History & Culture | Port Gamble SKlallam Tribe (2024)

History & Culture | Port Gamble SKlallam Tribe (1)
The Port Gamble S’Klallams are the “Strong People”—a name well-earned over generations of grit and resilience used to protect the people and places they have always held dear.

For thousands of years before the arrival of European settlers, the Port Gamble S’Klallam lived in seasonal and permanent villages extending across and beyond the borders of the Olympic Peninsula. The Port Gamble S’Klallam hunted, fished, and gathered from north of the San Juans, south into the Olympics, west into the Straits of Juan De Fuca, and east into the hood canal.

The S’Klallams lived in partnership with the land and its resources, while respecting the territory of neighboring tribes. Like many tribes, the S’Klallams had no concept of land or animal ownership as defined by the arriving Europeans.

The S’Kallams were deep rooted throughout the Hood Canal area, sharing sites in Port Townsend and Port Gamble with the Chemakum when two events would fundamentally shape their future.

The first was the arrival of Captain Josiah P. Keller at Port Gamble in 1853, who saw an excellent location for a sawmill, even though the S’Klallams had long established a village on the site. Oral history indicates that Keller incentivized the forced relocation across Port Gamble Bay to Point Julia with offerings of firewood, lumber to build homes, and Christmas “treats”.

Also in 1853, delegates for the newly established Washington territory arrived to negotiate a treaty with the S’Klallams and other area tribes. The talks were ill-conceived from the start: they were conducted not in each tribe’s native tongue, but in Chinook Jargon, a pidgin trade language with just a few hundred words. Add in the foreign concept of private property ownership and its clear the Indian Agents responsible for negotiating the treaties, were taking advantage of the situation.

Nonetheless, in 1855, the Point No Point Treaty was signed. In the agreement, tribes ceded the right to three-quarters of a million acres of land to the United States government. In return, they reserved their rights to hunt, fish, and gather shellfish and plants in their “usual and accustomed grounds and stations.” The S’Klallams—along with other tribes—specifically sought to preserve their right to hunt and fish as they had always done. Unfortunately, the Treaty ceded their access to the land in favor of the ownership of white settlers as the S’Klallams were assigned to the Skokomish Reservation, over 100 miles away from their ancestral home in and around Hood Canal. Many S’Klallams refused to leave. By 1864, Keller and his business partners were awarded ownership of Port Gamble and surrounding lands, including Point Julia.

Without a land base and recognizing that the rules had fundamentally changed, some S’Klallams began to formally purchase land. Some did this with money earned while working at the mill and living in the village at Point Julia.

On December 8, 1886, S’Klallam ancestors Charley Jones, John Soloman, and Cookhouse Charley each purchased 11 acres of land close to Point Julia. Much of the land obtained by the S’Klallams was close to Point Julia: in 1891, Joseph Anderson was issued 80 acres under the Indian Homestead Act of 1884; in 1897, George Dan purchased 40 acres; in 1903, Jacob Jones purchased 17 acres; in 1921, Ed Purser bought 40 acres. Much of this land was later divided into parcels that were all, over time, sold or transferred to other S’Klallams. The process of purchasing the land, and then conveying that land within S’Klallam families, signifies the S’Klallam’s perseverance to continue to live where they always had by maintaining residence on land near Point Julia. Unfortunately, some of the land rightfully purchased by S’Klallams was eventually lost due to tax disputes.

History & Culture | Port Gamble SKlallam Tribe (2)While some S’Klallams were able to build homes on their own land, many others lived in structures on the sand spit at Point Julia, where they were subject to tides and extreme weather conditions. Homes often flooded causing unsafe living conditions.

By 1922—67 years after the signing of the Point No Point Treaty—the Port Gamble S’Klallams still had no land base. Seeking to be compensated for the land they had ceded under the terms of the Treaty, Tribal members hired an attorney to file a claim against the United States government. In 1925, a settlement was reached to the sum of $400,000, which was to be paid per capita to the S’Klallam members. Ultimately, 533 S’Klallam members received a total of $722 (approximately $12,000 in 2023) to settle individual claims arising from the Treaty.

This settlement, however, did not resolve the S’Klallam’s main issue stemming from the Treaty. While attempts were made to provide a “home” through private land ownership, the Tribe still lacked a centralized land base.

With the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, land and water rights began to be acquired for the creation of new reservations. In 1938, 1,234 acres on the tip of the Kitsap peninsula were proclaimed “for the use and benefit of the Port Gamble Band of Clallam Indians.”

After the establishment of the reservation, the houses at Point Julia were condemned by the Health Department and eventually burned to the ground. While these structures were ramshackle at best, they were also the only homes some Port Gamble S’Klallam had ever known. Many Elders refused to leave, sitting by in protest as government officials packed out their belongings.

The Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe had to wait 88 years History & Culture | Port Gamble SKlallam Tribe (3)for a reservation or any compensation for the lands they ceded, but by standing their ground, they were able to remain united near their original ancestral lands.

The Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe’s reservation is 100% tribal trust status with no individual or outside ownership. Trust status precludes state jurisdiction in most areas of the law and maximizes Tribal control over the land and the people living on the reservation.

The Port Gamble S’Klallams—like all recognized tribes in the United States—is a sovereign nation, predating the formation of this country. This gives them the inherent right to independently govern their lands and people. Tribal sovereignty is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, federal statutes, and case law and is essential to the continued protection of indigenous peoples and cultures.

Today, the Port Gamble S’Klallams are governed by a six-person, duly elected Tribal Council. Operations are managed by a robust governmental structure that provides services to Tribal members and protects the Tribe’s land, culture, and resources. In recent years, this has included assuming management of programs previously overseen by state or federal offices. In several instances—from the establishment of their own foster care program to the creation of a “human-centered” approach to re-entry—the Port Gamble S’Klallam serve as a model for how tribes can care for their families in a way that is consistent with their shared culture and values.

When looking at the history of tribes in America, many begin and end with the recent past—the turmoil and upheaval caused by the arrival of European settlers. While, to be sure, these events are significant and fundamentally changed how tribes and their people were forced to live, they are a small part of a much bigger picture.

The Port Gamble S’Klallams have survived and thrived over millennia. They have hunted, fished, and gathered to feed their families, while managing their own communities and coming up with innovative solutions to complex social and industrial problems. In many ways, the Tribe’s ancestors would recognize how life is lived today—with dignity, strength, and perseverance.

The story of the Port Gamble S’Klallams is long and is still being written. After everything around them is gone, they will continue to be the Strong People.


History & Culture | Port Gamble SKlallam Tribe (2024)


What was the culture of the S Klallam tribe? ›

The S'Klallams created a rich culture of art, song, spirituality, traditional knowledge and social structure. The S'Klallam culture promoted leadership, self-sufficiency, self reliance, and a code of conduct within their community that served as a basis for strength, pride and survival.

What is the Treaty of the Port Gamble S Klallam Tribe? ›

The Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe is a signatory to the Point No Point Treaty of 1855. The Tribe and its people exercise its aboriginal, treaty-protected rights to fish at usual and accustomed grounds and stations, as well as to hunt and gather on all open and unclaimed lands.

What is the mission statement of the Port Gamble S Klallam Tribe? ›

Mission Statement

The mission of the Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe is to exercise sovereignty and ensure self-determination and self sufficiency through visionary leadership.

What language did the Klallam tribe speak in Port Gamble? ›

​​​The Klallam Language is the language of the people of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe, and the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe. There are different dialects in the different areas, and were so between the different villages.

What does the name S Klallam mean? ›

“S'Klallam” derives from “nuxsklai'yem,” the original Salish language name for the S'Klallam people meaning “strong people.” The Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe is one of three S'Klallam bands; the others are the Lower Elwha Klallam and the Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribes.

Where did the Klallam tribe live? ›

For thousands of years, the S'Klallam (“strong”) people lived in villages along the north coast of the Olympic Peninsula, moving with the seasonal resources and living in harmony with nature.

Who is the leader of the S Klallam tribe? ›

Tribal Chair/Chief Executive Officer W. Ron Allen has been the Tribal leader since the tribe was recognized by the Federal government in 1981.

How many people are in the Port Gamble S Klallam tribe? ›

It was founded in 1938 and is collectively held by the tribe. The reservation covers 1,303 acres (527 ha). The land is counted by the U.S. Census Bureau as the Port Gamble Tribal Community census-designated place, with an on-site population of 916 as of the 2010 census.

What is the S Klallam tribe treaty? ›

By signing the Treaty of Point No Point, the S'Klallam tribes traded vast amount of land and resources in exchange for the right to hunt and fish in their historic lands and grounds. The United States Constitution declares treaties to be the supreme law of the land and are still protected by law today.

Who is the chairman of the Port Gamble S Klallam Tribe? ›

Chair Amber Caldera was elected in the highest turnout of enrolled Tribe members to date. She has served on the Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribal Council since 2020 and worked in the Tribe's Department of Children and Family Services for 14 years.

How many members are in the Jamestown S Klallam Tribe? ›

The council acts in accordance with the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribal Constitution. As of 2012, the tribe had 594 enrolled citizens, and provided services to almost 640 Indians in the northeast Olympic Peninsula. City: Sequim, population 3,277. Elevation 290.

Which native tribes lived in the mission? ›

Mission Indians, North American Indians of what is now the southern and central California coast, among whom Spanish Franciscans and soldiers established 21 missions between 1769 and 1823. The major groups were, from south to north, the Diegueño, Luiseño and Juaneño, Gabrielino, Chumash, and Costanoan.

How many people spoke Klallam? ›

Klallam is the native language of the 5,000 or so people who today live on and around the three reservations on the Olympic Peninsula at Elwha, Jamestown and Port Gamble, and across the Strait of Juan de Fuca at Beecher Bay.

Which tribe owns the Point Casino? ›

The Port Gamble S'Klallam Reservation is located on the northern tip of the Kitsap Peninsula on Port Gamble Bay, and its official tribal offices are in Little Boston. The tribe owns The Point Casino & Hotel and the world-famous, multi-acre botanical garden Heronswood.

What was the culture of the Sauk tribe? ›

In summer the Sauk lived in permanent bark-house villages near fields where women raised corn (maize) and other crops. After the harvest the village separated into family groups that erected winter houses of poles covered with reed mats; in spring the tribe gathered on the Iowa prairies to hunt bison.

What was the culture of the White Mountain Apache tribe? ›

The tribe farmed, growing corn, sunflowers, beans, squash, and other foods. They hunted deer and other game and collected abundant wild plant foods. The White Mountain Apache traveled widely, trading and raiding throughout the region and deep into Mexico.

What was the culture of the Sioux tribe? ›

The Sioux Indians were a family-oriented, nomadic people who spoke the Dakota language and believed in Wakan Tanka, the one god. As nomads, the Sioux Indians roamed the Great Plains, following buffalo herds and using dogs to haul their belongings. Buffalo were the Sioux's main source of food and clothing.

What was the culture of the Great Basin tribes? ›

Prior to the 20th century, Great Basin peoples were predominantly hunters and gatherers. "Desert Archaic" or more simply "The Desert Culture" refers to the culture of the Great Basin tribes. This culture is characterized by the need for mobility to take advantage of seasonally available food supplies.


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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.