Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania (2024)

AS 53A00 CHEER HayseedChuckerPitchesPittsburgh To Six-Hit, 2-1 Victory Over Dodgers 2 Records Broken in AAUMeet Elliott, Lincoln Poised for Mile Running's Cunning Spankees Yankees DETROIT Jim Bunning, who1 who came to bat Friday night except Enos Slaughter and Bill has been slow in rounding inlo the form that won him 20 games BAKERSFIELD. Calif. Lfl A Skowron. Mickey Mantle and El- last year, thrives on vast crowds and the New York Yankees. Bucs Game Out of 2d Place ston swung at third i strikes three times each.

Mantle pair of swift Australians shoot at the world record in the mile run tonight ir. the firth annual National AAU track and field eham- The lanky Detroit Tiger right has been struck out by Bunnin hander stumped the American six. times in two games. League leaders for the second Pionships. Two international time in six days last night 7-1.

marks already have been Fourteen batters were strikeout victims as 53,168 cheered his every pitch. Herb Elliott and Merv Lincoln won their mile heats with ease Milwaukee Hikes Lead to Three The Associated Press Only last Sunday before 54,817 in Yankee Stadium, Bunning stifled the Bronx Bombers 3-0. Friday night to set up their duel over the clay track at the Bak-ersfield Stadium tonight. Elliott "He and all those Tiger pitchers won in 4.01.4 and Lincoln in 4.07.9 SO LETUP "I used mostly a slider and a fast ball," Bunning said. "The last time I got Mantle on a Thirteen of the strikeouts were in the' first seven innings.

"No, I didn't relax in the last two innings," Bunning explained. "You can't let up against the Yankees. It's just that it takes a lot of pitches to strike out batters." Bunning posted a 20-S record last year. His 182 strikeouts were second to Early Wynn's league-lopping total. have the wham my on us," com plained Casey Stengel.

World records fell to homegrown atheletes in the hammer throw The long patiem Pittsburgh Pirates have plucked another kid pitcher off the farm and now are just a game short of second place His Yankees had just lost then- ana me 440-yard hurdles. sixth straight to Detroit. It was an that closely packed National! Boston's Harold Connolly hurled the 16-pound ball 225 feet 4 inches the first time a team had done that to the perennial champs since to surpass the record ol 220-10 set Cleveland in 1953. ny rtussia's M. P.

Krivnnnsnu in Bunning fanned every Yankee 1956. Ohio State's soeadv Glnn League race. The Bucs, winning seven of 10 in have counted three of those victories from rookies Curt Raydon and George Witt, both sturdy right-handers who were allowed to develop slowlv in the minors. Davis ran the hurdles in 49.9 seconds to lay claim to his third world record. The Buckeye runner holds tho official world record for the 400- Witt, recalled only, Sunday fromj Columbus the International! League, gained his first major meter Hurdles at 49.5 seconds.

A week ago he sped 440 yards on me iiat in 3a, to clip a tenth of a second off that standard. FINAL THROW PITTSBURGH STAR George Witt, recalled by the Pittsburgh last night. He could be fourth starter for Pirates from Columbus this week, is shown pitching whom Manager Danny Murtaugh has been searching, six-hit, 2-1 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers in (AP Wirephoto) Connolly, who needed an injection to ease pain in an injured left collar bone, got off his record toss ot his final throw. rtiKea ne had his eye on the nussian record, he replied. "No, I was just trying to beat Al Coaches Hope nail, oi New York's Athletic SPORTS Rigney Errs This Time Phils Win Luck Holds took second at 217-5.

Olympic champion Connolly, 26, is a high school teacher in Brighton, Mass. He weighs 222. Davis, who had run the 440-yard I hurdles just once before, said hP CHESTER, Players and also hadn planned ativ rmrfl 14 CHESTER (PA.) TIMES SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1958 dash. PHILADELPHIA IT) Last "I just ran," the Ohio State sen time Manager Bill Rigney of the San Francisco Giants was in Phil ior added, "but maybe my sub tu3.s Si v. adelphia he allowed" what he call conscious tnougtit of a record." ed the wrong man bat in the ninth JOSH SECOND inning and won a ball game.

Running second was Josh Cul- Another View By MATT ZABITKA Times Staff He allowed the pitcher the wrong man to hit in the breath of the Philadelphia Pioneer Club. The official world record in the clutch bat in the ninth inning last night and lost a ball game. Pitcher Ruben Gomez hit into a 4-w-yara nurdles is a0.7, set by South Africa's G. C. Potgieter, but Culbreath had pending a time of double play with the score tied jL-asue vieiury jasi mgru, giving up but six hits while striking out eight as the Bucs heat last place Los Angeles 2-1.

The Milwaukee Braves took a three-game lead, largest in the NL this season, wiih a 7-3 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals. Philadelphia knocked off second place San Francisco 5-4, and the Chicago Cubs skidded Cincinnati to third, 11-3 in a game held to eight innings by rain. In die American League Detroit made it six in a row over the New York Yankees, who retained a nine-game lead despite a 7-1 defeat. Kansas City defeated second place Boston 5-3.

The Chicago White Sox beat Baltimore 5-3. Cleveland and' Washington were rained- out. 12 IX KOW at 24 a seven-year veteran of the minors, gave up a leadoff walk, then retired 12 in a row before giving up the Dodger run on three singles in the iifth. The PC-rates scored in the first off loser Sandy Koufax (3-3) on Ted Klus-zewskfs double and got the clincher in the third on singles by Bill Virdon and Bob Skinner and Dick! Groat's Uy hall. Bob Rush won his fifth for the Braves, but needed relief help from Don McMahon although giving up only four hits.

Eddie Mathews, Johnny Logan and Hank Aaron hit home runs for the Braves, with Aaron's a grand-slam that clinched it in the seventh off reliver Billy iluffett. Sam Jones was the loser for a 4-7 record. ft was Aaron's 11th home run. BIG INNING The Cubs scored seven runs in the first off Bob Purkey, the eight game winner who lost his third, two in a row to Chicago. Tony Taylor and Dark, who opened the frame with singles, closed the spurt the same way.

Dark was 4-for-5 and drove in three runs, as did 'Sammy Taylor. Once-beaten Taylor Phillips won his fifth, giving up 12 hits, including a pair of homers by Frank Robinson that drove in all the Redleg runs. The Phils won it in the ninth when losing reliever Ruben Go and runners on first and second coaches taking part in the all-star football game at Chester High Stadium today -were hoping for "all-star luck." With rain threatening it was recalled that none of the games in the series had been hampered by weather. In 1955, a cloudburst followed the final whistle but It didn't rain during the game. In 1956, it rained most of the day but cleared two hours before kickoff.

Last year, the game was preceded by a week of unseasonably hot weather but the day ot the ball game was just comfortably warm. Kickoff for today's game was scheduled at 2 p.m. The South, coached byFrancis (Bean) Bren-nan, was looking i0T its third win in. the four-game series. Carmen Liberators was at the helm of the North squad.

A buffet supper at the Chester YMCA, for players and coaches, was scheduled for 5 p.m. neither of the mile trials orougnt special exertion on the part of the Aussies. to end the inning. In the bottom half of the inning Gomez walked Harry Anderson with the bases loaded to force in Stan Lopata and give the Philadelphia Phillies a Nevertheless, Elliott set an AAU leocru Dettenng Lincoln 4.06.1 his wife are planning to take a lengthy hoat trip aboard their own 38-footer, which will take them from the Essingtan Yacht Yard, where the craft is now berthed, all the way to Oregon Six Little League districts (19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24), comprising the southeastern Pennsylvania section going as far as Potts ville, will convene tomorrow afternoon at 1 at Howard Johnson's in Media to 5-4 victory. oi last year.

First time around in Philadel phia, Rigney let Willie Kirkland hit against the Phils in the ninth. WEARY WILLIE Outfielder Willie Mays rests in New York hospital where he is undergoing checkup. Manager Bill Rigney of the Giants says Mays is just tired. The spectacular flycatcher had been benched because of poor hitting (AP Wirephoto) He had meant to replace the out-; fielder with a pinchhitter. Rigney! didn't act fast enough and Kirk Upland Jars Green Ridge In SB 6-1 land hit a home run to win the game 7-6.

BUSY WEEKEND Rigney was more concerned to day with Mike McCormick, 19, his bonus pitcher, than his strategy. MET MILT BLITZ, the former outstanding basketball official, at the Monday night wrestling show at Chester Center, looking fit as a fiddle Milt, who lives in Drexel Hill, informed us that Herm Solar, a close friend of his, will definitely continue on as head basketball coach at Darby High School, even though he (Solar! has been elevated to principal "Solar told me," said Blitz, "that he'll serve as court coach for at least one more year" Walt Coppock, head of the Chester Old Timers' Hall of Fame committee, is hack on the home front after an extended business pleasure trip that took him to Spain, North' Africa and Switzerland All set with a spacious auditorium (the White Elephant bldg. on Flower st), local impressario Henry Goldstein is now working behind the scenes in an effort to get a franchise in the Eastern Professional Basketball League for this city for the forthcoming court campaign Local big league aspirants are reminded that the Pittsburgh Pirates will conduct a tryout camp at Chester High field on June 27-28, with local Buc scout Joe (Soap) Seber MccormicK was Knocked out in GREEN RIDGE Uoland tp. mained unbeaten in the Suburban the seventh when the Phils tied the score. The Phillies scored twice in the case Dan Association by turning Top Spot at Stake In Delco Circuit UM uieen riiase.

hPrP lacf first when Willie Jones doubled home Ted Kasanzski and followed mgnr, oetnnd the 10 strikeout three-hit oitching of big Joe him around on a Wally Post single. The Giants came back with DiMario, former Chpsf-pr Hint, four runs in the tog of the second. Little League Chester West In one of the most exciting loop games of the season, Irish-American Association upset the first naif champions Lions, 6-L last night A terrific bit of relief pitching in the last inning by John Lipp, who spelled starter Dan Studzin-ski, saved the samp hurler, also aided his own cause with a pair of binsles Tpsmmai0 real thriller- CHESTER First place in thelshapes up to be a Delco Baseball League will he atldiller. Don Polisky likewise 'banged out! a. pair oi satetip: The Saints appear to have a Bob Hartman.

Unk mez (5-6) forced the tie-breaking spell over Jim (Bananas) Weid-ner's crew, having beaten Lloyd Wilson White Sox Banquet Tonite CHESTER The fifth annual reunion banquet of the Wilson White Sox AC will be held tonight at 7 at St. Hedwig's CC, 6th and Highland av. run home with a bases-loaded on two previous occasions this season. walk. Willie Jones and Wally Post had the game's longest hit, a triple.

One of the three hits collected by the Ridgers was a double by Buddy Pruitt, who drove in his each drove two runs for the Phils, delivering singles that tied it in the seventh and chased start stake tomorrow afternoon when leader Lloyd AC (131 crosses bats with St. Hedwig's (14-5) at Lloyd Field, 7th and Lloyd starting at 2 p.m. Two other games will round out the Delco' Sabbath slate, with Tin-licurn (7-11) visiting Glenolden (11-7) at 2 p.m., and El Rancho (11-5) taking on Fizzano (S-S) at the iLeiperville ball park, also at 2. Two twiiight games are on tap in the Delco this evening. Ei Rancho is slated to play at La-imokin, at 6, and Local 107 will be team only run in the fourth Next Tuesday, Upland will host er Mike McCormick.

The Giants The Lions had the sacks- jammed with only one down in the last inning when Lipp ascended the mound and got the next two got their four off Curt Simmons More than 50 ex-athletes who! starred for various Wilson sports teams in the past are expected to me inester Twp. Tigers. uItllld Green Rid re in the fourth, one unearned. Jim aners to pop up to end the game. Heam pitched only the ninth but attend, according to chairman Fred (Deep) Frieze, who chucked both wins over Lloyd, will most likely get the starting assignment for St.

Hedwig's. Lloyd will probably counter Harry Seaman, as its other half of its "Big Two" mound corps. Andy Jarusinski, has been KO'd twice by the Saints this season. Seaman has won six games for Lloyd, nearly half of his team's entire total of triumphs. Moore.rt 20 10 20 10 won his first.

Gene Samocinski. 2 0 9 0 luihe oroc.K starred with, the stick for the victors driving in two runs with a triple and single Raftovich of the Lions had three 3 110 10 13 J- 3 1 a I staui lb i I 0 Burke 3b DDD Slpple'ci "is 2b 1 1 a 0 Potts.ib Meclintock: 3 110 Fllezel 2b B. 1 0 a Pruitt it Stlnson.Jb 3 0 10 L'lace 3 0 0 0 SAM SHOOTS 78 ooo gunning for its first win when it saieues, including a home run. i.oo tangles with Ridley Park at the set up the Section Four playoffs The winner of Section Four will go to Williamsport Aug. S-9 to compete for the state and Division Four crown Then on Monday, Aug.

23, District 19 will have its own meeting at the Youth Center in Media to set up the local playoffs which will involve 17 Little Leagues in Delaware County The District 19 tourney is slated to get under way July 22 and will last for five days Ray Fabiani, the noted wrestling promoter, was ringsiding it at the mat matches at Chester Center the past Monday and renewed acquaintances with a lot of his friends in this erea Fabiani told this writer that a recent mat show in Madison Square Garden, N.Y., grossed 553,000. AT A RECENT Important Del-co Invitation Softball League game, (he Mary's Tavern team was serenaded by an accordion player on the field, compliments of the sponsor However, the music must have soothed the Tavern men too much as they dropped a 5-4, extra-inning game to It. K. Bar that evening The EI Rancho softball team oE the G9th Street League believes in keeping busy Besides faying a regular league sked, the Kanchos have scheduled A for a twinbill tonight at 69th st. and Marshall Upper Darby, starting at 7, and next month will host Reading and also travel up-state to meet Pottsvilte Attention, Kidlcy Twp.

Sofiball League publicist: Fuh-leez use a darker pencil when 'making out your fine reports Mickey Vernon's roommate on the road white traveling with the Cleveland Indians is Kocky Colavito During a recent trip 1o Yankee Stadium, Mick told lo-calitc Bob Keating that he (Vernon) had the highest regard for Koliby Bragan as a manager Several local Philadelphia Eagles die-hard rooters, who had hrcn following the Birds at all home games for many years in the -pas have cancelled their season reservations for 193S because (he seals at Franklin Field, where the Flock will be playing next season, have no backs to them and are iooE oi jansen Jtssington, at Falisiy.3b 3 2 10 Laitowka.ri I a 2 0 LcratherUb 3 14 0 Hustnn.rl 10 0 0 3 1 lft 2 Sales rs.c 114n Dimarlo.p 3 2 2 3 Tralner.c 10 2 0 Czars Vs. Upland UPLAND UDland TriVhoafor, Tomorrow's Lloyd-Saints game Total 31 10 SI 25 Total 22 3 21 8 Upland Snead Quits Flint Golf; Bolt Leads 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 I leader in the Suburban Baseball Association, will face the Chester Green Bidgs Tinicuiii Pin Loop Elects Collins ESSINGTON Frank CoUins was Rec Rainouts Rescheduled i-zars, nere, tomorrow at 5 jj.m Wynne's Big Bat Murders Ridley elected president. Walter vice president, Eugene Mallard and tomorrow's play. in charge. FORMER DELCO Baseball' League president, Henry Fenza, hied away to Avalon, N.J., for a brief vacation Warriors basketball acc, Paul Artzin, quit his job as salesman at Kor-vetlC's in Springfield, after only one week of employment Standing on his feet all day wajs too much for Paul, who still is feeling the effects of an injury to a Jeg received in ftn NBA.

garne two seasons ago Former standout catcher, Hugliie Coaklcy, who is now with the Chester Recreation Bureau, calls Fred Frieze and Harry- Seaman as "two of the finest pitchers in the entire Delco League." Ungliic, who played a prominent part In developing Danny Murtaugh as a haseliidlpr wlien Dan played at Chester Boys Club, is also high on young Lew Krau.sse son ami namesake of the efweker "That Rrausse is really quick out there on the mound." commented ITughie who lias umpired ga'mes in which the Eastern Little League graduate has pitched A baseball team in Delaware is trying to sign up ex-St. James star athlete, Jim Christy, who had a brief stint in organized half Carmella I-aSpmln, former Chester High cheerleader who recently completed her second year at Penn is a leader af the Fulton Playground for the summer. PHILLIES PITCHER Dick Farrcil is presently living in secretary, and Bob Vandever So the 69 posted by U. S. Open LHLbTER Two rained out treasurer, at a meeting of the Tin champ Tommy Bolt still stands games me Rec Softball League icum Township Bowling League for the lead, and Bill CaSDer Jr.

Edgmont Park Routs Ridgers CHESTER Edgmont Park defeated Green Ridge, ll-, in a Delco Knee-High Baseball League game at Crozer Park, here, last night. A big seven-run third inning, highlighted by a three-bagger by Teddy Chism, Tom Amatuzio's timely bingle and Mike Barra-clough's four RBI's, sealed the Ridgers' doom. Losing pitcher E. Hamilton collected two of his team's seven hits, both doubles. Teammate Kimmei had three-for-three, one a triple.

Rich Killian and Dickie Coe shared the mound duties for the victors and turned in nifty jobs, with Coe getting credit for the win. last mgnr. at tne Republican Hall of Apple Valley, trails by nave Deen scheduled for Monday evening at West End Memorial rAKK in an abbreviated four-inning game, held down because of darkness Mil- one strOKe. ParK, it was announced fodav bv munc rark routed RirtTw -Part Littler is tied with four others 9-1 last nisht. herp in a tttw aii oidynsKi ot tne Recreation Bureau.

for third place. Snead. who shot a 78 Thursday i-wjeuau ieague game. FLINT, Mich. (AP) Tommy Bolt is getting all the attention and Sam Snead made news by going home, but the golfer being talked about most by the golfers themselves in the $52,000 Flint Open is Gene Littler.

Although he has only one victory in the last two years, the little guy from Singing Hills, is rated as the real dark horse in the Warwick Hills event at nearby Grand Blanc. Littler, who won the San Diego Open as an amateur four years ago, is just two strokes off the pace in this one. The second round yesterday was nere. Thirty two members attended the session which was in charge of William Morrison. Teams represented were: Lester Fire Tinicum Inn, Lehman's Cafe.

The Hangout, Piano Work, Spear's Cafe. Johnnv's Bar PNA will meet Reynolds Sprins in the opening round, retired to White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. He School, had him.if W1n ureen at field No. 3.

at bat for the ivinnfM-c tn Two more rainpd not in firo i Mike Brothers, Industrial Cafe' be played next Wednesday icn wim d. iiomer ana two singles in three times up. Teammate Carelson had two-for-three. at Memorial Part imicum Republican Club and Fox-Smith VFW Post. Cafe win tangle with Gold Seal, at field No.

3, and PNA will cross1 bats with Green at -w winning pitcher Rich Ctower fanned eight, walked one and al- complained of chills and fever and said he thought he had a touch of ptomaine poisoning. Snead's sudden withdrawal brought this remark from the garrulous Bolt: "A 78 like old Sam had would give anybody ptomaine poisoning." Bolt had a 73 yesterday but the biggest victims of the washout were Masters champions Arnold Palmer, who set a course record ot 67 Bert of Beaumont. who had a 6S; and Paul washed out by a heavy downpour No. 2. niter about half the field had com reo oul "iree nits, all one-base blows.

Loser Lanvon fanned pleted the ISth hole. Since PGA rules specify that ail play must On Thursday. June 26, Gold Seal and Reynolds will play off a postponed game at West End Memorial Park, field No. 3 walked none and was tagged for ne wiped out under such circum unifies. Milmonl EC AB A ao a stances, the field will play 18-hole rounds today and tomorrow and windup with the final IS Monday.

DiJuro.Ib 3 0io Bul'ck rf Broomall He leased Ihc 2 0 0 0 MOD 10 10 Harney of Worchestcr. who home of Henry Bcrger at 2631 Dallssin.r Runs for the Week Cuts will be made after todayfired 69 Sunset hivd. Berger and 2 17 0 I 1 0 0 DCNB Leads In Slow Pitch NATIONAL LEAGUE 3 18 0 Hail. If 3 3 11 Ketchen 3 2 0 0 3 I 2 I 2 10 0 Lanvon. 00 0 stealing cf 2 10 1 0 0 0 0 SpHi.21) 0 0 0 0 Bryan.

ss a. M. T. W. T.

P. S. Tls Wyncss FatcS. el. rf Cloncr.D Major.if Tyson.

cf 2 0 4 0 10 0 2 2 0 0 0 Sum Fran. WRESTLING MONDAY 10 0 1 MllB-i'fcce Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 1 0 i 12 2 6 10 1 14 .31 21 .22 .26 DDES CHESTER As the Delaware County Slow Pitch Softball League Total bt. Louis Cincinnati Los Angeles Chicago II 5 6 1 i 3 nears completion of its first half 34 9 12 3 MiincEil Pntk Ridley Park -H To All Members of Local Union 3182 of AMERICA UNITED STEELWORKERS Alf members of LOCAL UNION 3182, UNITED STEELWORKERS OF AMERICA are hereby notified that the ELECTION of OFFICERS and GRIEVANCE COMMITTEEMEN will be held on Tuesday, June 24 1958. The POLLS will be open from six (6) A.M. until six (6) P.M.

The POLLS will be located in the TIME OFFICE at the main gate of the Claymont plant of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation. Fraternally Albert Jackalous Chairman, Election Committee IS 3 12 2 0 4 3B 1 0 0 01 3 I 5 11 Tag Title Contenders Here Delaware County National Bank i3-ll and Virginia Barrel (2-1) are AMERICAN IEAGTJE I FRO BOXING Ycstfrdir's neck and neck for ton honors. SYRACUSE 1 General Baking holds down third pSw ie outpointed Bob Baker. CHESTER The 5. M.

T. W. T. P. S.

Tls 2o I I 3 2 5 ..37 5 ix 2 i JO 0 13 0 3 is 3 9 i 5 3 7 24 3 24945 ..29 0 2 3 famed Kanga-i T. place with a 1-2 log. while Med the Kangaroos will (youngster who aspires to be the ford's is last with t-l Kan. City Wash. Boston New Yori Detroit Bait.

Chicago CIctc. -v. I iU I At that time. Monroe Rat-' Heart world best grapplcr some day. JU uMeiio ana Koy Heff-ig0 up against Chief Big i.QS Angles, Knocked out Boo In games played this week, Virginia Barrel stopped DCNB.

1-1-6 MELBOURNE Al Williams. 1S3', Australia, slopped Sandy Assosna. 18s1 Rome 13. mid General Baking knocked off emjn. who arc scneauied to bat-land Kid Foz in the two-out-of-tle Argentina Rocca and Miguel three-falls feature attraction at Perez for the tag team cham- Chester Center (White Elephant pionsnip of the world on June; bldg.) Sth and Flower sts.

Steve (Mr. America) Stanlee. just as rugged as his illustrious brother, Gene, opposes Arnold Skaaland in the second match on the card. s. Next Tuesday, General Baking will meet Virginia Barrel, and tSh at Philadelphia's Convention In the 45-minut timp limit one- Opening the nights festivities at; DCNB will t.nke nn CAB FINANCING 4 AUTO INSURANCE DOWN.

BALANCE MONTHS "MICKEY" MeGOVERK GENERAL DfSUitANCK Garden City CHeittr UIU (NEVER CLOSED) Hall, will Rive Chester fans a nreJfafl HUTCHINSON, Dye of Indianapolis eliminated Jim Jackson of St. Louis, the 1954 and 1355 winner, 1-up, in the third round of the Trans Mississippi tournament. Cava Mandor witl stack npj Each team in the circuit' will against Bozo Brown in a half- nlav a zrhvA, view of their talenls this comingjwill test grips with Buddy Rosen Monday night The latter is an up and coming hour time limit match, Un each half. I.

Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.