Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe (2024)

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Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe (3)

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What You Need

1 Gallon of 2% Milk
1 tsp salt
3 tablespoons lemon juice or white vinegar

What To Do

Mix the milk, and salt in a Large Saucepan

Bring it to a rolling boil – 195 F you will have to keep stirring so the milk does not burn. Add lemon juice or vinegar and reduce heat to a simmer.

You will start seeing white chucks form on top and yellow liquid under it. This is the curds and whey.

Line a colander with cheese cloth or clean kitchen towel ( have it set over a large sauce pan) and pour mixture into it. Let it drain for 30 minutes.

Enjoy! Keep in airtight container for 1 week in the fridge or freeze it.

Homemade Ricotta Cheese


Best Cheese Ever!!! Makes about 1 pound of cheese


  • 1 Gallon of 2% Milk
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice or white vinegar


  1. Mix the milk, and salt in a Large Saucepan
  2. Bring it to a rolling boil - 195 F you will have to keep stirring so the milk does not burn. Add lemon juice or vinegar and reduce heat to a simmer.
  3. You will start seeing white chucks form on top and yellow liquid under it. This is the curds and whey.
  4. Line a colander with cheese cloth or clean kitchen towel ( have it set over a large sauce pan) and pour mixture into it. Let it drain for 30 minutes.
  5. Enjoy! Keep in airtight container for 1 week in the fridge or freeze it.


  • Gluten Free
  • Kid Friendly
  • Recipes
  • Vegetarian

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Add a Comment


    • Budget Savvy Diva

      I would say a week

  • Brianna

    WOW! I didn’t know it was that easy! I can’t wait to try this!
    Now we just need a lasagna recipe to use this in.

  • alison

    how long should it simmer before I strain it?

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      Depends how long it takes to temp. Took me about 10 minutes

  • Lisa

    Wonder how many cups of ricotta cheese after you made it since it didnt mention anything about it. Thanks

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      It made like 1 and a half cups

  • brighde10

    How much cheese does this make?

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      1 pounds

  • Teresa

    Does it have to be 2% milk or will 1% work?

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      I never tried 1 % it should though

  • Sharon

    Wondering if anyone has tried it with whole milk?
    I can’t wait to try this!

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      It is actually better with whole milk 🙂

  • Kelly

    Has anyone done this with lactose free milk? My sons are lactose intolerant and I would love to use some of the lactaid milk to make this so they can have lasagna!

    • Kelly

      I tried this with lactaid whole milk and it was great 🙂

  • Skinny Stuffed Shells Recipe | Budget Savvy Diva

    […] 1 Cup of Ricotta ( I made my own ricotta – recipe HERE) […]

  • Debra

    Worked great, easy to follow.
    Thank you

  • Karen

    I made this tonight for the second time. So easy! I made it using vinegar this time and found to get much faster results and a better quantity. Over 2 cups worth!

  • kim

    I tried this today with a quart of milk just to try it (and a 1/4 of everything). It came out perfectly. I thought I would be a pinterest fail so I was pleasantly surprised. Will definitely be making again.

    • Sara

      I am SOOOOO happy it worked for you 🙂

  • Debbie

    Will it work with a milk alternative? Almond? Cashew? Coconut?

Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.