Incredible roasted vegetable recipe | Jamie Oliver recipes (2024)

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Gebraden aardappel, pastinaak en wortel

With sweet garlic & rosemary

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Incredible roasted vegetable recipe | Jamie Oliver recipes (2)

With sweet garlic & rosemary

“Perfectly roasted veg can totally make a Sunday dinner – keep it simple with this classic combo. ”

Serves 4 - 6

Cooks In1 hour 30 minutes

DifficultySuper easy

Jamie's Ministry of FoodPotatoChristmas

Nutrition per serving
  • Calories 377 19%

  • Fat 12.4g 18%

  • Saturates 1.8g 9%

  • Sugars 17.2g 19%

  • Salt 0.7g 12%

  • Protein 8g 16%

  • Carbs 62g 24%

  • Fibre 12.2g -

Of an adult's reference intake

recipe adapted from

Jamie's Ministry of Food

By Jamie Oliver


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  • Voor 4 tot 6 personen
  • 1,2 kilo aardappelen
  • 6 pastinaken
  • 6 wortelen
  • 1 bol knoflook
  • 3 takjes verse rozemarijn
  • olijfolie
  • zeezout en zwarte peper uit de molen

Tap For Method

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recipe adapted from

Jamie's Ministry of Food

By Jamie Oliver

Tap For Ingredients


  1. In mijn ogen is een goed gebraden aardappel een van de belangrijkste gerechten. Hoe is het toch mogelijk dat zo’n bescheiden stukje groente mensen zo blij kan maken? Probeer dit recept eens – je aardappelen worden vanbuiten perfect krokant, terwijl ze vanbinnen heerlijk luchtig blijven. Het principe van het voorkoken, in gekruide olie door elkaar husselen en vervolgens heerlijk goudbruin en krokant bakken is op praktisch elk ander wortelgewas toepasbaar, maar het is vooral erg lekker met pastinaak en wortel, vandaar dat ik die in dit recept heb opgenomen.
  2. Het beste moment om de groenten in de oven te zetten is ongeveer 40 minuten voordat je het vlees eruit haalt. Terwijl het vlees staat te rusten heb je meer ruimte in de oven en kun je de groenten wat hoger in de oven zetten om ze perfect af te bakken.
  3. De voorbereiding
    Als je dit gerecht apart klaarmaakt, en dus niet voor bij een stuk gebraden vlees, moet je beginnen met de oven tot 200 °C of gasovenstand 6 voor te verwarmen # Schil de groenten en snijd grotere exemplaren in de lengte doormidden # Breek de bol knoflook in losse tenen, laat ze heel en plet ze een beetje met de palm van je hand # Stroop de naaldjes rozemarijn van de houtachtige steeltjes
  4. Het braden
    Zet de aardappelen en wortelen met gezouten, kokend water in een grote pan – misschien heb je er twee nodig – op hoog vuur en breng ze aan de kook # Laat ze 5 minuten koken, doe de pastinaken erbij en laat die 4 minuten meekoken # Laat de groenten in een vergiet uitlekken en droog wasem*n # Haal de wortelen en pastinaken uit het vergiet en zet ze opzij # Hussel de aardappelen door elkaar door even flink met het vergiet te schudden – het is heel belangrijk om ze op deze manier op te ruwen, zodat ze straks, na het bakken een lekker bros laagje hebben # Zet een grote braadslee op matig vuur en doe er een paar scheuten olijfolie in, of schep er voorzichtig een paar lepels in van het braadvet van het vlees dat staat te braden # Doe de knoflook en de rozemarijn erbij # Leg de groenten in de braadslee, strooi er een flinke snuf zout en peper op en hussel ze goed door elkaar # Spreid ze in een gelijkmatige laag uit – dit is heel belangrijk omdat je ze wilt braden en bakken en niet stomen, zoals gebeurt als je ze opstapelt # Zet de groente ongeveer 1 uur, of tot ze goudbruin en krokant zijn, in de voorverwarmde oven # Serveer ze meteen bij het gebraad en de jus

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recipe adapted from

Jamie's Ministry of Food

By Jamie Oliver

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© 2024 Jamie Oliver Enterprises Limited

© 2024 Jamie Oliver Enterprises Limited

Incredible roasted vegetable recipe | Jamie Oliver recipes (2024)


How to cook roast vegetables in Jamie Oliver? ›

Gorgeous roast vegetables

Drizzle with the duck fat, pick over the rosemary leaves, season with salt and pepper, then toss to coat. Push the veg into a single layer, then cook at 220°C/425°F/gas 7 for around 40 minutes, or until golden, crispy and delicious, turning halfway through for even cooking.

Should root vegetables be parboiled before roasting? ›

Parboil potatoes, carrots, turnips and celeriac and the like because they are very dense. Don't parboil onions or other less dense roots. Parboil is faster and useful if you can't vary the heat of your oven e.g roasting a bird.

Should I boil my vegetables before roasting? ›

Sometimes I've burned vegetables when roasting them until they were tender. Blanching veggies before roasting them allows them to caramelize a bit without burning. So, try this — enjoy the bounty.

What is the secret to roasting vegetables? ›

The perfect temperature– 400 degrees Fahrenheit is the perfect temperature for most roasted vegetables. It allows for a crispy, perfectly browned exterior and a fork tender interior.

What is Jamie Oliver's most famous recipe? ›

Alongside chasing turkey twizzlers out of school dinners, Jamie is famous for his Italian and American inspired dishes, but it's his classic, rustic and simple steak sarnie (from his Meals in 30 Minutes book). This steak sarnie recipe remains one of Jamie Oliver's most famous dishes.

Which of the following vegetables is not well suited for roasting? ›

Vegetables to Avoid Roasting

Green beans, broccoli, and other green-colored vegetables are not as well-suited for roasting because they tend to turn olive green.

What is the best oil for roasting vegetables? ›

For vegetables, chicken, and just about everything else, olive oil and ghee are our first choices for roasting at temperatures over 400°F. Not only do they help food cook up with the crispiness you crave, but each one also imparts its own unique flavor that you just don't get from neutral oils like grapeseed or canola.

Why won't my roast veggies go crispy? ›

The Oven Temp Is Too Low

But, they'll turn out soft and soggy instead of crispy and caramelized. The solution: Turn the oven temperature up to 400°F to 425°F. The high heat will quickly coax out all those naturally sweet flavors while keeping the vegetable tender-crisp. Everything will be golden brown and delicious!

Should you add dry spices before or after roasting vegetables? ›

Because salt draws moisture out of the food, season veggies just before roasting. Place vegetables hot side down when applicable. Ideally, roast different vegetables separately since they all cook at different times.

Should you cover vegetables when roasting? ›

There is no need to cover vegetables when roasting. Covering them creates steam, so they won't get as crispy and caramelized. Don't forget to stir once or twice while cooking so the vegetables get nicely browned on all sides. Other than that, you can't really go wrong.

Should I oil vegetables before roasting? ›

If your vegetables still have some moisture after washing, be sure to pat them as dry as possible; the drier the vegetable, the better it will roast. Toss the vegetables with olive oil and season.

How far in advance can I prep vegetables for roasting? ›

First, you can cut the raw vegetables and store them in the fridge for a day or two before you roast them. Pile them in a container, drape a damp paper towel over the surface, add a lid, and store it in the produce drawer of your fridge.

Do you need to wash vegetables before roasting? ›

Thorough washing and drying with clean kitchen paper will help remove any pesticide traces. It's also recommended to remove traces of soil before you start preparing the veg, as this can contain a host of bacteria, including E. coli, and contaminate work surfaces.

How should vegetables be cooked for the most flavor? ›

Roasting: This is another high-heat cooking method that brings out the best flavors in vegetables. Use a sheet pan and spread cubed or chopped veggies in a single layer. Don't overcrowd your pan, as moisture will release during cooking. They will wind up mushy or soggy if they're packed in too tightly.

What temperature is best for roasting vegetables? ›

400 degrees F is the best temperature for most roasted vegetables. If you are cooking other items in the oven and need to adjust the temperature to accommodate, anywhere from 375 degrees F to 425 degrees F should work well. I do not recommend roasting vegetables at 350 degrees F if possible.

How long to roast vegetables in Jamie Oliver? ›

To cook and serve your vegetables:

Roast your veg in the hot oven for around 50 minutes, or until soft, golden and cooked through. Serve with anything from roast chicken to grilled meats or fish, or try tossing with pasta or couscous for a simple veggie meal.

Do you roast vegetables in the oven covered or uncovered? ›

There is no need to cover vegetables when roasting. Covering them creates steam, so they won't get as crispy and caramelized. Don't forget to stir once or twice while cooking so the vegetables get nicely browned on all sides. Other than that, you can't really go wrong.

What temperature do you roast vegetables at? ›

Also, make sure your oven is good and hot before you put the vegetables in to roast. I think around 425°F is ideal for roasting most vegetables, although you can adjust up or down as you prefer.


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.