A moment that changed me: dressing as a woman for the first time at 69 | Robin Pickering (2024)

A couple of years ago, I was invited to take part in a murder mystery party with a script written by a friend, and we were asked to invent our own characters. I informed him straightaway that I would be a cross-dressing artist, and would attend in my female persona. Well, as an artist, I was already halfway there… The writer was sworn to secrecy.

I can’t say for certain what prompted me to choose that role. I had an establishment upbringing; my father was a military man and Tory county councillor, my mother a product of the Raj. After a public school education, I went into teaching, marrying and having children in my 20s. Although I soon enough forswore conservatism, becoming something of a contrarian and loving a flowery shirt, I had never consciously questioned my gender. Before that evening. At nearly three score years and ten.

Preparing for the event, I was a touch nervous trying on dresses in the local vintage clothes shop, but the staff were used to fancy dress. That evening, my daughter-in-law did my make-up, zipped me up and sent me on my way looking passably glamorous, or as glamorous as a first-time cross-dressing 69-year-old could realistically expect to be. I delayed my entrance to ensure I was the last to arrive, hoping to make a splash.

The party was a success and the murderer was duly apprehended. Compliments on my appearance were generous – it was probably the wine talking, and I have good legs. But what surprised me was how comfortable I felt dressed as a woman. Soon I sensed a female within who was agitating to get out.

A moment that changed me: dressing as a woman for the first time at 69 | Robin Pickering (1)

I began to wear nail varnish most of the time, and my initial nerves quickly dissipated. The only people who commented – invariably women – were always complimentary. I became more aware of my hands and loved the shape of my nails as they grew longer. My piano teacher would rather not hear the clicks that sometimes accompany a Mozart sonata, and I get a few strange looks in the bus, mostly from older men, but otherwise little negativity.

Quite quickly, I realised that although the nails allowed a modicum of exposure, Jill-in-the-box was now straining to pop out in person, so to speak. I began to buy women’s clothes. A friend helped me with make-up and took me for a full-on make-up session. When I asked the beautician if she was seeing more male clients now, she said it was still pretty rare, but I felt comfortable. My first sortie en femme was at a dinner party six months later. Among the same friends, I felt at ease. No need to give Her a name – mine was already suitable.

A moment that changed me: dressing as a woman for the first time at 69 | Robin Pickering (2)

It soon became normal for me to dress in women’s clothes whenever I spent an evening with the friends-who-know. I can’t imagine what it is like for them, though we talk do about it. I no longer feel self-conscious, even if there is something slightly incongruous about it – me tending towards the girlie with wig, make-up, frilly dress and heels while everyone else is in everyday clothes – but my friends do a good job of treating it as perfectly normal.

Returning home after a night out, I feel a certain apprehension stepping into cabs, but the drivers, bless them, never bat an eyelid. My only ventures out in public so far have been in the comfortably anonymous surroundings of London theatres (though I may have used the wrong toilet – the gents). I was flattered when a waiter called me madam.

I buy most of my female clothes online, which can be a bit hit-and-miss. At the start, it was easy to get carried away, but I’m now more discerning. There is, after all, a limit to the size of a girl’s wardrobe. I get most pleasure out of going shopping, and although I’m still nervous about smaller boutiques, on the few occasions I have wanted to try on dresses, the assistants have been helpful.

Trans people already face a hostile world. Now the media is making it worse | Paris LeesRead more

I can’t explain why I like wearing women’s clothes and all the rest, other than that I feel it is me. As time passes, it is becoming more of a need than a choice, though my age and location in a provincial city and prevalent social attitudes all discourage me from routinely cross-dressing in public. It is generally acceptable for women to dress in masculine clothes, but at best, cross-dressing men are still viewed as attention-seeking, eccentric or mildly amusing, while all we are doing is being ourselves.

Sometimes I wonder whether I could have discovered the “other” Robin rather sooner. Friends are curious about when She was conceived and why She surfaced when She did. In truth, I am too. Finding myself single a few years ago allowed me the time and space, and the Eddie Izzards and Grayson Perrys of this world probably played a part, along with fortune’s fickle wheel.

I don’t feel as though I should always have been a woman. But I do know that the feminine part of me is much more than a role in a murder mystery.

A moment that changed me: dressing as a woman for the first time at 69 | Robin Pickering (2024)


Who is the woman with the most husbands? ›

Most married woman in the world

This Guinness world record goes to Linda Wolfe who said “I do” a whopping 23 times. Her first marriage at just 16 was for love while her last in 1996 was for publicity as she married Glynn “Scotty” Wolfe, the world's most married man.

Why did my husband walk out? ›

It may be infidelity (by either person). It may be “falling out of love”. It may be a desire to get away from the responsibilities of a marriage/family. It may be a “mid-life crisis” (yes, women can get those as well).

What is one woman with many husbands called? ›

Polygamy usually takes the form of polygyny – when a man marries multiple women. Polyandry, which refers to wives having more than one husband, is even rarer than polygamy and mostly documented among small and relatively isolated communities around the world.

Who has the most wives on Earth? ›

Zion-a (76), believed to head the world's largest family, with 38 wives and 89 children. Mizoram and his village at Baktawng Tlangnuam has become a major tourist attraction in the state because of the family.

What is the wife leaving husband syndrome? ›

Also referred to as the "neglected wife syndrome" and "sudden divorce syndrome," walkaway wife syndrome is "nothing more than a term used to characterize a person who has decided they cannot stay in the marriage any longer," says Joshua Klapow, Ph.

How do you tell if your husband has fallen out of love with you? ›

10 subtle signs your partner has fallen out of love with you, according to psychology
  • 1) They're emotionally distant. ...
  • 2) They become highly critical. ...
  • 3) They seem constantly irritated. ...
  • 4) They've stopped saying “I love you” ...
  • 5) They're spending less time with you. ...
  • 6) They no longer share their dreams and plans with you.
Jul 24, 2024

How do I know when to leave my husband? ›

Here are eight signs that you should give up on your marriage:
  1. Domestic violence. ...
  2. Infidelity. ...
  3. Issues with your sex life. ...
  4. Lack of communication and respect. ...
  5. Freedom of choice is lost. ...
  6. Being trash-talked. ...
  7. When you are not on the same page. ...
  8. You are the one always sacrificing.

Who is the most married woman in history? ›

This is the case of Linda Wolfe who has the highest number of marriages in the world. Linda Wolfe tied the knot 23 times, making her the Guinness World Record holder for the most married woman in history.

What did Jesus say to the woman with many husbands? ›

' Jesus said to her, 'You are right in saying 'I have no husband'; for you have had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband. What you have said is true!' " (John 4:17-18).

Who was the woman with five husbands in the Bible? ›

In verses 17-18, Jesus affirms the woman's response that she has no husband, for she has had five previously, and her present man is not really her husband. The popular view that the Samaritan woman was morally deficient is based on her marital status as depicted in these verses.

Why did the Samaritan woman have so many husbands? ›

Some interpreters have taken this anonymity as an invitation to view her as an abstraction, a symbol of Samaria itself. If she is a symbol, the thinking goes, then surely her five husbands could represent the five locations in Samaria that settlers are supposed to have been brought according to 2Kings 17:24 .


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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.