IQ Solutions Luxembourg recrute pour des postes de Call Center / Customer Service Agent - (Banking) - French/Luxembourgish speaker (m/f/d) (Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg) | LinkedIn (2024)

IQ Solutions Luxembourg recrute pour des postes de Call Center / Customer Service Agent - (Banking) - French/Luxembourgish speaker (m/f/d) (Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg) | LinkedIn (2)

Call Center / Customer Service Agent - (Banking) - French/Luxembourgish speaker (m/f/d)

IQ Solutions Luxembourg Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

IQ Solutions Luxembourg Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

il y a 1mois

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Lëtzebuergesch Versioun

Iwwer IQ Solutions IQ Solutions IQ ass haut de Maartféierer fir operationell a geschäftlech Berodung zu Lëtzebuerg a ënnerstëtzt haaptsächlech Projeten op der Plaz an Europa. Gegrënnt vun e puer fréieren EY Luxembourg Partneren am Joer 2002, kënnt IQ Solutions aus engem Big4-Hannergrond mat engem soliden a strikten Hannergrond a mat engem frëschen onofhängege Geescht. Eis talentéiert Beroder kommen aus der ganzer Welt an hunn zënter 20 Joer eis Clientë mat hirer wäertvoller Expertisen a Wëssen aus der Investitiounsfongindustrie an dem Finanzsecteur zefridde gestallt. Eisen Teamwork an de kooperative Geescht erméiglechen eise Beroder sech séier an einfach an déi bestoend Aarbechtsprozesser vun eise Clienten z'integréieren.

Fir ee vu senge Clientë sicht IQ Solutions no engem:

Call Center / Customer Service Agent – Vollzäit (m/f/d)[Franséisch / Lëtzebuergesch Spriecher]Iwwer d'Roll

  • Telefonsuriff a E-Mail Ufroe vu Clienten am Call Center behandelen.
  • Eng Vertrauensrelatioun opbauen, nolauschteren, an eng positiv Bild vun der Firma vum éischte Kontakt un presentéieren.
  • D'Ufroe vun de Clientë kloer a präzis beschreiwen a formuléieren, fir se korrekt un de relevanten technesche Service iwwer dat internen Ticketssystem weiderzeginn.
  • Einfach, kloer a effektiv Léisungen ubidde mat engem Engagement fir impeccabel Clientëservice.
  • Passend Äntwerten an/oder Léisungen op d'Ufroe vun de Clienten ubidden.
  • D'Aktualiséierung vun den techneschen Dateie vun de Clienten op der Niveau vun den Tools fir d'Zentraliséierung vun techneschen a kommerziellen Informatioune garantéieren.
  • Vertraulechkeet wärend de Gespréicher an all zesummenhängend Verbindunge mat dem Client garantéieren.

Iwwer Iech

  • Fréier Erfarung an enger Client-Orientéierter Roll inklusiv Telefonsinteraktiounen. (Call Center / Receptioun / Service Desk)
  • Voll Beherrsche vu Franséisch an Englesch, souwéi Lëtzebuergesch (Italieenesch, Portugisesch, Däitsch, Spuenesch ginn als wichteg Aktiv ugesinn).
  • Exzellent Lauschteren a Kommunikatiounsfäegkeeten.
  • Interessi an idealerweis Erfarung am Finanzsecteur, an exzellent kommerziell Acumen.
  • Vertraut mat Gespréichsféierungstechniken an Informatiksinstrumenter (Interessi un neien Technologien, besonnesch technesch/IT Aspekter ass e Virdeel)
  • Fäeg autonom ze schaffen an dobäi e gudden Team an Adaptatiounsgeescht ze hunn.

Wat mir ubidden

  • Gutt Aarbechtsliewensbalance
  • Méiglechkeet fir un enger breet Pallette vu Missioune fir prestigiéis Clienten an der Investitiounsfongindustrie ze schaffen an sech op den Erfolleg vun engem Geschäft gläichzäiteg ze konzentréieren an net Är Efforten iwwer vill Clienten ze verdeelen
  • Kompetitiv Gehaltspak mat Potential fir eng järlech Erhéijung a Bonus
  • 45 extra Wuelbefanne Deeg iwwer/no enger dräi-Joer Period
  • Iessbongen
  • Professionell Telefonsnummer, Laptop
  • Bildungsressourcen an Trainings-/Léierprogrammer

IQ Solutions schwätzt Är Sprooch!Bei IQ Solutions gleewe mir, datt Diversitéit eng Stäerkt ass, a mir si stolz op en gläiche Rekrutéierungsprozess ze liwweren, deen nëmme baséiert op Fäegkeeten an Erfahrungen. Als Beroder fannt

Sidd Deel vun engem wäertvollen Team Wann dës Méiglechkeet d'Herausfuerderung ass, no där Dir sicht, géife mir gär vun Iech héieren. Schéckt eis direkt eng E-Mail op: All Bewerbunge gi streng vertraulech behandelt.

GDPRIQS sammelt all perséinlech Daten vun de Kandidaten als Deel vum Rekrutéierungsprozess. D'perséinlech Daten ginn am Aklang mam General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Veruerdnung (EU) 2016/679), (Ëmsetzungsdatum: 25. Mee 2018) veraarbecht. Mir veraarbechten d'Daten mat der Zoustëmmung vun de Kandidate oder op Basis vum Aarbechtsvertrag. D'perséinlech Daten ginn nëmmen op Basis vun engem vun de méigleche gesetzleche Grënn (geméiss Art. 6 vum GDPR) veraarbecht. Perséinlech Daten ginn net méi laang behalen, wéi et vum GDPR oder vun den zoustännegen lëtzebuergesche Gesetzer gefuerdert ass.

English Version

About IQ SolutionsIQ Solutions is today the market leader for operational and business consulting in Luxembourg and is actively supporting on-site projects mostly in Europe.

Born out of a Big4 and founded by former Partners of EY Luxembourg in 2002, IQ Solutions has a solid and rigorous background with a fresh independent spirit.

Our talented consultants come from all over the world and have been for 20 years satisfying our clients with their valuable expertise and knowledge from the investment fund industry and finance sector.

Our teamwork and cooperative spirit enable our consultants to integrate smoothly and rapidly into our clients existing work process environment.

For one of its clients, IQ Solutions is looking for a:

Call Center / Customer Service Agent – Full time (m/f/d)[French / Luxembourgish speaker]About The Role

  • Handle telephone calls and email requests from customers within the call center.
  • Build a relationship of trust, listen, and present a positive image of the company from the first contact.
  • Clearly and precisely describe and reformulate customer requests, in order to transmit them correctly to the relevant technical service via the internal ticketing system.
  • Offer simple, clear, and effective solutions with a commitment to impeccable customer service.
  • Provide appropriate responses and/or solutions to customer requests.
  • Ensure the update of customer technical files at the level of tools for centralizing technical and commercial information.
  • Ensure confidentiality during the conversations and all related liaises with the client.

About You

  • Previous experience in a customer service-oriented role including telephone interactions. (call center / reception / service desk)
  • Full Proficiency in French and English, as well Luxembourgish (Italian, Portuguese, German, Spanish are considered as an important asset).
  • Excellent listening and communication skills.
  • Interest and ideally experience in the financial sector, and excellent commercial acumen.
  • Familiarity with call management techniques and computer tools (interest in new technologies, especially technical/IT aspects is an advantage)
  • Ability to work autonomously while having a good team and adaptation spirit.

What We Offer

  • Good work-life balance
  • Opportunity to work on a wide range of assignments for prestigious clients within the investment fund industry and focus into the success of one business at a time rather than spreading your efforts across many clients simultaneously
  • Competitive salary package with potential for an annual raise and bonus
  • 45 extra wellbeing days over/after a three-years period
  • Meal vouchers
  • Professional phone number, laptop
  • Educational resources and training/learning programs

IQ Solutions speaks your language!At IQ Solutions we believe that diversity is a strength, and we are proud to deliver an

equal opportunity recruiting process only based on skills and experiences. As a

consultant, you will find at IQ Solutions, an international atmosphere where everyone

can be him/herself.

Be part of a valuable teamIf this opportunity is the challenge, you are looking for, we would love to hear from

you. Email us directly at:

All applications will be treated as strictly confidential.

GDPRIQS will collect all personal data from candidates as part of the recruitment process. The personal data will be processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), (Enforcement date: 25 May 2018). We will process the data with the candidates consent or on the basis of the employment contract. The personal data will only be processed based on one of the possible legal basis (as per Art. 6 of the GDPR). Personal data will not be retained for more than required by the GDPR or by applicable Luxembourg laws.

IQS will collect all personal data from candidates as part of the recruitment process. The personal data will be processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), (Enforcement date: 25 May 2018). We will process the data with the candidates consent or on the basis of the employment contract. The personal data will only be processed based on one of the possible legal basis (as per Art. 6 of the GDPR). Personal data will not be retained for more than required by the GDPR or by applicable Luxembourg laws.

GDPRIQS will collect all personal data from candidates as part of the recruitment process. The personal data will be processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), (Enforcement date: 25 May 2018). We will process the data with the candidates consent or on the basis of the employment contract. The personal data will only be processed based on one of the possible legal basis (as per Art. 6 of the GDPR). Personal data will not be retained for more than required by the GDPR or by applicable Luxembourg laws.

  • Niveau hiérarchique

  • Type d’emploi

    Temps plein
  • Fonction

    Conseil et Service clients
  • Secteurs

    Services financiers

IQ Solutions Luxembourg recrute pour des postes de Call Center / Customer Service Agent - (Banking) - French/Luxembourgish speaker (m/f/d) (Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg) | LinkedIn (7) IQ Solutions Luxembourg recrute pour des postes de Call Center / Customer Service Agent - (Banking) - French/Luxembourgish speaker (m/f/d) (Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg) | LinkedIn (8) IQ Solutions Luxembourg recrute pour des postes de Call Center / Customer Service Agent - (Banking) - French/Luxembourgish speaker (m/f/d) (Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg) | LinkedIn (9)

Les recommandations augmentent vos chances d’obtenir un entretien chez IQ Solutions Luxembourg

Voir qui vous connaissez

Recevez des alertes en cas de nouvelles offres d’emploi: Call Center Customer Service Representative, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

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IQ Solutions Luxembourg recrute pour des postes de Call Center / Customer Service Agent - (Banking) - French/Luxembourgish speaker (m/f/d) (Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg) | LinkedIn (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.