency to provide volunteers for both agencies and individuals who need help Its goal win be to recruit a broad-based involvement of all socioeconomic elements working to improve life in the community -Ron Hicks anti-poverty worker has served as head of the steering committee that planned the center Yesterday the committee presented its proposal to directors of more than 50 organizations who currently use or need volunteers Mrs Vee Tinnln representing the new National Center for Voluntary Action which is promoting formation of similar programs across the country was in Evansville to offer advice and also a possible one-year grant to help establish the agency The steering committee of 20 people has spent 10 months surveying more than 90 organizations and agencies In the community Hicks said "They told us they need everything from carpenters and mechanics to tutors and car drivers" The committee has raised $2500 in donations and pledges from local industriea but "much more is needed even if we get a grant from the national he said Th Prm WM Kwluckv Imh HENDERSON State police said it waa that no one was seriously Injured yesterday in two separate accidents involving six vehicles on tlie southbound hme of the Headers n-Evansville Bridge shortly before 5 pm The two accidents which occurred within 10 minutes id one another backed up traffic for two miles on US 41 South on the Indiana aide of the bridge State Police at Henderson said south bound traffic was stopped for about two hours The massive traffic jam occurred when a car driven by Mis Pearl Bell Wilkey 66 of Maceo Ky slowed to avoid striking an employe of the Olympia Painting Co Gary Echols 24 of Henderson who was picking up yellow safety markers at the time The company la painting the bridge A southbound car trailing Mrs Wilkey driven by Steven Roth 22 of Bocnville Ind (truck the Wilkey vehicle causing It to skid 68 feet before It stopped sideways across the bridge The impact raptured the gas tank of the Wilkey car (piHing fed onto the bridge floor State police fearing a possible explosion from the spfiled gas called the Henderson Fire Department which sent a pumper to the scene to wash away the fuel Police meanwhile still were able to direct some cars past the Wilkey car Neither Mrs Wilkey nor Roth were injured Ten minutes later a second accident occurred on the south line of the bridge approximately a half-mile north of the first accident The 4:35 p-m accident occurred when a car driven by Hubert Ogle 18 of 509 Green Street Henderson struck the rear of a car driven by Robert Pugh 37 of Paducah MADISONVILLE Giles Ebk 66 Funeral 7:30 pm today Christ the King Catholic Church Harris Funeral Home HENDERSON Mrs Mary Vanhooser 90 Funeral 2 pm tomorrow Tapp Funeral Home HENDERSON-Mrs Erma Mae Walker 71 Funeral 2 pm tomorrow Benton Funeral Home HENDERSON Police find aim in car of teens A decayed right arm and hand was recovered by police early today after officers arrested four teen-agers on drunk charges near Pollack and South Weinbach and searched their car Police said they did not know if the withered arm belonged to a man or a woman Officers said the arm had been separated from the body "for a long The youths when arrested at 1:15 am today fold police a dog had the arm when the found it Police speculated the dog may have found file arm near the Ohio River or dug It up from a grave The police found the arm in the car The four teenagers were arrested when police were called to Investigate a report that the youths were fighting and harassing people on a parking lot near the Weeping Willow at 2112 Weinbach All four youths had been drinking police said and force was used to arrest one of the teenagers when he became unruly The four youtha were identified as Karl Vincent Vaught 18 and Joseph Samuel Vaught 16 both of 1068 Madison Randall Scott Hotter 19 of 2013 Kenmore and Jesse Steven Collins 17 of 1212 Parkside Karl Vaught and Notter are scheduled to appear in City Court'tonight to face drunk charges while the two younger youths will be referred to Juvenile Court on drinking and curfew violation charges Truck-axle firm to build plant at Glasgow Ky Ww Pm tariuckv Burwu HENDERSON Eaton Corporation officials in Cleveland announced today the projected construction of a $35 million truck-axle manufacturing plant in the Glasgow Ky area The firm which operates a similar plant In southwest side cited increased customer demand for single and tandem truck axles as the reason for file new construction The $5 million Henderson operation on Ky' 136 began last year with a work force of 75 that has since grown to more than 200 and is one of the largest employers No date has been set for beginning construction on the new facility Dianne and Carl of 1625 Walnut Lane sisters Mrs Irene Goldman of Evansville Mrs Juanita Lanham of 1309 ShankUn Mrs Florence Eck-ardt of 2471 Stringrown and Mrs Lilly Powers of Seattle Wash and her father Carl Jones of 11 Tulip Friends may call after 8 pm tomorrow at Meyer Funeral Home Rev Richard Schwambach will conduct services there Monday at 10 am Burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery JAMES A SIKES 55 of 3031 Hillcrest died at 8 am today at the Hospital in Marion IH Mr Sikes was employed for the last 24 years in the bottling department at Sterling Brewery He was a veteran of World War II Surviving are his wife Mrs Georgia Sikes a daughter Mrs Patsy Davis at home a son Conley of 821 Harlan sisters Mrs Lear Sills of Paducah Ky and Mrs Lilly Hayden of Evansville a brother Elmer of Orlando Fla and five grandchildren Arrangements are pending at Alexander Funeral Home West Chapel where friends may call after 8 pm tomor- Fraud costs New York $15 million NEW YORK (UPI) -More than $15 million in duplicate relief checks was paid during tee last year to some 20000 welfare recipients who fraudulently claimed they had lost their original checks the human resources administrator said yesterday Administrator Jute Sug-arman said however almost $5011000 had been recouped since January and die department expects to get back the other $1 million in die next aix months Sugarman said some welfare recipients cashed their checks which were no more than $100 and averaged about $75 and then claimed the checks had lost or stolen The checks would be duplicated and then cashed again he said Investigations Commissioner Robert Ruskln appearing at a Joint news conference with Sugarman said the city has filed criminal charges against 13 welfare clients who allegedly received by fraud $4000 in replacement checks Nine persons have been arrested and warrants have been Issued for the other four Ruskln said If convicted file maximum sentence for each could be four years in prison Sugarman said regardless of the fraudulent acts no destitute person could be dropped from the welfare roles There are about 12 million welfare recipients in New York City In many cases of suspected fraud Sugarman said the recipient admitted cheating on the checks and agreed to repay the money INDIANA DEATHS TELL CITY Mrs Vemell Polk 71 Funeral 2 pm to-morrow Huber Funeral Home at Caimelton DALE Paul Hemmer 49 Funeral 10 am tomorrow SI Joseph Catholic Church Fuller Funeral Home OWENSVILLE Mrs Mildred Moore 64 'Funeral 2 pm tomorrow Holder Funeral Home TELL CITY Omar Shoemaker Sr 52 Funeral pending Finch Funeral Home CANNELTON Mrs Ros-coe (Ada) Crowe 48 Private funeral 10 am tomorrow Huber Funeral Home Birch Bayh Sr Birch Bayh's father dies in Bethesda WASHINGTON Birch-Bayh Sr father of Democratic senator Birch' Bayh Jr died in nearby Bethesda Md yesterday of a heart attack He was 77 The senior Bayh had been in ill health several years and was a patient at the Grosve-nor Lane Nursing and Convalescent Center in Bethesda when he died Bayh was born in Quincy Ind and grew up in the western part of file state He received an AB degree from Indiana State Teachers College in 1917 As a teacher and director of physical education Instructor in Washington and Indiana Bayh advocated stepped-up fitness programs for youth For 30 years from 1939 until his retirement in 1965 Bayh served as director of the Department of Health Physical Education Athletics and Safety for the Washington DC public school system Before that he was a professor of physical education and the first director of athletics at Indiana State Teachers College' (now Indiana State University) in Terre Haute director of physical education in the Terra Haute public schools for 11 years and a teacher in the Owen County and Clay City Ind school system for three years He trill be buried in Highland Lawn Cemetery In Terre Haute on Monday with services at the Centenary Methodist Church in Terre Haute at 9:30 am Friends may call at the Callahan Funeral Home in Terre Haute from 8 pm to 9 pm Saturday and from 2 pm to 9 pm on Sunday Motorist reports rock-throwing A man traveling through the innercity area with his wife and daughter last night told police someone threw beer cans and rocks at his moving car Paul Brickner of 2502 Delaware said he and his wife Eva and their 10-year-old daughter Ruth Aim were traveling east on Lincoln Avenue near Elliott at about 11:15 pm when two men started hurling cans and rocks at their car One of the objects shattered a rear window Mrs Brickner said her husband turned south on Elliott and that the men chased them on foot continuing to throw rocks at their car No one was injured Funerals Mm Catherine Soldi 89 who lived with a son Francis at 213 Missouri tomorrow at 10 am at St Henry Catholic Church at Huntingburg with burial in the Church cemetery Friends may call at Schmutz-Friends may caH at Schmutz-ier FUneral Home in Huntingburg- John Coyer Sr 86 of 217 Walnut today with burial in Oak Hill Cemetery Leonard Montgomery Ashley 80 of 514 Chestnut tomorrow at 8 am at Boone Funeral Home with burial in Oak Hill Cemetery Coley 71 Funeral 11 amt tomorrow Peek Mortuary at Westminster Calif Survivors include a daughter Mrs John Cony and a sister Mrs Rboda Barton both ol Evans- ville OWENSBORO Mrs Isabelle Wilson 8L Funeral 10:15 am tomorrow Immaculate Catholic Church Hale y-McGlnnis Funeral Home OWENSBORO William Crump 56 Funeral 2 pm tomorrow Blessed Mother Catholic Church Haley-McGinnis Funeral Home MADISONVILLE Miss Jessie McLean 69 Funeral 2 pm tomorrow Barnett-Strother Funeral Home Survivors include a sister Mrs Anna Mae Durham of Evansville OWENSBORO Lamar 57 Funeral 10 am tomorrow St Stephens Cathedral Haley-McGinnis Funeral Home MADISONVILLE Mrs Donald (Nadean) Cook 41 Funeral 4 pm tomorrow Harris Funeral Home HENDERSON Israel "Ray" Cessna 64 Funeral 10 am tomorrow Moss Funeral Residence OWENSBORO Thomas "Max" Howard 76 Funeral pending Davis Funeral Home Survivors Include a daughter Mrs Rachel Morgan of Evansville i School changes starting times Principal Charles Daum today announced new starting times for file Newburgh Elementary School which begins Monday Seventh and eighth graders in the junior high will begin classes this term at' 8 am Kindergarten students through sixth graders will start school at 8:25 am All classes were started at 8:15 am last year The change in class starting times is because seventh and eighth graders who live outside the town have been assigned to ride the high school buses to school to alleviate overcrowding on elementary buses Morning kindergarten will be iUmwImw! at 11:20 am and afternoon kindergarten wfil begin at 12:15 pm Lunch time for first through fourth grade will be from 11 ajp to 12 noon and for sixth through eighth grade from pm Afternoon kindergarten students through sixth grade will be dismissed at 3 pm But because the high school buses are scheduled to run later the seventh and eighth graders will be dismissed at 3:30 pm ILLINOIS DEATHS CARMI Mrs Don (Evelyn) Lingle 46 of Morris Funeral pending Klttinger-Fair Funeral Home GRAYVILLE Mrs Mildred Johnson 64 Funeral pending Sturm Funeral Home Q3P fflStffiT MON TUB THUS 9AJMtolPJU WBl 9 AJNlt IP JL FRL 9AJ4lt PJN SAT 9 AJNlt 4 PJ4 (i 1 1 Helm 85 of 114 Franklin died at 8 p-m yes-terday at Turtle Creek Convalescent Centre Mr Helm retired from Chrysler Corp 25 years ago He was a member of the Baptist Church at Pellville Ky His wife Maude died in 1961 Surviving are daughters Miss Marcella Helm who lived with him Mrs Norma Faith of 5822 Brentwood and Mrs Lou Emma Gregson of Owensboro Ky tight grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren Friends may call after i pm tomorrow at Miller and Miller Colonial Chapel Rev Philip Hoy will conduct services there Monday at 10 am Burial will be in Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery BUELL STUBBLEFIELD el Gary Ind and formerly of Evansville and Marion Ky died at the Gary Hospital early today He moved from this area several years ago Surviving are his wife Mrs Susie Stubblefield a daugb-Shoemaker of Tell City and a brother Stanley of TeU ter Mrs acquellne Gauthier of Nashville Term a stepson Robert Towery of Gary sisters Mrs Jane Jennings of Colorado Springs Colo Mrs Nancy Stabley of Paducah Ky and Mrs Bue-lah Mae Barnes of Salem Ky brothers Alvin and Pf both of Salem Ky a half brother Bert Tucker of Sa-lem five grandchildren nieces and nephews Friends may call Sunday at Tucker Funeral Home in Marion Ky where services will be conducted Monday Burial will be there MRS KENNETH ACTON SO of 522 Olmstead died at her home yesterday afternoon She was the former Helen Jones Surviving are her husband a son Dennis at home brothers Marlon of 1932 a Two unions file requests for UE elections 'Two unions" have filed requests with the National Labor Relations Board for elections to represent a total of 13 workers at the University of Evansville The International United Plant Guards Workers of America Local 121 Is asking to unionize tour plant protection security personnel while Teamsters Local 215 is seeking to represent nine maintenance workers at the unlver- sity University officials said there are no union employes at the campus now An earlier attempt by the Teamsters to obtain a certification election in 1969 to unionize maintenance employes was dropped by the workers officials said The university has four se-: curity personnel at the school during tee summer but additional personnel will be hired for the fall term a spokesman said Whether the addi- tional personnel can vote in the election will have to be settled by the NLRB the spokesman said Ice is president of fire chiefs Evansville Fire Chief Del- mar Ice today -was elected president of the Indiana Fire Chiefs Association which is -holding its 46th annual confer- ence here Succeeding Ice as first vice president of tee organ! at ion is Edward Loraine of Ft Wayne Other newly elected officers for 1971-72 were Edward Sowell of Speedway second vice president Edgar Harris of Columbus third vice president William To-vey of Bedford treasurer and Richard Harrigan of Hobart secretary The fire chiefs also voted to hold their 1972 annual conference at South Bend and to meet in 1973 at Terre Haute Unusual plant exhibit 'goes up in smoke ELLENSBURG Wadi (UPI) Kittitas county sheriff Bob plan to enter an unusual horticulture exhibit at the annual agricultural fair has gone up in smoke A thief harvested the exhibit a seven-foot marijuana plant before it could be transplanted from a field 1 where it was found under Services Monday for tot hit by car SmcM ft Tht Vim 9 OWENSBORO Services for Rose Mary Mayfield 6 who died last night at the 1 Owensboro-Daviess County Hbspltal 10 hours after she was struck by a car in front of her home will be 10 un Monday at St Pius the 10th Catholic Church Burial will be at Resurrection Cemetery The child daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Mayfield of the Ensor community six miles east of Owensboro died of a fractured skull resulting from the 12:40 pm accident on Reid Road State police said the child was crossing Reid Road to return home when she was struck by a west-bound car driven by Roger Maxksberry 21 of rural Philpot near Owensboro Survivors In addition to the parents Include sisters Debra and Tonya both at home Keith Allen Robert Martin James Ronnie Edward and Dennis all at home grandparents Mr and Mrs Barr and Mr and Mrs Mayfield and great-grandmother Mrs Maud Catherine Mayfield all of Whitesville Friends may call at Glenn Funeral Home in Owensboro 9:30 PM LIVE IN COLOR COAST COAST No decision yet on new trial Prosecutor William Brune reported today a decision has not been made whether to retry the voluntary manslaughter case which yesterday ended in a "hung" jury The Circuit Court jury of eight women and four men deliberated the case id Elbert George Klzer 61 of 442 13th Street for nearly three hours but failed to reach a decision The case was then declared a mistrial by Circuit Judge William Miller Kizer was Indicted by the grand jury in the May 10 far tal shooting of James BeH 27 of 839 Oregon The charge carries a 2-to-21-year prison sentence Kizer testified during the threeday trial that he shot the man with a 22 caliber revolver in self defense Deputy Prosecutor Douglas Knight told the jury that Kizer shot and killed Bell "In the heat of passion" Kizer is currently free on $1000 bond Bourke-White famed woman photog dies at 65 STAMFORD Conn -(UPI) Famed magazine photographer Margaret Bourke-White whose cameras recorded the world she lived in died in a hospital here today after a long illness She was 65 Miss Bourke-White was born in New York City in 1906 She was educated at Columbia Michigan and Cornell universities She became an industrial photographer the year she earned her degree and later branched out into general photography She became an associate editor of Life Magazine in 1936 and was a photog-raphcreorrespondent for the magazine in North Arrtca and Europe during World War II and in Korea Mis a Bourke-White was married twice to Everett Chapman in 1925 and to author Erakine Caldwell in 1939 Her second marriage ended in divorce in 1941 gmssesB 20-Hour Star-Studded Spectacular Sunday Sept At King Optical we use only the best materials and equipment obtainable assuring your getting the Finest Quality Eyewear possible at LOWEST PRICES! CHOICE OF 100 STYLES SHAPES AND COLOSS FIRST QUALITY LENSES FINEST NATIONAL BRAND FRAMES OCULISTS PRESCRIPTIONS ALSO FILLED AT SAMI LOW PRICES KRYPTOK RIFOCA1S ONLY $300 ADDITIONAL WFIETVCh 14 PHONE IN YOUR PLEDGE EVANSVILLE 424-3341 221 BAIN STREET Mate Floor PNOKE 422-1420 IM i ni 1 1 1 -i i.

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.