"garden" in Spanish | Spanish-English Dictionary (2024)


"garden" in Spanish


jardín- prado- vergel- huerta- huerto



to garden{verb}

cuidar el jardín

to garden{intransitive verb}

trabajar en el jardín- jardinear

Context Examples



garden(also: yard)


particular Church is like a garden in flower, with a great variety of gifts and

eclesial: « La Iglesia particular es como un jardín florido, con

Is Parliament prepared to cultivate its own garden, Mr President?

Señor Presidente, ¿está el Parlamento dispuesto a escardar en su propio jardín?

Is Parliament prepared to cultivate its own garden, Mr President?

Señor Presidente,¿está el Parlamento dispuesto a escardar en su propio jardín?

Landscape features include open meadows, natural forested areas, hillside trails, and formal gardens.

Las características del paisaje incluyen prados abiertos, áreas naturales de bosques, senderos montañosos y jardines.


vergel{m} [poet.] (jardín)

We shall either transform our world into a blossoming garden or bring about its ruin.

Debemos transformar nuestro mundo en un vergel o en un desierto.

Kent is the garden of England

Kent es el vergel de Inglaterra

garden(also: orchard, market garden)


Specially assigned for climbing plants in applications for gardening and market garden.

Especialmente destinadas a plantas trepadoras para aplicaciones en jardinería y huerta.

• Subjection meshes for gardening and market garden.

• Mallas de sujeción para jardinería y huerta de explotación.

garden produce

frutas y verduras de la huerta

garden(also: kitchen garden, orchard, allotment)


In which case they are leading everybody up the garden path.

En cuyo caso, se están llevando al huerto a todo el mundo.

the garden provides enough vegetables for the family

el huerto abastece a la familia de verduras

the Garden of Gethsemane

el huerto de Getsemaní


garden(also: horticultural)


to garden[gardened · gardened] {verb}

to garden

cuidar el jardín {vb}

to garden[gardened · gardened] {intransitive verb}

to garden

trabajar en el jardín {vb}

she set them to work in the garden

los puso a trabajar en el jardín

to garden

jardinear {vb} [Chile] [coll.]


Context examples for "garden" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.

The objective of Garden Pond is to complete each game within the time limit.

El objetivo de Garden Pond es completar cada juego dentro del límite de tiempo.

Surely the Companions of the Garden shall on that day be in happy occupation.

“En verdad, los que están destinados al paraíso serán hoy dichosos con lo que les ocupe:

For more information, see Touch Pack: How to play Microsoft Garden Pond.

Para obtener más información, consulta Touch Pack: cómo jugar a Microsoft Garden Pond.

Then there encompassed it (the garden) a visitation from your Lord while they were sleeping.

entonces, mientras dormían, cayó sobre esa [finca] un azote de tu Sustentador,

But when they saw it (the garden), they said, "Most surely we have gone astray.

Pero tan pronto lo vieron, exclamaron [sin poderlo reconocer]: “¡Seguro que nos hemos extraviado!

Some, reluctant to believe that they were being led up the garden path, will have understood too late.

Algunos, al no querer creer que les engañarían, habrán comprendido demasiado tarde.

And the Garden shall be brought near to those who guard against evil, not far off:

Y [ese Día] el paraíso será acercado a los conscientes de Dios, y no estará ya distante: [y se les dirá:]

And place me among the heirs of the Garden of Delight,

"Y perdona a mi padre --pues, ciertamente, está entre los que se han extraviado --

Enter you the Garden, you and your wives, rejoicing.

¡Entrad en el paraíso, vosotros y vuestras esposas, agraciados con la felicidad!

Debt Relief International (DRI)Development Finance Group39 Hatton GardenLondonEC1N 8EHUnited Kingdom

Development Finance Group39 Hatton GardenLondonEC1N 8EHUnited Kingdom

The inauguration of the new Museum Garden is projected for 2013.

La inauguración del nuevo Museum Garden está prevista para 2013.

if we take Garden State Parkway, we miss New York altogether

si vamos por Garden State Parkway nos evitamos pasar por Nueva York

The car lobby has led too many people up the garden path.

El grupo de presión de la industria automovilística ha creado confusión en muchas ocasiones.

COMPETITIONS - Winners announced for new Museum Garden design - National Gallery of Denmark.

CONCURSOS – Anunciados los ganadores del nuevo diseño del Museum Garden – Galería Nacional de Dinamarca.

However, since not everything in the garden can be rosy, I am not completely satisfied at the moment.

Pero, como la alegría no puede ser completa, lo mismo sucede con mi satisfacción en este momento.

And the Garden will be brought near to the righteous;

mientras que se mostrarán las llamas abrasadoras a los descarriados;

Enter you into the Garden (Paradise) for that which you have done.

¡Entrad en el paraíso por lo que hicisteis [en vida]!

And cause them to enter the Garden which He has made known to them.

y les acogerá en el paraíso que les ha prometido.

In my country this is known as leading them down the garden path.

En mi país a esto se le llama embaucar a la gente.

However, beware of being led up the garden path.

Ello no obstante, quisiera advertirles de que no se dejen engañar.

"garden" in Spanish | Spanish-English Dictionary (2024)


What is the Spanish word for garden? ›

The Spanish word jardín (hahr-DEEN) for 'garden' shares the same root with jardinería (gardening).

What is the plural of garden in Spanish? ›

jardines, parque. zoological/botanical gardens. (Translation of gardens from the PASSWORD English–Spanish Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) C1.

What is the Spanish word for gardener? ›

jardinero/era [ masculine-feminine ] (Translation of gardener from the GLOBAL English-Spanish Dictionary © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd)

What is the best pocket Spanish dictionary? ›

Merriam Webster's Pocket Spanish-English Dictionary

This is a pocket dictionary containing essential Spanish and English words and common phrases. A great tool for language learning.

What is the translation of the word garden? ›

In British English, a garden is a piece of land next to a house, with flowers, vegetables, other plants, and often grass. In American English, the usual word is yard, and a garden refers only to land which is used for growing flowers and vegetables. ...

What is the Spanish proverb garden? ›

There is a Spanish proverb that states, “More grows in the garden than the gardener knows he planted.” As we are closing out this school year and turning our sights to the next school year, we need to think about what kind of garden we want to plant and all the things that grow there – both the intended and unintended.

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Meanings of "tomato" in Spanish English Dictionary : 5 result(s)
2Generaltomate [m]
3Generaltomate (fruit) [m]
4Generaljitomate [m] MX
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What is the Spanish word for vegetables? ›

If you were a botanist, you might call vegetables vegetales in Spanish. If you were a culinary expert, you'd probably say verduras or, less commonly, hortalizas.

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Basic Spanish Words
  • Hola (Hello)
  • Adios (Goodbye)
  • Gracias (Thank you)
  • Por favor (Please)
  • Si (Yes)
  • Claro (Of course)
  • No (No)
  • Amor (Love)

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The 100 Most Common Words in Spoken Spanish
RankWord in SpanishMeaning in English
2deof, from
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Rooms in Spanish: The Blueprint
  • Bedroom – la habitación / el cuarto / el dormitorio.
  • Living room – el salón / la sala de estar.
  • Dining room – el comedor.
  • Kitchen – la cocina.
  • Bathroom – el cuarto de baño.
  • Hallway – el pasillo.
  • Basem*nt – el sótano.
  • Attic – el ático / el desván.
Apr 19, 2022

What is the Latin name for garden? ›

vireto: a garden or park, a place green with vegetation or foliage. Viridarium,-ii (s.n.II): garden planted with trees, pleasure garden, flora.

What are the Spanish words for vineyard? ›

Out in the vineyards
A vineUna cepa de vid
Pruning/ to pruneLa poda/podar
Vine trainingConducción de la vid
Head trainingConducción en cabeza
18 more rows
Feb 4, 2020

What is the Latin word for gardener? ›

Gardener, a tender of gardens: hortulanus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. hortulano; olitor,-oris (. m.


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