Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe (2024)

The S’Klallam people have a history dating back over 10,000 years. Their traditions, heritage, and stewardship have not only enriched their own people's lives, but also illuminated a path of unity and reverence for the natural world that resonates across the region. The Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe is one of three S’Klallam bands; the others are the Lower Elwha Klallam and the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribes.

The S’Klallam Tribe entered the Point No Point Treaty with the United States in 1855 but resisted removal to the reservation of the Twana people at Skokomish. They remained in their traditional areas, and in 1874 the S’Klallams from the village at Dungeness pooled together $500 in gold coins and privately purchased the 210 acres of land, establishing Jamestown. In 1953, the federal government ceased to recognize the Jamestown S’Klallams as a tribe. After a long and tedious process, the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe regained federal recognition as a tribe in 1981.

Throughout the years the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe has founded numerous enterprises that support their citizens while protecting the heritage and natural resources of the area, and their significance extends far beyond their borders. Currently the Tribe is engaged in a diverse range of projects, encompassing environmental protection, cultural preservation, community enrichment, and economic development.

Nature Preservation

Preserving and protecting the natural resources of the area is an important part of the Tribe’s mission. This includes the restoration of Dungeness River, in partnership with the Dungeness River Nature Center. The recent project removed a levee south of the Railroad Bridge in Sequim, which allowed the river to recover a significant portion of its natural floodplain. To accommodate the river’s path, a new bridge had to be constructed. The expanded estuary allowed for new habitats for salmon spawning and rearing, as well as local wildlife and birdlife.

The Dungeness River Nature Center offers year-round nature programs for youth, families, and adults, fostering education and awareness of the region’s ecosystem.

“The Center helps people connect with our local ecosystem and learn the history between the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe and the natural resources of the region,” said W. Ron Allen, tribal chair and CEO for the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe.

Healing Campus

The Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe runs several medical care facilities open to all, including a Family Health Clinic, Dental Clinic, and the recently opened Healing Clinic. The Healing Clinic provides holistic treatment, medication, and recovery services for opioid use disorders. Next door to the Healing Clinic, construction on a new mental health crisis center is planned to begin in 2024.

The new 16-bed clinic would offer inpatient services to patients in need of psychiatric evaluation, offering treatment for up to two weeks, with possible extension when needed. This much needed service would provide care to patients across the Olympic Peninsula.

Library & Cultural Center

Construction has already begun on a new library and cultural center, projected to open in 2024. The new library includes an audiovisual theater that can hold up to 1000 people.

“The new space is very exciting,” said Jackie Johnson, Tribal Communications and Publications Specialist for Jamestown. “We have room for exhibitions to showcase the culture and history of the S’Klallam people.”

The library offers collections of Native American authors and subjects, with a focus on the Pacific Northwest. For access to more comprehensive materials, the library is also in partnership with the North Olympic Library System.

Tribe Focus

For tribal citizens, the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe offers many community programs, including culture and language classes, youth and elder programs, summer school, and activities for seniors like basket weaving and carving.

The Tribe also has a very strong college and vocational school scholarship program, that could cover up to 80% of tuition for tribal citizens seeking a degree.

"The Jamestown Tribe has a very strong self-reliance agenda,” added Allen. “First Fed has been very supportive of that ongoing agenda.”

Building Community with First Fed

First Fed has been a long-time partner of the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, supporting them with banking services, project financing, and community events.

“The Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe continues to have a wide-reaching positive impact on our community and the region,” said Matt Deines, CEO of First Fed. “We are honored to work with them on funding some of their capital projects.”

“Jamestown Tribe has banked with First Fed for over 25 years, and they have been an amazing partner in our endeavors,” said Allen. “We love working with them because they are really responsive and care about their customers.”

“We are happy to support the banking needs of many of the Jamestown Tribe’s enterprises and individual members,” said Robin Bookter, Branch Manager of First Fed at Sequim Avenue. “They are huge community advocates and support many local events and organizations.”

Loni Grinnell-Greninger, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribal Council Vice Chair, will be a featured speaker for the Resilience Story Hour at the First Fed Centennial Celebration.

Visiting on the Peninsula

7 Cedars Hotel and Casino is a popular destination on the Peninsula and helps support the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe’s endeavors. The buildings are designed with a Salish motif, and adorned with totem poles, an important representation of the Tribe’s culture.

Each winter holiday season, as you drive around the bend approaching 7 Cedars, the Tribe decorates the area with three and a half million lights—a sight not to be missed!

Visit their website to learn more about the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, and all the exciting community projects they have in progress.

Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe (2024)


What did the S Klallam tribe establish? ›

In 1874, under the leadership of Tribal citizen Lord James Balch, they pooled $500 in gold coins and purchased the 210-acres along the Strait of Juan de Fuca, now called Jamestown. This provided a geographical center for group identity and independence, and was the start of the Jamestown S'Klallam community.

What did the Jamestown s Klallam tribe eat? ›

The inhabitants hunted game and subsisted on the wealth of shellfish, herring, and salmon. They were craftspeople skilled in woodcarving and basket making, and they fashioned ceremonial masks, serving dishes and utensils, and storage boxes from cedar, and woven mats, rope, and clothing from cedar bark.

What was the population of the Jamestown S klallam tribe? ›

The council acts in accordance with the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribal Constitution. As of 2012, the tribe had 594 enrolled citizens, and provided services to almost 640 Indians in the northeast Olympic Peninsula. City: Sequim, population 3,277. Elevation 290.

Where did the Jamestown s Klallam tribe live? ›

History of the Jamestown S'Klallam tribe in the Sequim-Dungeness Valley. For thousands of years, the S'Klallam (“strong”) people lived in villages along the north coast of the Olympic Peninsula, moving with the seasonal resources and living in harmony with nature.

What is the S Klallam tribe Treaty? ›

By signing the Treaty of Point No Point, the S'Klallam tribes traded vast amount of land and resources in exchange for the right to hunt and fish in their historic lands and grounds. The United States Constitution declares treaties to be the supreme law of the land and are still protected by law today.

What is the symbol of the S Klallam tribe? ›

The crest is composed of two symbols that have endured with time as totems of the S'Klallam people. The two figures have been melded together: The Eagle is free; he is strong; he is powerful; he is silent; he is one with the Earth. For the Jamestown people, he is the enduring vision of the past and the future.

What language did the S Klallam tribe speak? ›

​​​The Klallam Language is the language of the people of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe, and the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe. There are different dialects in the different areas, and were so between the different villages. The Klallam Language Program has been in effect since 1992.

What tribe saved Jamestown? ›

The Powhatan Indians

The Powhatans were comprised of 30-some tribal groups, with a total population of about 14,000, under the control of Wahunsonaco*ck, sometimes called “Powhatan.”

What did Jamestown eat to survive? ›

Settlers were forced to eat snakes, vipers, rats, mice, musk turtles, cats, dogs, horses, and perhaps even raptors. In addition, multiple gruesome stories suggest, and archaeological evidence has partially corroborated, that settlers devoured each other.

How many people speak Klallam? ›

By 1990, there were only eight people who could speak the Klallam language. Fortunately, tapes dating back to 1953 contained conversation with over 21 Native speakers that had been recorded by linguists. In 1992, the Lower Elwha Klallams began the ambitious task of transcribing these tapes.

What was the biggest tribe ever? ›

The five largest Native American tribes in the US are:
  • Cherokee.
  • Navajo.
  • Sioux.
  • Chippewa.
  • Latin American Indian (mixed groups of tribes from Mexico, Central and South Americas)
May 26, 2014

What is the second largest tribe in the United States today? ›

- Tribe alone or in any combination: 399,567 - Tribe alone: 332,389 One of the most widely recognized and the second-largest tribe, the Navajo live in the Southwest across Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.

What was the culture of the S Klallam tribe? ›

The S'Klallam culture promoted leadership, self-sufficiency, self reliance, and a code of conduct within their community that served as a basis for strength, pride and survival. This was a Nation, a government and a community... independent and interdependent.

What does the name S Klallam mean? ›

The Port Gamble S'Klallams are the “Strong People”—a name well-earned over generations of grit and resilience used to protect the people and places they have always held dear.

What Native American tribe attacked villages around Jamestown? ›

Because of a young Indian boy's warning Jamestown itself was spared. Many outlying settlements were attacked and of a population of about 1,200 settlers about 350-400 were killed. After their attack, on March 22, the Powhatan Indians withdrew, as was their way, to wait for the English to pack up and leave.

What established the Great Sioux Reservation? ›

In the 1868 treaty, signed at Fort Laramie and other military posts in Sioux country, the United States recognized the Black Hills as part of the Great Sioux Reservation, set aside for exclusive use by the Sioux people.

What Native American tribe is Clallam? ›

The Klallam (Klallam: nəxʷsƛ̕áy̕əm̕; also known as the S'Klallam or Clallam) are a Coast Salish people Indigenous to the northern Olympic Peninsula.

Which tribe in Oregon was the first to be restored in the fight for tribal recognition in the late 1970s? ›

In 1977, the Siletz Tribe was recognized and restored; and in September 1980, President Jimmy Carter signed Public Law 96–340, which created a 3,063-acre reservation for the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon. In 1982, the Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Tribe was restored.


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.