Extreme Frugal Living Tips (2024)

Extreme Frugal Living

What is the weirdest thing you do to save money? Extreme frugal living is frugal living taken to the next level, doing things to save more money. Some might view these as extreme frugal living tips others might view these as depression era money saving tips.

Extremely Frugal

No matter how you view it families who live extremely frugal are saving tons of money, paying down debt and working through Dave Ramsey’s baby steps at a rapid rate.

What Is Frugal Living?

Frugal living is living below your means. Spending less than you make and living thrifty to help you live more than paycheck to paycheck.

Frugal Living

Living frugally provides you with the means to save more money and decrease your debt. And frugal living isn’t hard. A simple way to start would be bringing your coffee and lunch from home or cancelling services you aren’t using.

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Why Is Frugal Living Important?

If you are looking to decrease your debt, save for a large purchase, retire debt free or provide for your family frugal living is so important. Living frugally gives you options.

Living Frugally

Frugal living can help you live beyond paycheck to paycheck. You can start investing more money into your savings account and your family’s future. Living frugally is the simple things that help you save a ton and it’s real easy to do.

Can Living Frugally Save Me Money?

Living frugally can help you save a ton of money, decrease your household expenses and cut your debt. And frugal living is real easy to start. In fact you could start today.

How To Live Frugally?

Living frugally is about making small changes to your everyday to save more money. Common examples of this are brown bagging your lunch, cutting your cable, washing your clothes in cold water and hanging them to dry or growing your own food.

Super Frugal

Lots of individuals live a super frugal lifestyle where they do multiple frugal tips to save time and money. You can discover 75 Super Frugal Tips To Help You Cut Your Household Expenses.

Frugal People

An example of someone who lives a super frugal lifestyle is someone who meal plans, shops discount retailers and flyer sales, brings their own coffee and brown bags their lunch.

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Living On A Tight Budget

Extremely frugal people and frugal people alike stick to a budget. But when times are tough due to job loss or cost increases living on a tight budget is more than possible with frugal living. Even more so with extreme frugal living.

42 Extreme Frugal Tips

1. Going through the lost and found for needed items

2. Purchase liquid soap, dilute it with water and use in a foam soap pump (1 part soap, 3 parts water)

3. Use regular bar soap as shaving gel

4. Invest in safety razors and blades instead of disposables

5. Cut your families hair

6.Color your own hair and skip the salon

7.Do your own nails

8. Using Dr. Bonners soap for hand soap, body wash, household cleaner and floor cleaner

9. Cleaning your floors on your hands and knees instead of using Swiffers

10. Using reusable cleaning cloths and mop pads

11. Using old t-shirts as cleaning rags

12. Buying reusable bamboo paper towels (use, wash, dry, repeat)

13. DIY your own cleaning solution

14. Shopping discount retailers

15. Shop consignment

16. Make and use hankies instead of tissues

17. Purchasing almost expired discount food

18. Reusing your paper grocery bags as wrapping paper

19. Reuse wrapping paper and gift bags

20. Look for free stuff on Craigslist or Marketplace

21. Save and use coupons

22. Buy blackout curtains to keep the light out and heat in your home

23. Use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets

24. Grow your own food

25. DIY your gifts

26. Shop estate sales

27. Save plastic and glass food containers to reuse

28. Use plastic bags for rain cover jackets and over running shoes for impromptu boots

29. When your boots are to big fill with extra socks and/or paper to make them fit right

30. Airbnb or rent portions of your home out for income

31. Lock up the thermostat and bring out the blankets

32. Barter services and goods

33. Get rid of single use items and purchase reusable make up sponges, food bags, travel cutlery and etc.

34. Invest in a good coffee maker and bring your coffee in to go cups

35. Use reusable coffee filters

36. Use hotel and sample soap products

37. Save and use to go condiments in lunches

38. Invest in a rain barrel for watering garden, grass and plants

39. Bulk buy and divide

40. Extreme couponing

41. Don’t spend your $5 bills – save them (or all your change in a jar) it adds up fast

42. Cut open your laundry soap, shampoo and conditioner bottles – there is still a ton of liquid left in the bottom

How To Be Extremely Frugal

Being extremely frugal is all in how you approach spending, saving and daily life. Someone who is extremely frugal is going to look for ways to save money in everything they do. They are going weigh the need versus the want looking for alternative ways to save cash.

Extremely Frugal People

An extremely frugal person has a goal set to save money and they are going to cut corners, leave things out, cut expenses and bargain shop to do so.

Extreme Frugal Living Tips (5)Extreme Frugal Living Tips (6)

Extreme Frugal Living Tips (7)Extreme Frugal Living Tips (8)

Extreme Frugal Living Tips (9)Extreme Frugal Living Tips (10)

Extreme Frugal Living Tips (11)Extreme Frugal Living Tips (12)

Extreme Frugal Living Tips (13)Extreme Frugal Living Tips (14)

Extreme Frugality

You can save a ton of money with extreme frugality. Above we listed off 42 extreme frugal living tips. Simple, but extreme ways to save more money.

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Being Frugal And Being Cheap

In today’s economy being frugal and being cheap are used to represent the same thing. But in reference to definition a cheap person doesn’t like to spend money. Where a frugal person will look for smart money solutions to afford what they need.

Extreme Cheapskate Ideas

An extreme cheapskate or cheap person looks for extreme ways to save money and cut corners. Not that there is anything wrong in being cheap. If it helps you decrease your debt, cut your expenses and put more money back into your wallet then your doing something right.

Frugal Ideas

Some examples of extreme cheapskate ideas are rinsing out previously used baggies and reusing them. Adding water to your shampoo and conditioner bottles for a few more uses. Gleaning for fresh produce.Keeping spare vegetable parts in the freezer for making broths or sauces.

Extreme Cheapskate Money Saving Tips

If you are looking to tighten the budget and work at saving money. Some extreme money saving tips would include making your own laundry soap and using bar shampoo which lasts a long time.

Saving Money On Food

Freezing your leftovers and utilizing your freezer to help you save more money. Discover all the foods you can freeze to save money.

Frugal Lifestyle

An extremely frugal person may also sew their own clothes, mend existing clothing to make them last longer and partake in hand me downs.

Best Extreme Frugal Living Tip

The most popular extreme frugal living tip is no spend months and no spend weekends. Cutting all extra spending to save money.

Frugal Activities

Another great frugal activity is buying items in bulk, freezing or storing the extras to save additional money in a frugal home.

Secret Must Haves Of A Frugal Home

A frugal home is a happy place to be. It is one of abundance, grace, appreciation and savings. It is also a place you might find lots of home cooked meals, DIY, and budgeting. Discover the secret must haves of a frugal home.

The Frugal Life

The frugal life of a modern home is one filled with simplicity and savings. A frugal mom may use cloth diapers and washable wipes. She may own a basic capsule wardrobe, shop thrift stores and hand me downs. Meal planning, using Rakuten to save cash, using a slow cooker or Instant Pot is a regular everyday thing.

Frugal Saving

Having different bank accounts set up for savings and different bill payments to help in budgeting is viewed as normal. Biking, walking to work or carpooling is common place.

Saving Money

Living a frugal life is about living below your means, saving money and making smart choices so you can live well into retirement.

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Frugal Girls Weekend

Whether you are simply cutting back on expenses, living frugally or sticking to a strict extreme frugal lifestyle you need to have some fun. Get your girls together and plan a frugal no spend girls weekend full of fun, rest and relaxation.

♥ More About Saving & Simplicity

Welcome! I am so glad you are here I am Cynthia, primary frugal mom blogger at Saving & Simplicity.

Where you will find frugal, money saving posts and articles along with DIY projects, cheap & easy recipes and so much more.


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Updated June 19, 2023

Extreme Frugal Living Tips (16)

42 Extreme Frugal Living Tips

Extreme Frugal Living Tips (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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