Jack Westin - Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

  • Who should sign up for your MCAT CARS Strategy course?

    Pre-medical students who want to approach the MCAT strategically through a simple step-by-step approach. This course is for students who want a very disciplined method to thinking critically. This method helps students build the right skills necessary to succeed and the confidence required to take the exam. It also saves students from wasting time and the debilitating stress commonly associated with such an important exam.

  • What makes your method different than others?

    I only teach the strategy portion of the exam—not the content portion. The MCAT is a critical thinking exam. Content makes up roughly 30% of the exam while critical thinking accounts for around 70%.

    While knowing content is necessary to succeed, without a proper method of approaching passages, you will not be efficient and most likely not finish the exam on time. Every section of this exam has passages to read and corresponding questions. I teach passage-based deduction. This means how to analyze an MCAT passage the way AAMC (the MCAT developers) want you to. You will learn how to finish the exam on time, without sacrificing accuracy. You will also learn to control your frustration and anxiety. Overall, the exam will become simpler and more do-able.

  • How is the course structured?

    I provide students with six lectures each with corresponding homework (roughly 5-9 mandatory passages). Lectures are where you learn, step-by-step, specific strategies to understand CARS. The homework passages are from AAMC CARS Question Packs Volume 1 and 2. I cover all of these passages in workshops using the strategies you have learned throughout the lectures.

    Each lecture and homework must be done every two weeks. You can do them in as little as 5 days from each other, but I recommend closer to 7-8 days. That means you must finish the course by 12 weeks (6 lectures X 2 weeks per lecture). I have this deadline, so that my students remain accountable. I want them to understand MCAT CARS ASAP. Two weeks per lecture is more than enough time to really get this. Once they finish the course properly, they will acquire the skills necessary to succeed on the entire MCAT. If they fall behind the two-week deadlines per lecture, they will fall behind with the course.

    I do not plan to help you for as long as you like. That is not how this course works. I plan to help you finish this course and truly understand CARS as soon as possible. Once this has happened, my job is done. Now if you work hard and try to finish all of the lectures/homework within the time allotted but still have issues, I will continue to help you at no charge and provide access to the course, offer one on one sessions, phone calls, email check ins, etc. until I know you are ready.

    This is entirely within my discretion. I am fair about this. I want my students to do well and nothing makes me happier than to see students work hard to accomplish their goals. But extra time is not necessary for most students who really try.

    I'm sure you are thinking about possibly taking the course later so that you have access to me in case you need it. I do not recommend this, take the class as soon as you can within a year. Students who take the course closer to their exam date tend to stress a little more. They don't feel as comfortable making mistakes (you absolutely need to in order to grow and learn).

    Upon completion of the course, you will confidently know what to do with this section of the exam. Independence is a very important aspect of the course and my philosophy as an instructor. I will not be there on test day. You have to take the exam on your own and you have to figure it out. You will easily figure out your mistakes if you complete the course.

    Alumni students are free to always contact me for general questions, support, etc.

    The only time students will need to pay to extend the course is if they did not work hard to complete a lecture and homework every two weeks. You will not need to use this option if you work hard during the course. I monitor all of your work (when you watched lectures, which live sessions you attended, which workshops you watched, which daily passages you completed and when, etc). I know the difference between someone who "gets it" and someone who has no idea what they are doing. It's a very clear line. Those who are working hard and still don't "get it" will never have to pay more to finally "get it"—that's my commitment to all of my students, provided that they are working hard.

    If you finish the course successfully you will know what to do until exam day. You'll only get more proficient with time (like any skill you have ever acquired, mastery comes with time and practice). You will know how to identify and resolve your own mistakes, how to read every type of passage, how to find the right ideas from the passages, how to find the main idea, how to answer every single question type, and how to approach the science sections — all without needing my help. You will undoubtedly mature in your ability to rationalize information quickly.

  • When should I take your course?

    Enroll in the class as soon as possible, up to a year in advance to ensure that you will be ready to take the exam (especially if you believe this section will be your most challenging section on the exam). At minimum you'll need four weeks, but it's advisable to be closer to 12 weeks (3 months).

    The best time to take the course is right before you start studying for the MCAT or 2-3 months before you start studying. It's wise to finish the course and acquire the skills before you even start the sciences.

    However, I do have many students who enroll while they study for the exam and that is perfectly fine as well. What I'm going to teach you is a skill. It's just like driving a car or typing on your computer. The more time you give yourself to practice this skill, the better you will be at it.

  • Can I apply the strategies you teach to other sections of the MCAT?

    Yes. What I teach will directly apply to all other sections of the exam. Since the other sections are also heavily reading based, all strategies you learn for CARS are transferable to the other sections. I also dedicate several sessions to the sciences and discuss how to apply these skills to all other sections.

    Although my course is classified as a CARS course, my goal is to teach you how to approach the entire exam. Once you complete the course, you will have mastered a set of critical-thinking skills necessary to score high in all four sections.

  • I am a slow learner and I'm concerned the course will be too fast-paced for me?

    The course is structured in a way that allows students to finish each lecture and homework within a two-week window. That means if a student is struggling, they can spend up to two weeks working on the strategies learned within that lecture and finish the homework. Additionally, I hold office hours after each live session in case anyone needs further clarification.

    My teaching style accommodates all learning needs. I have all kinds of students with different characteristics in my class each month: science-oriented, first time studying, retaking after two attempts, ESL, learning disabilities, non-traditional, etc. I go at a pace that is just right for every student. Everything I teach is really easy to understand, but I still repeat myself over and over again throughout the course (until, as many of my students tell me, my voice is your head on test day).

  • Is it feasible to concurrently work, attend school, and/or study for other sections of the exam while taking your course?

    The advantage of my course is that it is self-paced. Students can figure out a study schedule that suits them. I recommend completing one lecture and corresponding homework every two weeks to master CARS in 12 weeks (3 months), but how you choose to space your studying out is up to you. All of my live workshops are recorded, giving students a chance to catch up at anytime. Students can balance work, school, and studying as long as they keep a strong work ethic. I encourage setting realistic goals and having patience.

  • My biggest concern is timing. I never finish on time. Do you help with this?

    My students do not have timing issues as long as they really listen to my advice from day one. Some of the things I do or say are things most students would not agree with. That's the biggest setback a student can have: not listening and not executing on what I teach. I focus on every part of CARS: reading comprehension, timing, efficiency, confidence, stamina, all passage types, and all question types. Students will learn how to approach anything the AAMC can test. Students who can master these skills, finish every section right on time or with up to five minutes to spare.

  • Will your course address the reasons why I haven't been successful on the MCAT?

    The hardest part about retaking the MCAT is overcoming the discouragement a student feels after receiving an unsatisfactory score the first time. Students may have major deficits in reading or test-taking ability that will need to be strengthened considerably prior to a re-take. This is why students invest in my course. They are prepared to change their previous habits and to challenge themselves to see the exam differently.

    I like to show students exactly how to approach the exam in a very concrete, step-by-step manner that anyone can follow. However, in order to benefit from my instruction, students must be willing to accept change and break bad habits. By doing so, students not only become more proficient in the skills necessary to do well but will become smarter, more objective test-takers for future examinations they will take throughout their academic career.

  • I am a very mathematical/ methodological/ systematic type of learner. Are there concrete steps that can help me master CARS?

    Yes. I have developed a series of steps that will show you how simple this exam can be. Many of my students are brilliant, highly motivated individuals but they struggle with this exam. They struggle because they are too smart and overthink the exam. If you follow the steps and advice I outline in the course, analyzing passages and understanding why certain answer choices are wrong and why the correct answer is the best answer will become second nature.

  • I get really anxious when studying. Will you help me on a psychological level as well?

    The MCAT is a very easy exam. What makes it difficult is the intimidation factor. If you get anxious, it's because the MCAT is designed to make you doubt yourself. My course is all about understanding how the MCAT asks questions. Once you realize what their motives are and you see a pattern in their questions, you will feel a lot better about this exam.

  • My exam is in less than three weeks, should I sign up anyways and complete what I can?

    Do not sign up unless you have at least three weeks before your exam date. I will not be able to help you at a level I am satisfied with if you do sign up. You will start understanding the true methodologies within the first lecture, but to implement them will require practice and a little bit of time.

    I highly suggest that you postpone your exam if you think your MCAT score is not where you want it to be 2-3 weeks prior to your exam date. Take this exam seriously and commit yourself to the approach I have organized and you will undoubtedly change your ability to rationalize new information.

    That being said, if you choose to sign up, I do believe you can fundamentally change how you approach the CARS section by attending and participating in a portion of the sessions. I have had success with students who used the course for as little as 2 weeks, but it is dependent on the student's abilities.

  • I know your course focuses on AAMC passages, but I have already gone through them many times before. Will I be at a disadvantage?

    Although you have seen the AAMC material before, you really haven't. Not in the way I want you to. You will notice that the way I go through questions is completely different than what you did. The passages and even the answers will seem familiar (you may even remember some of the answer choices), but you won't be able to pick answers out of the blue. You'll need to actually explain to me why you picked it. No memorization on earth can help you with that.

    On the contrary, looking over the AAMC material beforehand is a benefit because you will really believe what I have to show you. There have been many students who re-used the material after a second or even third attempt with no problem (as long as you apply what we have to show you).

  • Do I have to make it to every live session?

    The live sessions are geared towards giving students support and feedback. All live sessions are recorded in case you cannot attend. You can watch them at any time during your course.

    I have 2-4 live sessions each week, where the live session schedule varies each week to accommodate all students in the course. They can occur on any weeknight at 7 or 8 PM EST or on weekends at 12, 7 or 8 PM EST. For example, I could have one live session on Monday at 7 PM EST, Thursday at 8 PM EST, Saturday at 12 PM EST, and Sunday at 7 PM EST. Or on another week I could have Tuesday at 7 PM EST, Wednesday at 8 PM EST, Friday at 7 PM EST, and Sunday at 12 PM EST.

  • I previously took or am currently taking another prep course that has their own CARS lessons. How do I go about studying?

    I strongly advise you to come into my course with a blank slate. Don't try to "mix" strategies or try to use what other companies have told you with what I tell you. You have to completely trust me and pretend you are starting from scratch. If you are currently in a test-prep course, I recommend skipping their CARS portion completely.

  • I'm a parent and I'm looking for someone to help my son/daughter. Can you help them as well as update me on their progress?

    Many of our students find us through their parents. I’m sure I can help your child as long as they are hardworking, open minded, and willing to learn something completely new to them. If your child gives us your email after they are enrolled, I will contact you if I believe they are struggling with the course.

  • How did you learn how to teach this way?

    I have been teaching only the MCAT Verbal / CARS section for over 10 years. In this time, I completed thousands of hours of teaching time and I have taught thousands of students. Through this experience, I have learned how to best guide students into understanding basic principles and reinforcing the foundations necessary to think like a top-scorer.

    In addition to this, I also studied for this exam when I was a pre-medical student. I understand first-hand how difficult and daunting this exam can be. My number one goal is to show you how simple the MCAT really is and to show you common pitfalls the MCAT presents. I believe this will help improve your confidence and your overall score on the exam.

  • Do you have any reviews from prior students that I can read?

    Yes, click on the “About” tab at the top of your screen and find “Reviews.” On this page, you will see video testimonials from my prior and current students.

    You may also find reviews from my students on SDN (StudentDoctor.net), the most popular pre-medical website. I have no control or access to what my students write on this site. I cannot edit or delete the reviews since it's run by a non-profit organization—not me.

  • Do you guarantee a high score or major improvement after taking your course?

    I cannot guarantee that you will improve, because your success is dependent on many factors. Will you actually follow my strategies? Will you work hard? Will you stay focused on test day?

    If you do well after the course, it's because you did well. If you don't do well after this course, it's because you did not do well. I will show you what this exam wants and how to do it, but your execution and performance is in your hands. Under timed conditions, this exam becomes a different animal and preparation is the key to your success.

    For many students, my approach is a game-changer. Before they sign up, they have no idea what the exam truly wants. I can guarantee that you will understand how to get every AAMC CARS question right through a step-by-step approach. You will learn exactly how to read and exactly how to answer even the most difficult questions.

    If this is something that you find valuable, then this course is worth your investment. I will show you what it takes to score 129+. This course will make you smarter, more logical, and a better critical thinker. You just have to be willing to work hard, make mistakes, learn from them, and be consistent with the methods I will teach you.

  • Will I be able to stay in touch with you after my course ends?

    My mission is to help you accomplish your goals. When you sign up for my course, I make a commitment to you to be both your instructor and mentor. This means that if you work hard to understand my strategies, I am going to continue to be by your side. In addition to welcoming any emails from my alumni students, I also offer alumni access to my office hours up to a year of their enrollment date.

  • What is a Free Trial Session?

    I offer a free, one and a half hour long MCAT CARS session to students who want a glimpse of what they can expect from my course. The trial session only exposes students to limited strategies, but gives them a true feel of my teaching methods and the live workshops. You can participate along with other students through the live chat feature. At the end of the session, I also host a Q&A to give students an opportunity to get any questions they may have answered. There are no obligations to sign up after the session.

  • Do I have to take the Free Trial Session in order to enroll in the course?

    No, it is not necessary. A majority of students enroll without attending a trial session.

  • You don't have a trial session date that works with my schedule. When are your other trial session times?

    I post new trial session times weekly on our main page. You may check our page again to find the next session schedule.

    If you cannot find a suitable trial session time, please reach out to me so we can schedule a meeting to walk you through the structure of the course and how I teach CARS using critical thinking fundamentals.

  • Do I need to speak with you in order to enroll?

    No. Once you enroll, you will be given a syllabus on how to proceed.

  • Do you offer one-on-one assistance or an hourly rate instead of a course?

    I don't teach students one on one as it is not the most efficient way to learn CARS. Students need at least 30 hours of teaching time/reinforcement to master CARS. The course provides all the resources and teaching in a structured manner that is far superior to one on one lessons. Acquiring the skills necessary to tackle the MCAT cannot be taught in one or two lessons or within a week. It takes at least 4 weeks.

    The course includes many live, interactive sessions (each session is 2-3 hours) with me where I will give you personalized feedback. If I notice a student in my class is having difficulty with the lessons and I see that they are working hard, I will offer to meet with them individually at no charge to pinpoint the issue. This is not going to be necessary if you commit yourself to exactly what I say, but I really want to make sure students do not fall behind.

    Also, having a group of like-minded peers who have the same goals is a very fun and encouraging way to learn. You get to hear other students' questions and how other students think.

  • Can I pay as I go or only for certain course sessions?

    The course is a comprehensive program that requires a student's full commitment. This is why we do not offer pay as you go or a lower price for a select amount of sessions. Students who expect to succeed must invest time and energy to learn the strategies properly and practice given the material assigned. The minimum amount of time this requires is 4-6 weeks. We do not want to offer a mediocre short product that has little impact on students.

  • Do you offer discounts?

    We do not offer discounts. The course price is based on the amount of time and energy we have invested into it. There is a large team of talented individuals who tirelessly work to improve our services. We provide the best price to all of our students.

  • Do you offer installment payment planning?

    Yes, students may elect to pay the tuition through 10 weekly installments of $145. Students pay $145 at the time of enrollment and then pay $145 weekly every week for 9 weeks until tuition is paid in full. These charges are done automatically every week. Students receive an email receipt for every successful installment payment.

    Students who elect to pay via installment planning are responsible for the entire tuition regardless of course participation.

    If you would like to choose installment planning, please click on the course you would like to enroll in and select the "Installment Payment" option.

  • If I take your course and I don't do well, can I get a refund of any kind?

    We do not offer any kinds of refunds for the course. Students who enroll at any point are committing to the full payment of the course and its completion. All sales are final, regardless of the amount of time spent on the course.

    If you do not perform to a level you are satisfied with, please email me and I can help you understand what went wrong and how to proceed. I am willing to help you until you are completely done with this exam. As long as you don't give up on yourself, I will always be your coach and mentor. This means I will extend your course, provide one on one support (at no charge), or create a more specific study strategy depending on what I believe will be most beneficial. I'm here to help hard working students succeed.

  • When will you post future course dates?

    We typically start one course per month. You can view the upcoming course schedule on the course page. They are announced a month in advance.

  • How fast do your courses fill up to capacity?

    Typically, three weeks prior to the official start date. However, classes fill up over a month in advance as we approach MCAT season. I recommend enrolling early to ensure a spot. Due to the live nature of the course, we limit the amount of students I teach at any one time.

    Please look for the "Course Status" section of the course you're interested in. If the status is "OPEN" there are still spots available. If the status is "FULL" the course has been filled to capacity.

  • Can I leave a deposit to save my spot?

    We do not accept deposits to save spots for students.

  • What software do you use to teach online? Is there something I need to download before my course starts? Can I use any of my devices to enter the classroom?

    We created our own custom classroom using the most advanced technologies found on the market today. We are always striving to improve the digital experience for our students. The course will load seamlessly on your browser with a click of a button, without the need of a download.

    You should have no problem entering the live classroom. You may use your microphone to speak or simply type your questions in the live chat. You can use any device that connects to the internet (desktop, laptop, iPhone, or iPad).

  • Are there any materials I need to get before I start the course?

    The only materials you need to buy before the course begins are the AAMC MCAT CARS Question Packs Volume 1 and 2. They can be bought via AAMCs website for a total of $30 ($15 each). I will assign all of the passages in these two volumes throughout the course in a unique order that is going to help you better understand the exam.

    I recommend that you also purchase AAMC Sample Test, Practice Exam 1, Practice Exam 2, Practice Exam 3, and Practice Exam 4, but those are not necessary to complete the course. You can start doing the AAMC exams once you finish Lecture 5 or anytime after you finish the course.

  • Do I have to be a citizen of the U.S. to enroll?

    You do not have to be a U.S. citizen. Students from all around the world enroll every month.

  • When is the latest time I can enroll in a course?

    Enrollment ends as soon as the course status reads "FULL".

  • I'm in high school or am a freshman in college. What should I do now before I enroll in your course?

    To all of my future students: regardless of when you enroll, I recommend that you (1.) read everyday and (2.) notecard vocabulary words you do not know.

    When you read everyday, try to read for at least an hour. Two hours is ideal, but I realize that you may not have this luxury given your hectic schedule. If you can read for 1-2 hours daily for two years before taking my course, you will find the entire exam easier.

    When it comes to what you should read, I recommend changing it up every week or two. I don't consider textbooks or scientific research articles reading material. Reading material can include a novel you find interesting or anything written at a college level. Make sure it's not so dense where you don't understand a thing it's saying, but it should be on the challenging side.

    Some of my recommendations:

    - 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene (anything by Robert Greene)
    - Game of Thrones books
    - The Economist Magazine
    - The Atlantic Journal
    - ALDaily.com (essays and opinions section)

  • Do you offer any admission services?

    Yes, we offer an admissions program as a paid service that covers every part of the application process. We work closely with each of our students in order to ensure that they have the best chance of receiving an acceptance. To work with our team, students go through multiple interviews and fill out a comprehensive application. It's a highly selective program due to limited availability each year.

  • What free resources do you offer?

    We strive to broaden the number of free resources available to pre-medical students. We have worked tirelessly to develop a chrome extension for the AAMC practice products, so you can finally study using the proper exam format. We have also created one unique Daily CARS Passage for every day of the year with logic that mimics the real exam. Additionally, students can access our free CARS Practice Exams, Khan Academy Passages in our format, MCAT CARS Podcast with Dr. Ryan Grey, and many other features listed under the “Practice” tab at the top of your page.

Jack Westin - Frequently Asked Questions (2024)


Are Jack Westin questions free? ›

All of our practice passages and questions are free for the public to use.

Is Jack Westin good practice? ›

Jack Westin does a really good job with strategy and practice for the CARS section of the MCAT. It's kind of their thing. Not only do I like that Jack Westin emphasizes strategy, but I also like their learning framework.

How to get better at answering MCAT questions? ›

8 Essential MCAT Science Strategies
  1. Back to the basics. ...
  2. Process of elimination is paramount! ...
  3. Tackle questions in the order YOU want. ...
  4. Take it easy with the highlighting tool. ...
  5. Not all “true” statements are the right answer. ...
  6. Avoid extremes. ...
  7. Don't get tricked by LEAST/EXCEPT/NOT questions. ...
  8. Remember to Guess on the MCAT.

Does Jack Westin cost money? ›

Jack Westin does offer a number of free materials, like daily CARS passages and some live workshops, but most of the premium content is behind a paywall. Not to mention, you'll need to buy the AAMC practice bundle.

How long should you spend on a car passage? ›

The MCAT has a strict time limit on each section. For the CARS section, you must complete 9 passages containing 53 questions in 90 minutes—that's an average of 10 minutes per passage or about 100 seconds per question!

Is there a Jack Westin app? ›

Flashcards. Jack Westin's flashcard app is free. It has mobile and desktop versions and uses spaced repetition for efficient content review.

What is the hardest section of the MCAT to improve? ›

The two sections that students typically have the most difficulty with on the exam is either Chem/Phys or CARS. This, of course, depends on the student.

How many questions can you miss on the MCAT to pass? ›

The truth about MCAT scoring is that missing six questions could equate to a score of 131 or it could be a 125, depending on the test difficulty. Essentially, this is how the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) keeps everything fair and balanced, even if some tests are slightly harder than others.

Does MCAT penalize for wrong answers? ›

Your number correct scores on the four multiple-choice sections of the MCAT exam are based on the numbers of questions you answer correctly. Wrong answers are scored exactly the same as unanswered questions and do not affect your score.

How much do Jack Westin tutors make? ›

Jack Westin pay FAQs

The average Jack Westin hourly pay ranges from approximately $16 per hour (estimate) for a Test Preparation Tutor to $38 per hour (estimate) for a Program Manager.

What is Jack Westin's strategy? ›

Jack Westin's Strategy for Skimming and Scanning

Read the first sentence of each paragraph to quickly identify the main topic and argument presented in that section. Similarly, reading the last sentence of each paragraph can help you identify the author's conclusion or final thoughts on that particular topic.

How many Jack Westin passages a day? ›

You will be able to also see each solution with a detailed explanation and read comments on particular passages from your peers. We made 365 Daily CARS Passages because we believe doing one every single day will make a significant impact on a student's score.

Are Jack Westin sessions recorded? ›

All live sessions are recorded in case you cannot attend. You can watch them at any time during your course. I have 2-4 live sessions each week, where the live session schedule varies each week to accommodate all students in the course.

Does Jack Westin have daily car passages? ›

We have personally created one unique Daily CARS Passage for every day of the year.

How to practice CARS every day? ›

The MCAT CARS Strategy
  1. 1 | Practice Active Reading. ...
  2. 2 | Explain the Passage to Someone Else. ...
  3. 3 | Summarize Each Paragraph. ...
  4. 4 | Highlight the Most Important Information. ...
  5. 5 | Practice With Less Time. ...
  6. 6 | Practice With More Time. ...
  7. 7 | Read Complicated Texts. ...
  8. 8 | Read Every Day.


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Author: Arline Emard IV

Last Updated:

Views: 6162

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.