162 of the Best Frugal Living TIps to Try in 2019 (2024)

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162 of the Best Frugal Living TIps to Try in 2019 (1)Frugal living tips for the not-so-frugal people — does that sound about right?

You struggle with getting ahead financially because you have no clue how you could possibly cut back any more than you already have. You’re sick of living paycheck to paycheck, and at the end of the day, you just want to live a little.

You want enough money to pay the bills, keep yourself fed, keep the kids happy, keep yourself happy, and the list goes on and on. But at the end of the day, peace of mind is really what you’re after, right?

Because that peace of mind will keep you from staying up late at night worrying about what bill you’re not going to pay just so you can — you know, live a little. But let me tell you, it doesn’t really have to be like that at all.

What is frugal living?

So you’re probably wondering, “what does frugal living mean?” Well, it means you can live a little and have peace of mind, all with your bills being paid in full and on time.

It’s just a matter of priorities and being intentional about your spending. And really, that’s all frugal living is about. It’s not about sacrificing things you love or deprivation. Frugal living is about deprioritizing things that aren’t important to you.

So, I want to give you a little assignment to embark on for the next 365 days and I promise it won’t be as hard as you think. Okay?

I want you to glance over these frugal living tips, then print up the new 2023 12-month calendar here. Many of these frugal tips will help you get your finances on track. You simply look at the date on the calendar and execute the frugal tip given for the day.

And here’s the thing, you only have to try each tip once. If it doesn’t suit you, try something else. And keep trying until you have a bunch of frugal living tips that best suit you.

Because again, it’s all about priorities and you need to figure out what yours are if you want to live frugally. So, if your one goal is to become frugal on your own terms, that’s what I aim to help you with. But first, let me give you a rundown of the benefits of living frugally.

Benefits of Living Frugally

By making the choice to become frugal, you’re setting yourself up for financial success. You’re putting yourself first and there’s nothing wrong with that. People who have chosen to live more frugally have been able to do some of the following:

  • Pay off debt, so they can stop depending on credit cards.
  • Save enough money to quit the jobs they hate.
  • Put themselves through school without incurring debt.
  • Save enough capital to start their own businesses.
  • Have the extra money available to invest in real estate.
  • Been able to travel the world without worrying about taking time off from work.
  • Volunteer and help others who are truly in need.

And honestly, the list could go on and on. There are so many benefits that will follow once you make the choice to try these frugal living tips in 2023.

How to Incorporate Each Frugal Living Tip in 2023

As I mentioned earlier I’ve created a FREE 12-month long money-saving calendar with all of the tips I’m providing you today. The links in the calendar are interactive. You can pull the pdf calendar up on your tablet or your computer and it’s very clear and easy to follow. You can also download this entire frugal living post in a pdf format so you can use it when the calendar prompts you!

Get yourself a highlighter and when you’ve tried a frugal tip, if you like it, highlight it. By the end of the year, you will have a calendar full of highlighted frugal living tips that will aid you in your efforts in paying off debt, help you save a lot of money, travel the world, and all of that good stuff.

Again, download the frugal living tips calendar here, and let’s dive into 162 of the best frugal living tipsI have to offer you for the year!

Related Reading: 6 of the Best Ways to Score Amazon Prime at a Discount

Frugal Living Tips to Help You Save on Food and Reduce Food Waste

Since food is often one of the biggest culprits when it comes to a blown budget, let’s spend a little time exploring some of the best frugal tips that will help you save money in this expense area first.

1. Use grocery delivery.

Save money by staying out of the grocery store and using a delivery service. You can try Amazon Fresh free for a month or you can use my personal favorite, Instacart. If you use Instacart Pick-up, you can earn money back on your purchases, plus save money on tips that you would end up paying the delivery drivers. Just schedule your pick-ups on days you’re running errands to save on fuel costs. (Sign up for Instacart using this link and get $15 off your first purchase!)

2. Set a food budget.

One easy way to reduce food costs is by evaluating what you’re currently spending on groceries and setting a reasonable food budget. Sometimes food budgets can fluctuate, especially considering the inflation we’ve been dealing with lately. Do the best you can and cut back on unnecessary food items. Shop at different stores and adjust your recipes to help you stay within your food budget.

3. Create a meal plan.

The best way to stay within the food budget that you set for yourself month is by creating and utilizing meal plans. You can save so much money in the long run by simply knowing what you’re eating! Meal planning not only takes the stress out of everyday decisions you have to make, it helps cut down on waste and it’s also a simple way you and stay healthy. Trust me, planning your meals in accordance with your health and financial goals makes sense because it’s one of the easiest ways to save on medical bills (which we’ll definitely cover in these frugal living tips) and it will keep you from spending money on fast food or take-out, just to name a few.

4. Always make a grocery list based on your meal plan.

I know it can be tempting to add extra things to your grocery list, and even more tempting to add things to your basket while grocery shopping without a list, but just don’t do it! You will spend less money if you simply create a list based on the items you need for your weekly meal plan. Check your pantry and cupboards before you create your list. Doing so will help you further reduce your grocery bill.

5. Check unit prices in stores.

After grocery shopping for a while, you’ll quickly learn that just because something is cheaper doesn’t mean that it’s a better deal. Be sure to check the unit prices on the labels to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth!

6. Eat at home.

Another frugal way to save money is to eat at home. But don’t be that frugal person who is always turning down a meal with friends or family. Let’s just be honest, sometimes it’s nice not having to cook and clean up afterward. A great idea is to budget for special occasions and eat at home the rest of the time. Sometimes people think being frugal means not enjoying life, but I’m here to tell you, be more intentional and plan for things you enjoy.

7. Take your lunch and snacks to work.

This ties into the tips above. Meal planning helps you prepare for those meals away from home that may not necessarily fall under a special occasion. Invest in a good lunch box and meal prepping containers to help reduce some of the extra cost that sometimes comes with working outside of the home.

8. Incorporate more meatless mealsinto your meal plan ideas.

I was plant-based for a little over three years and I can tell you that eating less meat can certainly assist you in living a more frugal lifestyle. Fresh produce is still cheaper compared to its processed counterparts and if you’re lucky, you can sign-up with a local co-op that delivers fresh veggies and fruit for a fraction of the cost.

9. Use up your leftovers.

Remix your leftovers into another meal or pack it for your lunch. For example, BBQ chicken thighs for dinner can easily become BBQ chicken sandwiches for lunch!

10. Ditch Starbucks and DIY your favorite Starbucks recipe!

Now I know it ruffles some feathers when folks tell you to make your own coffee, but hear me out…buying one cup of coffee every once and while isn’t really going to set you back. However, running to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts every day before work certainly will keep you from reaching your goals unless you plan for it. If you’re able to meet all of your financial goals and still have room in your budget for your morning coffee, hey, have at it. But if you’re juggling monthly payments, struggling to pay off debt, and need some extra savings in your bank account – I’d encourage you to go all in with these frugal living tips.

11. Earn gift cards for your treats.

If you must have your Starbucks, earn gift cards with Swagbucks. Matter of fact, use this link and get a free $5 sign-up. Check out thispost for more tips on earning free gift cards.

12. Drink more water and less soda.

Not only is drinking more water good for your pockets, but it’s also healthy too. Sometimes it’s hard to see the benefits of frugal living beyond the monetary benefits it offers, but health is wealth too.

13. Save your veggie scraps for broth and your bread ends for breadcrumbs.

Sometimes the little things can make all of the difference. As of today (2022), a good box of broth will cost you around $3 or $4 and breadcrumbs, I’ve seen them go for around $4 or $5. This might not be an extraordinary act that will save you the most money, but it will certainly help keep your food expenses down and help eliminate food waste.

14. Use food scraps to regrow your food (romaine lettuce, green onions, etc).

Again, some of the most simple things can help you reduce food waste and you can get a whole lotta green onions just by putting the ends in a bit of water and putting it on your window seal. I’m just sayin…

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162 of the Best Frugal Living TIps to Try in 2019 (2)

15. Grow your own food.

Another good way to save on food costs is to grow your own food. Gardening is not only relaxing, but it’s a great way to nurture your family and know exactly what you’re putting in your pocket. Be careful though, it’s easy to go overboard and want all the gardening things, but start small. Grab a few pots from your local dollar store, and some seeds from Wal-mart and research the best times to plant them based on the zone you live in.

16. Purchase your meat in bulk.

If you live near a local farm or butcher, you’re in luck. Sometimes the best value comes with buying local meat. If that’s not an option for you, there are plenty of online services where you can buy meat in bulk. Also, your local Sam’s Club, BJ’S, Costco have great savings on meat as well.

17. Check for manager specials or clearance food.

Ask your grocer when they do their markdowns for the week and make sure you do your grocery shopping on those dates!

18. Buy other items like flour, rice, and beans in bulk.

Check your local Sam’s Club or Costco to purchase pantry staples in bulk. If you don’t have these options, a good place to get these items would be your local grocery store. Just make sure that the items you’re purchasing are on sale. BOGO and coupons are helpful in these instances, so stock up while the costs of goods are cheaper than what they typically are and if it’s a great deal, purchase enough to last you until the next sale comes around.

19. If you shop organic, only opt for the dirty dozen.

The dirty dozen include strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches, cherries, pears, tomatoes, celery, potatoes, and sweet bell peppers. Since organic comes at a high cost, it just makes sense to stick with the dirty dozen. There’s no reason to be paying extra money for organic bananas or pineapples.

20. Invest in a deep freezer.

Investing in a deep freezer makes it so much easier to purchase meat in bulk. Not only that, you’ll have a place to store extra food that you find on sale.

21. Can or freeze seasonal fruits and vegetables.

I really hate it when strawberries are like $6 in September. That’s why it’s a great idea to purchase food in-season and freeze it for later. Hence, another reason why you should invest in the deep freezer.

22. Slice your meat (turkey/ham/etc) yourself.

We all know that we pay more for convenience. It’s clear that the sliced mango or spiralized zucchini in the produce section is more expensive. Well, sometimes that applies to your lunch meat as well. Compare the costs and do your research, but if you eat a ton of lunch meat, you might come out ahead by slicing it up yourself.

23. Go to farms that allow you to pick your fruits and vegetables to save money.

Each year, our strawberry farm sets up tents in local parking lots selling their strawberries. However, I’ve noticed that when we visit the farm ourselves, the price is always cheaper if we’re the ones doing the picking. Again, you pay for convenience and you have to pay for people’s labor.

24. Join a co-op.

Check with your local recreation center or visit your local farmer’s market to see if there are any produce co-ops in your area.

25. Make your own bread.

Not only will you save money, but freshly baked bread is so good. I recently tried my hand at making biscuits and was surprised with how easy the process was and the great thing about it – it tasted ten times better than canned biscuits. I only used three ingredients – flour, unsalted butter, and buttermilk!

26. Make your cakes, cookies, and other treats from scratch.

This is definitely something I’ve been doing more of lately, and it has nothing to do with the fact that I’m saving money – it simply tastes better. A lot of the packaged goods and boxed treats at the grocery store have so many different chemicals added to them. I like knowing what I’m eating and baking allows me to control what I’m putting in my body.

27. Make sure your kitchen has the proper frugal tools to cook at home affordably.

Let’s be real, sometimes cooking at home is inconvenient. Especially when you’re working all day, have extracurricular activities, etc. The best thing any homemaker can do is make sure their kitchen is equipped with the proper tools. If you’re not home to cook, it’s still easy to have a home-cooked meal if you have a crock-pot. Check out this post on a number of other frugal kitchen essentials to make eating at home possible.

28. Cook in batches.

If you’re cooking ground beef for one dinner, cook a few extra pounds and store in your freezer with the date. These come in handy when you need a quick meal and can’t handle all of the prep!

29. Use a crockpotto save on energy and cook enough for leftovers.

Crockpots not only help you save money but they help you save so much time! If buying a bunch of new kitchen tools doesn’t sound like fun, I highly recommend at the very least investing in a crock-pot.

30. Grow your own herbs.

I don’t know about y’all but herbs are a little too expensive for my tastes. The grocery stores have the nerve to cut off four or five little stems, package it, and sell it for more than it would cost you to simply grow your own. If you have a bright windowsill, it’s easy to grow your own herbs.

Frugal Living Tips to Help You Save on Transportation

31. Walk to work if you can.

32. Do all your errands in one day.

33. Wash your own car.

34. Clean out your car to remove excess weight and cut down on gas mileage.

35. Purchase discounted gas gift cards.

36. Get a tune-up.

37. Drive better. (Hint: no speeding, don’t break quickly, etc).

38. Roll your windows down when traveling locally to save on gas.

39. Check your insurance coverage to make sure you’re receiving any applicable driver discounts.

40. Avoid traveling roads with a toll fee if possible.

41. Invest in a bicycle.

42. Download appsthat help you save money on gas.

43. Check your area for local transportation incentives for carpooling.

44. Use Rakuten when booking car rentals.

45. Consider becoming a one-car family, if possible.

46. Shop for flights on Monday.

47. Ask your employer if you can telecommute.

48. Refinance your auto loan if your interest rates are too high.

49. Keep up with your oil changes.

Frugal Living Tips to Help You Save in Your Household

50. If you spend too much on ink, get an HP printer and use HP Instant Ink! Now, I only spend $5 per month on ink, it’s incredibly cheaper!

51. Ask your utility company do they have a budget billing program that allows you to set your monthly payment based on your average costs.

52. Purchase a lot of diapers and household stuff online? Try Amazon Familyfree for 30-days and compare the savings. BTW, diapers are 20 percent off with Amazon Family!

53. Heat and cool your home the smart way.

54. Always be decluttering.

55. Keep your house tidy.

56. Check out all of these DIY tipsto make your house feel like a home on a budget

57/ Ditch your house phone.

58. Ditch the cell phone contracts and use cheaper service with Republic Wireless.

59. Don’t lease your internet modem, purchase your own modemat half the cost.

60. Use less cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, and toiletries.

61. Make your own laundry detergent using the recipe in this article about saving money on laundry.

62. Buy ink cartridges online and use Ebates

63. Purchase your cleaning products online so you can stay out of Target. Learn more about my decision in this postwhere I talk about how I get my products free.

64. If something breaks, try to fix it before chucking it out.

65. Ditch paper towels and other paper products for reusables.

66. Use a clothesline or drying rack.

67. Reuse jelly and mayo jars to can, preserve, or meal prep salads.

68. Downsize your space if you can. If you can’t, rent the space you don’t use.

69. Cut the lotion, toothpaste, ketchup bottles etc and make sure you use every drop.

70. Unplug small appliances and other items not in use.

71. Wash your clothes in cold water.

72. Wash clothes only when they are dirty.

73. Always use a full dishwasher.

74. Invest in good curtains that keep your windows insulated.

75. Make diy draft blockers out of pool noodles or insulation strips to keep your home warm in the winter.

76. Keep your fridge full to cut down on energy costs (Keep gallons of frozen water in the fridge if you’re nowhere near your next grocery run).

77. Shop your pantry before going to the grocery store.

78. Don’t be afraid of store-brand items.

79. Keep separate savings accountfor miscellaneous household expenses that may pop up.

80. Use foam refillable soap dispensers.

Frugal Living Tips to Help You Save on Shopping

81. Have a no-spend month.

82. Purchase discounted gift cards.

83. Shop for items in the optimal season.

84. Before you buy anything, use Honey to see if you can get it cheaper.

85. Take advantage of an Amazon Prime Free Trialand the Amazon Prime Discount(if you’re eligible.

86. Check apps like Ibotta or Rakuten when you make grocery purchases and online purchases. Get a free $10 gift card when you spend $25 using Rakuten. Receive afree $10 welcome bonuswhen you redeem a cash rebate after shopping for groceries.

87. Wait 21 days before making a decision on a big purchase like televisions, etc.

88. Purchase Christmas and birthday gifts at clearance or discounts throughout the year so you’ll always be ready!

89. Make homemade diy gifts.

90. Shop on Craigslist or FB Marketplace for cheap furniture, children’s toys, etc.

91. Never pay full price for something. Use an app like Honey to check for coupons before making final online purchases.

92. Use free websites like Fat Fingers to check for misspelled items on eBay with little or no listings. It’s a great way to score great deals on name-brand items.

Frugal Living Tips to Help You Save on Clothing

93. Shop second-hand when you can using traditional thrift stores or online stores like ThredUp(Btw, that link will earn you a free $10 credit).

94. Buy clothes at the end of the season.

95. Shave clothing that’s piling, don’t get rid of it!

96. Learn how to do a basic stitch to make small repairs to your clothes.

97. Use less detergent to make your clothes last longer.

98. Repurpose clothing — turn old t-shirts into cleaning rags, etc.

99. Sell what you don’t wear on Poshmark or eBay.

100. Check the labels for special care instructions before you purchase clothes to avoid high dry cleaning costs when possible.

101. Don’t buy clothes just because they are on sale. If the fit isn’t right or you don’t like it, you probably won’t wear it.

102. Buy your basic items (t-shirts, tanks, etc) from cheap stores like Target, Old Navy, etc.

103. Get workout clothing from retailers like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, or Ross.

104. Exchange clothing with friends.

105. If you can’t wear it now, don’t buy it (meaning, don’t buy two sizes too small with hopes of wearing it one day).

106. Stick to simple, classic items that can be worn many ways (ie: capsule wardrobes)

107. Borrow or thrift clothing that you’re only going to wear once.

108. Keep a clothing list to help you stay within budget.

Frugal Living Tips to Help You Save on Entertainment

109. Cut the cable and save on cable channels with trial subscriptions such as:

110. Go to the library for books and to read magazines.

111. If you’re a heavy eBook reader, sign up for a free trial of Kindle Unlimited.

112. Bank your savings on music subscriptions for the month with a free trial of Kindle Music Unlimited.

113. Do free family activities like riding bikes, walking, parks, free museums, etc.

114. Volunteer at local shelters, nursing homes, or hospitals.

115. Share wholesale club memberships.

116. Use credit card rewards to get gift cards for date nights and family activities.

117. Check Rakutenbefore purchasing online entertainment activity deals.

118. Check websites like Groupon for cheap family fun like bowling, water parks, etc.

119. Go to theatres, museums, etc on off-peak nights instead of Friday or Saturday.

120. Check your job or membership organizations (like AAA) for entertainment discounts.

121. Go hiking.

122. Purchase board games from the thrift store and play!

123. Play card games.

124. Go see a high school football game.

125. Check out amateur sports leagues in your area.

126 Have a potluck party with friends.

127. If you’re going out, have appetizers beforehand at home or dessert at home afterward.

128. Purchase your own alcohol for a nightcap at home.

129 Turn your hobby into a money-making opportunity. For example, sewing patterns or jewelry making is perfect for Etsy.

130. Only drink or eat out with friends during happy hour.

131. Attend free concerts.

Frugal Living Tips to Help You Save on Health and Wellness

132. Doone act of self-careeach day.

133. Schedule your wellness visits and other routine checkups in advance and include it in your monthly budget.

134. Try diy beauty recipes like theseto save money on toiletries.

135. Get a water filter.

136. Cut back on OTC medicines and try diy cold remedies like these.

137. Learn how to cut, color, fix your own hair.

138. Do your own mani/pedi.

139. Brush your teeth and floss!

140. Meditate.

141. Cut back on caffeine and take a vitamin B12for energy instead (works wonders!)

142. Get enough sleep.

143. Unplug from the computer or cell phone for at least an hour every day.

144. Workout outdoors when possible.

145. Invest in home workout equipment and skip the gym membership.

146. Breastfeed if possible. Not only is it healthy, but it can also be more cost-effective too! BUT…do not beat yourself up if you’re not able to.

Other Helpful Tips on Living More Frugally This Year

147. Build your emergency fund.

148. Organize your finances.

149. Create a bucket list of everything you want to do this year and then create a frugal plan of action to see it to fruition.

150. Use Trimto haggle down your monthly bills.

151. Avoid late fees.

152. Get cashback with Rakuten.

153. Turn off overdraft protection.

154. Use the cash envelope systemto help you create better finances.

155. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions.

156. Switch bank accountsif you’re paying too much in bank fees.

157. Use your credit card rewards wisely and make sure you’re using your card prudently.

158. Keep a price book and/or receipts to learn the average price of things (this way you’ll know when there really is a sale).

159. Learn to say no to purchases or things that you don’t really need.

160. Always double-check your bills and credit card statements for errors.

161. Create a debt repayment plan and pay off debt as quickly as possible. You’ll save on interest!

162. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

163. Don’t purchase lottery tickets.

Boost Your Savings in 2023 With The LAAB Frugal Living Tips Calendar

Whew, I know that was a lot but if you’ve continued to the end of this frugally action-packed article, that means you’re serious about improving your finances this year. So, go ahead and grab the Life and a BudgetFrugal Living TipsCalendar and start building your frugal muscles. You’ll be a savings pro by the end of the year!

162 of the Best Frugal Living TIps to Try in 2019 (3)

162 of the Best Frugal Living TIps to Try in 2019 (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.