Felix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (2024)


A subpage for Felix the Cat characters who debuted in the Silent and Golden Age shorts.

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Felix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (1)

Debut: Feline Follies (1919)

Voiced By: Kevin Schon, Susan Silo (Twisted Tales)

A recurring mouse character (often seen alongside other mice) that Felix is friends with.


  • Adapted Out: He doesn't appear at all in the Joe Oriolo cartoons, although the official website does have a character profile for him in that series style.
  • Canon Immigrant: While Skidoo never appeared in the Oriolo cartoonsnote, the official website for the series implies that he does exist in that universe, but just never got to appear.
  • Depending on the Artist: His appearance in inconsistent due to him being a minor character in the series. Sometimes he has black fur, while other times he's depicted as having gray fur.
  • Depending on the Writer: Sometimes, he's just a generic mouse in the silent cartoons, while on other occasions he's a mutual friend of Felix.
  • Named by the Adaptation: He wasn't named in the original cartoons, but was given a name in Twisted Tales of Felix.
  • Odd Friendship: With Felix the Cat.
  • Punny Name: His name is a play on "23-Skidoo!", an antiquated phrase for "Leave somewhere quickly", or in layman's terms, "Get lost!", which is what many people would do to a mouse like him.
  • Villain of the Week: He briefly becomes this in the Twisted Tales episode "The Petrified Cheese", where he instigates the conflict of the cartoon by stealing the cheese. That said, he's more of a pest than a menace, and he's in the same boat as Felix and Shamus H. Goldcrow in the end when they're attacked by mummies who want the cheese back.

Kitty Kat

Kitty Kat

Felix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (2)

Debut: Feline Follies (1919)

Voiced by: Ai Maeda (Baby Felix, infant, Japanese voice)

Felix's ladyfriend introduced in the first short, sometimes known as Miss Kitty White or Kitty Kat. She only occasionally appeared in the cartoons, and her most prominent appearances were in the comics and Baby Felix.

Tropes associated with Kitty:

  • Adapted Out: She does not appear at all in the original Joe Oriolo TV cartoons, but she did appear in the comics drawn by Joe Oriolo from the same time period, and she was brought back in the NES tie-in game and Baby Felix & Friends cartoons that are in the same continuity as the Oriolo Felix. She is also absent from Twisted Tales, being replaced by Candy as Felix's focus of affection.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": She's a cat who is named Kitty.
  • Damsel in Distress: In the NES Felix the Cat game, Professor kidnaps her and Felix has to rescue her.
  • Depending on the Artist: Sometimes she looks nothing like FelixFelix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (3), sometimes she looks as cartoony as FelixFelix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (4), and sometimes she falls somewhere in between like in the picture above.
  • Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Depictions of her in the 1950's/1960's comics gave her a dress and skirt.
  • Ms. Fanservice: In some of the later merchandise she appears in.
  • Official Couple: With Felix, although the state of their relationship depends on the cartoon. In her debut, she was successfully wooed by Felix and had a litter of kittens. Other depictions include a hotheaded girlfriend, naggy wife, or even The One That Got Away.
  • Satellite Love Interest: She is rarely seen acting on her own, almost always accompanying Felix.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Modern adaptations occasionally give her a pink bow.

Inky and Dinky/Winky

Inky and Dinky/Winky

Felix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (5)

Debut: Felix the Cat Weathers The Weather (1926)

Felix's two inquisitive and ingenious nephews. They are obedient and treat their uncle with respect, although he is occasionally the brunt of their practical jokes. Their curiosity and impish charm endears them to almost everyone, and their simultaneous conclusions suggest the psychic link that many twins are supposed to have.

While they debuted in the silent cartoons as supporting characters, their appearances in them were infrequent, and later Felix cartoons abandoned using them altogether. The bulk of their appearances can be found in the Felix the Cat comic books. A third, unnamed nephew/son occasionally appeared in the silent cartoons too, such as in "Flim Flam Films".

Tropes Associated With Inky and Winky/Dinky

  • Adaptational Name Change: When Joe Oriolo took over work on the Felix the Cat and later assumed ownership of Felix, he renamed Dinky to Winky. According to Don Oriolo, Joe just liked the name Winky better, and the name "dinky" had a connotation of being insignificant at the time, which didn't sound positive to Joe Oriolo.
  • Adapted Out: They make no appearances at all in the cartoons beyond the b&w shorts, although they found a new home in the comic books and still pop up in merchandising. Their official character profile also depicts them in the style of the Oriolo era, suggesting that they do exist in that series, but simply don't appear in person.
  • Art Evolution: Their designs frequently changed throughout the series to match the changing designs of their uncle.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Occasionally they like to make their uncle the butt of their jokes, usually in the comics.
  • Breakout Character: They got their own comic book spinoff in the 50's, "Felix's Nephews Inky and Dinky", which ran for seven issues from 1957 to 1958.
  • Chaste Toons: In their initial appearances, they were said to be Felix's sons, but from 1930's "April Maze" and on, they were retconned to be Felix's nephews.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: In their modern appearances, Inky wears red shorts with white buttons (an amusingly similar outfit to that of Mickey Mouse) and a hat, while Winky wears a blueish-gray hat and shorts.
  • Suddenly Voiced: In "April Maze", one of the first Felix sound cartoons, they're given voices, although not very intelligible ones.
  • Uncanny Family Resemblance: They look almost identical to their uncle, except pint sized.
  • The Unintelligible: In "April Maze", they are both voiced by uncredited actors, but are given no real dialogue, just childish, cat-like gibberish.

Goldie the Goose

Goldie the Goose

Felix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (6)

"Honk, honk!"

Debut: The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg (1936)

A friendly goose who is able to lay golden eggs that Felix can grind up into golden coins. She helps Felix run a relief business in her appearance, but becomes the target of the pirate Captain Kidd due to her valuable golden eggs.


  • Damsel in Distress: She ends up getting captured by Captain Kidd for her golden eggs, and Felix has to rescue her.
  • Meaningful Name: She's a golden goose who can lay golden eggs.
  • Public Domain Character: She's the classic golden goose of Aesop's Fables fame.
  • The Voiceless: She isn't capable of speaking, only communicating in honks.

Captain Kidd

Captain Kidd

Felix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (7)

Debut: The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg (1936)

A oneshot villain who appeared in the first of the three Van Beuren Felix the Cat cartoons. A pirate obviously based on the real life pirate Captain William Kidd, he kidnaps Felix's golden goose so that he can steal her precious golden eggs.


  • Dog Face: His design is depicted like this.
  • Expy: Of Disney's Pete in regards to his thuggish physique, voice and personality.
  • Historical Domain Character: He's a cartoon animal take on a real life pirate.
  • Pirate: Kidd is one of the classic swashbuckling, pillage and plundering type.
  • Seadog Peg Leg: Captain Kidd has one. He duels ably with Felix at first, until his peg gets stuck in a knothole on the pirate ship's deck.
  • Villain of the Week: He's a oneshot bad guy whose sole appearance was in the first Van Beuren Felix cartoon.

King Neptune

King Neptune

Felix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (8)

Neptune's various designs throughout the Felix franchise.note

Debut: Neptune Nonsense (1936)

Voiced By: Jack Mercer (Trans-Lux Series), Jess Harnell (Twisted Tales)

The benevolent ruler of the sea that Felix encounters while trying to find his pet goldfish.

While Neptune only appeared in one of the classic era Felix shorts, other variations of the character have appeared in the Joe Oriolo series (i.e. Moo Moo Island Oysters, King Neptune's S.O.S.) and the Twisted Tales series (i.e. "The Underwater Kingdom").

  • Adaptational Name Change: In Twisted Tales, he calls himself King Happy Neppy.
  • Canon Immigrant: As mentioned above, variations of the character have appeared in two other Felix the Cat series despite only appearing in the very short lived Van Beuren branch of the series. The Joe Oriolo one isn't intended as the same character and just draws inspiration from the same mythical character, but the Twisted Tales Neptune is loosely inspired by his Van Beuren appearance, considering the plot of his episode is kicked into action by a fish watching "Neptune Nonsense" in-universe.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: In Neptune Nonsense, he has a topless mermaid dancer by his side who flirts with him, much to his pleasure.
  • Large and in Charge: He's a few stories tall in height and is the ruler of the sea.
  • Papa Wolf: When he believes Felix is trying to eat the fish he rules over, he has Felix arrested and angrily grills him, rhetorically asking how he would feel if he was captured and cooked alive like his subjects. He changes his tune when Felix reveals that he doesn't eat fish and is just looking for a companion for his pet goldfish.

Old King Cole

Old King Cole

Felix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (9)

Debut: Bold King Cole (1936)

Based on the classic Nursery Rhyme character, King Cole is a oneshot character whose sole appearance was in the third and last of the Van Beuren Felix the Cat cartoons. He's a pompous windbag who loves bragging, and this gets him into a pickle with the ghosts of his ancestors who live in his castle, forcing Felix to help him out.


  • Disproportionate Reward: For saving him from the ghosts, King Cole immediately gives Felix a royal title, Prince Felix, as a reward.
  • Miles Gloriosus: He brags about his supposed heroics but then runs and hides from anything he perceives as a threat. Eventually, the spirits of past kings get tired of his bragging and proceed kidnap him, strapping him to a machine to "knock the wind out of the old windbag", and Felix has to face his own fears to rescue him.

Butch the Bully Bulldog

Butch the Bully Bulldog

Felix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (10)

Debut: Seeds and Proceeds (Felix the Cat #10, 1949, Dell Comics)

A oneshot crook who made a brief appearance in one of the Felix the Cat comics, robbing Felix of a wallet with Mexican Jumping Beans (which bounce right back to him as the crook walks off). Despite having an extremely small role in the story and only appearing in four panels, he's a precursor to Rock Bottom from the Joe Oriolo Felix cartoons per word of Don Oriolo.

  • Alliterative Name: Butch the Bully Bulldog.
  • Bully Bulldog: It's in his name.
  • No Name Given: He's unnamed in his sole appearance, but Don Oriolo revealed his name in an interview.
  • Villain of the Week: A oneshot crook who only made a very brief appearance in one of the old Felix the Cat comics. Rock Bottom is considered a spiritual successor to him.
Felix The Cat Silent And Golden Age Characters / Characters - TV Tropes (2024)


Did Felix the Cat have a girlfriend? ›

Kitty Kat is Felix's love interest. In her first known appearance, Feline Follies, Kitty was better known as "Miss Kitty White", as a pun of her natural coloration.

What is Felix the Cat's personality? ›

While Felix's personality varies by adaption, he is generally always portrayed as mischievous, but good-hearted, and willing to help others in need. Notably, a lot of his 1920s shorts revolve around him trying to get food by any means necessary, even going as far as stealing from other people.

What kind of Cat is Felix the Cat? ›

A tuxedo cat, Felix cat or Julius cat is a bicolor cat with low grade white spotting (generally close to 25% white) in the coat. The term "tuxedo cats" is typically used for black-and-white colored cats, but tuxedo patterned cats come in all cat colors.

Who did Felix fall in love with? ›

Félix's life before joining the Madrigal family is unknown other than that his biological family still lives in Encanto. At some point in his life, Félix met a woman named Pepa and affectionately helped her calm down when she was in a bad mood, making them both fall in love.

Did Felix the Cat have a sidekick? ›

Often he's helped in his attempts by his sidekick, Rock Bottom, while his nephew, Poindexter, takes Felix's side. Their misadventures take them to various places, including, many times, space.

What race is Felix the Cat? ›

Why is Felix the Cat so popular? ›

With his zany escapades, appealing but never sweet persona, and his signature back-and-forth pacing while plotting his next move, Felix became a Hollywood favorite, a popular mascot, and a marketing icon, his wide-eyed visage appearing on ceramics, toys, and even a balloon in the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in ...

What is Felix's Favourite color? ›

– His favorite seasons are autumn and winter. – His favorite overseas artist is Ariana Grande. – Felix favorite color is black.

Is Felix the Cat older than Mickey Mouse? ›

Felix the Cat is widely considered the world's first animated film star. He first appeared as 'Master Tom' in an animated short titled Feline Follies, released by Paramount Studios on 9 November 1919, a full nine years before Mickey Mouse's debut in Disney's Steamboat Willie (1928).

What is Felix's personality? ›

The star discussed his MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), revealing that it recently changed from ENFP to ENFJ. He explained, “ENFPs are individuals with social personalities and free spirits. They have the ability to make others happy, so I thought that was pretty similar to me.

What are some fun facts about Felix the Cat? ›

Felix the Cat was the biggest cartoon star of the silent era – bar none. He was the first giant balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. The Yankees adopted him as their mascot in 1922. Charles Lindbergh took a Felix doll with him on his famous transatlantic flight.

What was Felix the Cat's girlfriend's name? ›

The player controls Felix the Cat as he sets out to defeat the evil mad Professor, who has kidnapped Felix's girlfriend Kitty.

What does the name Felix mean for a cat? ›

In Latin, “felix” means “happy,” “felis” means “cat.” The words are similar, but they aren't the same. The cartoon character Felix The Cat has a name that is sort of a pun, because while “Felix” is a name often given to humans, it also sounds almost like “Felis.”

When did Felix the Cat come out? ›

Felix the Cat is widely considered the world's first animated film star. He first appeared as 'Master Tom' in an animated short titled Feline Follies, released by Paramount Studios on 9 November 1919, a full nine years before Mickey Mouse's debut in Disney's Steamboat Willie (1928).

Who is Sheba in Felix the Cat? ›

Sheba Beboporeba is a friend of Felix the Cat. She appears in The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat. She is a cat who dresses in a beatnik style, playing harmonica in the streets. She keeps a cool head and tends to be the voice of reason.


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