Inscription in Dragonflight
As usual, Inscription will be responsible for improved Darkmoon trinkets, VantusRunes, reputation contracts, secondary stat fixing Missives, Off-Hands, and Staves.
They will also craft new profession gear, such as Alchemist's Sturdy Mixing Rod,new temporary weapon enchants, such as Howling Rune, new fortune cardssuch as Fated Fortune Card, new Draconic Treatises, such as Draconic Treatise on Alchemy,and cosmetic items such as Illusion Parchment: Shadow Orb or Highland Drake: Black Hair.
Dragonflight introduces Crafting Specializations, which youare able to unlock once your profession skill hits 25. These serve as a professiontalent tree system fueled by Inscription Knowledge, obtained from weekly quests,one-time treasures in the Dragon Isles, Draconic Treatises, and first-time crafts.
While you will eventually be able to unlock all talents, doing so will requirea long time as the sources of knowledge are very limited, especially once one-timetreasures and first-crafts are exhausted.
Best Race for Inscription in Dragonflight
If you are a Horde player, Nightborne will grant you +5 skill points,while Alliance players can be Kul'Tiran for +2 skill points.
Crafting UI in Dragonflight
Dragonflight introduces a few new concepts to professions, which canbe seen in the annotated Crafting UI screenshot below:
- Most crafting reagents will now have detailed descriptions on how they canbe obtained, such as their profession source;
- Quality, depicted by the number of diamonds on the top left cornerof most profession items, is a measure of how proficiently the item wasmade, and how powerful it is. On crafted gear, this translates to extra itemlevels, while crafting reagents with higher quality contribute some skilltowards any craft they are used on;
- Doing the First Craft of an item (as indicated in the UI) grants some Artisan's Mettle and one profession knowledge point, as well as significantexperience, making it worthwhile to craft every item at least once;
- Crafting Specializations, the second option in the bottom tabs, are anew system which allows you to spend profession knowledge points for varioustalent-like bonuses to your crafting abilities;
- Crafting Orders, the last option in the bottom tabs, allows you tomanage your orders, a new system which allows you to craft gear which requiresbind on pickup materials for other players, as long as they provide these materials.You can also recraft equipment, in order to change its optional reagentsand quality.
Crafting Stats for Inscription in Dragonflight
Recipe Difficulty represents the profession skill level needed to craftthe selected recipe at its highest quality potential. It starts from your baselineprofession skill, but can be improved with profession gear, specialization bonuses,the quality of the materials used to craft and other special items.
The Expected Quality bar under the recipe stats give an idea of the qualityoutcome of crafting the item under current conditions.
There are four new stats for crafting professions, which can show up on yourcrafting gear:
- Multicraft provides a baseline (increasable by talents) chance tocraft 1 to 2.5 times more items than the usual items a craft produces. AMulticraft proc on a craft that produces 2 items will grant between 1 and 5extra items, for example;
- Resourcefulness provides a chance to use fewer tradeable craftingreagents when crafting;
- Inspiration provides a baseline (increasable by talents) chance tocraft a recipe with bonus skill (33% of Recipe Difficulty for crafts with3 levels of quality, 16.7% for crafts with 5 levels of quality) added on;
- Crafting Speed increases your craft speed, allowing you to finishyour crafts faster.
These stats, when activated, will show up on your Crafting Resultspanel, as displayed below:
All stats have their uses, but for Inscription we recommend focusing onInspiration and Resourcefulness for most crafts, as recipe difficultiestend to be on the high side for the best crafts.
If you are focused on crafting Fated Fortune Card or other similar itemswhere quantity is worth more than quality (which does not even exist for the cards),then swap out your Inspiration gear for Multicraft, instead.
Leveling Inscription in Dragonflight
Increasing your skill in Dragonflight is done by crafting items that grantskill points as usual, but the endgame of the profession is in the search forInscription Knowledge and using it to unlock Inscription Specializations.
Some crafts require special bind on pickup reagents, such as Artisan's Mettleor Spark of Ingenuity. These reagents are heavily time gated in how theycan be obtained, and thus caution should be used on what you use them for, especiallyearly on.
In order to be efficient, we recommend trying to get as many first-craftbonuses while leveling Inscription as possible, but the specific items to aim forwhile leveling depend on your server's material costs and current sale price forwhatever you are crafting.
Dragonflight Milling and Ink Guide
With the new crafting interface, you can now mill all herbs of a type on yourinventory automatically over time as if you were crafting items!
Also, as it can often be confusing, here is the information on what eachherb type mills into and what ink can be produced from the pigment:
- Writhebark mills into Flourishing Pigment, which is used for Flourishing Ink;
- Bubble Poppy mills into Serene Pigment, which is used for Serene Ink;
- Saxifrage mills into Blazing Pigment, which is used for Blazing Ink;
- Hochenblume mills into Shimmering Pigment, which is used for all inks listed above;
- Prismatic Leaper is a fish that can be milled, giving the same pigments as a randomly picked herb with no quality;
- Burnished Ink is crafted by combining two of each of the previously mentioned inks;
- Cosmic Ink is crafted by combining two Burnished Inks, a Serene Ink and other materials.
Investment into higher quality herbs and / or milling and inking related talentswill result in higher quality pigments / inks, as well as higher chances of savingmaterials along the way and faster milling and ink crafting.
At this moment in Beta, the recipe difficulty of the baseline inks is only80, making it trivial to craft maximum quality inks even when using minimum qualitymaterials. If this stays the case on launch make sure to not waste gold by usinghigh quality herbs for milling!
Best Inscription Gear
Scribes, like most other professions, can use three pieces of gear:
- Left-Handed Magnifying Glass and Magnificent Margin Magnifier, made by Jewelcrafters;
- Bold-Print Bifocals and Fine-Print Trifocals, made by Jewelcrafters;
- Scribe's Fastened Quill and Scribe's Resplendent Quill, made by Scribes.
As shown in the image above, quality is a big factor in the stats you can getfrom the gear. Green versions are bind on equip and from trainer recipes, but blueversions require faction / renown grinding for their recipe and are bind on pickup,requiring you to submit a Crafting Order for them.
Also, remember to enchant your primary tool with Enchant Tool - Draconic Inspirationor Enchant Tool - Draconic Resourcefulness.
Crafting Orders
Speaking of crafting orders, all you need to do create one is to go to the NPCresponsible for them in the capital city and open the auction-house like interface.Type a part of the name of the item you are looking to get crafted in the searchbox and pick the exact item from the list that shows up, resulting in the followinginterface:
Here you can pick between a Public Order, which requires you to supplyall materials but should result in a very fast craft (as long as the goldCommission for the crafter is decent enough) as the whole server will beable to do your order, or a Personal Order, which requires you to specifya character that will then receive this order in their profession crafting log:
In public orders you cannot specify the quality of the crafted item.This means that, no matter your commission, there is a very high probability thatan unskilled crafter will pick up the order and produce a low quality item, as thatwill still grant skill points without requiring materials from the crafter, makingit useful even at a 1s commission.
Private orders do allow you to specify a minimum quality for the item,and you can always send them to your own alts or trusted players, who will thenbe able to contribute some, or even all of the crafting materials required themselves.This should be the favored method for anything but the most basic of crafts, butabsolutely make sure to talk to the crafter first and / or put in a very largecommission, as otherwise you are likely to have your order ignored, rather thanfinished.
All professions which craft gear can perform Recrafting, which takesan existing item and crafts it all over again in the hopes of a higher qualityresult, using a fraction of the original materials:
Recrafting's purpose is to allow you to craft gear upgrades as soon asyou can, with the knowledge that you can upgrade the item for much cheaper later.Take note that, if you use low quality materials to craft the original item,future recrafts of the item will not gain as much quality from having maximumquality materials used in the recrafting as would be expected!
While the exact math behind it is not well understood yet, you can think of itas having the recraft use all previously used materials instead of only the newlysubmitted materials.
You can also use the work order system to submit a recrafting request, allowingyou to recraft items you do not have the profession to make:
Best Inscription Specializations and Talents in Dragonflight
Inscription Specializations are divided into three disciplines, which also havesub-specializations within which can be unlocked as you put points into theirpre-requisite disciplines, akin to talent trees.
The best specialization for you depends on what your goals are: do you want tobe an efficient miller and produce inks efficiently, be a Darkmoon deck specialist,focus on mass-producing the new Treatises and Fauna Runes or the old Contracts,Missives and Vantus Runes, or maybe you want to be a cutting-edge weapon or toolcrafter? We will give suggestions on how to accomplish each of these goals below.
Best Inscription Talents for Milling and Ink creation
- 10 points into Rune Mastery for pathing;
- 20 points into Understanding Flora for for efficient Milling;
- 10 points into Rune Mastery for further pathing;
- 20 points into Flawless Inks for more efficient Ink creation;
- 10 points into Rune Mastery for further pathing;
- 30 points into Perfect Practice for more efficient creation.
All Inscription crafts rely on milling herbs and processing it into inks. Thus,one of the first basic steps is to specialize on doing these steps as efficientlyas possible, in order to reduce costs down the line for crafters specialized inusing them.
Best Inscription Talents for Darkmoon Deck Trinkets
- 10 points into Archiving for pathing;
- 10 points into Darkmoon Mysteries for pathing;
- 30 points into Fire or Earth or Frost or Air for specializing intocrafting one of the four Darkmoon Deck Boxes: Darkmoon Deck Box: Inferno, Darkmoon Deck Box: Watcher, Darkmoon Deck Box: Rime, or Darkmoon Deck Box: Dance;
- 10 points into Archiving for pathing;
- 1 point into Scale Sigils for pathing;
- 1 point into Sagescale Sigil to unlock Sagescale Sigil, anoptional reagent that allows you to create Darkmoon trinkets whose variable outcomescan be controlled and optimized, vastly improving their potential power;
- 30 points into Darkmoon Mysteries for more efficient card and trinketcreation.
Darkmoon Decks look very strong in Beta, and are likely to be some of the mostsought after trinkets, making them have high gold making potential. Make sure toresearch about each deck in order to determine ahead of time which type of Deckyou want to specialize in, to minimize wasted points.
It is also possible to maximize Darkmoon Mysteries as soon as possiblebefore diving into the optimized end game decks, which should help you make aprofit from creating the base cards, but it could be risky if the card drop ratesfrom PvE content are high.
Best Inscription Talents for Vantus and Fauna Rune Crafting
- 10 points into Runebinding for pathing;
- 10 points into Runic Scripture for pathing;
- 20 points into Fauna Runes for optimizing your Fauna runes, such as Howling Rune;
- 10 points into Runic Scripture for further pathing;
- 20 points into Vantus Runes for optimizing your Vantus runes, such as Vantus Rune: Vault of the Incarnates;
- 10 points into Runic Scripture for added craft efficiency;
- 20 points into Runebinding for added craft efficiency.
Vantus Runes, such as Vantus Rune: Vault of the Incarnates and the new FaunaRunes, such as Howling Rune are essential consumables with good gold makingpotential, especially as there are significant stat gain increases from higherquality crafts but recipe difficulties are high enough that Inspiration has greatvalue for occasionally crafting higher tiers.
Best Inscription Talents for Treatise, Contract, and Missive Crafting
- 10 points into Archiving for pathing;
- 10 points into Shared Knowledge for pathing;
- 20 points into Draconic Treatises or Contracts and Missives, as preferred;
- 10 points into Shared Knowledge for further pathing;
- 20 points into Draconic Treatises or Contracts and Missives, depending on what you skipped before.
Draconic Treatises, such as Draconic Treatise on Inscription are newbind on pickup Inscription items that grant a knowledge point for aDragonflight profession. You can only use one per profession every week and dueto their bind on pickup nature most players will have to use the Crafting Ordersto acquire them.
Missives, such as Draconic Missive of the Feverflare allow forcustomization of the secondary stats present on crafted combat and professiongear. Finally, Contracts, such as Contract: Artisan's Consortium make yougain reputation with a specific faction for every world quest you complete inthe Dragon Isles, accelerating your reputation grinds.
Best Inscription Talents for Weapon or Profession Tool Crafting
- 10 points into Runebinding for pathing;
- 10 points into Woodcarving for pathing;
- 20 points into Profession Tools or 30 points into Staves, as preferred;
- 20 points into Woodcarving for added craft efficiency;
- 20 points into Runebinding for added craft efficiency.
While you can technically become proficient at both weapon and profession toolcrafting, talents spent into Profession Tools do not affect Stavescrafts and vice-versa, encouraging full specialization into one kind of toolbefore delving into the other, especially as Woodcarving has a strong30-point bonus.
Scribes can make Agility and Intellect two-hand staves: Kinetic Pillar of the Isles and Illuminating Pillar of the Isles. Theycan also make multiple profession tools, including their own best in slot tool: Scribe's Resplendent Quill. All of the blue and epic quality gear is bindon pickup, so remember to browse public Crafting Orders and advertise yourexpertise wherever you go to gain clients for private Orders as well!
Making Gold with Inscription in Dragonflight
Ideally, Inscription allows you to convert cheap materials into expensive runes,missives, Darkmoon decks and end game gear and profession tools. The commoditynature of some of its crafts implies it is very likely that the consumable marketwill quickly get loaded with runes and missives that are only marginally moreexpensive than the materials used to create them, but Inscription has a lot ofdepth within its talent trees, and different crafters will have different marketsto explore.
Making gold with Crafting Orders is very dependent on your server, howmany (and how generous) clients you can get for your wares, and on timing the publicCrafting Order market. Theoretically the best gold from orders should be found inthe middle-to-late part of the week as many crafters will have exhausted theirweekly public crafting order quota already but the panic to use what is left ofthe quota before the weekly reset has not set in yet, either.
Doing orders just before popular raid hours could also be a great goldmakingopportunity, as slackers will want to get their shiny new gear crafted quickly atany cost and thus increase their commission to ensure speed in completion.
When mass-producing and selling commodities, most of your profits will comefrom timing the market in two steps:
- Figure out your server's raid days. Wednesday, Sunday, and Tuesday are the typicalcandidates. On these days it will be easier to sell consumables for higher prices.To make sure, track the worth of your crafts over time in your server withThe Oribos Exchange website,and sell during high price periods.
- Before leaving the website, search for the materials used in the crafts. Takenote of when they are cheapest, and aim to buy during these periods.
Although it sounds simple, most players do not have the patience or knowledgeto take advantage of timing the market, and doing so correctly is where your profitwill come from in the long term. Buying materials to craft and selling the craftsrandomly could actually lead to losing money if you buy high and sell low, sotake a little bit of time to understand the market before you dive in!
- 18 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 07 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2.
- 04 Sep. 2022: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
- 27 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight.
- 18 Feb. 2022: Updated for Patch 9.2.
- 30 Jun. 2021: Updated guide for Patch 9.1.
- 09 Nov. 2020: Guide added.
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