Cross-Dressing Academy Helps Put Men In Touch With 'Femmeselves' (2024)

Miss Julia slipping stockings on Bianca. Allyee Whaley/Miss Vera's Academy hide caption

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Allyee Whaley/Miss Vera's Academy

Cross-Dressing Academy Helps Put Men In Touch With 'Femmeselves' (2)

On a brisk fall afternoon, Pat shows up at the Manhattan apartment dressed like your typical soccer dad. He's wearing a baseball cap, sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers. He's greeted at the door with a kiss on the cheek by the gracefully-attired Veronica Vera.

In a few hours, after Vera and her team have asked Pat a few questions about his female persona and provided him some practical lessons in social graces and female aesthetics, he'll walk back out as "Bianca"– a sassy, 30-something-looking strawberry blonde.

"That's the perfect cue for my line, 'For every woman who burned her bra, there's a man burning to wear one,' " says Vera, who goes by the name Miss Vera.

These days, it would appear people are much more accepting of differences in gender and sexual orientation than what used to be the norm. But cross-dressing is still widely misunderstood. This is where Miss Vera comes in. She's the founder and self-described dean of Miss Vera's Finishing School For Boys Who Want To Be Girls.

Miss Vera is a former Wall Street trader, who's now the author of three books on cross-dressing. Her latest is called Miss Vera's Cross Gender Fun For All. Her academy operates out of her Manhattan apartment.

"Many of the people who come here are going back and forth," she says. "They're living their lives as men and are coming here and are living out their lives as female or learning to access those parts of themselves."

That's pretty much the story of her student here on this day, Pat. He's a married father of two in his early 40s from the Philadelphia area. Pat asked that we not use his last name because he's concerned about how his colleagues and religious community will view him. Pat works in corporate consulting.

Within a few minutes on arriving at Miss Vera's, Pat starts to leave his entire male life behind.

"So let's get you out of these male duds and into some female clothing," Miss Vera tells him. "The other deans will be here shortly."

The other deans include Miss Bridie — dean of cosmetology.

"You know, there's a lot of different kinds of primers," Miss Bridie explains.

Miss Judy is dean of voice. She helps Pat sound more feminine.

And there's also Miss Julia — dean of high heels.

"Imagine doing hula hoop," Miss Julia instructs Pat. "Throw out your hip as you walk a bit, OK?"

Miss Vera says all this is what puts men in touch with their "femmeselves."

"Freud only had it half right, penis envy exists. Venus envy also exists," she says. "And there are things that we as women have experienced and what men from their viewpoint see as very positive things that they want to experience too."

Pat puts it a little more simply.

"I consider myself the typical American straight married man who from time to time really likes to get dressed up and look pretty," he says.

Cross-Dressing Academy Helps Put Men In Touch With 'Femmeselves' (3)

Pat (Bianca) after he had his nails done. Allyee Whaley/Miss Vera's Academy hide caption

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Allyee Whaley/Miss Vera's Academy

About 60 percent of the people who come to Miss Vera's academy describe themselves as straight married men.

In fact, Pat came to Miss Vera's Finishing School with the support of his wife of 15 years. She asked that we refer to her by her middle name, Leigh — because she too is concerned about potential scorn. Leigh says she sees how becoming Bianca lifts the weight of the world off her husband's shoulders.

"It's definitely a stress release for him," she says. "It definitely helps him have more balance in his life. And all of that is good. It's good for me as his wife. It's good for my children."

Leigh says she's more concerned about her husband being judged than being judged herself.

Pat says he never takes his wife's acceptance for granted because he knows cross-dressing has ended marriages.

"She can use this against me in all sorts of ways if we had to do that. She's not going to do that."

Pat says they've both learned that you should never judge a person until you walk a mile in her 4-inch heels.

Cross-Dressing Academy Helps Put Men In Touch With 'Femmeselves' (2024)


Is cross-dressing a form of gender expression? ›

They vary in how completely they cross-dress, from one article of clothing to fully cross-dressing. Those who cross-dress are usually comfortable with their assigned sex and do not wish to change it. Cross-dressing is a form of gender expression and is not necessarily tied to erotic activity.

What are the benefits of cross-dressing in school? ›

This can lead to increased acceptance and understanding of gender identity and sexuality among students and staff . Additionally, cross-dressing policies can help reduce bullying and victimization of transgender and gender-diverse students, who often face harassment and discrimination in school settings .

How does cross-dressing help in the various scene of the play? ›

How Shakespeare Uses Cross-Dressing. Shakespeare regularly uses this convention in order to afford the female character more freedom in a restrictive society for women. The female character dressed as a man can move more freely, speak more freely and use their wit and intelligence to overcome problems.

Can a woman cross-dress as a man? ›

Gender disguise. Gender disguise has been used by women and girls to pass as male, and by men and boys to pass as female.

What is it called when a woman dresses like a man? ›

Cross-dresser: A term for people who dress in clothing traditionally or stereotypically worn by the other sex, but who generally have no intent to live full-time as the other gender. Transvestite: A term for a cross-dresser that is considered derogatory by many.

Why would a man cross-dress? ›

This behavior is associated, at least initially, with intense sexual arousal. Cross-dressers may, however, cross-dress for reasons other than sexual stimulation—for example, to reduce anxiety, to relax, or, in the case of male cross-dressers, to experiment with the feminine side of their otherwise male personalities.

What is female cross-dressing? ›

Cross-dressing means wearing clothing and other effects commonly associated with a different gender than the one assigned at birth.

What is the significance of cross-dressing in as you like it? ›

Cross-dressing within William Shakespeare's As You Like It serves both to subvert societal norms of gender identity and escape the limits of Elizabethan gender roles.

When did men start cross-dressing? ›

For much of the western theatrical tradition up to the 17th century, women were forbidden from acting in plays. Male actors cross dressed to play women characters from the ancient Greeks through Shakespeare and beyond.

Is cross-dressing a meaningful occupation? ›

Conclusion: The findings suggest that cross-dressing is a meaningful occupation and as such influences identity formation and occupational choices. Occupational therapists have a duty of care to this vulnerable and alienated group within society.

Is cross-dressing called transvestism? ›

The term transvestism came into use following the publication in 1910 of Die Transvestiten (The Transvestites), a work by German physician Magnus Hirschfeld. The term originally was applied to cross-dressing associated with nonheterosexual behaviour.

Is cross-dressing part of gender dysphoria? ›

People who cross-dress are not necessarily transgender or experiencing gender dysphoria. Most people who cross-dress do not feel a disconnection between their gender identity and the gender they were assigned at birth.

What is an example of gender expression? ›

A person's gender identity may be the same as or different from their birth-assigned sex. Gender expression is how a person publicly expresses or presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice.

Is cross-dressing a form of self expression? ›

For some, cross-dressing may provide an appropriate avenue for self- expression; others may cross-dress for reasons of comfort or fashion. Cross-dressing has also been used extensively in live entertainment for many centuries, while some may also partake in cross-dressing for sexual reasons.

What is the correct word for cross-dressing? ›

In the early 20th century, transvestite referred to cross-dressers, and also a variety of people who would now be considered transgender. The term transvestite is now considered outdated and derogatory, and has been replaced with the more neutral word cross-dresser.


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.